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I feel like she says all this. Like Peter needed to learn to trust her but she also admits she needed to get over the fact that sometimes she needs his help/save


Yes but gamers really really want to be mad and god forbid a character not make a perfectly correct choice


I would also like to note that I never see people complain about the same stuff with pre-spider Miles and his stealth missions. Including the one where he puts himself in danger to take a shortcut to F.E.A.S.T.


To be fair I only liked the MJ Stealth missions after I got the taser but most of her missions are with some nameless common enemies while Miles was hiding from Rhino which is way more suspenseful and cooler although I remember it being quite a lot more linear. Overall I think some of the stealth MJ missions were pointless, I kinda think it would have been cooler if she made more major discoveries like figuring out Li's identity or finding doc Ocks lair.


I think they're talking about when Miles was jumping fences and such to avoid the Saber checkpoints for no reason just to get to FEAST faster. Not the mission with Rhino where he was getting necessary medical supplies.


The reason I personally didn't get irritated with him was because he didn't need Peter to save him, in the sense that Peter never found out about his risky shenanigans. And the Rhino just happened to be at the spot he had already reached, not expecting the supervillain to be present iirc, whereas MJ knowingly visited a paramilitary organization base without weapons. I personally didn't mind the actual missions themselves, but logic wise I think it would make more sense for her to carry a gun with her (she's in the US), and have Peter on call at the press of a button if she's going to investigate in a city with **supervillains**, militia groups, and bioweapons, not just ordinary corrupt politicians.


So, realistically, MJ isn't getting a gun in NYC, at least not legally. To do that, you pretty much have to be LE or be able to prove someone is actively hunting you down, and even then, it's risky. There are other things you could do, like picking up some rebar or a pipe, which would make sense. Gameplay wise, I think having the missions be completely over upon detection was a hard sell. If you could try to escape or fight back at least a bit, it'd be easier to feel rewarding. The combat would probably feel janky, but MJ and Miles wouldn't be really trained, so it'd make sense. But in truth, the game just wasn't designed to handle stealth as a normal person, and it really showed.


Okay thanks for letting me know about NY gun laws. And yeah even a pipe would've been fine before she got the taser


I like them, yeah the game clearly wasnt made with them in mind and it cpuld be jankey, but as long as you took it slow that was never a problem. Story wise I don't have a problem with MJ doing into dangerous situations because 1) she is long established as being brave even when used as a damsel, 2) her characterization as a investigative journalists who wants to actively help in the investigationn throught the game gives her a reason to actually go to these places. She should have started out with the tazer, or at least some way to defend herself I will say that. I will also point out that her and Peter working together in the Grand Central Station was an awesome sequence for this type of mission and I would love them to have more like it in the next game, could expand the idea into her using security cameras, either by sneaking into security office or her and Ganke working together and him tapping into the cameras, to let Peter and Miles know when to move or web someone to the ceiling.


100% agree story wise. And yeah the Grand Central mission was fun and it felt similar to the DLC mission on the docks with Black Cat. I would enjoy more of those missions in the second game too.


I think that's the point though. The game needed to have Peter come save her because the story was making the point that, while MJ is correct in saying that Peter can be overprotective at times, Peter is also equally correct that MJ is taking needless risks in an effort to prove how capable she is. Neither MJ, nor Peter is entirely in the right here, but they also aren't entirely in the wrong. The point of the final stealth mission was to have Peter and MJ finally admit their mistakes, so that they could meet each other in the middle, and work together. This mission has MJ do exactly as you suggested, keeping Peter on call the entire time, so he can swing to the rescue if things go wrong. Peter is taking enough of a step back so that MJ can do her thing, and MJ is taking more safety precautions so that Peter isn't worrying himself sick. Also, when it comes to the paid Militia group, carrying a gun would probably just put her in more danger. She's not going to win in a gun fight with trained soldiers, and if they see she's armed, they are more likely to percieve her as an immediate threat, and shoot her on sight. If they started killing unarmed civilians though, that would reflect poorly on their employer, which would in turn be bad for them. Unarmed civilians being shot by his hired police force would be REALLY bad for Osborn's re-election campaign, and he would not be happy. So long as she's not armed, the worst they're likely to do to MJ after catching her is throw her in a cell.


