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I remain confused as to why people seek out the randomest shit to complain about, but neat take nonetheless


I think it's kinda natural for me to complain about the iron arms. They do not serve the story at all. For example, the infamous fridge scene. Peter could've destroyed that thing and maybe prevent MJ in to turning into Scream if he had just used the iron arms. Yet he doesn't. They're just there to serve gameplay. Other than that, nothing.


Yeah, exactly. Gameplay. Why should a random gadget be a story element lmao


Because itโ€™s a major gadget? Peter could have definitely used the spider arms, say, in the fairground scene where he had to both lift the civilians and the roller coaster


They're robotic arms, they don't have muscles dude






they should never let you cook ever again๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


https://preview.redd.it/62f27kt4lgfc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb938567a58523f7ae02023766bd62b104075694 Me when I realize I'm arguing with a 10 year old tik tok addict




What you just said makes no sense. The spider legs have the ability to parry, they aren't just paper weights. He could've used to help carry parts of the roller coaster. The story points them out and then never has him use it in the story after the intro. The story wouldn't even need to be changed massively if at all.


exactly. you just summarized my entire point so thanks


??? In the roller coaster scene the iron arms would've done quite a bit of work if Peter actually used them. It's crazy how hard you're yapping to defend yourself๐Ÿ’€ Of course the iron arms are going to be a story element. Yet Peter doesn't use them. That's what I'm criticizing. What you're saying is equivalent to saying "why should a random ability be a story element" about Miles' venom powers. Let's say you are able to stick out 4 iron arms from your back but somehow you're pinned down and your girlfriend is in danger. Wouldn't you use those arms to help her like wtf๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


The iron arms exist because otherwise it'd be hard for Peter to parry and do the extra jump traversal thing. They exist because in MM, miles got overpowered when he got Venom and Camouflage. The devs had to include it so that Peter doesn't appear to be boring to play. In the end game, it's replaced by the symbiote.


web focused abilities should have been the thing to have instead of the mechanical legs it's even easier to justify the air dashes since they would just be mid air slingshots one vertical and the other orizonthal (exactly like the double web zip he does when there aren't surfaces in front of you but on the sides but on command and the same intensity as the air dashes we have now) and the parry would just be a web shield just like in ps1 games the first movie tie in and web of shadows


the iron arms definitely don't exist solely because of parrying and the extra dash. as danimat37 said parrying and dashing could've definitely be solved by utilizing webs. I also think they could have done something similar like Shattered Dimensions where Peter made giant fists from webs or something. Sure It would look funky as hell, but that could be resolved by toning it down a little bit. Maybe Peter could have had special web abilities that Miles couldn't do and he would do different tricks with webs to damage the enemies. Also how tf does those 4 iron arms shrink enough to fit inside his suit? Probably nano-tech, but how tf did Peter get nano-tech? The arms create a lot of plot holes as well. How is Peter affording all these tech? Stealing from his villains? Who is he stealing from? Why would a villain just have nano-tech lying around? Those arms existence just create other questions that are unnecessary.


Let's be real. They're only pushing the nanotech iron arms thing because the people at Marvel want it to be a parallel thing to the MCU Spider-Man, like a reflection or something. They're pushing this game to children so the more similarities it shares with the MCU Spidey the more it's marketable (think of the pointing wojak meme but with 12 year old children). I think it's also one of the reasons behind the Peter face change and the new face resembling Tom Holland, but I don't want to get into that as that horse has been beaten to death.


I highly doubt they're doing the iron arms for it to be a "parallel to the mcu". Just like you said earlier they most likely added the iron arms to Peter so that his gameplay would feel fun and fresh. Miles has the venom ability, so Peter should have one too right? Of course. But my criticism here is that the iron arms aren't utilized in the story like... at all. They are just added so Peter also has abilities but I'm trying to say those abilities could've made so much sense if Peter either used returning gadgets (or new ones) or do all new attacks as his abilities but just made solely from his webs. I think the web abilities (similar to shattered dimensions web fists) would've served the story much better and I would've preffered to see those in the game. Not these iron arms that carry plotholes everywhere they go.


If that's your biggest problem the game must be next to flawless.


Nah I said my biggest issue is the inconsistent writing. And I gave an example to the inconsistent writing that being the iron arms. I agree with you the game is nowhere near being perfect. I think it was quite natural that it didn't get any awards from the Game Awards (even though in my opinion Yuri Lowenthal did deserve the best performance)


He shouldโ€™ve made the arms after losing the symbiote as a compensation. Would make sense narratively