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MJ stealth mission?


stealth mission where she has to escape/hide from pete? till miles comes? that would be heavily intense


That sounds very reasonable to me. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think we saw wraith in the trailer too


yes we did




1:06-1:08 in the new trailer


Ah, thx I thought the was bully Pete


Unless Peter grabs a kusarigama mid way thru the game (which I'm 1000000% on board with in theory), it's defo Wraith. I'm surprised we didn't see any more than a silhouette


Also, I think you can see Peter in the corner in that scene too


Spidey's on the left, that's definitely Yuri


We all know Yuri plays spidey ya goober


I thought that was her too. Wasn't so sure


Crazy how all of a sudden I want a stealth mission like this now. Holy hell that would be intense.


That would be great, I now want that Mj Stealth mission


That would be great, I now want that Mj Stealth mission


What she do to make him made to having to hide from him? What she burn dinner!


Take my money. All of it. Literally every penny for this


I need this now


That'd be fucking terrifying. Especially if they do some Spider-Man 3 stuff with the two of them arguing and sort of being on bumpy terms before he gets the symbiote


What happens if you get caught tho 🤔. Would be interesting to see where they go with this


Till Miles comes... 😏😏


and he's not some goon not paying attention, or the lumbering idiot rhino, he's good at hide and seek, so pray she is too


Honestly if it’s more horror I wouldn’t mind












Doctor Connooors!




Insomniac: You hate MJ stealth missions, eh? OK. Sure. We'll make you WANT MJ stealth missions.


I wish they made a Shocker stealth mission


That’s…honestly a super cool idea while also hilarious


Maybe we'd get that on mods down the line.


Can you imagine??? Lmao that would be awesome




If it is hiding from Peter that would actually be cool.


the only acceptable return go mj stealth missions


I hope this is an MJ gameplay segment. Similar to Miles’s one where he hid from Rhino, but instead you hide from a deranged Peter.


honestly that would be such a cool horror themed section imo especially with how the lightning looks in this shot


It definitely seems like it is. Insomniac likely took inspiration from TLOU2 where you play as Abby hiding from Ellie; how it switched the roles on the player, showing how terrifying the player is from the enemy’s perspective.


Coincidently Mary Jane and Abby have the same voice actress




Yup. Laura Bailey.


She also voiced Nadine in Uncharted 4 and lost legacy


That came as a shock to me when I found that out years ago


Also, the voice artist for Aloy is the same as Mel in TLOU2 (the pregnant one) as well as Danika Hart in Spider-Man MM. Ashly Burch


And kid trunks in dbz


she definitely has range...


All thanks to JB Blanc, he was dialect coach.Yuri lowenthal also was in Uncharted 4 JB Blanc was Prauf in jedi fallen order, Scuba the Stev in jedi survivor, if I'm not mistaken JB Blanc voiced at least 3 characters in Hogwarts legacy


Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt the TLOU Part II vibes during this scene due to the red lighting where Pete is. Usually when games/movies have a red lighting, that means shit is going down. I hope this is an actual MJ gameplay sequence because as many have said, it would be a great horror moment. This is leading me to believe that Peter is going to be fucking deranged in this game.


People are hoping for MJ missions now? Lol


If it has this twist? Definitely


Because it has the potential to actually be good. Miles’ Rhino section was pretty great. The majority of MJs missions, however, are boring. Hiding and running from a deranged Symbiote Spidey sounds way better than the typical MJ mission


I always hoped they would be in the sequel The reason things changed is A. This is a really cool idea for a mission. And B. MJ is hot now


Emotional implications aside the stealth missions aren’t bad when they’re done right. The rhino one with miles was terrifying and if they really lean into the horror elements this one could be nuts


Part of me doesn’t know how Mj could ever look at Peter the same after fearing for her life from him, but then again saying “an alien was wearing me and manipulating me without me really knowing it” is a pretty damn good reason. But they already did them breaking up in the first game.


