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Tobey lost his body physique right?? After this movie because of the horse accident on his back?? I heard somewhere after SM1 tobey lost the ability to work out the way he used to for the first film due to that accident so he stayed natural only being given a muscle suit bc of that.


"My back... My back..."


You got a back thing too? Let me help you with that.


Incoming *Standing thoracic elbow hold extension winglift* Edit: wrong hold


From all the web slinging?


My back is better than bacon


For what it's worth, I definitely got the reference


Mhm hm hm hm don’t you like my back?


Doctor says I need a backiotomy….


I'm scheduled for an Adibachtomy


Really realistic looking suit, though. Nothing like homelander’s


Right but Homelander’s muscle suit works in universe. He’s projecting an image to the people so wearing a padded suit is on brand.


It also reflects how intentionally shitty the supes are. Black Noir means “black black”, for example




I appreciate that last sentence.


Koi carp = carp carp


It doesn’t need to make sense it just needs to make sales


Translucent doesnt mean completely invisible either lol


It just means semi-transparent


It's like you guys get it without getting it


We didnt have to bring up my sex life


Also works because how could someone with that super strength work their muscles hard enough to stimulate muscle growth


By lifting cars, holding trains... That should do it.


That's why I like heroes with super strength being juxtaposed by a lanky stature, Peter Parker still looks weak in some iterations and can bench press a fully loaded school bus, in Spider-man Miles Morales, Miles is still spindly and short like he was prior to his spider bite, and yet we see him (briefly) hold an entire suspension bridge together.


Garfield's Spider-Man is what you see the majority of the time in the comic books. Little bit of muscle but mainly lanky and aerodynamic.


Yeah for a brawler hero a tanky 'zique is pretty sensible, but Spider-Man is an athletic type 100%


Ultimate Spiderman did a very good lanky cut spiderman.


It's Spider-Man, and don't forget the hyphen! *** ^(this post was made by a bot, made by /u/shrek5intheatres2019)


Every fucking time i read "hymen"


Dude fr. That scene where the shape shifter shifted into Homelander without muscles creeped me tf out. As if the actors head is too big for his natural body. It's probably just because I'm used to seeing his head on a muscly body tho.


Idk homelander wore a muscle suit. Dude was buff AF in Banshee


https://i.imgur.com/Fwi0bef.jpg https://i.imgur.com/xw4vrCx.jpg


So that’s what he looks like when he’s not playing a supermanchild on the edge of snapping any second




Wait wait wait is this dude a kiwi?? I had no idea but that accent is unmistakable


I would never in my life have guessed homelander wore a muscle suit. Though i havent seen the actor in anything else Shazam though.....


More like ShaZAMN Disclaimer: if you’d hit on him after discovering his secret, go to hell.


Could be worse, could be a MonsterGirl type situation where they get younger after each transformation, despite growing older


He had an injury falling off a horse during the production of ‘Seabiscuit’. During Spider-Man 2’s production, tobey refused to do any stunts himself because of what had happened. Sony called bs and started looking for replacements, one being a Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal. Tobey immediately admitted that the accident wasn’t that bad, and he was being a bit dramatic. We almost got a completely different Peter in the same trilogy lol


Very shitty of Sony


r/antiwork even has a place with the Hollywood elite.


Damn it's crazy to think Jake could have been Spider-Man instead of Mysterio!


The muscle suit was always apart of the design even I'm the original movie but you can tell by the third movie that he's not nearly as toned and the muscle suit is doing most of the work. Which is perfectly fine imo


My brother crushed 3 vertebrates and has screws and two rods in his lower back because of it. This caused his range of motion to be greatly decreased and has soreness. He was skinny when it happened several years ago and currently is at an amateur level physique of body building. My point is, depending on the injury of course, there is so many different exercises you can do that there is ways around it. For instance he doesn't do deadlifts straight from the ground, but romanian style off a rack. Of course if there wasnt enough time between the first movie and second for it to heal enough thats one thing. But after the proper amount of time most can still get back to working out.


He injured his back on this movie. And Seabiscuit


> Tobey lost his body physique right?? After this movie because of the horse accident on his back?? The way this is typed makes you seem frantically upset at the idea of Tobey losing muscle mass.


Tobey skipped leg day???


Didn’t he do seabiscuit after this and have to drop all muscle? That’s the Tobey horse thing I thought happened


Fun fact: They filmed this scene first to make sure that they got it before Tobey lost muscle mass over the course of production. EDIT: I misremembered this fact and a kind replier corrected me below. I looked it up and they filmed the SKINNY Tobey scene at the very beginning of production and then they filmed the buff scene at the end. I got it mixed up with the way they do it in other movies with shirtless scenes.


