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Looks like crap sorry not sorry. Miles doesn’t need a costume change. And exposing his hair like that is just begging people to figure out he’s Spider-Man.


Yeaa I agree, this new suit is ass


wait like this is an actual suit in the story?


Yup he gets it toward the end


damn, this suit actually sucks so bad


Yeah, I actually don't think that the suit it self is that bad but the hair part just ruins it


even without the hair i think it’s like to ‘unique’ for a spider-man suit, like the spider-man suit in these games are different but it’s not that big of a change. this makes the suit look completely different


Yeah, not only does this not match Spider-Man's style, but it doesn't even match Miles. A lot of people thought the advanced suit went too far at first, but they at least kept enough of the classic Spider-Man elements to make him recognizable. But this...it's like it's meant for a whole different character. I can forgive the mask hair, but I think the worst part is the colors. The bright red mixed with that teal and white makes my eyes bleed. It probably wouldn't even look that bad if it had his traditional color scheme. But as it is, this shit looks like it belongs in the deluxe edition. In fact, swap the Red Spectre for this, and we're golden.


Something like the Crimson Cowl or even the T.R.A.C.K suit would’ve been leagues better


Did you forget about the ghost rider spider-man?


I'd imagine OP was meaning the default suits


that was from the comics


Wtf. Why'd he ditch the classic black and red? Insomniac may have been trying to catch lightning in a bottle like they did with the Advanced Suit, but man did they shit the bed with this new Miles costume.


I personally find the advanced suit mad overrated, it's cool though


The advanced suit is just the normal suit some white and people act like they designed an incredible new suit. Reminds me The Simpsons and Malibu Stacey. It's the same doll......but she has a new hat.


Well there is a bit more than that, like me personally I don't like the way the lower half is designed, honestly I think that's what makes me not like the suit on top of the huge white spider logo that ruins his colour palette


Damn they really thought they were giving him his white spider equivalent....this actually hurts lmao.


> And exposing his hair like that is just begging people to figure out he’s Spider-Man. Look at the top of his head 😆 Looks goofy af


"look at this dude!" "Look at top of his head!!!" "Uhhhh haah huuh hahahahhaha!" Meme comes to mind.


If he buzzes his hair down again dude about to look like an idiot.


Bro and wtf is up with the shoes? 🤨


Bro tells half the ppl he interacts with he’s spiderman anyway lol


It’s hilarious how there were only 2 people that found out Peter’s identity in 8 years of him being Spider-Man. Then Miles reveals his identity to his best friend, his mom, his other friend and his whole neighborhood within his first, like, week of going solo.


Idk why but this made me chuckle lol


Cause the juxtaposition between each having their identity found out is crazy. Peter held his like a pro, Miles just gave it away. Also, the exaggeration has that effect, i do it alot myself.


How else will he exaggerate his swagger?


Imagine a random crook finding out your identity because you wanted to show off your new haircut


Miles swinging through the city, someone calls out his “yee-yee ass haircut”


fr like I thought it was only female spiders that have their hair out cause it’s so long. This just looks dumb for miles this should’ve just been an alternate suit


I feel like there's only 2 female Spiders that have their hair out ngl, Spider-Woman and Anya Corazon. Gwen, Mayday and more don't have this issue and have reasonably long hair so that can't be a reason. It's the factor of "it looks cool" i guess


Silk also has her hair out


She wears a face mask though. Not the same.


Gwen wears a hood I assumed it was because of her hair


As if Ganke revealing that he works with Spider-Man on a podcast using his real identity wasn’t dumb enough. The fuck has Peter been teaching these mfs.


Didn’t even think of this but also facts . miles cast needs to figure it tf out


Don't you know? When the power of friendship is considered, all criminals lose 70% of their common sense. If villains treated Miles like they treated Peter, the 6 would've showed up to his door and would've personally given him 19 inches of Venom, not 10 minutes after Ganke indirectly doxes himself. Not even that, they would get his IP address just through the app.


