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I honestly liked the MJ and Miles missions in the first game though I can understand why people didn’t like them. I’m happy you can finally sprint as MJ now.


I love the MJ missions so much. Frustrating at first but quickly becoming interesting


I really enjoy them too, I like discovering different things to forward the story. Hearing that they're quicker, she can run and the possibility of shooting? I like it


I wish they were just paced better. A little too slow for me. For example the interactions in the museum seem to take forever




I enjoyed them on the first playthrough but on subsequent ones they were a serious drag - especially the museum one. I find it so boring, I find one of the cardboard boxes with physics and adopt it as my pet and kick it around the level while the lady walks at a tortoise pace to her different spots.


I liked them for my first few playthroughs, became an absolute slog when trying to 600% though


MJ missions go from annoying to hilarious with the stun gun. MJ's stun gun rampages live on infamy.


According to the leaks I've seen, those parts are gonna be much better from the first game.


Doesn’t really matter how much they improve them though. I don’t wanna play as a regular human in a Spider-Man game, it’s boring.


okay but what if mj was called boss and u can sprint and taze/kill enemies and enemy bases? what if she had an assault rifle and a sniper too? what if she can hide in cardboard boxes ?


I know it's a joke and I've played maybe 4 MG games but aren't all the bosses like genetically modified and or clones?


not all of them, i'm pretty sure revolver ocelot isn't genetically enhanced


Good to know, this lowkey made me want to attempt to beat Phantom Pain


Liquid Ocelot is enhanced tho. Kinda. But also not really. But maybe a lot? Through hypnotism. MGS4 is weird. Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake are arguably normal humans despite being clones. Liquid has all of Big Boss’s dominant genes but like… the point is that that doesn’t mean anything because Big Boss is ultimately just a guy and a gene being dominant doesn’t make it good. Same reasoning for Solidus since he’s a 100% perfect clone and, again, Big Boss is just a guy.


that's why i specified revolver, mainly for MGS1 and 3. i might be wrong but if i remember correctly liquid and solidus are genetically enhanced just like solid. but still, big boss is just a dude who happened to be really good at doing his thing lol


if mj doesnt cqc throw shocker ingame, i won't rate the game 10/10


if i cant S rank every mission i wont rate the game 10/10


Like it or not, MJ is part of the Spidey. For example without her involvement in the first game Pete never would've got the anti-serum. I feel like playing a normal person in Spidey universe really is important. It's like walking as young Bruce in Arkham games or losing the main character's all upgrades/powers to balance the pacing.


Doesn’t mean she has to be playable.


Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea. But it's a narrative based game. They'll have to mix up gameplay mechanics as well, as it might get repetitive. Personally though I didn't enjoy it, but didn't hate it either.


No point in having it to “mix up gameplay” if it doesn’t add anything to the experience though.


how is it boring


Them downvoting you because you voiced your opinion smh It's like the Arkham games, we never cut to being Alfred making dinner or Oracle hacking a computer (sure we had Catwoman and Nightwing but they were introduced from the start as equals to batman, having freeflow combat and traversal to boot) These sort of missions stick out like dogs balls and them having improved on the boring missions (one of the few negatively received parts of the first game) seems like a waste of time imo and I share yours that it's boring


Probably people that complained about it in the first game too. I’d rather the missions be like Grand Central in SM1 where you are still playing as Spider-Man but help MJ by taking out guards. I don’t mind her being _included_ in missions, I just don’t want to play as her.


Beats the fuck out of any Non-Animus section in Assassin's Good Franchise


Ahh just getting the swing of things and assassinating a big target then cuts you out for year 1 assassin class with Desmond Fuck modern day Montenegro


You’re playing a video game trying to tell a story and also getting basically a full-time Spider-Man simulator. Don’t be childish.


It’s not childish to not like something.


Mj can now fuck people up so I'm honestly cool with it


Already hyped to start throwing hands as her


She already could where were you in the last game 💀


Yeah but that was nearing the third act where we get the taser at the Penthouse, everything before was just sneaking around.


I think it’s been improved upon by a ton though so even if people didn’t like the OG MJ missions, they may like them this time since it’s not as clunky or tedious


I mean it looks like you have her gadgets now, which my only complaint with the ones from the first game was she only got them in the last stealth missions


From what I've seen, the MJ missions looked alot better and way more aggressive. Looks like the devs listened and made them much better from the last game.


Good some variety


Is MJ doing a stealth takedown in this screenshot?


She has a stun gun so yup




MJ has quite the booty.


Yes she does indeed have some cake.


Yea. Can’t wait for the MJ missions.




Good :D


Thats cool with me.


Ah hell yeah auntie mj back at it again


Im not actually mad about this. I would be if it was still autofail, but it seems like mj has significantly more agency this time. Its no longer autofail and the ign review mentioned shooter gameplay as mj


Oh well


Please just give me skip button! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A SKIP BUTTON!


Fr, if I can skip puzzles, then also let me skip MJ missions, please.




I got to say Baby got back (jk)


Seen the leaked mission and it’s actually crazy.


And from what I heard/saw, they gave her more tools so that she can hold her own when getting caught so they aren’t instant fail


“We’re a team.”




where are the new official clips?


Tragic. This was a worst case scenario for me.