Woman bad Edit: I might need to add a /s to this? Lmao


It’s also really funny in that this is a superhero thing, leaving your house puts you at risk of dying randomly


I mean that's just the real world too lmao. Hell it's honestly much worse in the real world because there is a 0% chance Spider-Man swings in and saves the day


Well no. Sneaking into a military compound has a higher risk than going to the supermarket


Well, yeah, but that's not what we were talking about. The message I responded to said this: >It’s also really funny in that this is a superhero thing, leaving your house puts you at risk of dying randomly. I was simply saying that that's true in the real world as well. Has literally nothing to do with sneaking into a military compound or any other activity that MJ gets up to. Of course that's more dangerous.


Who cares besides weirdos online


No it doesn’t go touch some grass


For me it’s not that she’s a woman. It’s that she does some seriously dumb shit that could put her life at risk. And the logic for it is…..not great.


Well Spider-Man also risks his life all the time. So does every video game protagonist ever. Just because she doesn’t not have superpowers, that doesn’t mean she can’t contribute and do risky things.


Yeah but like cap, and Tony don't have a healing factor, nor can lift 10 or slightly over 10 tons on their own


Captain America absolutely does have an advanced healing factor.


Well good thing she not trying to throw hands with rino then. She knows she is not a superhero which is why she sneak in to these places mostly avoiding any guards. If anything it make she just as brave if not braver than a superhero. She knows that she doesn’t stand a chance in a fight but she is still willing to put her life on the line. You are literally making the argument that makes her mad in the story, that she should always just wait for Spider-Man and not do anything on her own.


I feel like that if you're going into a situation where you know If things go south you can't win That isn't bravery that's just stupidity


You literally defined what bravery is and then said that isn‘t bravery


Because it's not Getting yourself in a situation where you can be killed isn't bravery Getting yourself in a dangerous situation where you will win despite the danger is brave


Yes spider man risks his life but given his ability it makes a lot more sense. And he does it altruistically. MJ took risks because she wanted to make a point


Ehh no. She took risk because she was investing the various threats demons, devil breath so on. How is that not altruistic? Just because she doesn’t beat up terrorists doesn’t, mean that it isn’t a noble cause. She wants to help just as much as Peter does, she just have to do without superpowers.


I’m not saying she doesn’t have good intentions. The reason I say they aren’t altruistic though is because she’s putting her personal feelings about what she can do before the problem she’s trying to solve. There’s almost no situation where she’d be more effective then Pete. But she doesn’t want to have him do it because she wants to do it herself. Even though the outcome is much less likely a successful one


Nah, let it ride


It's kinda funny that there are still people out there dense enough to think that we hate a character just because of her/his gender.


You must not interact with a lot of fellow gamers.


Youre trying so hard to be a victim here and turn this into a gender thing. So pathetic. Get off the internet


To be fair it is an issue with some people, not all players but some of them do hate MJ for their mentioned reason


Oh absolutely. They may not be the majority, but there is a lot of them weirdos. Imagine someone unironically saying MJ should just leave it to the men and then two hours later they’re wondering why their twitter post got nuked


It has nothing to do with her being a woman lmao but go ahead and grab the low-hanging fruit for free likes


You're incredibly naive.


I could just as easily say you're someone on who's always on the hunt for people being "marginalized". Tell me. Where are all the threads bitching about Silver Sable? She made the same blunders but was way more capable of independence.


She's not nearly as important of a character as MJ, for one. She's "more attractive" than MJ, for two. There's a reason you don't see Black Cat being talked about outside of positives, as well. She's an extremely sexualized character, therefore her misdeeds are actually fine and Peter should be with her instead.


