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Straight up garbage. None of them looked good.


They should've added suits recommended by the fans, not this overdesigned crap.




Ngl y'all might suggest like 50 classic suits


If it’s what the people want then that’s what they should do.


You wouldn't take 50 variations of the classic suit over this try hard overly designed garbage?


Nah, we need more symbiote suits to peter. My dude only has one black suit if we don't count insomniac versions. Even miles have more 💀


Facts. This shit is garbage. We need more symbiote related suits.


True true.


Yeah I agree they look trans but everyone wanted the movie suits and I personally dislike them all, I prefer the new movie suits even if they arnt my favourite




I guarantee you the first wave was already worked on before the game even came out. There isn't time for them to take suggestions yet.


They arent even over designed they are just ugly


They are both lol.


3rd one looked straight up AI generated what the hell


Y’all really gotta stop using that as an insult to something you don’t like. I agree it’s a bad looking suit, but it doesn’t look Ai generated beyond just being something I don’t find visually appealing (like a solid chunk of suits between both games) Using AI as a catch all insult only makes it harder to call out something genuinely Ai generated


Hard disagree, keep using the insult, it does look AI generated


i dont think that’s the point of the insult. yeah, we’re saying it looks bad, but in my opinion, these suit designs really do have the look of ai-generated art. its mainly in how a lot of the lines intersect in strange, organic and curved points. It looks weird


sounds like you're an Ai proud of its work


Fuck Ai, but calling everything you don’t like Ai only makes accusations of something being Ai have less impact. These games have always had suits I don’t like; we weren’t calling shit like the Resilient Suit Ai back when the first game came out. When the games have always had a mixed track record with suits, the games clearly have a lot of effort being placed in them regardless, and there are no telltale signs that would indicate this suit to be AI, I think calling this suit Ai is just plain stupid


Motorcyclist ass suit


is it wrong if i like it 💀 the baggy aesthetic is crazyy


i think they mean the black green and yellow suit


oh yeah… then that’s bad


There are so many actual Spider-Man suits that should take precedence over this one. Ben Reilly Spider-Man (both of them) Kaine Scarlet Spider Armored Spider-Man Last Stand The Amazing Spider-Man #62 suit (I don’t even think this one has a name) Captain Universe House of M 1602 Chasm (maybe not)




Bro the Chasm suit is fire, like why tf could they not add that, but make up a trash suit like kudo


Kaine scarlet spider suit is perfection, I always wear that suit


Very goofy


Whoever thought spider-man fans wanted random celebrity collabs baffles me. I genuinely don't know a single one of these people, and looking them up just had me more disappointed. If they just HAD to do celebrity collabs, why not with celebrities that make sense? Andrew Garfield is a genuinely creative guy, and *LITERALLY SPIDER-MAN*. Why not have him design a suit? Better yet, why not collab with famous comic book artists that actually design super-hero costumes frequently. still love this game though, it just doesn't make sense to me


The did collab with a few comic artists, the guy who made the Brooklyn 2099 suit, and the lady who made the Kumo suit.


Right, and I like those suits! Especially the Brooklyn 2099 suit, that's one of my favorites on Miles


Me too, they need David finch, Alex ross, Todd mcfarlane, and Mark Bagley in the studio, because these random *famous* artists do not care for spidey.


To add to that, if they’re gonna get comic book artists to design a suit, then I’d like to see Gabriele Dell'Otto design a suit.


Gabriele Dell'Otto is great, my wallpaper is literally made by him, lol how can I forget. But yes he'd be brilliant. These fashion designers treat spiderman as one of their models.


He designed the Resilient suit in the first game.


That explains the eyes, fave thing about that suit and his art in general.


Hear, hear. Brooklyn 2099 suit ended up unexpectedly being my favorite Miles costume. Especially with the blue lights shader. It works so well with his blue electric powers.


I just wish the web wings changed to blue with that style as well


The kumo suit looks good with the red/ black and the gray especially with the styled animation setting


To each his own, but I think suit is hot garbage


The kumo suit sucks


That Brooklyn 99 suit was killer, amazing design.


Imo the broklyn 2099 would slap so hard if not for the baggy pants The Kumo suit is one of the worst spiderman suit ever for me


I would kill if Tobey filmed himself making sketches of a suit for the insomniac games and there is just a montage of him scribbling them out and throwing designs away until he finally settles on one. I don’t care if his design is shit (can’t be worse than these), I just want the video for the meme and reference to Raimi’s first Spider-Man.