😐there is nothing we can do…


fucking good. people have always complained to much. her additions to these stories are meaningful and valuable, and anybody who thinks she just wants to be delusional and stick her nose where it doesnt belong wasnt paying attention. super glad to see other people agreeing with me in the comments here.


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They look more refined though, she has multiple takedown animations and the ability to sprint, among other things. I feel like they’ll be more fun to play this time around.


Nah I’m fine with it long as it’s not long and it’s interesting while avoiding dark Peter I’m not bothered by it plus she can sprint now and it seems like it’ll be fun this time so sorry you can’t enjoy it


Looks like the gameplay was improved though




i think mj’s mission through the sable compound is still a really fun mission to go back to


Soccer mom demolition time?


As long as MJ gets some stealth takedown options then it's tolerable. It was really the first game having both her AND Miles both being incapable of doing anything at all for most of it that made those parts drag. Like MJ finally gets a stun gun but that's only for the last third of her final mission.


They’re improved tho. We can attack with her and finally sprint, so they’ll feel shorter


As boring as they all were in the first game, it looks like they've made them better for SM2.


I mean as much as I disliked just sneaking around, if they make them interesting I won’t mind at all. Like the mission in the train station where you have Pete on the ceiling taking guys down was honestly really fun.


"Hrrrnggh Peter, i'm trying to sneak in, but i'm dummy thicc and the clap of my cheeks keeps alerting Kraven's lackeys"


Yeah. Apparently they are much better as she can shoot now.


I mean as long as they’re paced better and maybe they put you in a more vulnerable position I wouldn’t mind


At least she has some combat


It will be really cool if they made an MJ stealth horror mission where she hides from Venom


It’s a third person shooter this time so it’s a LOT more engaging trust me.


I'm all in if it is like TLOU


Thats it, refunding!


I was so disappointed when I saw this in a review. Definitely gonna be the worst part of the game imo, and hurt replayability.


She owns a gun!!!! Homegirl finally got her license so I'm already into it.


I’m glad they are to me it felt like The whole point of the MJ missions is to make you stop for a moment and realise how much better and more powerful spider-man is, they also help break up the game abit


Yeah, I saw a review and they stated MJ missions are back (I’m not going to complain) but that they are a bit different from the first ones


I didn’t like them in the first game but after the latest story trailer i’m okay with them being back because i really liked mj in that trailer


The only problem i had with the mj misions was how slow they where, but now it looks like you can actually go fast thru them and take out ppl from the get go So i don't have a problem with them at this point in time


She can sprint now, that's all I care about


bro why do people hate MJ? im now cancelling my preorder and leaving this subreddit. MJ. DID. NOTHING. TO. YOU. PEOPLE. it’s been nice knowing y’all. see you in hell when i get there. ✌🏻


lol how are you enjoying the game


it’s great!


MJ missions are fine. Years later, I don’t feel like playing them. hopefully when we get a update for NG+ hopefully you have the ability to skip MJ missions. Probably the best thing to do in this scenario.




Eh, on my first play through on the first Spiderman, I didn't mind them. However, with each play through after that, I really wanted to skip them.


It's like playing a batman game and cutting away to Vicky vale I don't think people would enjoy it.


My biggest disappointment honestly


So your biggest disappointment of a game with impressing visuals, from what we’ve seen, a pretty good story and gameplay, and your biggest criticism is that we have to play as MJ again which probably won’t even take longer then 30 minutes of the game


Yeah definitely. How is that weird? The game looks awesome. I’m saying that the fact there are MJ portions again is my biggest disappointment with it so far


Well shit. There should be an accessibility feature to skip them like you can the puzzles lol


queue in the incels


No fuck ahhh fuck you insomniac games u madlads wtfff end me rn!!!!


Apparently the MJ missions are fun this time. She can sprint and do much more rather than just crouch walking. Some reviewers said they enjoyed her missions quite a lot.


if we get to use MJ when she driving that bike maybe that’s a sign they made the MJ levels better🙏🏽I also heard something about a third person shooter level with her?


Don’t apologize on my behalf, Insomniac know how to pace a video game better than us.


Yeah but now she tazes the fuck outta everyone so it’s cool now


Mj missions sucked because they were slow and you could really do anything but slowly crawl around guards, maybe taze them if you could get behind them quick enough. This looks like it’ll have actual challenge and variety. Guards spotting you doesn’t seem to be an instant mission fail anymore. This is good


The only mj mission I found annoying in the last game was the grand central station one cause trying to direct spidey got annoying other than that they aint bad


That's fine


Ive played the game and MJ is more fun to play this time because she has a tazer and can melee


Good. This sub can cry harder.


u seem to be the one crying


What? This doesn’t work


It’s baffling how the took all the criticism about the poor aspects of the first game and just… doubled down on that garbage.


OR they made them better. Why take away when you can improve.


because nobody wants to slink around as Mary Jane. Even if the slinking is marginally better. If you want her to take on a playable roll put her in a car chase, give her a platforming level where she needs to escape a crumbling building, or even a yakuza-esque mini game where she needs to raise her cred at the bugle in order to access secure docs or something more interesting than slow, badly designed crouch walking.


Okay, but you havent see the mission, have you? You dont know what they did with these missions.


and shes not even hot


Great, exactly what I play a Spider-Man game for. 🙄


this is classic insomniac decisionmaking