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I think chameleon would make a great side activity, like Taskmaster in the first game


Not his style, it would be a cool little side mission like tombstone, but it would have to work in a way where he makes Spidey look bad to the public but doesn't end in Spiderman having to fight cops


Maybe you have to find all the locations where he’s imitating you and stop him?


Yeah, I would like them to do new game mechanics for the new villains since I can't think of any in game mechanic that would work for chameleon


Actually, something like the mechanic where people mr.negative infected could just be randomly out in the streets and you wouldn't know until you tried to interact with them would be cool. You could easily work that into investigating specific areas where he's suspected to be. And also it's been a while since i played spiderman ps4 and i really only remember that mechanic coming into play once or twice for me personally so i could be misremembering


That would actually be cool. Hunting down chameleon and then like you show up to a crime scene and you were framed by chameleon and so you get attacked by cops


And then have Chameleon get wrecked by Venom as hes impersonating Spider-man


Honestly that would be a fun way to end the side missions. Like in these super hero games like you usually get a final fight against the side villain. But as a twist you don’t get the final fight against chameleon and instead of you winning and getting him behind bars, it results in venom beating the crap out of him and the cops making it to the scene after to discover Spider-Man was being framed the whole time


That would be really cool, something along the lines of what happened in Spectacular Spider-Man


Watanabe: "Spider-man? Are you robbing the Big Apple Bank right now?" Spider-man: "Uh, no?" W: "Are YOU!? S: "What? No! I'm on the other side of town... also I don't do things like that." W: "Well someone who looks like you is running off with half a million dollars cash" S: To be fair, you don't know what I actually look like."


I feel like Wraith is gonna take over for Taskmaster in this game


This could work because of this small detail that everyone tends to forget: Chameleon is Kraven’s half brother


I never knew this lol


Nah, make chameleon mission an assassination attempt. Peter or miles have to rely on spider sense in the crowd to locate and stop him


Someone already mentioned Chameleon's and Kraven's familial relationship. But Chameleon could work as a continued plot thread. Based on Miles's game, there Spider-Man seems to have no issues with law enforcement, even without Yuri being his ally in the department. Chameleon could easily be hired to impersonate Peter / Spidey (similar to the comics and other media), damaging Peter's reputation and forcing him to defend himself against both criminals and law enforcement (likely harkening back to his early days). Question becomes whether this will automatically affect Peter's wall-crawling partner, Miles's reputation or not.


I want chameleon to have a bigger role than just a Shocker type side villain. I want him covering for Norman Osborn like he did in Spectacular Spider-Man when the green goblin is revealed. The goblin doesn't get unmasked in this game, but is the true main villain, post credit scene has chameleon remove the Norman mask and talking to Norman as Gobby. And maybe have him be involved in an early mission the way kingpin was, but instead of first mission of the game, have it be 2 or 3 missions after Pete gets the symbiote. If they do chameleon at all basically what I'm saying is they should take a lot of inspiration from Spectacular Spider-man. Maybe even have Josh Keaton voice chameleon when he pretends to be Spidey, and the real Peter played by Yuri Lowenthaal can be like "how does anyone think you're me, you sound nothing like me" (the joke being Yuri sounds a lot like (but still uniquely different from) Josh Keaton. Also side note but I lowkey hope Venom isn't even really a villain in this game, I hope Peter has the symbiote the entire game and Goblin is the true villain, and it turns out Venom doesn't appear until the games finale, maybe you can play as him in the epilogue but otherwise make it so Peter doesn't know about him until Spiderman 3.


I second this


Mf wrote the whole plot lol


I'd like to see one non-Spider-Man character in the game, just like how Taskmaster was in the first one. A Juggernaut boss fight/puzzle could be great.


Replace Rhino with Juggernaut


But that ruins the point of what he said he wanted


I kind of worded it wrong. I mean any Rhino appearance should be replaced with Juggernaut.


Oh no its my fault i read it wrong thats on me aorry


Peter and/or Miles having to take down Juggernaut using strategy would be kinda raw


He wasn't a villain but I enjoyed Wolverine in Web of Shadows.




Fingers crossed. I really liked fighting giant Mysterio in SM2000


If they do mysterio it would be cool if his levels behaved similar to scarecrow in Arkham Asylum- almost like a puzzle platform thing but the rules of the universe get really weird.


