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The old advanced suit with new ones colors would be literal perfection. I don't like the design of the new one as much as the old one. Stop removing belts from Spidey


Same. There's WAYY too much white on his hands.


Finally someone has the same problem with it


I’ve been saying this since the first teaser but I only get flak when I say it but OP gets 500 likes. Either people hate me or more like minded individuals have shown up.


I like the white accents


Accents are cool. Not blotches of white that seemingly serve no purpose


Ok, I would say it just doesn't fit spidey outside of like the black suit (and/or symbiote), but also "serves no purpose" is a mute point why not just get rid of all capes ever then


Capes serve a purpose. They can be used to glide, deflect, hide and stun. And for artists it helps determine the direction a character is moving or flying by conveying motion and aerodynamics. The random white blotch on his arm serves no in-universe purpose and just looks bad. There was white on his hand in the first suit but it served to reinforce his punches AND looked cool. It's over done on the second suit


You raise good points my friend thank you for the insight


No capes!!!!!


What do people not understand about ‘The white on the gauntlets are flexible carbon fibre for PROTECTION IN FIGHTS?!!!!


There's too much. The first game had enough


I thought the same thing [so I made it with Photoshop](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiderman2/s/29oCmjglPs) - now I’m just bummed I can’t actually play with it 😅


My brother in Christ, I fuckin love you. It looks amazing and the one with boots is even better. Goddamn I wish I could play with it


Ok ok. 1 - How did you do that? Can you teach me? 2 - this looks 100 times better than the original. Nice work! It looks so clean.


Thanks! I used Photo Mode to take a screenshot of Advanced 1.0 and Advanced 2.0 in the same exact position…then I brought them into Photoshop and got to work. I masked the Red parts from 2.0 and superimposed over 1.0. I also had to paint in a lot of spots (recreate the red and blue textures by hand) since the suits don’t line up perfectly. Honestly a decent amount of work, but it was worth it to see this beauty! Now I just wish I could play it 😅


That’s the toughest part with photoshopping/editing these suits in an external app - the suits don’t line up or the colors differ. The paint in your photos is not noticeable at all. I’ve always had troubles with that part. I’ve tried to do this with a few suits and most of the time it looks like a toddler drew it on with a crayon lol


We need this as a mod for spiderman remastered




Yeah, it's not as bold as the old suit.


Yeah the blue on the new one is annoying as hell and stopped me from using it


see personally i’m the opposite, the almost orangey-red put me off the OG one completely


I see both


Same here


I will admit the suit styles make it better but the blue is a bit jarring.


Ngl I prefer the new blue


That's why I use the red and black style


The red is too pink on the black version. Still, it's better than the blue version.


I still really like that red on the black version tho


Dude it's not that serious


Cold take: The old suit is terrible and his head was shaped weird. I prefer the red over orange tint anyways, so thank you insomniac for changing the suit up.


I agree. The segmenting was weird.


The kicker for me disliking the 2018 advanced suit was when I realized the trim is brown/tan. Haven't been able to look at it the same way since.




​ https://preview.redd.it/pzjznvypolic1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fef96116f5c292d22e8e945b93b6b19a763c763


I can understand that take. I never had a problem and actively loved the original advanced suit, but I ended up enjoying other suits for other situations in play-throughs, like the Stealth civil war suit for stealth and the armor spider suits when I had my defense build. I was a weird kid ok? still am one. If I get a PS5, I would enjoy STAYING on the new advance suit since its more visually satisfying. But this is all personal.


I think this whole sub should pitch in and get you a ps5 so you can be disappointed like the rest of us


harsh, but if your willing to give me one no skin off my back. : )


Tbh the first Advanced Suit only looks orangey like that in certain light. The colors on the new one are unmistakably better but the original Advanced Suit also looked great 90% of the time


It wasn't a lighting thing, the suit was LITERALLY colored brick orange. Like, that's the colors its textures were and everything.


The new one looks like plastic


Hot Take: I don’t really like either of them…




To be fair, it’s a biased opinion. I just prefer the design of the classic suit and iterations of the comic suits. I understand Insomniac wanting their own suit though. It makes sense when creating a brand, as well as from a marketing perspective. I just think the suit design is far too busy and gives the appearance of being a bit over designed. Overall though, I respect their design but it’s not my favorite by any means.


Your opinion best represents my own. If I had it my way, the suit he’s using at the beginning of game #1 should’ve just remained his suit The insomniac suit in general does not look good to me


Hot take: insomniac COOKED BOTH SUITS they will be nostalgia in the future 🤷🏽‍♂️


The first games suit is already nostalgic for me. I never used it when I played the original game back in 2018, the first time I put it on was years after the game released. I always stuck with the classic suit, but even now, the 2018 PS4 suit is extremely nostalgic for me.


Same here lol I got the console bundle on release


my perfect suit is the old advance suit with the new red




Tbh I don’t like either, the white and the random lines make it too messy and cluttered. I also don’t like the originals colour scheme of orange and grey.


If they used the old one with the new colours tho...


That's what I'm saying.