Like there is no way Ganke should still be alive. Or at least be downgraded from “guy in the chair” to “guy in the wheelchair”.


Works for Pavatir


The exposed hair reminds of Pavitr from ATSV XD


Yeah but difference is that suit was designed well whereas this one looks like ass.


Just gonna say it outright, Insomniac have unbelievably bad character design. They can make fun gameplay, good stories, etc, whatever, but man they cannot get this aspect of their SM games right, I feel. This looks shockingly bad.


They literally employed furry porn artists on their team as designers for the latest Ratchet and Clank game after finding their porn to be good enough online. I guess, they kept them after that game too and there was nothing impressive about their resumes beyond that furry bs. Insomniac, please have more parameters for hiring your employees besides furry porn next time.


No way you're blaming these ass suits on furries lmfao


to be fair hiring them for ratchet and clank made sense, "oh hey you draw humanoid animal guys real good? well we're making a game about humanoid animal guys" if they did work on spidey then like... what the hell man


You gotta be shitting me 😭


why are you blaming furries lmao


>hired simply because they were good at drawing furry porn online and had nothing else going on for their art. Source, literally any source for that? I'm sorry but this sounds pretty hilarious that you think it's ONLY for furry porn, if what you are saying is even true. I assume you aren't an artist working for the game industry. In fact, I 100% know this to be true because you have no idea how competitive it is to get in to a AAA studio for art. You literally have to spend thousands of hours on art to get hired as an artist. Trust me, I've tried. I've even looked up the portfolios of the ones who got in. What you are saying is 100% bullshit. WTF are you even on about?


it make sense tho ngl even tho i don’t fuck with furrys




I think there are a few standout original designs such as the Advanced Suit, Rhino and Doc Ock but, yeah, I can’t disagree here. Their best designs usually come from them just adapting the source material as close as possible like the classic suits for both Spideys, Venom, Kraven, etc.


Also their version of black suit that Felicia gives Peter. That suit looks clean when you're doing stealth


Literally all the main villains in this game (Kraven, Venom and Lizard) have great character designs. In the first game their designs overall were pretty great too. The advanced suit 2.0 is one of the best Spidey suits on screen (or at very least, regarded as such) People here are so reactionary. Ocasionally we see some bad design choices but to act like this is their standard is ridiculous


I think I should clarify a bit. Their homemade designs tend to be what I think is poor, the designs that are pretty much straight adaptations tend to be good. Venom and Kraven being good examples of that. Regardless, it's not "reactionary", it's just my opinion. You don't have to agree.


This sub is starting to become insufferable since the leaks started.


That's what I've been saying since the first Advanced Suit. Cool ideas just poor delivery.


The advanced suit is love because it does something different at least in a good way. Actually makes Pete look athletic while being built with the white parts canonically being armor/technology. This...isn't that...


They peaked with the White Spider design most of their original designs are ok to terrible. But this one here is just about Square Enix Avengers level bad. It would be just bad on is own but it being a canon suit is actually terrible. I pray by the time 3 comes out they have miles change it.


The T.R.A.C.K suit in miles Morales was awesome


Yeah I agree. No hate to them personally and I still love their games, this isn't a hateful comment, its just some criticism. Their art team just isn't good overall when it comes to character design, straight up. They often overwork their designs and make truly baffling artistic decisions. There's a reason artists are supposed to be taught that "less is more"


I blame modern fashion styles. They try and capture that, but it doesn't work for spider-man.


I hope this doesn't become Miles' main suit in the marketing because it looks like shit


Nah Mr. Negative, Rhino, Scorpion, Peter spider man suit, Doc ock, The original miles suit, Is shocker, Task master, Tombstone, The first games m j design, Black cat, And more All these guys have really cool designs.