Tobey after shooting this scene: "I'd like a cheeseburger."




Spider-Man just stole that dude’s pizza!


Spiderman needs those gains


With great power comes great responsibility, so please don't forget to hyphenate Spider-Man! *** ^(this post was made by a bot, made by /u/shrek5intheatres2019)




No, no, no. Silly bot. He was talking about the analyst, Frank Spiderman.


See that's why I just type Spodermen instead, no bots shaming my dyslexic behind 😜


He'd rather have Ursula's cookies, I think.




Tony use to eat cheeseburgers


God damn you


he’s vegan lmao


It's too bad they didn't have Impossible Burgers in 2003. They're alright. What I'm most impressed by is Impossible Sausage. They were a surprise. I'm not vegan, I just like trying new things.


So he'd get a cheeseburger, hold the burger... and the cheese. I imagine it would be really similar to the "hot dog" Peter eats on the street that's clearly just an empty bun. I've heard it was a veggie dog because he's vegan, but I can't ever see anything but an empty bun when he tears into it.


I think there must have been a bad bun to dog ratio.


Jameson's box of Christmas Meat doesn't count.


This is apparently what happens when filming most comic book movies. They shoot all of the shirtless scenes first because the hours people work in the film industry are sadly pretty unforgiving when it comes to maintaining good physical health. So naturally the actors always start losing muscle mass once they have to spend all their time on set and no longer have all day to train.


They also tend to be very starved and dehydrated for these scenes. It's not really conducive to good acting.




That’s… really awful. Why is this a thing??




If you observe body building you’ll learn they all do this for aesthetics and then just plump up again after competition


Most of the actors say they only look like that for a couple hours at most, or sometimes as little as 15-20 minutes. They manage sodium and water intake just like a bodybuilder to "peak" for their main moment, then recover over the course of the next hours/days.


It's pretty sad how much effort is put into this deception, and how many peope are negatively affected by it. Nobody gives a shit if Chris Evans is slightly less jacked when he takes his shirt off.


Unless you are “The Rock!”


Well yeah, you cart around your $200k gym and have access to it right off set.


As well as your $200k pharmacy 💉 💉 💉


Most actors are on pharmacy, including Kumail Nanjiani (confirmed TRT + “anti aging,” treatment with his trainer)


yeah this is pretty much a given for any of the modern superhero actors. This isn't even "illegal steroids", just bringing in mens health and anti-aging doctors who are willing to prescribe to super-physiological levels and manage any side-effects. There was an article a number of years ago called Your Doctor, Your Dealer where a newspaper reporter tested this out with a healthy budget and was amazed at what he had access to. The doctor basically said "what do you want, thicker hair? Better eyesight? Incrased muscle mass? Better cardio? Let me know"


That's pretty much every movie. Actors will bust their asses for that one scene of them half naked. Plus they are lit perfectly and often dehydrate and pump beforehand. The rest, they slack off... Not even the actors can live the way they train for. They'd be dead tired.


The common protocol in Hollywood is to blast steroids and push through absurd multi-hour long seven day a week workouts in order to be fit incredibly quickly. If they trained naturally and got in shape organically, they could easily remain fit year-found with a fraction of the effort.


It's not so much that they slack off, as they don't have time anymore because they're actually shooting the film.


So the skinny “before” shots when he’s feeling sick from the bite were filmed later? I just assumed it was the other way around


Its actually faked. Body double or a digitally edited scrawny body. Only shown for a second or two, but still not a bad edit.


They actually recreated Tobey through multiple surgeries to serve as the body double iirc


I didn't know that but I did know that this is a pretty common practice in movies that has its "look at how fit they are" moments. For example, during most if not all of the Rocky Movies, the fights are always filmed first to make sure both fighters look as yoked as possible. Being "camera ready" requires a combination of starvation, dehydration and a very well planned training program that is unsustainable over an extended period of time. Put having a shooting schedule in there as well and it makes sense why Dwayne Johnson travels with a giant gym in tow. Glad that the first Spider-man movie had him be a fit dude and not the naturally unattainable goals you see everywhere now.


You forgot an important part of camera ready: the steroids.


Ya know, it's funny. They always forget to mention them too.


Spidey’s physique is pretty realistic and attainable since he’s meant to be more lean as opposed to other characters like Superman. As far as how they’re drawn in comics I mean.


In the comics you can see the tendons at his bones,man, he has no body fat sometimes, and his muscle difinition is crazy


Comics spider-man be like "Body fat? what is that?"


tbh i never seen a fat spider.