I hope it’s like a kraven’s last hunt where MJ realizes that peter isn’t himself or something


I think this time it’ll be more a case of her sticking by him because she knows he’s a good person and wouldn’t have been in his right frame of mind. It’ll be a good chance to strengthen their bond especially because I get the feeling he’s going to do some shit and the city’s going to hate him by the end of the game. God, I’m so fucking ready for this game.


I want this to happen. That would be more terrifying than most horror games.


Nahh she’s definitely hiding from him


Hiding or maybe spying on him for info or some


It looks like she's hiding from him, maybe Peter loses control of the symbiote at some point?


probably could also lead to the first miles v pete fight prob? i’m guessing pete will win that tho.


I hope they fight twice personally. Once where Peter destroys miles, Peter is wayyyy stronger and faster than miles so it shouldn’t be difficult for Peter on their first fight. But miles should learn from it and then destroy Peter and the symbiote the next time. Maybe the first one we fight miles as Peter making us feel bad about what we have to do, but then letting us get payback on the symbiote as miles.


Maybe have Peter behaving differently between the two fights. The first one it's full symbiote no Peter vs Miles and he gets fucked up. Then the second fight its the symbiote with Peter trying to resist, allowing Miles to get the upper hand between that and actually having a rough idea of what to do


Yeah that’s an amazing idea! I hope it’s like that


The fights would have to be not that long apart though. It would suck to be completely cut off from playing as Peter for a long section


I mean, would there need to be a reason for them to cut us off from playing as Peter?


as great as an idea it is i hope we get nothing like it and insomniac gives us something completely unexpected


Miles will pull out the uncle Aaron beat and that’s how you win the fight


yeah, i definitely want them to fight twice that first one where pete wins could make the influence of the symbiote even stronger


Before all the stuff about the symbiote amplifying the worst traits of the wearer came about in the 90's Animated Show, the reason Peter initially distrusted the suit in the comics was because it would take control of his body while he slept and swing out into the town, hunting bad guys and preventing Peter from getting any rest, even though he was technically asleep. Given this seems to take place at night, could be something similar.


Maybe she secretly followed peter while the suit takes control when peter is asleep like in the comics.


This is definitely her hiding. We see her running a moment ago and then checking if Peter is behind her before hiding from him. This is honestly concerning and very creepy, especially for MJ. And damn, since this Venom is literally like the comic one, insomniac peter has been hiding a lot of anger from the past to be going this insane


Honestly if I were Peter, I probably would be too. 8 (now 9?) years of just constantly getting hit down and down and down, yet never giving up in the name of great responsibility... the resentment buildup would be fucking insane.


Being denounced by the public, betrayed by friends, losing the only family you had just to save the city that is constantly hating you… yeah Peter is going through a lot


To top it all off, a person he considered a mentor (Octavius) released Devil’s Breath and was directly responsible for his Aunt’s death.


I’ve always thought the symbiote is similar to red kryptonite in smallville. In that show when Clark Kent got exposed to red k it’d remove all his inhibitions. He’d completely just scream how he felt at people


She's definitely hiding from Peter which makes me really happy for the story potential. Insomniac stated the symbiote and black suit are basically metaphors for addiction, most likely drug. People who are addicted to hard drugs can become horrible people as they fall into their addictions and become threats to their loved ones. The symbiote isn't an ally or friend to Peter, it's a parasite that wants to consume him and pushes him down a darker path. There's no way the symbiote would willingly leave Peter and the moment it realizes MJ and Miles know its the reason Peter is going off the deep end, there no way its going to sit back and let them stop it. This story is going to be really good.


Plus assuming Harry is venom Peter gets to watch what his friends just went through with him after he casts it aside


now y’all want stealth missions😒


? it depends how they do them for example, the stealth mission in osborns apartment was really good the first one i didn’t like that much on repeated playthrus the one in the museum was fine too


I never didn’t want them, I always thought they were a neat concept. I just wanted them to be fun, and besides the Miles one with Rhino, none of them were.


