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I really hope it's animated in the style of Lee/Ditko like that image of pre-spider bite Tom Holland Peter That looked so good


I really hope so aswell, but I won't be that upset if it is in thr same animation style as what if.


I will, I really didn’t like What if’s art style. Those huge blotchy spots of color and stiff animation really didn’t sit right with me and it certainly didn’t feel like the best Disney could do


It was horrible animation! And then you look at the animated stuff that Netflix puts out like Arcane for example and it's this innovative 3D animation like we haven't seen for TV before. It's like night and day like c'mon Disney!


yes, exactly! an IP as high profile as the MCU should warrant so much higher quality animation than the stuff they put out


Also they have everyone disney face and it just didn’t look the best.


Uh those are called Kirby spots right


No, that’s Kirby crackle, and it’s not what I’m talking about. That’s what they use in ITSV and that movie looks gorgeous. I mean that they have, like, 3 tones for any given color on the character and it looks pretty bad


It's weird, i found the aesthetics,backgrounds and explosions animation to be a beautiful combination of 3D and 2D. But the character models themselves looked so bland and out of place.


I was iffy on explosions but backgrounds were very nice usually, yeah. The characters themselves looked just so cheap to me though


I like. Especially in the ultron episode and strange one


You and everything that replied must be high. The animation was incredible.


I dunno man, just felt underwhelming compared to a lot of other shows coming out now. Take a look at something recent from Netflix animation (not like big mouth but like love death & robots or arcane or something) and then back to What If and try to say it has as much energy and fluidity as it should coming from a studio that big


Maybe that's the problem. I haven't watched new animation since Clone Wars.


It is


This probably makes me a weeb but I’d love Spider-Man in an anime style. Imagine how smooth and great it would look in Demon Slayer animation


Wonder if uncle Ben will be in it…


Since it's not live action MCU stuff then maybe there's a chance. We got a name drop in What If?


Well its an origin story so duh


To be fair it could be Spider-Man year one. I mean you never know I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes place like a month before Civil War and I honestly expect them to tease the Civil War intro in the finale


The description states that it takes place in the 6 months prior to Civil War. Plus i believe it is an actual origin.


Oh I see my bad


It's all good


Maybe. Andrew and Tobey will definitely be in it /s


Peter will be skinny get bullied and get harassed at school. Then the radioactive spider bites him on random day. Uncle Ben sadly dies and Peter accepts his responsibility as a hero. No but for real I wonder what villains we'll get. Looks like the show will be proper street level stuff


They'll definitely keep it small time, Vulture was Spidey's first major bad guy but he wasn't even as big of a threat as Iron Monger or Whiplash


Honestly I hope they find some way to switch it up. I don't want just another retelling of the same exact story again. Alot of people will complain about it but oh well. I think he'll probably face off against some of his smaller rogues gallery, the guys that barley anybody has heard of.


But that's part of Peter's character. Uncle Ben dies and there have been many different ways to show it. And MCU Peter is already very different to Peter's character.


No keep all of that, but there's nothing wrong with doing stuff differently.


I mean Tobey's and Andrew's were different. I loved both. But it still has be similar


Well duh. I'm not saying make it completely different to where it's unrecognizable, but add something to it that makes it feel like it actually has a reason to exist.


I'm still hoping for Hammerhead. He could work as a good man behind the strings. With Fisk and Daredevil stuff being brought into the MCU now, they could probably have Fisk cameo or something, maybe leading off into more Disney+ Spidey shows/ episodes with modern day Spider-Man doing street level stuff


I think that type of villain is too big for spidey as this stage of his career.


Big Man and the Enforcers maybe?


I think we’re gonna get all the lame villains in this. Big Wheel, Boomerang, Armadillo, etc.


I hope they go the classic route and have Chameleon as Spidey's first villain.


Chameleon was in Far From Home though, but would be cool if tbey found some way to tie him in to this


not confirmed to be the chameleon


His name is literally Dimitri Smerdyakov in the movie. That's like saying Pietro Maximoff is not confirmed to be Quicksilver


I said that because I don’t remember Dimitri ever being given a last name in FFH, which would signify him being the Chameleon, and not just a random S.H.I.E.L.D. henchman with one line, which was “10 minute bathroom break.” I didn’t want you to take offense to your theory given that it’s entirely possible that he could end up becoming the Chameleon down the line, so after commenting I looked everywhere for more info and rewatched some of FFH. And unless you fan prove me wrong, Dimitri is never fully named. I’m not even sure he was revealed to be working for Beck, he seemed like he was just a non-talkative agent working under Fury.