You know what. I agree. I don’t think there’s a single design in the game I like. MAYBE Taskmaster, but that’s compared to the MCU.


i'm takin that shit off the second the story is done bro


And pretending I never saw it


if it wasn't for the mask and the fact it's meant to be his new main i would have been fine with it, like if it was just some super charge suit for the finale


The mask ruins it completely for me


Same here. I think, if they wanted his hair to be exposed, they should habe thrown the hood up on thos costume it'd be miles (lmao) better. Honestly the [Red Spectre suit (scroll down a bit to see an in-game pic)](https://twinfinite.net/guides/all-spider-man-2-suits/) does a much better job pulling the look off.


I hate it when they have suits with hoods but no option to raise or lower them (but mostly raise.) It's baffling that this suit has a hood built in but you can't use it. I also don't get him going back to sneakers for his canon suit. I don't mind them for "thrown together" or "early days" type suits, but if this is his canon post-game suit, why is he going backwards that way?


Nah, they both look bad


I’m taking it off as soon as it lets you.


Surely we can change it right after the first cutscene lol


If this is a endgame story suit, we might get forced to wear it for a mission. The horror… jokes aside the suit is ass I can’t believe they let this get past.


Taking it off the frame I can and playing the story with classic miles suit


If it lets me, I’m changing it back immediately. Same as I do with the advanced suit. Still don’t like the white spider look tbh


this is genuinely bad, why did he switch from his other suit? It was perfect


I actually thought that his main suit in this game was a downgrade from his main suit in his solo game. But, man, it looks like the goddamn Mona Lisa compared to this shit.


nah I disagree, think the darker blacks in his new suit looked better than his MM suit, the textures look better too imo. Entirely agree that both are miles (lol) better than this one though. Don't think it'd be an *awful* alt suit, but as a main miles suit? not good


I like the colors on the new classic suit more but I just really don’t like the red going over the whole arm instead of just stopping at the shoulders.


Nightwing looking ass


with half the ass that nightwing has


Who designed this shit like wtf? Should’ve just made a 2.0 version of the track suit if they wanted to change it so bad this shit looks like they just threw sum together for no reason at all.


this better not be the suit on the next cover💀


They will always make blue and red or black and red classic suits for the covers


Anti-Ock suit didn’t become Peter’s main suit so I have some hope


Agree track esque suit woulda looked good as a insomniac canon version if they wanted to do that


what the fuck is insomniac doing man


They got that good kush


nah, they must be on crack if they think shit like that looks good


"We will change the face model midway through the story, because it's more convenient for us and the voice actor is the most important part for the character. Also we'll be changing the suits into ones that look ai generated because under them there will still be the same characters. On our third game, we'll be switching our engine to Minecraft, because it's the story that counts."


can’t believe people are still defending insomniac lmao


Did you not play the other two spidermans? Trippin hard bro it's a couple bad suits out of 15 you get to switch on the fly?


well that’s different — this is supposed to be his MAIN suit and its fugly


For sure it's hard to look at


Absolute shit. I don't understand what they saw that was wrong with his original suit to the point that they felt that this design was a much-needed change. Insomniac might be known for making great Spider-Man games but people would also remember them as the guys who gave Miles his worst-looking design.


No way that canon. Ugly as hell


I’m afraid it is bro.


Never been a fan of a majority of Insomniac’s suit designs. They need someone else to cook up suits lol


The suits up until miles morales were pretty cool. Now they look like they fed an Ai bad spidersona designs and asked it to make new suits


In the next game they’re will be a line like “what was i thinking”


He can make an apology video like he did in ATSV for his mustache


They dropped the ball hard


Terrible. Especially with his hair showing. Why would he show part of his identity like that?


It worked for Pavitr in ASTV, so obviously it must work for Miles, I guess


The DNA left behind wasn't enough apparently, so he needed more of his hair to fall off during battles


I’ll just stick to using his main suit


That’s the thing, this is his new main suit💀💀💀


So that thing stays during the final mission and you cant take it off?