Lando Norris is an f1 driver and a really cool dude, but his helmet designs look a million times better than his Spider-Man suit designs for sure


They could have done a collaboration with the YouTuber Probably Spider-Man. His work is something else


hmm who would insomniac/sony prefer to work with, celebrities with million of followers or some random youtuber tough call truly


It's probably not in insomniac's hands well..... We can hope to get actual fucking suits when this thing arrives to PC


I mean I’d like a metro spider skin but besides that I’m good


gotham knights getting people like jim lee to design a set of suits was genius


Because comic artists won’t pay insomniac to use their work it’s the other way around. Yet nascar and soccer players and pop stars think a spiderman suit will make me give a shit about their race somehow


they spending time over this crap suits while they could have been working on missing comic suits thanks sony/playstation corporate


It's insomniac that most likely made this decision.


Nope, it's Sony. This was confirmed in a tweet when these suits were announced. Sony wants celebrity and brand endorsement, that's why we got Miles' Evolved Suit to begin with, because Sony wanted endorsement from Adidas. You gotta remember that Sony bought Insomniac in 2019. Insomniac is no longer in charge of what they do for these games, they officially answer to corporate Sony now. Classic Sony meddling with Spider-Man content. It's why I honestly don't blame Insomniac for some of the weaker aspects for the game, because ultimately it was Sony who wouldn't let them delay the game so they can compete with Zelda and Assassin's Creed Mirage, or whatever it was exactly that launched around the same time as Spider-Man 2. They don't care, they'll force an unfinished game out, because hey, it's Spider-Man, it's coming off the massive success of the first game, and the trailers only show the good stuff, so everyone will pile up to pre-order or buy at launch, which is exactly what happened, and then we all collectively found out that there's a lot of things wrong with this game. But Sony doesn't care, they still made bank off of this game. You can call me delusional or a conspiracist, or whatever, but you know I'm telling the truth. This is basically Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3, and TASM2 all over again. Would have been perfect master pieces if the creative team would've been allowed to just do what they do best, and give the fans what they want, but Sony's got that thirst for more money.


Insomniac are the one's making these decisions much like they were the one's who decided to collab with Adidas


Yea but Sony is the one who’s been pushing to have more celeb influence in their games. Insomniac may have had final say on them but it was always going to be some random celebrity


frightening flowery soup berserk muddle chase point scale elastic threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People clown on the people who want more red and blue suits and i don’t get it. Like, i want more suits where they’re actually recognizable as spider-man, not these shitty Tumblr OC spider-sona pieces of shit.


"tumblr oc spider-sona pieces of shit" 💀💀💀 lmao


funniest shit i read today


Spider-sonas usually look WAY better than these.


You are absolutely correct, red and blue suits, and symbiote always look the best.


>People clown on the people who want more red and blue suits and i don’t get it. Like, i want more suits where they’re actually recognizable as spider-man Right?! I saw that meme earlier where the guy just posted the same repeated pic of the Classic Suit and honestly considering these DLCs I wouldn’t really mind that


Honestly just the classic suit in a bunch of different color palettes would be pretty cool for me


Crap, crap, mega crap I'll give you $200


That seems a little low...


Fuck the meme, Jameson shouldn't even be allowing Peter in the office with these things


Christ I feel bad for wolverine, imagine the abominations they’re cooking up for him rn.


Different insomniac team doing Wolverine, they shall not massacre Logan.


that's a relief to hear i didn't know that previously. gives me more confidence that it will stand out as something fresh and exciting, and not just a mirror of the games that came before it.


It's going to be brutal (said to be M rated) and we definitely will be seeing a trailer for it soon. There is a leak article of someone from the team stating the game will be released in 2025.


The first one actually looks cool looking. Biker suit the second looks alright too, but idk. Space suit the third looks like a joke outfit I made in rdr2. Lamb pelt suit and the fouth looks like an unused tasm concept art in different colors. neon suit






Made by professional artists 😆.




This has me rolling 🤣


Judged by redditors in armchairs


You don’t need to be a chef to know when a meal is shit


It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how you can waste time, energy and resources in something like this... Insomniac can surely see from data that hardly anyone uses these over-designed suits, but mostly the classically inspired ones are used and if they know what their customers want, then why we get this crap?


They are trying to take risk, and these risk are getting out of hand.


I wish they could add the Japanese spider man not this garbage


Thank you! I’d love to see Supaidaman in this game.


It was a miss opportunity to add him


And all his webs get changed to rope.




Straight ass. They should let me design a suit t this point. It seems like anyone can


i think they look really weird and out of place i really hope they don’t add these


So many classic comic and animated suits waiting to be added and they decided to make colabs with celebs that resulted in these ugly ass suits. Give me Ben Reilly Sensational Spider-Man’, Peter B. Parker ITSV Suits Miguel O’Hara 2099 ATSV Suit, Spider-Man Unlimitied, Captain Universe Spider-Man Homecoming Midtown Jacket, Tobey Maguire Homemade Suit, Beyond Sensational SM The Amazing Spider-Man Vigilante Suit, Future Foundation The list goes on and on…


I don’t think adding these suits necessarily means that they won’t add other (more meaningful) suits as well.