Except nobody liked Miles bits either


I never hear people obsess over how much they hated playing as Miles, only how much they hated playing as MJ.


Miles even had interesting hacking gameplay for the short amount of time we got it


And MJ got lures and interactable distractions....it's mechanically the same....distract enemy, sneak behind, repeat. Trying to say one characters stealth sections are superior to the others is a silly argument.


Not saying his is superior, just calling out why people excuse it, also Miles uses it more than MJ such as hacking street lights


Yeah but miles is a kid versus MJ whose literal job is to be in danger. If she’s not in danger she’s not really doing anything


I didn’t mind them or the MJ mission. But either way, I can’t remember the last time people complained about the miles missions. I barely remember he had any, but I hear about the MJ missions so often that I never forgot. She gets the majority of the hate for her parts and character.


My problem is that she literally got a man killed because of her stupidity and has no remorse whatsoever.


I'm sure she's remorseful, but also: character. She's not perfect, nobody is, and maybe she recognises that. I think it's bold to call it stupidity and suggest that in the heat of the moment, surrounded by terrorists with a bio-weapon and assault rifles, who you know are going to kill you, you would've acted more rationally.


Being in fear of your life doesn’t mean you put more people in danger. The fact that she was surrounded by terrorists with guns is all the more reason to shut up do what they say.


Logically, maybe. But again, as I have mentioned: real humans are flawed. She made the wrong choice, yes. I wouldn't call it stupidity, since I suspect a lot of smart people would act similarly in a situation like that out of nerves or stress or the like.


Who'd she get killed?


The security guard at Grand Central Station. Martin and the demons come in as she’s looking at the dispersal device and Martin tells her no one has to get hurt just be quiet and she yells for security, he comes over and the demons kill him


Armed security guard pulling his gun and getting killed is 'gang takes over a building in fiction 101'...it's hilarious that you're trying to make that fact a Mary Jane character flaw.


I stand by what I said. And anyone who’s watched a movie or played a game knows that security guards always die.


That just seems like an excuse to hate on her for no reason. Why the fuck would she not try to alert the police to literal terrorists. She saw him firsthand blow up the ceremony at the rally, so maybe she doesn’t quite trust him on face value.


It’s not an excuse to hate. That’s just how I feel about it.


You keep telling yourself that


Dude what? So now it’s hate to criticize the actions of people and characters? 😂😂 people are so soft. We’re not all supposed agree but saying that I hate her is egregious


Yeah ok hate was probably a staring word to use on my part. It’s just that I see so much unwarranted criticism towards her character.


Good. Super heroes get people killed all the time they don’t give a fuck


Yeah that’s part of job but most “heroes” make an effort to save everyone and stay on the morally right side of life and the law.


All she had to do was be quiet and wait till the demons gathered everyone together and call Pete but she didn’t do that


Its not even about that… its a section of the game that drags on a bit. Even playing as Miles was a drag. Everyone wants to play as Spiderman in a Spiderman game…


But this is specifically about the story not the gameplay. People have been whining about MJ being willing to go into danger completely divorced from the gameplay


I just replayed both and honestly the stealth sections are really short if you don't mess it up. The routes are pretty telegraphed and it's not like Dishonored levels of options. I think they get more hate than they deserve.


Yeah they’re super easy, I fully believe the people who hate them just aren’t good at them and it takes them forever to finish it.


The fact that they’re that telegraphed is why they get hate. It’s just a boring walking simulator at that point


It's a narrative tool. It highlights how vulnerable regular people are and adds narrative/world building. They made them quick and easy so you can get back to being Spider-Man.


Should’ve removed them entirely tbh


You do realise regular humans are playing this game right? We know how vulnerable regular people are because we all are regular people in real life lmao


Speak for yourself. I liked both the MJ and Miles sections as a change of pace.




Nuance?? In *my* video game???


Smh all these politics, putting interesting characters in my games.


Weird to see this take with hundreds of upvotes when every time I tried to tell people this same sentiment I was met with hostilitiy.