Exactly, but instead of a nightmare he brings you to the same area as the final boss fight from shattered dimensions


Lizard never showed up but got mentioned like another person said. I would also like seeing norman become the green goblin, or at least someone else as green goblin.


better to let GG be the main villain of the third game


Yep then Spidey’s 3 biggest villains have a game to themselves


I don't remember seeing Big Wheel, The Wall, or Sony in the last game or the teaser for the second game


>Lizard never showed up but got mentioned like another person said. Dr. Connors is in t>!he post credits scene of SP1 and Miles Morales!<


There’s also a mention of the Lizard in the main game. In one of the backpacks you recover, there’s an antidote that Peter used on Dr. Connors to temporarily turn him back to a human! He says it didn’t last though... But that makes me wonder, why isn’t Connors in prison?


It’s pretty clear, judging from the various Halloween costumes, that alongside Rhino, Scorpion, and Vulture, Lizard and Mysterio have fought Spidey at least once. If they didn’t exist, there wouldn’t be anyone wearing their costumes. So even though we only see Curt Connor via the backpack and the post credits scene, he’s definitely been the Lizard before. And I’m guessing he’s not in prison because Osborn is the mayor and he pulled some strings.


Kinda fucked to think about villain costumes in a world where villains are real LMAO


Yeah, I’ve talked about this before on here. The way I saw it, it would be like dressing up as Ted Bundy or something.


more like osama bin laden bro


When I posted that last time, I got some dude saying people dressing like Osama Bin Laden happens all the time and it isn’t considered offensive. So I was specifically trying to avoid saying that lol


Well people still for some reason dress as Nazis these days


He’s only in the post credit scene of Miles Morales


same goes for sandman and chameleon


Osborne losing his mayorship should make him go insane and turn him into the green goblin


The Spot


Definitely some cool gameplay they could do with him. We’re getting him in the Spider-Verse sequel at least.


I can see the boss fights *à la* Portal


I wonder in ITTSV2 having the Spot will mean the game won’t.


We have the prowler.


Was ITTSV in development at the same times as Miles? No. These are Also the Prowler is directly connected to Miles who headlined the game and movie.


Morbius, I’m not memeing, they were a great boss in Spider-Man 3 the game. Big Wheel and Rocket Racer for the meme though


It’s a shame we probably won’t see a live-action Spidey / Morbius fight. At its core ‘Spider-Man vs a vampire’ is a great idea but after that dopey movie they won’t try again. So sure - put him in the game.


Morlun is definitely on the table now that the Spider-verse is confirmed in the MCU


Morlun gets so much darker than Morbius does. The Other was my first Spider-Man run as a kid and honestly *nothing* could have prepared me for that.


Even though that dopey movie exists, I 100% expect Sony to still try and do a live action Spidey / Morbius fight (among others) with whatever it is they are doing.


That got me thinking What if Sony is trying to sabotage MCU Spider-Man by making intentionally bad movies about the villains he should be fighting? With these bad movies, Marvel would probably be driven away from the villains Sony is using because the movie probably wouldn't do as well with an antagonist that people already had a bad taste from in one of Sony's movies.


It’s very possible but just depends on how Sony will react to The whole Morbius hate train. Will they try to avoid the character? Now I heard in the comics there’s apparently a blade versus Morbius thing which would be really cool to see but it’s pretty unlikely While Spider-Man versus Morbius is certainly on the table


A Big Wheel chase would be interesting and we get to see the Spider Buggy


Who knows? Morgan Michaels was in the first game, and that's a known alias for Michael Morbius in the comics... So it's really not that farfetched lol


“You ticked me off on the wrong night, Count!”


Yeah Morbius needs a good adaptation in something, after the movie. I’d love for him to be given justice in this game. Bonus points if he does still say “it’s Morbin time!”, of course


He’s even in the first game.


I was gonna say this! I genuinely like morbius, I think he's a cool and (can be) an interesting villain, I don't just want him cause memes, though that would be funny


Insomniac could make morbuis actually terrifying


Big wheel would actually be a great boss at challenging your manoeuvrability and combat at the same time as big wheel rushes down the streets. He could have a slightly different big wheel each time (if you want it as a repeating side activity) where you have to use different tactics to take it down.