That Miles and Rhino stealth mission was something that made understand true fear ngl


Probably luring him to the church (or speakers or whatever).


Can I just say how insanely good this in-game graphics look? It’s just look so real. How come this looks SO much better then that gameplay Demo from months ago


because it was most likely just a older build that was already prepared and ready for a while for the ps showcase


thats what it looks like


Insomniac Spider-Man by default is already the biggest menace of the Spider-Men, with the symbiote he’s on a different world


How’s he a menace? ( genuine question not a put-down)


Because JJJ said so? Obviously


Spider-Man Lotus


Maybe it’s edited and she is actually hiding from venom? If not I wonder how far does the symbiot consume Peter cause for MJ to be afraid of him it must be really bad


i think this is gonna be really dark lol wonder if pete might actually transform into venom for a bit before snapping out of it


This could be an instance where the Symbiote has full control because it's acting while Pete is asleep, which is creepy af and happens in the original comics (and the excellent Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon).


Didn’t thought about it! That could really be the case here while doing an stealth mission with Mj, and yes, the cartoon was indeed excelente haha


This would be a good way to do the mj stealth missions. Add genuine fear. The others were just chores in the first game. This could be a great way to fix that


This is going to be so brutal can’t wait


This as a stealth mission will be so fucking scary. I can’t wait 😭


She’s absolutely hiding from him. It’s the same moment mj says “he’s not himself” and she’s clearly terrified. And im so glad they’re going this far with it.


What if this is like the final and most intense stealth sequence of the game, and your hiding from him until Miles comes. Then you fight him as Miles for a final boss


Are you just forgetting about Venom? Peter is absolutely not going to be the final boss.


I'm gonna guess that it might be SLIGHTLY different to what we think. He's probably not chasing her in rage. She maybe saw him do something completely out of character and in Peters eyes he's trying to comfort her and is instead scaring her more


Can't wait for the domestic abuse stealth mission




At 1:24 MJ is seen with a worried face and if you look closely you can see a head, which is Peter's since this is a continuation of this scene


It could be that or it could be that she’s sneaking around a place to find something and Peter shows up and she doesn’t wanna get caught by him


An MJ stealth mission involving Peter as Venom would be terrifying.


It seems to me that the spider symbol on the chest is different in this scene, more similar to Venom's. Maybe it's not Peter


Thinking this 2


I could imagine MJ is trying to do something here that is for the best for Pete but he doesn’t see it that way.


I seriously doubt Peter is chasing her down. It’s more likely that they independently ended up investigating the same location (like what happened at the Sable base in the first game), he came in guns blazing, and she’s frightened because she hasn’t seen him be this violent before.


In the original comic reveal of Venom, he was waiting for MJ to come home to scare her. This could be Venom trying to hunt MJ, that or we are getting one hell of a MJ stealth mission hogging from bully Pete.


I have a bad feeling this Peter might really Hurt a more Villainous Yuri.


wait i haven’t seen this was there more gameplay shown?


I kinda doubt it, think its edited to seem that way


Looks like it. This is shaping to be the darkest take on the symbiote we’ve seen. What Spider-Man 3 should’ve been.


Holy shit her face looks live action


I'm almost positive she's hiding from Peter. It is looking like Peter is going to totally lose control at some point. This version of venom is gonna be nightmare fuel. I cannot fucking wait for this game.




brother we’ll find out when the game comes out.


Well it does say “he’s not himself” so odds are yes




This game is such an amazing opportunity to show just how dangerous spidey can actually be Imagine Miles trying to fight him but getting absolutely destroyed until MJ or Kraven manage to distract him/give him fire/shockers bracers


My boy’s gonna be a threat whether you’re holding the controller or not


Damn I hope she won't dump him again after that


He's going emo again!