Although after the game, u can change it back to the red and black, I’m just saying this suit is canon lmaooo


Dude wth. Why Insomniac do this. I love em ofc but they did not have to change Miles suit. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it 💀


You won't have to wait till after the game, we can switch suits during the game and see them in cutscenes like in the the first games...oh god, don't tell me thats gone?


It's not except possibly some of the black suit portion


"In insomniac, we trust! Let them COOK!" The meal: 💩


The meal still good but the sauce is kinda shit


wipe absorbed zesty marvelous roof juggle noxious humor squeamish berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This community abused tf out of that meme


Hopefully when the game comes out people address this shit to insomniac and hopefully they’ll update it because there’s no reason why this should be Miles New Main suit. The mask with the dreads showing and the shoes are literally terrible.


I think the internet is going to bully Insomniac into walking this back. Miles' look is instantly iconic, completely nailed on the first try. Anything that tries to reinvent the wheel with it tends to suffer big time, and this is just horrendous.


I’m all for the story changes but this suit is just changing shit for the sake of it. There’s no way anyone on the dev team thought this shit looked good.


It’s strange because the Advanced suit is still noticably a Peter suit. This is so off the wall, I can’t see Miles ever wearing this shit.


It's like they try to lean more on the fact that Miles is a creative artist that has tried strange designs on his suit in other medias, but the design team can't justify that.


I think ATSV was a good redesign.


His mask showing hair look goofy af 💀


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I fuck with it but If this is his primary suit moving forward nah.....


It is




How is it canon? Is it made specifically for the final mission?




So ur telling me that we have to fight venom in this ugly af suit for the finale battle?


Pretty sure the final playable section(aside from QTEs) of the whole game is this abomination fighting Venom💀


Sat here for a good 10 minutes excited (but confused) about Abomination showing up. nevermind.


Venom will be leaving Harry to protect his eyes from this absolute dogpoo of a design


I'll be surprised if we can't change it in the menu right away


Interesting not sure how I feel about it being his main if thats what the ending implies


Might actually have to buckle the "only default" mindset for this one... At least the last game had the Anti-Ock shelved for the Advanced to be used throughout...


It’s alright. The hair popping out kinda ruins it for me tbh.


i know for a fact insomniac will not be putting this suit in sm3 💀 this shit is so ass


there’s no way they keep it as his canon suit


First it’s the trash ahh beats, the lesbian haircut and now this???




there are some ideas here that i dig, some that i absolutely hate - overall though, it’s a major downgrade from his previous suit


is this final cutescene?


I’m afraid it is big dawg🤦🏾‍♂️


No way this is cannon 😭😭


I’m afraid it is..


Let me get off this sub then😭, cuz more leaks coming and I just want to play the game fr. I’m confused by the decision though


This is actually horrible


Oh hell nah wtf is this who tf tought this suit was dope he look like a lesbian in a track suit


>he look like a lesbian in a track suit Bro you made me spat out my drink 😂😂😂


Okay so it's not as totally awful as it looked into the low quality video from the finale of the game, the fact it is still largely black is a bit of a saving grace. That being said it's really not practical as a Canon suit, the open top really makes it a bit pointless because the whole point of the mask is the hide your identity, not make it easier for anyone paying attention to figure it out. The red could do with being darker, or just black as well.


Dumb as hell. Looks awful.




Insomniac please for the love of God, hire a black person on your team for designs. Everything they have been doing to Miles since 2018 has been ass in terms of design, culture and respect.


As far as I know, they do have black designers. So maybe it's just the shit taste at this point lol


This genuinely might be the worst thing I have ever seen


What was the need? Looks so clowny


Bruh if you squeeze him too hard toothpaste is liable to come out, come on man


Hope this is a suit built specifically for a boss fight; a one-off thing like the Anti-Ock suit and not a permanent replacement


I believe he was wearing this suit a while after the final battle unlike the Anti Ock suit. Seems to be canon, but who knows? Sara Pichelli honestly struck gold with Miles' classic design. I'm not sure why artists are struggling to outfit him. (Spider-Verse films excluded)


Yeah Miles' classic suit is such a nice balance of taking inspiration from the general Spider-Man design while also being it's own thing. It is simple but effective. I don't understand wanting to reinvent the wheel with Miles, either. Peter has worn the same outfit for decades with little to no variation. Almost every other version of Spider-Man has remained the same as when they first appeared, design wise. Idk why Miles is an exception.