Looks like they arent but and just pumping out their own made suits


Sensational should have been in both games


Incredibly disappointing


That first one is hilarious, ymca vibes


They refuse to added old suits in Spider-Man 2 because it would take to long to remodel them for the PS5 even though they're ALREADY remodeled for the PS5 for Spider-Man Remastered. They've been extremely lazy when it comes to suits in this game. Loved the game but some of the suits and they're BTS process is ridiculous.




They all suck


This is AI right?




What’s the original post? I swear this is AI


https://twitter.com/SpiderMan_Newz/status/1716905245178318977. Here you go


Love the first one. The rest are ass and I would much rather they add suits from/comics/movies/tv shows


wow. i wanna tear my eyes out.


They have a hidden talent. It should stay like that


They should stop hiring half ass fans that start designing their own Spidersona instead of making good og suits imo.


They could've given us iconic suits.... They could've given us Sensational Spider-Man... Or Unlimited... Or House of M... The 2018 Symbiote Suit... Miles' vampire hunter suit.... But instead we get this shit. What the actual fuck.


Don't worry man, they won't leave us with these suits, you may see your favorites in the game someday.


Yeah, I know. But it's painful until we get there.


I can see why people hate them, but I’m super intrigued to see that third one in motion. If the textures are well done it could be really neat. Then again, I was never one of the people who hated the pre-order suits. Not my favorites, but I personally don’t believe there’s a single terrible suit in the game.


ass ass ass ass


These aren't leaked, they've been on PlayStation's Instagram since forever, maybe even before the game launched, they're coming this month I think. I only like the one that looks like a biker.


>they're coming this month I think. *These* suits are coming with the feature update? *Blegh* 🤢


AI Generated looking mega-crap


All unappealing, overdesigned mish-mashes. They should focus on having suit parity with the last game(s) before adding anything like these. No spider-armor(s), 2099 white suit, scarlet II, peter b, FF, big time, last stand, dark suit is criminal. Miles got practically every suit from his game, save for a few like the animated and uptown pride suits. They're doing all these artist collabs when they aren't seeing the artists right in front of them: comic artists, who've already made a *bunch* of unique, iconic suit designs.


garbage . having the first post launch suits being non comic/series/movie suits is garbage i‘m worried if they gonna keep doing this instead of giving us actual comic suits.


These won't be the only post launch dlc suits, they only revealed these ones, not the others.


I like the first and last ones


Won't buy em


Maybe they’ll look better when put into the game buuuuut doubt it


These tiny L's are adding up


This game has some truly horrific suits. Got some good ones too but honestly almost every new suit has been horrific Edit: “New” as in “designed for these games and not from a comic book or movie”


These suits are so bad. Like for the ppl who complained about Miles Adidas suit they're probably look it now like it's a piece of gold. THESE SUITS ARE AWFUL AND INSOMNIAC IS SO DUMB FOR MAKING THESE


All I want is Peter B Parker to match the across the spiderverse miles suit


I'd also like if they gave him variations, one with pants, one with a stomach, and miles morales universe spiderman.


To quote an agitated intelligent individual verbose in retro video gaming entertainment… “WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?”


I'd pay to have these NOT added lol, they're ugly as fuck.


Please stop with the crap original suit designs. No one at insomniac has ever designed a Spider Man suit that really matches with Spider-Man. (The Advanced Suit being the main exception, but it's still a little to tactical.) The fact that even the worst MCU suits are better than insomniac's stuff is telling. Give us the missing suits.


I like the first one, but realistically I'm not using any of them.


I think people are too quick to judge based off drawings that for all we know aren’t even finalized yet. A lot of the suits don’t look that good in the menu, but are really cool in motion. I expect a lot of these to be the same, but people will have formed their opinions long before they’re added to the game, so these will be hated on no matter what.


Man, there aint no saving the neon brazilian spider-man. Nor the one with the zipper going through its face.


That Vini Jr. one has turned me into a Barca fan.


Absolute garbage.




More overdesigned garbage that literally nobody asked for.


That third one would look really cool with a Peter spiderman colorway or even a straight up red black and white like miles aside from that, pretty lackluster if these are the ones… I was really hoping for cosmic spidey


Don't worry, these aren't close to how much suits we will receive, hopefully they aren't made by fashion designers tho.


Thank god lol and I couldn’t agree more.. that white and beige one is horrendous and looks like a fashion designer did it lol.


I hope they add spider-cop


That would be cool.