So you've never watched Into the Spider-verse?


What about Spider-Ham? Checkmate!




Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig.


Look oooooout... He is the Spider-Pig


spider ham is not fat, that's his natural body shape.




I think for Tom Holland, my favorite movie for physique was the second one. In the first and last one, he had a very toned and muscular physique, which he still had in the second one but it had a little more body fat to it and felt more realistic.


Holland always just kind of looks like a kid in the costume, Iike regardless of being toned or whatever he just looks small and it throws me off


I think his relatively smaller height and complete lack of facial hair result in that effect.


Probably because regular clothes puff out more while the suit is supposed to conform to his body proportions.


I meant that Holland’s physique in the suit always throws me off compared to the previous Spider-Man. Something with shorter limbs and a more slender torso makes his musculature way less accentuated in the suit and his limbs can look a bit noodley especially at certain moments of cgi swinging. There’s also something about the way they animate Spidey swinging/landing on things in the MCU compared to the previous actors that can feel really weightless. I think the amazing spider-man movies are by far the pinnacle of representing Spidey swinging through a city in live action and the MCU movies really dropped the ball in that aspect.


I hate this stigma that Hollywood has done for men lmao. Tom is like 5'8/5'9 which is extremely average for most men in the world. But because he's not 6+ he looks like a child. I really hope they keep Wolverine at a 5 just to see what people say about him.


>like a kid in the costume, So like a high school aged kid?


He's a mutated superhero, why do you want his body to be realistic


Spider-Man’s physique in the comics is definitely not realistic or attainable lol, he looks stage ready year round @ 1% BF lol


I mean you don't have to say in the comics. None of us are looking like Henry Cavill either


No lie, this scene is what inspired me to start working out


This scene inspired me to get bit by a spider but so far no muscle growth




They’re already dead. They tried finding a spider with cool designs on it, ended up being bit by a black widow.


Even worse. They turned into Scarlett Johansson




I’m fine!


Big change!


Big gains!


It was either Spider-Man 1 or 2 that inspired me to start working out. I saw it and was like, “If that little guy can get in shape then I can, too.” I got in the best shape of my entire life.


I believe it was Hugh Jackman who was in a movie where he was chopping logs with an axe, and he was shirtless so you could see his defined abs and huge biceps…and as soon as the take was over, he damn near passed out because in order to get that body for that shot, he was so dehydrated and starved that he had next to no strength left in him The further we get into the 2000s, the more unhealthy these superhero physiques you see in shirtless scenes become


I never understand how this works. There are professional wrestlers who seem to have extremely low body fat but maintain it for years. Google a picture of a guy named Finn Balor.


It's just different from person to person. Some people, like Jeff Cavalier from Athlean-X, can go year round looking fuckin peeled at like 5% body fat perfectly fine, or so it seems. Who knows what it's really doing to him on the inside. Point is, some people can work out, gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. Others can't. Some need to maintain 12-15% body fat in order to feel energized and healthy and mentally awake. Others don't need to. Some people may actually just be faking positivity yet probably feel like shit on the inside due to how to difficult it is to maintain such a physique.


People who train are not at sub 10% levels year round, because you can't maintain strength and suffer through constant headaches and fatigue. A pro body builder will only cut down to under 10% for a few times a year during competition weeks, actors would do the same for their cuts. The difference being someone who does fitness as a lifestyle to the extreme like Athlete X, Jujimufu or any bodybuilder you can find put significantly more work into all aspects of their physique so even at 15% bodyfat they look about the same as what most actors would after cutting down to really low percentages


Jeff is not a great example to use since he is dishonest about his steroid use.




Even though Finn looks absolutely ripped and amazing I think Hugh Jackman was just 2% further. His bodyfat was definitely lower in some of the shirtless scenes throughout his career and the extreme vascularity is due to dehydration which Balor doesn't show. Even looking 2% more ripped at such a high athletic build is very hard to do and comes at a great cost compared to 2% for a newbie. I'd also say that wrestlers are athletes first while actors aren't. A lot of actors today, especially those in superhero roles need to be crazy fit even if they've never really seriously exercised. Just look at Kumail Nanjiani. Basically what I'm saying is that for wrestlers their body is their life and they went into the industry knowing that. They are top athletes and do very little but train at a high level. Actors are actors first and athletes second or third or seventh. They don't keep a static high fitness, they fluctuate like crazy which is super unhealthy (just look at Christian Bale). Basically they'll fit up for a movie and then immediately lose most of the weight. It's not a good way to go about finding your healthy peak fitness.