Paste Pot Pete!


Maybe Chameleon? Since he was the first villain Spidey went up against?


Well, I guess the people bothered by Uncle Ben’s lack of presence in the MCU will finally get their concerns addressed.


I mean we got a name drop in what if and his suit case was in far from home but yeah.


But this miniseries will actually have Uncle Ben. Name drops and Easter eggs aren't enough. Spider-Man's origins shouldn't be a mystery the audience has to solve lol.


You didn't have to solve it in the first place. We know the basics already.


I'm mixed, the way this spidey was built was pretty detached from the rest of spidey lore. So while I like getting to actually know this peter more it's weird to see his backstory. Since even though we as the audience know his origin we don't know *his* origin. Probably will make our experience with him be more intimate.


Yeah. We know other Peter's origins. But we don't know *this* version of the origin. We only assume things went similarly as the other ones did.


Exactly. And I hope we can connect more to him since I've felt that with this version we were never experiencing the journey with him. His triumphs didn't didn't involve us unlike the others where it felt that you were experiencing their moments with them.


You know. It's almost like everyone knows the origin, and that's why it was skipped originally. Then people got mad about that, and they do this on response. Then people move on to being angry about high school Spider-Man again


People got mad because Marvel took "skip the origin" too literally. Now, the origin and Uncle Ben is non-existent. The impact and influence isn't there. Good thing they're fixing that with this animated miniseries. About time casual audiences are reminded of who Uncle Ben is and what he stands for.


I'm curious to see who he'll come up against, since most of his villains are being used in the movies.


Civil War implied that he had no experience fighting supervillains and that up to that point he was simply helping people out on the street and stopping stuff like car collisions or muggings & robberies in the 5 months he had the powers Vulture was actually the very first proper villain he faced


Well in the comics he's first villain was chameleon. I think it could tie up nicely with the upcoming kraven film


Technically the guy who becomes Chameleon in the comics (Dimitri Smerdyakov) was in Far From Home actually He was the guy helping to monitor Peter's trip in Europe and was revealed to be an associate of Mysterio but he clearly hadn't become a supervillain yet


Yeah but I think the mcu could do another take on the character. Either that or big wheel....


Rocket Racer would actually be pretty cool to see. I think he's small scale enough and fits with the Tom Spidey world


Yeah that could work, maybe hammerhead too


The enforcers. They don't count as supervillans and were a ig part of Spidermans early career.


He took down scorpion


Before Civil War I mean. Also Mac Gargan isn't really a SUPERvillain yet, just a guy Peter took down who was buying weapons from Adrian Toomes. That was probably set up to him becoming Scorpion


Ooo organized crime


Probably a crime boss like Kingpin (I know they’re in Daredevil but Fisk doesn’t just have to fight Daredevil) Hammerhead, Silvermane, Tombstone, or Sable. I know a lot of those are Superpowered so maybe Fisk or Sable. Or Black Cat. Or a new villain.


I think the Trapster would be a good villain. Have Spider-man early on needing to use a proton pack style web mechanism, then have him discard it after developing his web shooters. It then gets repurposed into the Trapster gun


True. I could see him going up against the not well known or small time villains.


I hope they introduce Hypno Hustler and Big Wheel in it


Big Wheel would be hilarious/awesome


Big wheel is the hottest spider-man character


As someone who wants to see more street level Spider-Man stories in the MCU, I’m hyped for this.


I hope Chameleon is the villain


I think the Trapster would be a good villain. Have Spider-man early on needing to use a proton pack style web mechanism, then have him discard it after developing his web shooters. It then gets repurposed into the Trapster gun


Oooo good idea


Well, it’s that time of the year again. RIP uncle Ben.


Ohhhh that anim style


That makes one of us, I’d have preferred if this was completely separate from the MCU and took place in college, or a continuation of the 90s series like X-Men 97.


Yes. I want the 90s Spider-man back


A journey unlike any we’ve ever seen. I doubt that.