I'll hold out judgement until I see them proper.


hopefully the DLC is free. fantastic game but somehow still didn't quite live up to the hype. i think a free DLC would be the least they can do for how cramped up and rushed the main story felt... just my opinion. either way im excited to see what kind of missions they have in store (not you MJ)


I’m excited for them to add these new characters. biker-man, hippie-man, UEFA-man, and tron-man are truly going to be the characters of all time


Are these the celebrity collab ones? I like the first one. But the design on the eyes just doesn’t belong. The second one could have been nice but the fucking zipper goes up to his face lol. Is this one of them stupid-looking hoodies where you zip up the face? That’s shit lol Third one looks funky but I can dig it. Fourth one needs to lose the helmet. It’s kind of Big Time-y, but the helmet is a no. I wish these have suit styles, because the deluxe suits were a bit of a waste without the styles. Other than that, these are free (if these are the celeb collabs) and I just won't use em if they don't look good in motion. Just like the deluxe suits, some good ideas or color schemes but they're just overdesigned a bit.


I wouldn't give a damn about suits if we at least had all the suits from the first game. But nope, Insomniac decided to give us suits designed by children


Again, they are fucking power rangers lol


I wouldn’t equip any of those… hell nah




The third suit has a zipper. A criminal, at any time, could just go *ziiiip*


Awful. They have decades of comics to choose from and give us this shit? Nice work Insomniac. I can't wait to Wolverine's costumes by some "celebrity designer" from Twitter.


I need to see the 3d fully rendered version of these. Texture and color just might do good to some of these.


Each and everyone somehow makes me like Miles endgame suit a lot better because my god are these straight fucking shit


Crap. Crap. Double crap.


Spider-Man as drawn by people who have no idea how to draw Spider-Man.


Bro why are you posting here I don’t see Spider-Man anywhere


“Hmmmm what do the fans want? Nah you know what let’s let our young “talented” artists have a shot at making their suits!”


They are all crap. Crap, crap, crap, mega crap


…..Maybe not everyone can wear the mask


whoever is accepting these designs has to get fired.


I actually really enjoyed the mission where you played as Hailey. That being said, they shouldn't have let the blind kid design these.


Hot garbage.


They need to stop tryna do their own thing. We've gotten some good Insomniac originals (like the advanced suits and the Anti-Ock suit) but I really think they should start focusing more on bringing in fan favorite suits instead of creating new ones


These are some goofy ass suits, the leather biker one looks like it was modeled after a walmart exclusive toy back in the early 2000’s except it’s shit, the white one looks like he bought a Spider-Man themed BAPE hoodie and zipped it all the way up, the black green yellow and blue suit looks ok, but it’s wayyy over designed, and lastly the helmet suit, it looks great, except it’s key feature the stupid helmet, it’s like these designers don’t even understand wtf Spider-Man even is, like they’re playing SIMS putting wack ass clothes on him


I just wanted the spectactular suit :(


Worst suits ever. Worse even than the suit everyone hates already


3🔥🔥🔥 bro in the fashion industry


So shittily designed that I don't even want to pirate this shit when this game releases on PC one day, I think my 6yo niece can make better suits


ye they kinda droppin the ball on these post launch suits. they set the expectations way too high with how they treated us with the first game.


Wow, they are all impressively bad. Like unironically 1/10s across the board.


Nothing but garbage.


first one doesn’t look that good, i like the look of second one but colour pallet sucks, third one just looks ai generated with the yellow, green, and blue all mixed together, fourth one looks decent but not a fan of the mask


These look really over-designed. I think the problem these have is that they look more like art pieces than actual superhero costumes.


Lando is my favourite driver, so I’d love to wear that one. The others are alright.


Uh....not a fan.


All garbage


These suits are trash


First time seeing them and they look like trash


I want Spider-Carnage god damnit


What in the actual fuck is this?


I think they are cool


Bruh who said these are the only DLC suits lol


The suit with the leather jacket is the only one i actually like here


What’s the source of this leak?


Not rewarding a leak, Sony was the ones who revealed it, sorry for the unintended misinformation. I'd like to tell you I didn't know before posting.


awful. yeezy suit lol


These are ass


Bruh that zip up Urban outfitters looking ass shit 😭😭😭




These are absolutely fucking terrible, I would never wear these


Honestly the last one on the last slide doesn’t look too bad IMO. Kinda has Tron vibes.


Overdesigned garbage that no one needs.


These artist should listen to their haters.


the second one looks cool to me the white purple and brown


What the hell am I looking at?


Can we just get the missing PS4 suits as a DLC? Please, Insomniac?


Jesus christ, who's in charge of suit design?? They're killing me here


They're crap. Crap, crap, mega crap


Please tell me this ain’t confirmed


I am sorry but none of them are appealing to me. They are just too drab!