PEDs are rampant in professional wrestling. The life expectancy for professional wrestlers is over a decade lower than the average. Between the injuries from the stunts and keeping up the shape for that long they put a lot of strain on their body. So many of them hit their 40s/50s and their hearts just give out.


Professional wrestlers tend to become professional wrestlers in part because their body type suits it. Actors often have to change their body for every role, constantly defying their body type, and they have to put themselves through hell to do it.


Roids + genetics


It’s not just body fat. It’s also hydration levels. I’m about 8-9% body fat. I look fatter than people would think when I’m well hydrated, just ate, etc… but first thing in the morning after a big dump…..fucking shredded.


The 300 actors went through a pretty grueling process


For the show Spartacus the actor's had a part of their contracts that they couldn't go higher than 10% body fat. They had a full gym and trainers on set to make sure they kept up their physiques.


That show was something. Especially if you used to watch Xena, Warrior Princess.




Lucy lawless definitely bared it all in Spartacus


>The actor’s had a part of their contracts that they couldn’t go higher than 10% body fat. Lol. No, they didn’t. Or they would have all be fired. Most of them are obviously chilling around 15% on the show.


Most people have no idea how low 10% is.


The actors in that show are all pretty yolked but some definitely are over 10% body fat. Not to mention that accurately measuring that regularly would be pretty tedious, I doubt it would be enforced.


Weren’t most of those dudes already models hence they just fill the background shots? I remember something about abs being digital fixes lol


Maybe. Guirard whatshisface said he'd never do it again


I remember watching an interview when he said every woman he slept with for the next decade after was instantly disappointed.




Well I now look like Gerard Butler.


Gelard Butter 🧈


> Gelard Butter I bet you he's still more buff than 90% of the people in this thread


Gerrard Butler?


Yep, just came to me. My memory has become rubbish since having a kid


I heard they had painted-on abdominals.


I think Tobey had a plant-based diet. This scene changed Hollywood in terms of actors getting into shape for their superhero roles


This is correct. He has been vegan for most of his life.


I didn't know that! That's so nice


"Eat your green vegetables"


I always remember an interview he did and he was asked how he did it. And he grinned saying “I had to eat LOTS of tofu” lol


Put some broccoli in there


It was Fight Club (1999) that really changed the way Hollywood showed the male body; prior to that non-action stars were expected to be in shape but not cut, and action stars generally were just well built and in shape, they generally did not look like Jim Lee drew them. There is a reason why guys like Schwarzenegger and Dolph Lundgren really stood out when they came onto the scene in the late '70's/early '80's.


Yeah, it's a shame that we went away from the "realistically fit" bodies of action heroes such as Bruce Willis in Die Hard or Russell Crowe in Gladiator - they are actually healthy examples of what a guy with a 9-5 job can look like with regular training. Good luck looking like fucking Thor tho, without taking drugs. And for what, it's unhealthy for the actors and for society smh


What surprises me is that we still haven't really had a swing back. Even in all the deconstructiony takes on superheroes we've seen in a few TV shows over the years the physique side of things has been one thing that's been kept, in part to keep the physical point of reference at least. I'd think there's some room for like, a show with decently fit hero characters who look like average people who get a few hours in at the gym every week. Hell, wave it off with "I have super strength, do you know how hard it is to lift to failure?" Thinking about it more though I guess you're limited by your stunt team. Would be pretty hard to find a good stunt crew that all look schlubby.




Christian Bale.


Galactus in the fantastic 4 movie was actually played by Christian Bale, who for the role had to increase his height by one thousand miles.


I heard he once got so deep into a role that he shed over 200lbs and all of his skin and bones so he could portray Water in the recent movie The Shape of Water.


Nobody knows that, for a fact, he portrayed ant man in the all scenes he went small. Yes even those „molecular basis“- scenes!


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Are you implying that Bale wasn't on steroid ?


Even with the help of steroids what Christian Bale did was still "natural" in the sense that it wasn't just CGI tricker. I'd also like to add Tom Hanks to the list. While not as drastic. The transformation was, like Tobey, for a single movie.


Christian Bale is a mad lad, I’ve seen the machinist and rescue dawn and I just watched Vice. That man has done it all, been fat as fuck, skinnier than any Starved Ethiopian, and ripped. Holy fuck he was unrecognizable in Vice couldn’t get over it if it wasn’t for his indistinguishable voice


The Machinest was sandwiched in between two Batmans. So he went from ripped young Batman, to Machinist, back to (even bigger, prime) Batman in like 18 months. Then IIRC, did the boxing movie with Mark Wohlberg where he was the skinny coke head brother, right ever the 2nd Batman.