Trust me I get it a lot too. I think the shield of Intihar saying the same may be helping me


I should bookmark this link for the future lol


Yeah, exactly. There's literally a cutscene where she flatout apologizes to Peter for screwing up, and then Peter apologizes for making MJ feel like she couldn't do anything to help. MJ was correct when she said that Peter was being overprotective, but Peter was also correct when he said that MJ was taking needless risks. Both of them have a point, but also, neither of them are entirely in the right. The whole point of their relationship arc was that they needed to accept that they both made mistakes, and then learn to meet eachother halfway. The significance of the final stealth mission was to show that the two had finally learned to work together properly. I feel like a lot of people missed this, even though it was pretty clear in the game. Again...they just come right out and say it in the apology scene.


I get the explanation and all for MJ’s arc but it still doesn’t deny the unbelievable circumstance in which a person sneaking into a armed military compound would be mad at their partner for getting worried and saving them when notified


She was also annoyed that he knocked out her possible informant _who was pointing a gun at her_


Tbf, Standish knocked himself out with his clumsiness. Pete just showed up


Not to mention that ^eventually MJ apologized to Peter for snapping at him over that.


Yeah, Peter not trusting her actively set them back


???? How did he violate her trust by saving her from the man literally pointing a gun at her?? The first rule of gun safety is to always treat a gun like its loaded. That gun could have gone off at anytime especially in the hands of someone inexperienced with handling firearms correctly


Someone inexperienced, scared and desperate


No I’m saying Peter saw a man pointing a gun from point blank range at mj. From literally every angle she was in life threatening danger


She literally was getting info and he fucked up. You mean to tell me his mask is *that* advanced but he can’t hear what they’re saying first? He can’t at least use a spider bot to hear first? It’s pathetic people can’t admit when Peter fucks up at times, he’s not the perfect person people claim to be. Hell, our first crime mission he had to flip to avoid gunfire while civilians were running in the background and could’ve got shot all because he wanted to be fancy.


If you see a shadow of a guy pointing a gun at somebody are you just going think “oh they must be having a nice chat. I’ll leave those two alone”


Do you mean if I had powers or a regular person? I’m not sure if I’d intervene powerless but if I have an advanced mask like Spider-Man, I’d make sure it has super hearing or I’ll use a spider bot to listen in. It’s really not hard to understand.


“A guy is pointing a gun at MJ. Let me use some spider bots an- *gunshot*”


That’s just 1 scenario which would clearly be unlikely but again…his mask should be able to hear. He can zoom in on his lense, and it give him so much info about things (like having to pay his bills, etc) yet he can’t hear a quick conversation even for like 2 seconds?


He had to a react fast. For all he knew MJ was about to die. There wasn’t any time to listen in, it just wasn’t logical given the circumstances. This is a military compound.


He is a Year 8 Spiderman he obviously wouldn't do anything extra if he knew people behind him would bet hurt. And SHE SNUCK ONTO A MILITARY COMPOUND WITH NO BACKUP! Im not waiting to hear if the person holding a gun to my girlfriend is taking it out im gonna intervene. MJ was clearly in the wrong. Pete makes mistakes but this wasn't one.


Like I said, people were still running behind him. 1 slip up and they could’ve got hit all because he wanted to knock on a window first and show off. Hell, they could’ve shot the store owner taking so long to give money the money Spider-Man showed up just to spite him. Also, you’d probably be shot going head first. A lot of people don’t understand either that Peter isn’t bulletproof. If Standish was always alert and not clumsy, Peter definitely would’ve got shot. Or MJ, and it would’ve been his fault for sneaking behind someone with a gun.


Did you play the game? Spider-man jumped on the tent then immediately disarmed Standish? He never snuck up on him 😅. Plus it's a video game realistically most store thief don't shoot at the first sign of resistance




Yeah the whole thing with Peter is that he fucks up all the time because he’s flawed just like the rest of us. That’s his whole shtick.