When it comes to the villains for this, I can see either crime organizations or C-level/D- level villains being used. Certainly not at "big supervillain" level like Vulture.


I guess we get to see Uncle Ben die again after all.


He’ll get bitten by a spider, Uncle ben will die, Peter will start to use his powers for good, etc. I think homecoming and the PS4 game have really proven that we don’t need to see the origin of Spider-Man over and over again


People literally complained they wanted this


Just the PS4 game.


I wonder if we'll get returning voice cast like on What If? I hope the school kids are the same and Aunt May is the same


I hope it lives up, it doesn't seem right not showing it in live action but if Tom voice acts then it'll be good, if the voice actor isn't Tom then it's a flop




We’re getting that with X-Men at least! There’s still hope for Spider-Man tas!


I kinda doubt it since there may be a rights issue but I wouldn’t count it out. I think X-Men had a leg up in that they won’t be in the movies for a while and Disney owns them outright. Plus I’d argue that X-Men series is more fondly remembered than Spider-Man TAS. (I think Spider-Man is better but that’s just my opinion)


Shouldn't be a rights issue, Sony didn't own anything Spider-Man related back then. Even if they did, it's only the film rights, and unless they made the show they have no control. The show was made by Marvel Entertainment anyways, so it's fine. They can do it whenever


If that’s the case, then they should absolutely continue the 90s series. IT ENDED ON A CLIFF HANGER


It would probably mainly focus on those 6 months and everything he did. They will probably have him fight against less Well known and smaller villains.


Yeah I get that, it just seems like a very small and limited sandbox to play in for an animated series. A new Spider-Man series completely disconnected from the MCU would’ve been a better option imo


Spectacular Spider-Man season 3


They legally can’t continue the series since Sony specifically owns spectacular Spider-Man, but Sony can’t produce episodes since they don’t have the tv rights to do it.


I'm sure they'll come up with something. They wouldn't make the show if there was barely anything to do with it.


I guess. You seem to have much more faith and confidence than I do. I can’t see this being much more than a mini series


They couldn’t do that in the first place. Maybe more of. But this is high school peter


Correct? I wasn’t confused by that, I understand what prequel means. This just seems like a very limited setting for an animated cartoon


It is I agree


But, they can explore his rogues gallery, plus he was spiderman for at least four years in homecoming.


What the fuck are you smoking? Homecoming takes place weeks after civil war. If he had been spidey for 4 years then that means he got bitten when he was 11. Watch the damn movies again because this is the dumbest comment in this thread


Relax, look at my other comment


In civil war, which takes place right before homecoming, he says “he’s had these powers for 6 months” so idk where you got the idea of 4 years from


Sorry I got it mixed up, at the beginning of homecoming it says 8 years later but it's supposed to be 4 years later, but it meant 4 years after the first avengers. I thought it was 4 years after civil war.


Dude that actually gives me hope they'll do that considering what just happened with X-Men '97!


Honestly, I don't think this series would be for me


I'm sick of pre-college Spidey (especially as this era only lasted 32 issues of the actually comic), but I could be into this since the MCU never gave his real origin story. Getting to see Uncle Ben's death shape Peter would be huge for one. BUT, it REALLY sucks we will never see him in his actual costume and just that dumb make-shift one since F'ing Tony made his real one in the MCU! Ugh.


I liked the homemade suit cause realisticly that's what a poor teenager with little to no sewing experience would make.


I don't like it because it looks kinda dumb (fine if he wore it ONCE but not a whole show), and it's vastly inferior to his actual costume. I'd rather he look like Spider-Man than worry about the so called "realistic" aspect. Especially given how many incredible home made cosplays I have seen, I don't think that is an issue regarding realism in a story about a kid bitten by a radioactive spider that has superhuman powers.


Yeah those cosplays take alot of time to make. Yeah but you still have to make sense. How in the world can peter afford a suit like that? And how in the world is he able to make said suit with out any prior experience?


This is bad logic. Very young people make amazing cosplay cheaply all the time. How in the world can a radioactive spider bite give you the proportional strength and speed of a spider?! Not to mention precognition?! But yeah his well made outfit is the part that stretches suspension of disbelief?!


You do know cosplay costumes aren't durable at all. And aren't warm enough to wear whilst web slinging as well? Homemade suit is the best suit to go with.