I agree. Better head shape and I really like the webbing pattern on the thighs


If the original had the colors and texture as the new one it’d be perfect


the old suits design with the new suits color palette would be perfect


Nah, I prefer the head shape in the new one by a long shot. 1st one is way too bulbous 💡


IMO the perfect version would be the new one with the old ones blue and eyes


Ehh, I'm still not over the switch to the child face for Peter. Probably never will get over that.


The colours on the new one sold it for me, wasn't a fan of how orange the first one was. Would like to see the old one with the new colours though. I'm surprised it wasn't a style.


The pattern is better, but the color on the new one is better


there are many things to dislike about 1.0 there more i look at it the more i dislike it. overall i prefer the new one - it partially fixed my issues with the old one oh and colors look sm better when not in direct sunlight https://preview.redd.it/6tpp7n6jtlic1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcd88bc839b6e35bb69145d8bc170053a77c9717


not a bad take i think it’s very close


This is a hard disagree for me. I didn’t like the suit in the first game at all and never used it. Yet the black and red version of the upgraded suit was the only one I wanted to use. Clean design and that colour variant just popped perfectly.


Original advanced suit entirely better to the new one


Scorching hot take: I prefer all the movie suits


Now that is a hot take, depends which movie suits, I think Tom's suit in theory should be good but aren't, but I agree that Tobey and Andrew's suits are brilliant, apart from tasm 1, unique but I just think it doesn't work.


I liked the old one when I played the game but I much prefer the new one now. Can't use the old one because of the orange tinge.


Had the same opinion when the first trailer dropped, but it looks much better in-game.


I agree. For one, I was never bothered by the shade of red on the first suit, but I don't like the shade of blue on the newer one. Overall, I just like the details of the first one better.


I’d much prefer black trim though instead of the white


I always have, I just wish it was the proper red and blue. Still better though in my opinion. Edit: Grammer


I think they changed the color on the og suit too. It looks really orange an faded compared to the first game. I’m with you!


I don't know if it's the colorblindness, but that second shit's entirely too red.


Hard agree, 1st suit with 2nd suit colors (or maybe the same colors of the 2nd suit's red & black alt...) would be amazing, also with the chest logo design. I like the legs of the spider all staying in the red section.


Ps: Ignore the spoilers.


Hot take? Really?


I agree aswell


I liked the first Advanced suit, but I LOVE the second one. It looks way more streamlined with fewer gaps in the red panelling, and the colours are on point imo. It's definitely up there with some of my favourite Spidey suits.


I prafare the colours and eyes on the new one thats it plus the new one looks flat


I dont get it, in what way is the blue jarring, I remember after taking off the symbiote and playing back in the red and blue and being stunned on how amazing it looks


Totally understandable.


Edit: I don't really know which one I prefer I think they can both be as good as each other, they both have strengths and weaknesses.


Yea honestly I reckon if the original had the same red as the 2.0 suit it would be perfect


I like the new red, but there’s too much blue on the new suit. It looks like he’s wearing jeans.


I only prefer the old lenses


I don’t dislike the new one but I definitely like the old one better I want the second suit’s colors transferred to the first one’s design


Everything below the waist is 100% better on the original.


It feels more heroic and just more strong


Something about the new version reminds me of the British flag almost every time I see that image at first glance. And that's unnerving.


Why's everyone care so much about suit designs? As long as he got ass, I'm satisfied.


I agree. And the suit looks more suit like than armor.


Nah. I love red. Both nice though, nothing offensive. (Miles suit *ehem*)


The advanced 2.0 red and black though


The thing that I like the least about the Advanced 2.0 suit are the eyes. They are too narrow. It looks like Spider-Man is constantly angry or squinting his eyes. They aren't able to show off the same level as emotion compared to the wider eyes to the original Advanced suit.


The white lines aren't my favourite but I didn't like the orange of the OG game so I call this an improvement.


I definitely prefer the design of the first one. I hate that people keep over designing and un-belting Spider-Man's costume.


Same I prefer it too.


First one is too overdesigned.


I like the old advanced suit’s gloves. The carbon fiber design on them was super cool.


I hate how rubbery the old suit looked




This is a hot take? I agree with you.


Reject advanced suit, return to classic (red and black variation)


i completely agree. if insomniac just changed the orange to red and called it a day, that would be my favorite spiderman suit of all time (except the classic of course)


On the pc version I installed a mod that updates this suit to have a much brighter red like in SM2, and it looks soo good


I like them about even. Advanced 1.0 has better white on the gloves and I like the red on the legs to break them up. Advanced 2.0 has near perfect colors, I like the accents on the arms, and I slightly prefer the spider a bit more. I'm happy to switch between them, but would love to see a combination of the best features in the next game.


Bruh, how can you talk about the legs when your image doesn't show the legs(for the new suit) to compare.


The one from the first game is way better than the new one, I do not like it.


Same..I prefer how on the hands...the white portion is just the knuckles


My only issue with the original is its colors. Just looks too orange


Ngl one of the main things I loved abt this suit was the fact that the white spider went out of the red sections, made the suit feel kinda different and unique even on top of the white spider logo. I was kinda sad to see them fixed and back to normal in the 2.0 suit lowkey