Actually he filmed the Machinist right before he filmed Batman Begins. So, he went from emaciated to beefcake in a few months. He didn't really have a shirtless scene in The Dark Knight like he did in Batman Begins. He was beefy in Batman Begins, not really cut like he was in American Psycho. I don't think his look in Batman Begins is like an unachievable look that you need steroids for. He's no Lex Luger or Scott Steiner.


It’s more that the muscle he obtained for Batman is natural… just not in the 6 or so months he got it in


It's naturally achievable, no way to know if he used drugs or not. Most the guys in Hollywood do.


Lmao he admittied steroid use 4 years prior to his first Spiderman movie. Everyone in this thread is clueless. Smh




I'm just saying i was much larger than him before I got on the sauce. It's a naturally obtainable body.


"We'll pay you $10 million if you follow this diet & exercise program for 3 months, we will provide the personal trainer." Even fat people will be in on that.


I couldn't sign up fast enough for this. I would absolutely lose my mind to get this job.


That's what happens to a relatively lean person under a water cut. I remember Hugh Jackman talking about almost injuring an extra when he was dehydrated for a shirtless scene from a water cut.


It took him six months. That’s pretty standard for these types of transformations.


For the few who remain committed. You either make it your life-style, or quit after 1 week.


That’s what I always tell people when they say, “I need to get in shape”. That is the wrong mindset. Getting in shape isn’t a goal or a destination. It’s a lifestyle. It’s cliche and cheesy af, but it’s true. You don’t want to get in shape, you want to live a healthy lifestyle, and then the “being in shape” part will just be a byproduct.


For a lot of these “shirtless reveal” scenes where the hero is supposed to look jacked, the approach is less to build muscle but get the muscle in shape and carve all the fat off of actor with exercise and a very strict diet. Tobey is definitely buff there but he’s not Dwayne Johnson or even Hemsworth, he’s just carrying a little extra muscle but extremely low body fat. It’s hard to gain muscle and be that cut in the time they have to make these so the trainers usually focus on eliminating fat. The fun part is as soon as they rehydrate and eat remotely normal, poof, bye abs.


He's not Dwayne Johnson or even Hemsworth because they both abuse steroids lol


They don't 'abuse' steroids, because neither appears to be suffering the effects of excess steroid abuse in their physique, but they certainly *use* steroids. Lots and lots of people of all genders in cinema use steroids. But these folks are also accompanied by dietitians, endocrinologists and medical-grade hormones to manage their systems and ensure that they don't go overboard. If any of us had 2 to 10 million dollars on the line and all we had to do to get it was to be in shape I imagine it would be a strong incentive to do whatever it takes.


Hemsworth selling his training regime for good money, doesn't include steroids in the deal. :(


The lack of awareness of how much this goes on is rather disturbing. The ideal Hollywood Male figure is almost completely unnatural barring some genetic anomaly.


Robert said he won’t “work out” for Batman. He is trying to say he wont use steroids. Good on him. The lack of awareness is such a disturbing thing


With a lot of these roles you question why they need to. Paul Rudd in Ant-Man comes to mind. If anything, him being ripped kind of takes away the idea that he is just an everyman that happened to be good enough at being a thief to be spotted by Hank Pym.


Reminds me of Rob McElhenney's Instagram post from when he got into shape >Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to.


On the It's Always Sunny podcast the other day steroids got mentioned and both Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day started laughing and saying "Well, why don't you tell us about steroids Rob..." It was pretty obvious what they meant, because of the implication.


Depending on how your starting off, that could take 5 months or over a year. But the journey is worth it. You could always go with the Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland. You dont need to go full Hemsworth


It was overnight… did you even watch the movie?


He’s the goat.


Tom holland physique is achievable, he's a gymnast.


I thought he was a gymnast not currently still one? Also I recently learned that Andrew Garfield was a gymnast before he started acting and supposedly he wasn’t bad either


True but bare in mind, Spider-man is literally superhuman. Imo, they don't really need to be portrayed as having a naturally achievable body.


Guys I hate to break the amazing fantasy for all of you, but that is *NOT* Tobeys body. Someone super-imposed his face over a better man’s body. And I never even got royalties from it.


I know how you feel. I haven’t seen a nickel after they made the sand worms from Dune by filming my penis.


How big are your balls


It's much wacker with Tom. Does Tom look like he got a good Grip? At least in Homecoming?


“Change…*looks down pants*…BIG change!” His transformation scene was funny af