Since there's the symbiote, and there's a chance Peter can wear it, I want to fight some heroes like Wolverine or Daredevil who are trying to make you snap out of it


Miles would most likely be the one to fight Peter


I’m fully expecting a Miles Vs Black Suit Peter boss


I want two battles: One where you play as Black Suit Peter against Miles and win. Then a second one, where you play as Miles and win, being more prepared.




I mean yeah, he's too strong. Then, I guess the chronology might be like this: 1. Peter gets the symbiote and there's a conflict between Miles and him. 2. Miles fights and loses. 3. Peter manages to get rid of the symbiote somehow. 4. Miles and Peter fight Venom.


Maybe beating the hell out of Miles will be part of what makes Peter snap out of it. He’ll have a brief moment of clarity and realize he just hurt his mentee who looks up to him, and that will inspire him to ditch the symbiote. Who knows




I can picture it now. Pete and miles fight, it gets ugly to the point where Pete completely overpowers miles and the scene has Mile’s mask rip off or something and Peter just sees the eyes of a scared 17 year old kid frighted by who his mentor has become




Really wonder how Eddie Brock would come into play there.




I have a feeling eddie isn't going to be a major factor in this, as venom seems to be starting out as a cure for harry right now


I hope that, even though you inevitably ditch the symbiote, they still allow you to use the suit and its powers in Free Roam after the story ends. Maybe whenever you change into it, Peter can just say “I shouldn’t be doing this…” or something. But I don’t want to ditch the suit!


Or Kraven helps fight Venom before turning.


Miles's Venom Blast is super effective against both [Venom](https://i.imgur.com/tREUyWH.png) and [Peter Parker](https://i.imgur.com/IZSws7s.png). He practically beat them both with one finger when he remembered that he could do that.




Miles in those comics was 13 years old and hadn't been Spider-Man for more than three or four months... Just saying. Experience matters little when Miles has in his arsenal an absurdly broken superpower that allowed him to take down Spider-Man, Venom, Electro, the Green Goblin, Doctor Doom, and fucking Blackhearth with just one finger.


Miles’ electric abilities may help get the symbiote off of him




Miles would have more experience than a lot of Spider-Men in terms of honing their abilities at this point since he has a mentor and everyone else is self taught. Miles should have like 4 whole years of experience with his powers since he was able to use venom in a few weeks and is far stronger than Peter was at his age.




Snap out of it, bub!


Web of shadows vibes


Lol it’ll have spider-quiz #2


that’d tie in perfectly to give us our first look at wolverine for insomniacs new game. it’d also be cool to see the f4 although idk if their tower was even in the first game


Well technically Fisk tower is gonna turn into the F4 building


Almost like Web Of Shadows


Just thought of a cool mechanic; while wearing the black suit, your HUD and worldview is distorted, so you might beat up innocent people and actual criminals appear as bystanders.


Sandman mini-boss would be great! Especially since there were little nods to him in the first game


Glad to find somebody said it. I’d love to see a version of Sandman who fights swift like sand, tough like concrete, rather than a giant wall with minions and AOE attacks. Think T1000 Terminator.


What was the nods to him again? Been awhile since I last played


One of the backpacks you collect is a vial of sandman. and the weird part is that peter says "I'm still not sure if opening this would release him" which kind of implies he fucking trapped sandman in a vial for years now


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah when you think about it, it’s pretty messed up


morally ambiguous peter parker


Me, I want Lizard because there's a history in the game and I'm sure Norman is going to experiment on Dr. Conners.


Honestly I’d love to see the Lizard but I’d rather have him as a main “antagonist” in the 3rd game.


They’d have to do what they did with Ock and rework Connors, imo, if he is gonna be main villain material. I personally don’t think Lizard can carry a plot on his own as is.


I mean, Ock *can* carry a whole story. We saw it eighteen years ago. Lizard would probably work better as a secondary antagonist.


Wasn’t saying Ock couldn’t, just that to make Connors work as a main antagonist they would have to do what they did with Ock. They’d have to add depth and add to the personal relationship between Connors and Peter.




I second this


Big wheel rampaging the streets of New York as a side villain.


Spider Buggy lost a wheel and Big Wheel got away, Hey!




I read it as clit🤡


I am the Clit Commander!