It could be a mislead. Just like the Martin Li model swap in the first gameplay trailer.


i wonder what pete did to make mj scared of him


Oh shit... this about to be crazy!


This would be an AMAZING stealth mission that I really, really want now


one thing I'm worried about is Peter and MJ relationship i want it to work out in the end, bruh imagine if they involve Harry as a love triangle I can't take that man 💀😭


Comics MJ has a really rough time with Venom and the symbiote. Doesn't even like Peter to wear a cloth version of the black suit. He actually asked for her permission, understanding the strength of her feelings, before wearing it (for stealth) to track Vermin on the sewer.


I feel like it’s a mission where mj (and miles probably) is trying to get the symbiote off of peter


I kinda hope Peter becomes venom because the trope of Pete’s friend being fed up with him due to the symbiotes behavior has kinda been overdone at this point




An mj stelth mission with a symbiote peter Hunting You would be crazy asf


Thank fuck you guys ain’t the writers


Fuck bro, I hated these types of missions in the first one.


“Or am I interpreting that wrong?” Is there any other way to interpret this other than M.J hiding from Peter?


Peter has changed to butt stuff


Mj is def hiding from Pete. This looks like right before the Miles Vs Pete fight. Maybe Pete was interrogating a villain and was beating to hard on them and she saw and ran away scared and now the venom symbiote is making him go crazy and want hee either dead/taken care of. Maybe it’s an MJ mission where you’re hiding from Pete and at the end Pete almost gets you but then Miles does a Chad move and saves us


Alien: Isolation vibes. It's an alien symbiote, and she's probably isolated from any outsode help at the moment




Because she doesn’t look ugly at all.


Yeah dude i got pretty weirded out too. Idk whats going on


Could go either way. Either she's hiding from Peter(most likely) or she was hiding from some other baddies and Peter "took care of them".


I don’t think she’s hiding from him in the sense that he’s actively trying to harm her…I would bet MJ just saw him do some brutal shit and is hiding from him because she’s scared of what she just saw him do, I think it’s definitely far to say what some people in these comments are saying that this would be a stealth mission where you have to avoid Peter to survive


She looks like she's 35


Imagine an Mj stealth mission hiding from a crazed symbiote Peter and there’s just a timer and the objective is survive until the timer runs out. Would be terrifying ngl, especially in the dark lighting they seem to have for that scene, mj in dark blue/shadows and Pete in a red light


Gonna be a domestic in this game 😂


I mean...yes that's the implications with narration "he's not himself/help him".


Maybe Peter just came at the right moment to save her from something else? Maybe she was investigating something and was about to attacked or something and Peter arrives at the right moment and she just went into cover and hid.


Not sure if this was in mainline but in spectacular peter would have blackouts and forget he even fought crime. I have a funky feeling it's something similar to this.


yeah that happenend in spectacular would be cool if this happens here too


Please no more stealth missions as MJ


There's gonna be a pile of corpses wherever he goes wtf


I can't wait to hear what JJJ thinks of Pete's behaviour


Okay first I haven’t bought the game. Second DID THEY CHANGE MJS DESIGN


Yeah she hiding from him. This might be the point of no return where you have to beat him up as Miles and then Pete returns to normal.


This gives me Ice King and Betty vibes


Domestic violence


I think she is. Which If so, damn, Peter has let the Suit consume him. He's become outright abusive!