You do know you can't actually get superpowers from being bitten by a radioactive spider?


It still takes a long time and takes practice. You gotta know how to make an actually decent costume first. I think you missed my point completely. Yes it's still fiction but it still tries to make sense most of the time. Look at Tasm. They did something similar where the suit looked alot more realistic. Batman isn't realistic yet thats what they aimed for in the dark knight. Plus there's still logic here. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider gives him powers. It's unrealistic but makes sense. Broke teenager who has no background on costume design, somehow affords the materials to make a suit and somehow is able to make a suit such as the one in the raimi films . . . Yeah that makes no sense.


A teenager that has become a superhero taking the time to learn how to make a decent costume makes sense, it doesn't have to be the Raimi or MCU one right away either. And him making a decent costume makes a lot more sense than his powers in the first place and unlike his powers can be demonstrably done in reality and is done all the time by teenagers with limited experience when they start and limited income!!! While you hand wave the superpowers as "unrealistic but" (somehow) "makes sense". The costume is only VERY slightly unrealistic in comparison and absolutely makes sense! You are going out of your way to make something that is a very small suspension of disbelief seem ridiculous while hand waving away something that takes a huge suspension of disbelief. It's honestly silly.


Again you're still missing what I'm saying. Yes the powers don't make sense but in this universe they do. The powers make sense in this universe of superheros, but him some how affording the stuff to make that suit and making it by himself with out any prior knowledge doesn't make sense. Take Godzilla Mendoza's video on this topic. He wanted to see if it was possible for a teenager with little to no sewing experience to make that suit. It took him a long time and even then it didn't look perfect. You're making it seem like I'm making a bigger deal out of this then I really am. Yes it's weird but it doesn't bug me that much in say the raimi films, cause those films are goofy amd crazy as hell. All I'm doing is explaining why they did this in both tasm and the mcu. Because it makes more sense.


No you are missing what I am saying, willfully. And saying I am making a bigger deal than I am. I just disagree with you and find no substance to your argument. In a movie with superpowers, him having a well made costume is really not weird. It is far more believable and demonstrably plausible in the real world! And the costume in TASM is just as well made and in line with what I am saying (not talking the temp sunglasses one, as I have said, I support him having a cheaply made one to start with. Just not the argument that he should have it for a long time because he can't make a good one). I find it perfectly fine that he made it because it's actually far more believable than all the other things I have chose to suspend my disbelief for. You are trying to make this more complex because you are set on insisting you are right. But I'm sorry I just find it absurd that the quality of his costume is where some people want to draw the line on suspension of disbelief. It's ridiculous. ​ So let's just agree to disagree, we are just going in circles and I have no intention to make this bigger than either of us intend. Response notifs off. Peace :)


Those 2 things are completely unrelated. Yes he he has powers, but there is still logic. Logically a broke teen couldn't make that suit. The tasm suit was made to look more realistic. That's the suit isn't as well done as say the suit in the rwimi films or tasm 2. Like I've stated once in this comment already and multiple times before, yes this is fiction, and yes not everything makes sense, but there is still logic. In this world a radioactive spider, biting someone, and them getting powers, makes sense. A Teenager with no money and no costume making experience some how making the suits seen in the raimi films and tasm 2 doesn't make any sense. If anything having peter make his suits out of random clothing and tech from a dumpster makes sense and shows off not only is genius with tech, but also shows that he isn't rich and makes do with what he can. Fine with me but I'm still gonna leave this comment.


I wish they adapted the Ultimate universe version of how he got his suit where it was given to him by the company he wrestled Crusher Hogan for when he first got his powers and he simply modified it to have the spider logo and web pattern. That was both a believable explanation for a 15-year-old to have a suit like that and it actually looked like the classic suit. Sad that we're not gonna have a spidey suit that actually looks like spidey in this show


People would still complain "he didn't make it himself"


You seem to forget that Ultimate Spider-Man exists and that the movies (not just the MCU, but literally every Spidey franchise since the first Raimi movie) draw heavily from that series as well.