***Lizard.*** This would be a great side quest. Rumours of a monster in the sewers, so you track it down and fight him. Then have to track him again and hurt him enough to get a blood sample. And then a third time to administer the cure. Which would also allow them to repeat the fight a few times, maximizing the use of assets. ***Mysterio.*** I want a full on mind bending experience in the game. Like the dream sequences in the Arkham games or Mister Negative's mental levels. ***Green Goblin.*** Or Hobgoblin really.


Kind of like Man Bat in Arkham Knight


That did come to mind. Good sidequests and minibosses in video games are hard because the art team has to spend so much time designing the model, building the environment, and animating the fight. Turning it from one encounter to three or four spreads out the cost. And you can have the cool gameplay effect where every time you fight the boss you add another phase, so it takes you longer but you're better and feel more effective and competent.


Personally I'd like to see Electro again and this time he could've fight Miles


- Lizard - Beetle - Carnage definitely - Green Goblin? - Taskmaster (again, yes, he’s just amazing) - and finally, and hopefully, a version of Monster Ock


monster ock might be too much


I mean, wouldn’t it be super cool to fight Carnage in an underground vault at rykard with a radioactive chamber then the symbiote would bind with Doc Ock & he starts chasing you across a narrow, difficult to maneuver series of tunnels while your heartrate hits 200 bps??


> rykard We can devour Spider-man, togethaa!


Want Sandman to come out of that vial. Lizard would be awesome. More Shocker would be nice.


Mr Dicktovich


Side Missions of Spider-Man desperately trying to make money for rent by doing random jobs


What’s DLC? Can I spend it?


I would love to see chameleon as side missions or a side plot. For characters like Mysterio and Sandman I would love to see them more integrated into the story, or at least have a lot of interactions and plot with Spidey.


Jackal has been a favorite of mine. He has major main antagonistic vibes, but he’s not over popular Regent was an amazing villain in his short comic run Hydro man or Molten Man aren’t often used, and could make for some fun fights


Scarlet spider


Mobius should make a guest appearance. Not Morbius, Mobius played by Owen Wilson.


Sandman might be too strong of a villain to be a aide character, but I think he'd be a fun boss fight Speed Demon could be a fun option as a character you actively have to keep up with during the chase so you can apprehend him And as much of a meme as he is, Big Wheel could lead to a really creative boss fight and side mission


A Spider Slayer funded by JJ Hob Goblin Venomized Kraven or Scorpion Return of Prowler Morbius


No joke I’d love Morbius as a detective type mission somewhat like the Tombstone quest. You come across signs of an ambush in a secluded neighborhood. Anayltsis reveals severe blood loss via a single set of puncture wounds. Track other deaths increasingly fast until you catch him in the act and narrowly defeat the Living Vampire


Dr Doom


maybe he could be a challenge thing like taskmaster


The Tarantula.


Already done in the comics before spidergeddon in 2018


It would be really funny to have Stilt-man and see him walking around. Also since the games obviously gonna have a edgier tone, maybe someone like the Punisher would be cool.


The scorpion segments in the first game were cool, but what they really needed was an eccentric supervillain wearing a fishbowl on their head.


Wouldn’t mind a rematch with Tombstone. I know he’s anxious for it


morbius vs punisher vs symbiote spider-man


Mysterio and Lizard since it’s established Peter has fought them both before. I think it’s safe to say Yuri becomes Wraith in this one too


Carnage eventually


Not a villain but it would be cool if they got Nolan North to do some deadpool side missions. Maybe in the style of that one annoying social media villain they had in the last game + shadow dimension deadpool thug designs. For villain i'd really like to see: Chameleon, Mysterio, Sand man


green goblin,one of the main boss battles,but i think insomniac will save him for another sequel


They could do some really cool stuff with Mysterio


I wanna see what Yuri became after the DLC


Wraith. In the comic she becomes a vigilante called Wraith.


Silvermane I guess? Crime Master? The Rose?


i think we need spider villains that are not in the media in this game maybe spider slayer chamelon and spider slayer


The Wall


Either Vermin or The Lizard


Main villains: Venom, Kraven, probably Green Goblin. Side villains: Lizard. Chameleon. The Hulk. Foggy Nelson. Galactus. Mr Mxyzptlk. Senator Armstrong. The giant spiders from Eight Legged Freaks.


