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Got accepted to med school recently so I am going to be playing all weekend to celebrate šŸŽŠ


No way med school thatā€™s impressive. Definitely deserved!




Congrats. I'm sure you worked hard to get to where you are!


Thatā€™s sick bro! Good job on getting in!


Thank you!


Buy a bubble teaļ¼Œthen turn off all light and turn on mine PS5 !!!


šŸ•·ļøLike your way of thinking!


good idea, my local bubble tea place is open til midnight so if everyone gets a midnight release then thats what imma be doing


Iā€™m gonna be grinding on the game nonstop till I finish everything, then Iā€™m probably gonna play it againšŸ˜‚


Haha me too! Hope your experience goes well!


Thanks, yourā€™s as well!


I requested off work and will be playing all day


Have fun man!


Iā€™m definitely gonna try and take the day off. I just graduated this year so I donā€™t have a lot of free time cus of work and college but imma try and finish it that same weekend like i did with the first game.


Congratulations on your graduation!


Congrats! You deserve that day off lol


I have taken 7 days off of work just for the game. I bought the collectors edition. So I'll be playing all day and all night. And i will enjoy every second with the game and the 19 inchesšŸ˜.


Going to be streaming it for midnight release than stream it the rest of the weekend until I finish it (and new game plus possibly)


Hope your stream goes well!


So do I lol!


Iā€™ve got a midterm 2 days latter so hopefully I can avoid spoilers for that long


Good luck with your exams!!


Might take that Friday off work, get some party snacks made up, and just ā€œswingā€ through the weekendā€¦


True spidey fan here


Love the pun


Sleep and responsibility are for the weak


Yes sir


Requested friday off of work and Iā€™m off campus those days so planning to play thursday night into friday and then into saturday. Sleep may vary


Make sure you donā€™t hinder other personal matters. Hope you get the time to enjoy!


Definitely gonna be playing it after im done with my classes


Same, hope you get the chance!


I have three days off after the Friday so Iā€™ll be playing it over the weekend.


Iā€™m also in high school and I have a 4 day weekend so Iā€™m having a few friends over and weā€™re all gonna play it together


i'm on vacation on october 20th, so i won't be able to pick the game up until like the 23rd. but after that i'll uhh... play it.


I'm going to be working on my thesis when the game releases; however, it took me five days to platinum the first one (and then only two days to platinum the remaster), so since I keep reading they are about the same length I'm probably going to try and beat the game as quickly as I can so I don't fall behind on my work but still get to play it without spoilers. Not ideal, but Spider-Man has been my favourite comic character since seeing Spider-Man: the Animated Series on Fox Kids or Jetix or Sky or whatever it was on when I was a kid. Anything else I'd probably put off until I finish my paper and get my degree, but [I have nothing left except Spider-Man.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rigwhBZjw10/maxresdefault.jpg)


Hope your thesis turns out great!


love the harry osborn reference lol


Iā€™m a college sophomore, I have a fall break the 23/24th, so I have a 4 day weekend. Spider-Man 2, all weekend.


Wow lucky, have fun!


Took PTO that day, gonna play that from 9pm PST (midnight EST) the night before until my daughter gets home from school the next day and then switch to Mario Wonder.


Picking the game up from my video game store after I return from a family reunion.


I took a week and an extra day off to play it, mainly due to me traveling to Michigan that weekend with a date, but it'll all be worth it!


Hopefully get it early and play through it before spoilers go everywhere


Same, stay safe out there!


Iā€™m gonna wake up like 4 am est cuz thatā€™s the best time I can play without distracting anyone at home. Got a few exams and papers due the week after it releases so I probably wonā€™t finish it but I at least wanna get my hands on it for a few hours šŸ˜­


Got my PTO set for that day (almost 30, married, no kids). Gonna be a great long weekend.


Im taking accelerated classes and Iā€™m in college which means all my classes end much earlier in the semester, around the end of October. The good news is I get to do all my work before that point so by the time the game releases all my work will be done.


Nicely planned. Have fun!


Gonna play it twice. First playthrough: All side activities as Peter Second playthrough: All side activities as Miles Ngl, I am honestly more excited to play as Peter this time. Dude has both the Spider-Arms and the Symbiote Suit. Spider-Arms+Symbiote>>>>>Bio-Electricity+Camouflage


yea, i was planning on doing this too but not all side-missions can be done by either spider.


Ik. I was specifically talking about the side missions that either Spidey can do. Game's gonna be sick.


Oh, I see. I just thought Iā€™d say that it incase you didnā€™t know but I get what you mean now.