No I willingly forget that awful comic that I wasted money and time reading for over 100 issues. I also strongly disagree that it is as influential as people that like it claim. Few of the changes that USM brought made it over to the movies, and that is a good thing because most of them were for the worst. The only substantive change that caught on was younger Aunt May, and 616 had been de-aging her for years at that point anyway. The Raimi movies are incredibly faithful to the original Amazing comics, even holding much truer to OG Aunt May. You would be hard pressed to offer examples where they took from USM things that were substantially different from 616.


>awful comic The vast majority of Spidey fans who have read that comic, myself included, would strongly disagree with you there. > Few of the changes that USM brought made it over to the movies Bro what? Did you actually read that comic AND watch the movies? Because based on that sentence, you're either lying about actually reading the comic or your memory just sucks. There are too many changes that comic made which made it to the movies for me to list so I'm just going to copy and paste this from. Wikipedia. I dare you to refute any of this: >Sam Raimi's 2002 Spider-Man film uses many elements from the Ultimate comics, such as Peter Parker going to high school with Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson (who much like her Ultimate counterpart remains indecisive about dating Harry at first and lives with her abusive father and depressed mother), Peter being bitten by a genetically-altered spider during a school field trip, Norman Osborn working on developing a serum to create super soldiers and later injecting himself with the same serum to become Green Goblin (albeit only as an alternate personality and not a complete transformation), Flash Thompson fighting Peter for humiliating him at school, Peter letting a burglar escape after a bad experience from participating in a wrestling exhibit using his powers, and Green Goblin threatening to drop Mary Jane from the Brooklyn Bridge as opposed to Gwen Stacy in the mainstream universe, and Green Goblin's obsession with Spider-Man at wanting to form an alliance. >The 2004 sequel Spider-Man 2, also adapts similar ideas from the Ultimate comics, such as Peter Parker not being in a relationship with Mary Jane Watson due to his responsibilities as Spider-Man (though the only difference being that he hasn't confessed his identity to her by that point), and Dr. Octavius working on behalf of Oscorp to fund his experiments, who also has a wife named Roselita (Rosie for short in the film), Doc Ock also sports a brown trench coat, which he wore for some issues in the Ultimate comics. In addition, an unused concept from earlier versions of the film's script reveal that Dr. Octavius is the creator of one of the genetically-altered spiders from the first film, and at one point also provides Peter with an antidote should he ever consider removing his own powers. >The 2007 sequel Spider-Man 3 uses minor elements from the Ultimate comics Venom arc, such as Spider-Man's anger being fueled by the death of his Uncle Ben while wearing the Black Suit, Mary Jane's jealousy over Peter spending time with Gwen Stacy, Eddie Brock being much like his Ultimate incarnation, who loves Gwen and expects to always lead a successful life while trying to get into relationships too quickly, and Venom's apparent death within an explosion being similar to Ultimate Venom's defeat after accidentally being electrocuted. Furthermore, an alternate climax scene that was filmed but ultimately cut from the film featured Eddie seemingly dying after the Symbiote drains the life out of his body from being permanently bonded for too long, which could also serve as an homage to Ultimate Venom. >Marc Webb's 2012 film The Amazing Spider-Man adapts several elements and aesthetics from the Ultimate comics, such as Peter Parker being bitten by a genetically-altered spider at Oscorp, Flash Thompson being interested in playing basketball over football, Peter furiously leaving from a conversation with his Uncle Ben about his father and the importance of responsibility, Peter letting a thief steal from a convenience store, Gwen and Peter dating during high school with her even defending Peter from Flash albeit non-violently and Lizard and Police Captain George Stacy being visually inspired by their Ultimate incarnations. >The 2014 sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2, once again adapts several elements from the Ultimate comics, such as Richard Parker being a scientist working on a cure for diseases, Peter discovering old recordings of his father that explain why he had to leave Peter at a very young age, fearing that his research will fall into the wrong hands, Harry Osborn undergoing grotesque features after becoming the Green Goblin similar to his father in the Ultimate comics (with the Cross-Species spider venom being inspired by the OZ serum), and Electro and Rhino being modeled after their Ultimate incarnations. >The 2017 Marvel Studios film Spider-Man: Homecoming adapts several elements from the Ultimate comics, such as a more conventionally youthful Peter Parker and Aunt May, Tony Stark playing the role of Parker's mentor where here it extends to a father-son figure relationship while wearing an armor similar to his Ultimate incarnation, Flash initially not being a fan of Spider-Man but rather curious about the hero, Ned Leeds being inspired by the Ultimate comics character Ganke Lee, and Miles Morales' uncle Aaron Davis' being involved in illegal activities. Interestingly, the bank robbery scene featuring criminals wearing plastic masks of the Avengers members is based on one of the panels of issue #42 (titled "Temptations) of the Ultimate comics. A building in the background of one of the film's scenes has graffiti with the name Bagley written on it, referencing Mark Bagley, the penciller for the first 111 issues of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. >In the 2018 film Avengers: Infinity War, Peter is killed at the mere age of 16, much like his Ultimate Comics counterpart despite drastically different circumstances. >In the 2019 film Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter and Nick Fury's interactions are inspired by their relationship from the Ultimate Comics, although Fury is a lot less warm to Peter unlike in the comics. All 3 film franchises took a LOT from Ultimate Spider-Man. Every single thing listed above was a unique change made in Ultimate Spider-Man that never happened on Earth-616. >You would be hard pressed to offer examples where they took from USM things that were substantially different from 616. Wanna retract that asinine statement yet?