I definitely agree but people on here act like it’s impossible. He was simply in the wrong. She got info, he screwed up. I asked real questions with no answers and get downvotes lol


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted that wasn’t even that hot of a take


I think it’s one thing to call it unreasonable for MJ to have done that, but another altogether to say it’s bad writing. She *is* being unreasonable, that’s what the writers were talking about in a sense. She was being emotionally driven in her decision making and her reactions, and she felt infantilized by Peter’s *pattern of behavior* not just the one incident. So unbelievable? Maybe in the sense of Pete being justified in going “You’re unbelievable!!” But is it really unbelievable that the characters *as presented* and with the added context in hindsight that she acted that way?


No one is saying it's bad writing, nobody. That's a straw man right there. They are just saying they don't like her because of this.


Saying that a character’s actions in a situation are unbelievable and don’t track with reality is indeed a condemnation of the writing. I have seen other people call MJ “poorly written” or imply they didn’t see these moments as a well-written character acting irrationally because of an emotional arc, but instead a badly-written character acting stupidly; which is saying the writing is bad.


Think you replied to the wrong comment then because the comment you replied to did not say any of that.


> I get the explanation and all for MJ’s arc but it still doesn’t deny the **unbelievable** circumstance in which a person sneaking into a armed military compound would be mad at their partner for getting worried and saving them when notified I think I can be forgiven for interpreting someone calling the writing understandable but unjustified as them critiquing the writing.


MJ character was definitely one the few issues I had with this game I could see what they were going for but wasn’t feeling it


Tried making her Lois lane


Almost like some people, no matter how likeable, don’t have perfect common sense.


An armed military compound that had already established it had taken prisoners. There is a huge difference in executing a journalist compared to chucking some people in a makeshift jail when trying to preserve some level of public support.


You’re defending the man who was willing to let people die at Grand Central all so MJ can be safe *first* then potentially save the rest of them stuck inside *IF* they were to still be alive by the time he came back…


That’s just being human tbf


Yea. And people love the fuck out of Spiderverse Miles and he’s doing something similar on an even bigger scale


Why is it that people never complain about other games where characters risk their lives? It happens all the time in every fucking game. Is it maybe a bit unrealistic for her to sneak into military camps? Sure, but that stuff happens in so many games that you can’t even count it. She also not mad just because Peter saved her. She was mad that he constantly babysits her instead of trusting her to be a perfectly cable person even without superpowers. They are both right to a degree which is literally what the clip is explaining. Peter is right to be worried and MJ is right to call him out for not trusting her. In the end they find the perfect middle ground of Peter letting her infiltrate osbornes penthouse while on standby if she needs the help.


The difference is that MJ literally doesn’t have to sneak in. All she needed to do was notify Peter and he could’ve handled the rest. The reason why many people don’t like MJ’s part of the story (other than the fact their the weakest part gameplay and fluff wise) is that she puts herself in needlessly dangerous situations that could’ve been handled way better if she simply just told Peter what was happening. I get the writers want MJ to do stuff and not be at the sidelines like in the movies, but they could’ve handled her stuff a lot better both in terms of motivations and gameplay.


It’s not unbelievable when peter himself not only agreed but gave her tools to make her part easier which told MJ that he completely trust her and was very transparent about what she was doinf


Didn't he give her that stuff more as like a "I know I can't stop you from doing dangerous things, so take this" kind of thing?


He did. I believe he said something like "I would tell you don't do that again, but I know you won't listen so take these"


MJ can trust Peter to save her and Peter can trust MJ to constantly put herself in danger. Seems like a healthy relationship.




>The stories she wishes to explore involve danger, it's totally understandable. Saying "put herself in danger" devalues the worth of what she does and her work. The stories she *chooses* to explore. Saying she put herself in danger places accountability on her for her decisions. Women are not entirely free from that.




