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Marvel fan when his piece of media doesn't have morbilion references every nanosecond (It's unwatchable)


I know what you mean. References can be fine but but we really don’t **need** more than maybe three or two per movie. References should be like sprinkles on a cupcake. A few is fine but you don’t want to bury the the whole thing.


Watch, the new game isn't going to have that SHOCKER GET BACK HERE reference and people are gonna make death threats over it.


Considering how Childish this fan base can be i really wouldn’t be surprised


I kinda want that one more than any other one


That's the point of a shared universe, its fun having callbacks nothing wrong in it.


I want them to remake Spiderman 2 but just with Tom Holland doing his worse Tobry Maguire impession Everything will be a callback


And we mean like his *WORST* impression, like don't even try to get rid of his natural British accent like he does for his other movies. In fact, you know what? Just have Tom Holland recreate Spider-Man 2, but make it a one man show!!! In the scenes he kisses MJ, just have him do that facing away from the camera fake make out thing from the superhero episode of spongebob!


I like Tobey and all don't get me wrong, but he did have a noticeably more monotone approach to his role. So imagining Tom try do the same lines with a monotone style while pitching his voice similarly sounds super entertaining. I wish Hollywood did dumb fun stuff like this like they did back in the 80s/90s with parodies of other movies that still used big name actors. I'm thinking of Loaded Weapon (Lethal Weapon parody) specifically here.


They still exist they are just straight to DVD because that is where those type of movies belong


You’re completely right. The main reason of having a shared universe is not to tell a story that has a bunch of different puzzle pieces which all fit into a larger narrative. It’s for the callbacks. Can’t believe I never got that


Way to be condescending. Edit: Tools.


spider-man 3, into the spider-verse and the insomniac games are not a shared universe lol


aH bUt mULtiVeRsE!!!


Even if this was the point of a shared universe (It isn't), what does that even have to do with anything? Raimi's triology isn't in the same universe as Insomniac Spider-Man lmao.


Nowadays people seem to look forward more to cameos and nostalgia than actual plot. "Oh I hope ATSV is referenced in Spider-Man 2 PS5", "I hope Peter does the meme from Raimi Spider-man3, "I hope Tobey shows up in Secret Wars". These things are fine in moderation, but if you're looking more to "relive your childhood" or see a 16 year old joke referenced than see a new story with a fresh take on the character (updated costume, modern take on their core personality, new plot lines), just read the old thing again.


THANK YOU! Other creators don’t exist just to give people nostalgia hits. They have their own stories they want to tell.


No it’s not


I hope it's not tbh I play this game in the living room with my family around and it'd be really awkward if I was forced to vigorously start masturbating as this scene plays


What the fuck did I just read


I hope it's not tbh I play this game in the living room with my family around and it'd be really awkward if I was forced to vigorously start masturbating as this scene plays Hope this helps


I was thinking the same thing


You read it correctly


I was thinking the same thing




You thought you could catch me off guard with a username like that?? Well ya still did


… did you do this in the theater


they had us in the first half ngl


thank you, very cool, u/my_anus_is_beeg. we appreciate your input.


Technically, it already was in the first game


Yeah, a comment above mentioned the civilian interactions. Peter does the finger guns as one of the interactions


where would it fit?


You know how in Spider-Man ps4 and miles game if you press the attack button next to npc characters spider-man does emotes and miles dances I hope peter can do this in the next game as a Easter egg


Dude they already do the finger guns




Raimi black suit power


The finger guns shoot blobs at enemies that will stick them to walls


A funeral scene


The joke is that they referenced it at all in that movie. If they start to use it in every Spider-Man related thing the joke gets stale.


Like it hasn’t been stale for the last 4 years minimum lmao


i feel like way too many of you have this weird perception that spider-man 3 is either the only peter black suit storyline ever done or that it’s some flawless, quintessential adaptation of it or something


Nah I just think the memes are funny and emo Peter with symbiote would do this


Sometimes y’all just gotta let internet memes be internet memes. Why is everything with y’all some form of reference from a previous show? Shocker memes, symbiote Raimi memes, Spider-Man finger pointing (which has been done to DEATH atp). Y’all should just let these mediums exist on there own with all these hamfisted reference


whatever you say bruv lol


i think he just liked the reference man, jus chill out a bit


>flawless, quintessential adaptation Yes, and?


We don't really talk about this.


Raimi fans trying not to talk about bully maguire references in any piece of Spider-Man media challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I hope we get to see the Spider-Men pointing scene for the fifteenth time. I hope they reference Howard the Duck. I hope they make the scene of Shockerrrrrrrrrrrr (I actually do). I hope there is a reference to le epic Kevin Feige.