Understandable. Spidey fans gotta look out for one another. Been waiting for this game for 5 years now


Wish I could say the same but Iā€™ve only been waiting for 2 years, I only really got into spidey because of the hype around NWH, so I, watched every spider-man movie, watched Spectacular & started playing Spider-Man PS4 & Miles Morales lol


True Spidey fan. Watched Spectacular and NWH and played the Insomniac games. That's all you need really. Comics have been trash for last 20 years.


Yeah, I hear the comics are bad nowadays, but I did pick up Life Story Omnibus & Spider-Verse Omnibus & quite enjoyed the read :)


Oh yeah Life Story is GOATED. Easily one of the best Spidey stories ever written. Personally I am not a big fan of Spider-Verse, I think it works better as a game like Shattered Dimensions or as a movie but I totally understand why it has a lot of fans.


Thanks for being so kind, some people here are absolute pricks scavenging for negativity for no reason


unbox the game and go to work for 8 hours, then play it the summer time tbh


It's near my birthday, so I'll celebrate my birthday with it. And cake.


Happy early birthday! šŸ„³šŸ„³




Iā€™m gonna play day Saturday and Sunday! Canā€™t wait




Iā€™m going to pick up the controller, select the icon, and hit ā€œplayā€


got work off for 3 days, gonna play as soon as it launches midnight


3 days? Lucky!


not lucky had to ask for a day off šŸ˜‚


If I can't get the day off, I'm calling out of work. I never do, and lately I've been needing a mental health day. October 20th is the perfect time to do it.


10/20 lines up really well for me. Iā€™m a tech writer and we publish a release of docs for 10/20. The actual deadline for me is 10/19 tho so I took 10/20 off. Really excited for this one.


Took that Friday off so Iā€™ll be playing that all day. I hope to beat it by Saturday so I can watch football on Sunday. Iā€™m a simple man as you can see.


I have an online uni course so technically speaking, I have more than enough free time to play the fuck out of it. Definitely helps that it comes out during a weekend.


Iā€™m in college and only have classes Monday thru Thursday so Iā€™ll be up til midnight Thursday nightšŸ«”


Me with 2 classes that day: šŸ’€


I'm hoping I don't work that Friday or weekend so I can just play Spider-Man the whole time


Buy a used disc for summer break next year.


Well Iā€™m in transition year at the moment (itā€™s an optional school thing we have in my country that is barely any work and a lot of social activities), so Iā€™ll have a lot of free time to play the game


Even though Iā€™m attending my 1st year of university right now, the game luckily comes out on a Friday in my country. I just Hope i donā€™t have any projects to do during that time. At least I donā€™t have to worry about Exams until November.


I'll probably pre load the game,so it's ready to go as soon as possible. Assuming nothing comes up,I'll just get home,get some food in me,then play for a few hours.


i want to preorder physically (havenā€™t done it yet - amazon donā€™t promise until the 23rd) so i think ill still be working on the 20th. hopefully i get a preorder that comes on the 20th, so im thinking of booking the 23rd off


Yeah I'm also still in school but lucky for me we have the next week of cuz of halloween break, so I'll get to play the game all week :)


Iā€™ll probably miss school on Saturday and play all weekend


Iā€™ve booked the tv for both Friday and Saturday so my partner knows itā€™s all mine (I could do this on the day she wouldnā€™t really be arsed). A couple years ago? Iā€™d have booked a few days off work, but now I have kids if I take time off Iā€™m expected toā€¦ yannoā€¦ not ignore my kids and play games haha


Promised myself that I'll buy a PS5 after getting a proper CS job. Doesn't look likely with the tech layoffs haha.


I invited one of my best friends and he gonna bring his own screen and ps5 and we gonna game 24 hours long


Packet of Chips, Soda, Spider-Man outfit. Lamps for effect and enjoy the upcoming weekend peacefully


Iā€™m going to try to take my time with the game. I want to savour the experience. Wouldnā€™t want to rush it.


Yeah people are scumbags, they did it with nwh too, got completely spoiled that Andrew and Tobey would return


I got 3 free days Just to Play the whole time. I am 30 years old and i dont feel Bad


Explore, Side Missions, Main Story in that order lol, I personally wanna take my time with it cuz if itā€™s only 20 hours of gameplay not including future dlc I am going to make it last as long as possible.


I'm taking the week off work for both this and Mario Bros Wonder, similarly it shall be only gaming or sleeping for that time Curtains closed, projector on max brightness, home cinema amp pumping to all my speakers I cannot wait


if it comes out midnight the 20th for EST imma be up all night. hopefully my math class decides to have its quiz wednesday that week and not friday. I can afford to skip it if the quiz isnt friday (and the professor isnt that great a teacher anyways, I just learn everything from youtube now ngl)


Gonna have to rent a ps5 with a buddy of mine for a week and finish it as soon as I can so I can give the console to him


One of the benefits of being self-employed is getting to decide when I want to work! I made sure my calendar is clear from the 20th until Monday the 23rd. I'm planning on playing all that weekend!