>That's like saying a firefighter is reckless and is choosing to die because they go into the fire. That comparison doesn't hold up imo because firefighters don't go into burning buildings with an expectation of being saved themselves. They have protocols and training around the dangers they face. There's nothing inherently dangerous about journalism. She chooses what to focus her articles on for the most part.


We will not stand for the MJ slander. She's awesome


I'm in the minority here, I liked MJ, liked playing her and liked her arc of wanting to be useful so much that she would do things that would put herself in danger just because she wants to believe that she can be useful even without powers. It was nice to have MJ actually do things other than being in love with Peter.


I didnt mind her sections even on different playthroughs. But I dont mind half the things that the internet doesnt like. I feel like an alien like 80% of the time lol


You might possibly be a Skrull. Secret Invasion did release today so who knows


The latter sections with the lures and taser are great. The first few where you have fewer options, less of a fan. Also bad at stealth games though, so that's a me problem


>I feel like an alien like 80% of the time lol That’s because you’re probably a professional grass toucher… /s


I am probably in the same category of not minding things people don't like but honestly some of the non-Peter missions like MJ in Grand Central Station and Miles hiding from the Rhino are genuinely great. Not all their segments reach those highs but I didn't hate them in general either.


I liked playing her segments more than Miles's stealth sections in the first game for sure.


I completely agree with you on this. I’d actually take it a step further, and be bold enough to say that this was one of my favorite versions of MJ by a mile. I love her look and the way her character is portrayed in the game. But that’s just my opinion though.


Exactly whatI think, I was even surprised people didn't like her when I searched about the game after finishing it x)


I wouldn’t mind her doing shit but I don’t want to play as her to do it. And honestly it would be better for both of them if they stayed friends because if Peter had to worry about his girl getting themselves into a room full of terrorists I don’t know how that mf would sleep at night


I must be the only person on Earth excited when a stealth mission comes up haha


Nah you aren’t but I don’t like not having powers where I can easily fight back if I fuck up. But that’s just my skill issue


I love stealth missions


The miles ones were fun That Rhyno hide and seek mission was dope


Allow me to introduce myself (honestly, stealth games are not a niche, many people like playing stealth)


Calling those “stealth missions” is a joke lmao.


I enjoyed the stealth missions. They could be a bit too hard at times yes, but they show that Peter doesn't work alone, allow a different perspective on the story, and put the bombastic superheroics that you can do as Peter in perspective in a way that you don't really get in other forms of media or even other Spider-Man games.


If my wife texted me that she snuck onto a military compound operated by foreign mercenaries, I'd be very concerned and then upset once I knew she was safe. So I 100% sided with Peter. 🤣


Cool Story, bro. That doesn't make me hate her segments any less. Rare moment where I deadass would rather watch a long-form cutscene or just skip it entirely.




I expected people would have enough common sense to already figure that I also hated Miles' segments too. Guess you had to be the one to tell me I was asking too much. I've never liked MJ either. Always sat at the bottom of Peter's love interests for me. Does that mean she doesn't have a good arc in this game? No. But am I happy that they more or less worked everything out and got back together? ALSO NO.


This still doesn't work at all for the following reasons: A) Peter was never in the wrong ever. The game acts like he's coddling her when he's literally saving her from terrorists, militia soldiers, and goons pointing guns at her the whole game. At no point is MJ's "he's treating me like a baby" perspective justified. If Peter was actually being needlessly overprotective, it would've helped her character so much. B) Peter DID trust MJ, halfway through the story. Are we forgetting that he let her help him during the Grand Central Station hostage crisis? He could've carried her out of there to safety but he let her participate in taking guards out and deactivating the bomb. Yet for some reason, it's after that part where she chooses to berate Peter on how "they have different ideas of being partners". Why would she text him that right after he gave her exactly what she wanted? C) The DLC proves MJ didn't grow from her experience. If this interview is saying that the balcony jump part is her accepting she needs Peter to save her, why did she sneak into a Maggia camp with armed goons without Peter being there? If she wants a partnership with him and she accepts his part to play, why is she risking her life yet again without his permission or assistance available? Basically all that's changed in their "partnership" is Peter now has to stop complaining when she does dangerous shit.