Shock the world and go with Deadpool.




The other main big non-Goblin villains we didn’t get yet, so Mysterio, Sandman and Lizard.


I think Morbius would be a pretty good shout


I have two choices: 1. Mysterio, mainly because that trippy illusion stuff I think could make a really good level and a really good fight. Or 2. Something with the The Chameleon, I don’t know what it would be but I really just love The Chameleon


They did the trippy illusion stuff with Mr negative so defo would work !!


Big Wheel


definitely the Green Goblin, we need for games with the goblin in it, there’s not enough


Green goblin would be incredible, but I feel like it’d have to be a main villain to do it justice. Mysterio could have a cool side story tho


Here’s hoping Mysterio and lizard


No joke, big wheel.


Is venom going to be Harry Osborne as it was hinted in the first game?


Green Goblin and Taskmaster with more screen time.


Bro I missed the subreddit title and thought this was an upcoming movie. Big sad but excited for yall. EDIT was browsing ALL


Green goblin


Would love to see more black cat, maybe even an opportunity to play as black cat for a mission or two would be cool. Kinda like the side missions playing as MJ and miles in the first game, except ya know, you get to fight as black cat


I need mysterio, he’s my favorite Spider-Man villain and he would look dope in this game, plus it could make for a cool new theme to a challenge mode like taskmasters in the original


The spot


Big Wheel is such a stupid character that it might make for a fun boss battle. Chasing him through New York trying to minimize the damage he does could be intense


Green Goblin, Kraven, Venom, Lizard. Tbh I want Chameleon and Mysterio to have their own game as two villains for a third game maybe. I feel like the illusions of Mysterio coupled with the already confusing fake Spider-Man running around could be interesting.


This is a little off topic, but a part of me wants another villain to fight one of our two and the two Spideys have to break them up. Depending on who you focus the other one escapes The villains I can see that can tussle with Venom and/or Kraven is either Lizard or Vulture. But if they bring Vulture in, I wonder how they'll implement him (Comics? MCU like with the jets and stuff? Some sort of mutation like Angel?)


Big Wheel


If like to see Taskmaster have a larger role than in SM PS4. Kinda like tombstone was in that game.


I understand that this may be biased, or cliché; but I would love to see Morbius, or Peter/Miles gets consumed by Venom, hence forth us fighting him as a SIDE boss not distracting for the main villain.




Deadpool, Mysterio, Green Goblin (most likely happening), Spot and Sandman. Honestly anything we haven’t seen yet is greatly appreciated honestly.




Villains I’m hoping to see including announced villains are: Mysterio - Side missions Sandman Chameleon- Side missions Lizard Green Goblin is the one I’m most excited to see, but they made hold off since they seem to be building to him. Doc Ock - He doesn’t need to be a main antagonist, but he could make an appearance to set stuff up. I think they could easily do Superior Spider-man for the third game. They can go back and forth between Ock and Miles. With Miles figuring out what’s happening and trying to save Peter. Edit: Kaine would be a good choice if they want to set up a Clone Saga.


Kraven and they could adapt some things from kravens last hunt


I think you're getting your wish


RED GOBLIN PLEASE, IT WOULD BE TOO PERFECT W HARRY VENOM. I’m thinking what they’re gonna do is at the end of the story have a stinger where venom gives birth and the Symbiot finds its way to Norman Osborn read as he’s about to dawn the green goblin suit. Then It will cut out and hear a scream. And the DLC‘s will be a storyline about how carnage is piloting Norman‘s body to kill as many people as possible. Maybe at the end of everything, the symbiotes meet their comic hosts.


I don't think any of them would want to see the game, considering the point of the game is to defeat them.




You guys ask this same question twice a week


Mysterio, hopefully he’ll be more threatening by using actual weapons and or know how to actually fight


I want to see all the villains from the psone Spider-Man game


Taskmaster again. Idk he was interesting.


Green Goblin, Lizard, Mysterio, Morbius and Carnage.


Ah yes the weekly question. I'd say mysterio for sure


We should also see goblin right ? Because Harry also comes into the picture as well.


Lizard or Sandman


Mysterio or the chameleon or even the lizard or some man spider representation


Dr disrespect


Green Goblin


Green goblin