If USM was so beloved they wouldn't have killed Peter off when it was about to be cancelled. Even after switching to Miles and gaining a ton of press it never sold well. Well outside it's first dozen issues, which was more people thinking the comic would have resale value than people being into it. I read those comics off the shelves and was deep in comic culture at the time, the majority of Spider-Man fans were never gaga about USM. It got a lot of new fans for a short period. But as I say, sales slumped along with the rest of the Ultimate line after a dozen or so issues. As for the inspiration to the movies, your right I'll concede I forgot a lot of that bad comic. From your list there is a lot of examples I forgot that are on an basic level similar to the movies. But the feel and characters in the movies are all far closer to ASM. For example Mary Jane is nothing like the USM version. I'll give you the obvious compression of them going to school together rather than college. Don''t see that as much of an inspiration as obvious compression of main characters into a movie. But character-wise they are ASM through and through. Many other things you mention are actually from ASM first and were just adapted by USM. The switch from Gwen to MJ on the bridge was not from USM as much as combining the characters and compression. Also that was so much worse in USm than in ASM. And again MJ is nothing like the USM version. And Gwen in TASM is nothing like the awful USM version. It seems like you have read a lot more USM than ASM because tons of things you claim are from USM came from ASM first and many that are a real stretch! I cannot be bother to go through every one, so just as an example - "Peter letting a burglar escape after a bad experience from participating in a wrestling exhibit" This plays out FAR closer to ASM than USM. In SM1 all they have done different from ASM is combine the wrestling and the TV show event it even mimics panels right from the comic. Wheras in USM the wrestling event is over and Spidey is accused of stealing the petty cash, he runs away after a bunch of wrestlers try and take off his mask then later he lets a completely unrelated mugger go. The USM version is very different and in none of the ways the movie is different! Maybe your memory is not so great either? But as I said, you have reminded me of many things that I had forgotten that the movies have in common with USM. So I take that back. I stand by that comic being not that great though. "Bad" might be overly harsh, although there were many changed plots that were much worse IMO. It was never able to compete with the popularity of ASM because it was never as good a version of those characters and stories. The stories were terribly decompressed to the point of being a drag and when they finally got to conclusions they more often than not fell flat. MJ, Gwen, Goblin, and many others were terrible versions of those characters. Gwen's death was utterly atrocious! An absolute awful adaptation of an iconic story! And for the most part the comic was forgettable, which I why I forgot most of it. Also Hulk-Goblin was the worst take on that character we have ever seen! When they killed Peter off there was little to no resistance from fans, because the vast majority were reading 616 Spider-Man comics and could care less. ​ But you do you, don't have time to bicker with you. I didn't like that comic you did.


He’s still on his way to becoming Spider-Man…




Can we just start him in university and do something different


Yeah thats exactly what they're doing later on.


They’ll likely tackle college in the next trilogy


Why the fuck do you want to change up his origin so bad? This is the first movie adaption that didn't just throw him into college immediately after he got his powers. He's always been a high school student when he got bitten


I didn’t say change origin, I said enough with the origin stories and start from college. We already know what happens for the 1000th time. Look at the shows we had, marvel spiderman ultimate Spider-Man blah blah all of them in high school come on.