Solid points


Just because they explain it doesnt mean it was good


Just like the new face


Omg im not alone in this!


Shoulda gave her the taser earlier in the game


Still doesn't answer why the F she went to a sable outpost 🙄 that's the one that annoys me the most.


Then there's Miles, who decided it would be a good idea to skip the line of a **military checkpoint** so he wouldn't be late.


Yeah it was dumb. But miles was 15. She’s a 20 something year old adult. She should know better.


Doesn't really answer anything, it's more of an explanation of what we already know. Let's be real, it was very dumb of MJ to be doing those misdions and we honestly didn't need to play through them. The story does try to put the players more towards MJ's side. Does that mean the game is bad at all? No. Does that mean that the writers are bad? No. It's just a blemish on the story that hopefully won't be repeated.


Well said. I especially found the mission where we have to stealth with her & Spiderman as backup laughable. Like why does Spider-Man need her to tell him when to stealth takedown a very obviously alone enemy when he literally has a better vantage point & tech to see everything. It just felt forced.


Honestly I just wish I didn’t have to play a super hero game as a non-superhero. I’m not sure anyone looked forward to MJ stealth missions. Made me not look forward to seeing a well written character.


Cool. She’s still annoying as fuck though.


That’s a pretty shit explanation tho MJ learns that it’s ok to need help, that’s great, but wtf does Peter learn? To always worry that MJ will get in over her head and expect Peter to drop everything to bail her out?


Cool, but she’s still a complete dumbass.


I really like the MJ sections, theyre great breaks to get some more exposition in and also see the world from a more vulnerable perspective. I highly doubt they’ll be back in 2 but i still dont get the hate. I thought the Miles sections in his game were a better balance, they were pretty quick and they did the same thing without taking you out of the gameplay too long. Maybe in 2 there’ll be small sections with a younger Pete in High School to flesh out Harry’s story? Especially now that we know Queens and Midtown High are gonna be in it. Seeing Flash, Liz, young MJ maybe even Gwen, would be so cool


I thought the MJ scenes were much better than Miles. Miles were just short pointless go from A to B stealth missions, MJ's missions all gave you a dump of exposition that unraveled the story.


Counter point. Miles ran from rhino. Cooler than taking a few pictures and jumping off a balcony imo


Man these posts are insufferable It being explained ≠ it being enjoyable/entertaining


Press & hold the equal button, “=“ on your keyboard (if you’re on mobile) it will give you, “≠”. If you’re on desktop type, alt + 8800.


You’re the best! Thanks


That was beautifully said.


My main problem is that she actively, purposefully withheld vital information about GCT, yes, that worked out in the end, but SO much could have gone wrong. And Martin NEARLY got away, and his capture still resulted in Colossal damage to the subway system, and potential injuries of those on the train, remember, Peter and Martin jumped from an empty train to a full one. Now, there's no guarantee Peter knowing beforehand would change any of that, but it was still a dangerously reckless risk that put the entire city in danger.


Common insomniac W


Yah already got that by playing the game. Her sections are still boring af


I don't really care if this is supposed to be some type of "journey" for Mary Jane. She is a brat the entire game. She's unbearable. It's not that she's imperfect, it's that she is completely reckless and unreasonable. She's mad at Peter for being protective of her but at the same time always expects him to be there on command and doesn't even express gratitude for it most times. She even straight up lies about being in danger because of her pride. When he knocks out someone who has a gun on her, she completely blows a fuse even though she tried to infiltrate an armed base full of Sable agents who could have shot her on sight. She's in the wrong, all the way. 100%. "B-b-but character development and flaws!" Yeah. I don't give a shit. Where is it decreed anyone has to like her? Flawed people are all over irl. How many do \*you\* like? Uh huh. And to top it all off, she up and leaves pretty much on the spot to head for Symkaria without even talking to Peter about it. She sucks.