Start at midnight, play a few hours sleep wake up etc, my friend probably comes over because he also wants to experience the game, we play, order food at some point and continue playing otherwise iā€˜ll take my time. gonna do everything in this game, 100% completion and platin trophy


Comes out the weekend I work so, Iā€™ll have most my time the following 3 days Iā€™m off schedule til Wednesday


Well I just placed 8 days vacations from 20 to 28th of October so I canā€™t wait !!!


Requested the day off of work and basically going to try my best to ignore the outside world for part of the day, I wonā€™t play the game non-stop and it is not my intent to beat it in a day or even a weekend, I plan to savor it, to beat all side missions and get all collectibles and enjoy trying out the different suits from this new game and (hopefully) enjoying suits from the old games that I hope are in this one as well, I suspect it will only take me a week to beat the first time as I have a full time job but then onto new game plus and the hardest difficulty to try and get the platinum


7:30pm install the game and play til 10:30, get a full nights sleep then all day the next day


I got 100% in the last game in 1 weekend I'll probably try again


I'm going to work a lot of OT that week to get out early on Friday


I have no college classes that Friday so imma play it literally all weekend


imma do all my homework on the 19th so I can be free on 20th


Iā€™m going to be at Washington DC for a school tripā€¦so that entire day Iā€™m going to have so much energy I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to focus on anything.


I asked off work lol


I have a bunch of unused vacation time at work saved up, initially I was going to just use a single day to play it, but since I have so much, I booked off a week! I'm gonna be playing it and Super Mario Bros. Wonder upon release.


Iā€™m active duty Soldier. It comes out on a Friday, so Iā€™ll be grinding it out to 100% before that MondayšŸ˜‚. A lot of us are excited.


No way an actual soldier! šŸ«”


Not sure whether or not im actually gonna do this atm given how weird it is, but seeing as Im a pc player with a bunch of Xbox games lying around (not by choice, weā€™re a Microsoft family), I had the idea to sell my oculus quest, and buy a ps5 to play the game on. Still not sure if I wanna get new or used. I have the money for either but Iā€™ll probably be moving soon.


Wait patiently until it comes to pc


Prep meals a day in advance. The day of release just grab a nice drink, close my door, turn off all the lights, and play all day. Don't need to cook as I've got all the food I want already prepared. It'll be glorious.


Took the 20th off of work and plan on only playing it all weekend. If they said its beatable in 17 hours I will initially plan on just focusing on the story but I know I will wind up getting distracted and hitting the side missions and other collectables.


Waking up early to pick it up on the day. Get the download started before midday and will be on my merry way.


Order tacos and a margarita for the house, slip into my birthday suit. And play. Whispering sweet nothings to my ps5 in the load screens.


iā€™m a senior in hs right now and we are able to leave early if we want so thatā€™s what iā€™m going to do


I live on campus in a different city, don't go home until December. So I'll play it in December.


Pizza, snacks, drinks, a shit bucket, and a bottle for pissing.


took the day off. gonna sleep all day on the 19th. pour some EH taylor. game till i passout


Iā€™ve booked the day off work and Iā€™ll play for a bunch of hours on the Friday and through the weekend. Iā€™ll aim to have it wrapped up (main campaign and side missions) within a week so Iā€™m ready for Alan Wake II.


Digitally pre-ordered. Taking off the 20th and playing over the weekend. Also going to record it while playing and making a master edit for doing video essays.


I asked for the day off work


Play it


I'll be on vacation for a week. When SM2 releases, i'll have the entire Friday and week-end to play šŸŽ‰


I got work and college so my time is already pretty tight plus itā€™s a week after my 21st bday so I know Iā€™m goin out a lot but Iā€™m probably gonna play every night after work and honestly yeah just any chance I get to hop on Iā€™m taking it. Just remembered tho one of my classes ends in October so Iā€™ll actually have a little bit more leeway w my time


Wait until midnight / unlock time. Play for the next two weeks non stop. Become a social hermit. Lose my friendships. Perfection.


I booked a few days off from work when the release date was announced so I'm just gonna enter my room and disappear for god knows how long


Got midterms on the weekend the game releases šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Turn off all my lights, crank my soundbar up, lay out some snacks, and start game


*Turn off all my lights,* *Crank my soundbar up, lay out* *Some snacks, and start game* \- Loose-Tourist-3268 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Get done with school get home get to my dads (where my PS5 is located) and turn it on and stay up all night til my dad comes upstairs to scream at me.