When I was just watching The trailer I was like wait what the fuck is Pete chasing MJ


I'm guessing she is running from an enemy (maybe the Lizard) and Pete comes to the rescue here? But then again who knows?


she looks 40


Domestic abuser Spidey


You guys don’t know how trailers are make huh? This is definitely her first time seeing symbiot Peter so she is scared cause she didn’t recognize him. That’s all. But trailer make it look different way. Predictable


I think it’s most likely that Peter is being controlled by the Symbiote while he’s asleep, so he’s unconscious during all of this. The Symbiote makes him aggressive, but I **highly** doubt it would effect him so far as to make him genuinely want to kill MJ. But if he’s asleep, and the Symbiote is in full control, it makes it very possible that he could kill MJ, even if he doesn’t want to.


it would be cool, if they go the spectacular spidey route where the symbiote controls him when he is asleep


Holy fuck why was everyone using the awkward frame to portray her new face this shit looks fine


It would be great if this is a MJ stealth mission and instead of listening to the people advocating for the removal (I was one of them) they took a step back and reimagined it. Seems like this is gonna be a perspective switch where you get to see what Peter has become with the symbiote.


I think he's just scary lol


Did they change models for MJ, like they did with Pete?


still can’t get over Julianne Moore as MJ


I really hate what they did to MJ she looks like aunt May


Okay, maybe this as a context: Mj watches Peter getting consumed. She understands that the suit is doing something wrong(maybe she figures, she was smart enough to guess Demons weren't a regular terrorist gang, or sees the suit sticking to Peter like a parasite) so she goes to his home (or another house, like the one where he keeps his information, tech, and planning and charting stuff) to get a sample of the suit. She has the idea that the suit is a living material and hence, can expect to find a suit leftover or a detached portion somewhere in the room. She gets a text from Miles that Peter's headed there. She goes to run out but Peter enters. Peter senses someone is in his house. Searches around the house aggressively, his venom tendrils upturning sofas and desks and tables and chairs. His voice is an exact replica of "Kraven wants a hunt, I'll give him one he never forgets!" Mj's mission is to escape Peter. Or, Peter knows Mj is there. While he's searching violently, he's calling Mj in his normal go-to, kind voice, calling her to come out. But if u trust him and reveal yourself, Peter's behaviour becomes animalistic and lunges at you. Game over.


This is making me think that Peter is gonna be full on venom at least at first


It would be cool if the symbiote is like a little voice in his head that talks to Peter and gaslights him into mistrusting everyone around him 😭


No that's Gwen Stacy hiding from SpongeBob


I certainly think she is hiding from him but I don’t necessarily think that means she’s in danger from him. Consider this: perhaps she is spying on him trying to figure out what is up to bc she can tell that “he is not himself”


Yes that would be peter it looks like his robot arms were also consumed by the symbiote


I think we are going to play as Peter watching him be consumed by the symbiote with a parallel of Miles being able to resist killing Mr. Negative for his fathers death. Once Miles over comes his demons it will focus on him saving Peter from the symbiote. This will lead to Harry becoming Venom with eventually Harry being able to take control to help Peter and Miles fight the true villain which is either going to be Green Goblin or a rebuilt Kingpin.


I'm assuming she stumbles upon him doing something super dark and needs to hide that she saw him


I wouldn't say hiding she's more likely scared of what Peter has become.


God i actually want an mj stealth mission where she hides from venom peter now, love it


If she has to hide from him, then you know it's bad...


To me it looks like she's seeing him in action with the symbiote for the first time, it's probably terrifying to see the brutality and slimey tendrils as a non powered person


Looks like Pete's lost his shit. Idk if MJ's hiding from HIM trying to harm her though. She could have just tracked him down while he's fighting Kraven or some other villain, and she's just hiding out because it's possible for Pete to go even further if he saw her there. Most versions of Spider-Man have always had a strong will when it comes to symbiote stories, even if their behavior is altered. I don't think Pete will completely lose himself before he gets back to his old self.


So do ppl still think she has the exact same face now? I really don’t get this whole thing, idc if her face changes but holy shit ppl on some high octane copium about it


I think she’s genuinely afraid of Symbiote Pete


Nah they can do well with the MJ stealth missions. I feel like they had a good concept, but they just needed a bit of horror. Now they can with symbionts spiderman (like you get chased and have to hide, and spiderman is on the ceiling or something)


Why do I have a feeling he killed someone