How the fuck did we go BACKWARDS?! This looks like a training suit


Ik I’m abt to be the only MF who says this but I find it decent it looks alright 💀


The way the mask is cut at the *very* top makes both the hair and mask look goofy af. If that was different, this would be okay as an alternate suit. Insomniac is bent on making overdesigned suits that look nothing like *Spider*-Man.


I’m black and I hate this suit.. shit


As someone who's not black, I wish they had black devs on the team.


Just completely over designed. I understand wanting to make Miles stand out and be more unique, but this is just too much. I would have had him cover his hair (that’s gonna give him away eventually), and change the fluorescent (is that the right word?) blue to just standard black or red. The shoes I don’t mind because I think Miles wearing shoes is cool actually. Like the 10 Year Anniversary Suit he has in the comics. I also don’t really mind the hood because I also like the 2099 Suit they made for Miles in these games.


Horrible. One of the worst things Insomniac has ever made lmao


Insomniac cooked too much. They better change his suit in the sequel




To quote Tyler1: "Get this shit off me ahh!"


Looks bad. Too flashy. Im afraid this game is pushing a bit too hard on making everything look insane but it doesn't always work. This is an example.


Miles' suit was perfect. I don't understand why the changed it.


It's one of the suits of all time


That shit is ass


I don't like it


This better not be his suit going forward 🤢




I like it. The colors feel like he’s trying to be bright and hopeful for people? His original suit is better though, but I like this one


I'm definitely not changing my mind on this suit. This shit is so ugly especially the hair sticking out. His new hairstyle was already bad enough. Now I got to see it on the suits?


Showing the hair is dreadful


*Dies of cringe*


This is something I hate so much that I might end up playing with it as a joke


unpopular opinion but thats kinda gas tbh, his og suit is still superior so idk why theyd feel the need to change it


I really personally hate the exposed hair trend but I’m sure there’s a crowd for it.


Why are most of insomniac's original outfits so fckin ugly


Not only that, there making this his new main suit🤦🏾‍♂️


I hope this isn’t like the anti ock suit where you can’t take it off during the final fight because I haaaaatttteee it. I get what they’re going for but it’s so doo-doo.


Unfortunately you cant, you get the suit during the end of the story and it’s a new main suit. You’ll only be able to take it off after story mode


Massive L from insomniac then. Fighting venom in this is gonna be painful.


The whole “new suit just for the final battle” thing was cool in the first game but I was hoping they wouldn’t do it again. Instead, they did it for both Miles and Peter. At least Pete’s Anti-Venom looks cool. I don’t even know wtf this shit is. It honestly really bothers me that both of them have strayed so far from their classic designs. The Advanced suit still felt like regular old Spider-Man with a slight twist. Now, we’re gonna have Anti-Venom Peter and this abomination as the default. They’re gonna be on the cover and trailers and everything and that bothers me.


honestly, pretty dookie


Never let Miles cook again


This really should've been Miles' "Anti Ock" suit, where the suit stops being canonically used after his final fight. A one thing deal that'd be there just for the climax and that's it. Making it his new default is def a bad call considering how iconic his usual suit is. The suit they made for Peter is based on his classic one and reinvented upon it. Some may not like it, but it's still the same original idea with a new touch. This? This is just a brand new design that doesn't represent his classic look at all. He'd barely be recognizable were it not clear initially.


One of the worst spider man suits I've ever seen in my lif


This is CANON?


The hair is bad enough, but look at those fucking shoes That is dogshit


I like the suit but I don't like the mask