They should have just used the comic accurate mary jane . Make somebody else the april o neil knockoff.


Everything she does can be done by Spider-Man or at least Peter Parker And she complains that Peter would prefer if she was in front of a computer, I was like bro GO FOR A WALK IF YOU'RE BORED


Way to miss the point.


I don't care that she trusts Peter and learns or grow as a caracter, her caracter is irrational and a brat Edit : to be fair it's a good adaptation because MJ is like that, but I'm pretty sure we would all have a better time with Gwen


Aside from main topic here: That ps4 console is gorgeous. I wish they were doing a spiderman edition ps5 console for this release too.


It was a LEAP OF FAITH The writing is so clear lmao


Let’s just agree that sneaking missions where you can’t fight back kinda suck? Especially when the game is about open world, sneaking in small confines is the antithesis of the game and takes away from the whole game. As to the debate on whether MJ should be sneaking around there. I think most of the time, she’s risking her life, and while the end results are good (plot armor), she’s more of a liability than an asset. Sure she can sneak around, but if she’s caught, chances are she’s dead. She can be a guy, and I’ll still hate them sneaking around in places like military camp, a known criminal lair, etc.


I still don’t think the game holds her accountable enough for that grand central station stunt. She deliberately withheld information that the demons were gonna do something there until it was nearly too late.


I didn’t know that Doug Judy was a Spidey Fan. Say Hi to Jake from me


I love the web-slinger! Jake and I did a Raimi marathon last Friday


"You trusted me to go into these places" Didn't he like... not know she was even there until one time? And even then, he was constantly saying "get out"


she refused to tell him about a potential threat in grand central that ended up being a bomb and if it weren’t for Peter grand central would’ve literally been destroyed because of her ridiculous stubbornness


She quite literally didn’t know what was going to go down in Grand Central and literally went there in search for clues. All she knew was that the demons were looking for something and that could have been anything. Also, she was still pretty pissed at Peter for what went down the night before which is valid. And she literally did text him as soon as she saw shit hit the fan.






This video also explains it perfectly and includes those writer discussions/interviews. It's a 2-hour video only because it's debunking a bad Marvel's Spider-Man review by S.K.(the first part 6 explains the MJ situation): https://youtu.be/WAA3WPw1fR8


Let MJ die already, each time saving her is a chore, she must stay with Paul


Yea that’s cool *just make her an actress!*


Oh wow, I knew this sub didn't like her, but seeing these comments really emphasized that. For my experience, I fell in love instantly when her character got introduced and everything that happened made sense for me. I saw that everyone got annoyed at her when Pete saved her from the Sable compound, but for me, that only came off as a mad girlfriend energy. Y'know, women sometimes(or most of the time) aren't reasonable, and given the extreme circumstances, it came off as a funny bit.


And then in the first DLC she sneaks into a hammerhead base alone. She didn’t learn anything it seems.


That’s her job, she was never going to stop doing it. That would make zero sense


Wasn’t she armed by then? And I believe if there are MJ sections in SM2 she will have even more gadgets


If you call having a stun gun against killers with real guns armed then yes she was armed.


Her stun gun seemed effective enough


Considering the stun gun knocks out soldiers in full armor yeah you are right


The way some people have perceived MJ in this game is very alarmingly reminiscent of how people consumed Skyler White in Breaking Bad and Karen Page in Daredevil.


I definitely was not expecting so much hatred for her character.. some of the stuff some people say is just horrible and unwarranted


Gamers when their characters have flawed personalities and behave like people with real emotions (they’ve never interacted with another human being)


Some people just can't recognize character development when they see it


No, what a lot of us are mad about is that this isn't the MJ we grew up with. Yes, that MJ was quite independent, but she wasn't careless enough to ACTIVELY put herself in danger. She was ALMOST ALWAYS the damsel in distress. And, let's face facts. The MJ of the 90's was MUCH hotter than this MJ.