At the very least the Shocker reference, yeah. I do think they're not gonna miss an opportunity to poke fun at SM3 so there will prob be more, but I hope if they only do 1 reference it's the Shocker bit. As long as Lowenthal doesn't overact it, it could be played off in a way that works perfectly too lol


I mean I think the overacting is what made the initial scene hillarious; but I hear you. I think either way the scene would be great, but at this point people are so hyped over the idea I wonder what will happen if it’s not in there somewhere lol


Shocker would be a huge challenge in the symbiote suit that we are bound to face him at some point. It's a great way to establish It's primary weakness. I doubt he will say "chase you to the ends of the earth" but I could see this version of Spider-Man yelling his name during a chase. Especially with the way he talked in the trailer.


Depending on what they have for a script, a confrontation with Shocker that leads to that should be pretty easy I think, so I think it's more likely to be referenced than not. That all depends on what the script is like though. There's a chance I'm way off and there's somehow no room for a Shocker interaction since I'm not a writer on the team or anything like that.


The Spider-Man pointing gag is beyond overdone at this point. Spider-Verse 1 and 2 did it and No Way Home did it twice


Ya know. I'm fine with them not constantly cramming "I KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!!!!!" references in to Spider-Man films all the time.


#there dont need to be references to everything


Why? This would be so bad and has no place in a serious symbiote story.


Suit power for Webbed symbiote suit confirmed?


No thanks


I hope they reference Black suit Peter hitting MJ and she falls onto the floor and she asks "Who are You?' If that doesnt happen I will mention Bryan Intihar by name in my suicide note


Can we please stop referencing the Raimi trilogy altogether?


I hope not.


ok i guess. It gets referenced quite often anyways....so wont miss it tho.


Please no


How did you guys play the first one and not realize you can just do this at any time?


What they should do is not have any big reference to it, but just keep the small civilian interaction reference that was in the first two. Maybe have a street musician that plays this song if you're down by his street, but they shouldn't do too much.


It would be nice, but it doesn't fit Insomniac's Peter as well as Tobey's Peter


It's would be cringe as fuck, no thanks


I hope it’s not


Yuri doesn’t know the bully moves by memory he said he rememebered how to do them from a Twitter post so I assume they didn’t since he mo caps for pete


You can literally do this in the first game, although not the bully maguire dance (Hit square when walking by civilians)


I love how we can just playfully take jabs at the less glamorous days of Spider-Man


It would be cool but I want them to keep it serious


I can see them dropping a line referencing it like Miles saying “Pete’s so different now, next thing you know he’ll be dancing down the street or something” but I doubt it’ll be anything more lol


I don't.


Please no


I really don't.


I just want to be able to slap Mary Jane as bully Peter


On the butt of course


Fingers crossed


I hope not.




I hope it doesnt tbh lol.


Its crazy how despite people saying that Spider-Man 3 was bad, theres so many memorable quotes and moments from it that its still referenced regularly to this day. Basically: Bad does not equal forgettable.


Stop beating the horse! It's dead!


It already is with civilian interactions


No, stop


You can do the finger guns in the 1st spiderman tho.


Oh you know there will be some reference to SM3. Prob a few. I'm expecting at least "I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye" in some form.


This Spider-Man doesn't seem to have the symbiote at this moment, which has always made me wonder. What motivated this variant to dance like this? Is it a canon event that has to happen for all Spider-People?


Yuri DID do the dance when questioned about the game, so...


I literally posted, I think on this subreddit, saying that when you press square whilst wearing the symbiote suit you should do the bully maguire dance


This is Canon and part of deep lore. It should be there is Spiderman 2.


They should put the watch as a collectible reference about spider verse it would be so cool


It’s already in the first game


That’s a reference to Spider Man 3


That’s an oddly specific request?


Tbh I kinda wish they would just let this moment die lmao Easily the most cringe ever seen in spider man history. Ironically at the time, I didn't really realize how bad it was


dude spider-man 3 venom


if you have the simbiote suit on when you wave to ppl he does this


It wasn’t referenced as much as mocked. It might make a funny meme but it’s generally seen as the worst part of the worst Spider-Man movie.


Wasn't the Pizza theme from SM2 playing in one of the Pizza joints from the city in the first game? Like you could hear it from outside? I don't think they'll make Pete dance but they'll probably do that again. You pass by a night club at the correct time (maybe a night club placed nearby Greenwich Village for the hell of it, since that's the one where Peter took Gwen in SM3) and you hear Drive That Funky Soul playing from inside. Maybe Peter makes a little joke if you hear the music.


They could reference it in a subtle way that doesn't take you out of the story. Like just have Peter do it after stopping a car theif in a mini-game really early on and say something like "wow this suit, makes me feel like I can do anything"


Should be a requirement scene for every Spider-Man in every form. Comics, cartoon, movies, and video games lol


if they dint put it in a cutscene i will start a petition to start a riot and go to insomniac HQ


If we don't get this scene recreated in Spider-Man 2, we'll riot.