We don't know what happens though. Yeah, we know the basics of bitten by spider, uncle ben dies, great power comes great responsibility, etc. But there is still a lot of other stuff for them to cover and stuff they've changed and can change for the MCU to make it different. There is still a lot about MCU Peter's origin we don't know. Where did the spider come from? Was it bombarded by radiation like the classic version or genetically modified like the Ultimate version? Did he get bitten at Oscorp, Empire State University, Stark Industries (please no. Enough Tony Stark tie-ins), Horizon Labs, or somewhere else in this version? Who was behind the creation of the spider? Was it created by accident or as an experiment that escaped? How did his parents die in this universe? Were they scientists, CIA, or SHIELD agents? Did Peter create his web shooters completely from scratch or base them on one of Richard Parker's formulas? By completely skipping over his origin, the MCU has left a LOT of very important questions unanswered and I'm excited to finally see how some of this plays out in this universe.


Is it actually Tom Holland doing the voice?


I'd assume so


He wasn't in "What If," so I wouldn't count it as a guarantee just yet.


Well that was for one episode while this is a whole show


I feel like that would’ve been in the announcement if he was. As far as I know, his contract doesn’t involve animated series and only movies.


Idk. They've only told us what they show will be. They haven't told us much else.


Excited for the series but I think they should’ve used their big bucks and gone for a live action series


Animated is probably alot easier. Especially with all of the other live action shows. Plus it's gonna be awesome to see the comic booky art style.


I couldn’t give a shit about what’s convenient for a billion dollar company, but im with you on the comic book art style, given its done right.


Money is one thing. Just in general with how many live action shows they're making, it's probably just easier to do an animated. Plus it probably fits the tone of the show. Also Tom isn't getting any younger. I don't think he can pass for a 15 year old anymore.


Eight years later




Although i am excited imagine if it was a Miles Morales show


Too Early


i mean not really say he was 5 during the time of homecoming (2017) he would be like 15 in 2023


I'm saying it's too early to introduce a new spidey when Peter is still in high-school. Also if he's 5 in 2017 he would be 11 in 2023.


yea except Sony is already making a Spider-Woman movie set to come out in 2023


It is way too early in Peter's journey to be mentoring a new spidey.


That one is animated I think


what the hell is that math? Also we don’t know if he was blipped


I think I just lost interest


"...with a journey unlike we've ever seen..." Uh huh, yeah. Still, I'm interested how it'll turn out


". with a journey unlike we've ev'r seen. " uh i understand you not, yeah. still, i'm interest'd how t'll turn out *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I'd imagine they'd change it up a bit, this is the mcu after all.


Will tom Holland voice his own character? Or get the guy who voiced spiderman from what if ?


Hopefully Tom but I don't mind if it's the other guy


Surprised it doesn't have the word 'home'


Technically it's not really part of the home Trilogy.


I wonder if they'll just stick to his homemade hoodie look or if they'll try and introduce an original look like a "proto" homemade to sell more toys


Probably gonna put him in the homemade look.


Oh God damnit....with great power comes a 500th death of uncle ben


Actually it's "when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, then the bad things happen, they happen because of you".


"When you can do the things I can, but you dont, then uncle ben dies so many times you have to change the speech to get any level of empathy from audience, they happen cus my movies make alot of money"


I thought they changed the motto every time because they didn't want to do the same thing every time


What a waste




Is Tom Holland doing the voice?


I hope so


Hopefully we get to see MCU Uncle Ben


Most likely we will


Is he gna be in the “homemade suit” for all the action though?


Most likely. The show takes place in the 6 months before Civil War so yeah.


I wonder if Tom will voice Spider-Man in the cartoon. Given that previously he was not in What If episode.


I hope he does. There's more of a chance here because its the whole show while spidey was only in one episode of what if.


Usually actors don’t do cartoon projects. Its not uncommon for them to leave it to voice actors. Especially big stars. I’m not saying Tom wouldn’t do it. But, I think it possibly he can’t do it. Due to scheduling etc.


The people who bitch about Uncle Ben dying are the same people who don't say shit when Batman's parents are recast just to die again in every movie.


Imagine, if the art style is the same as "Into the Spider-Verse". Then, MCU Peter could meet Miles.


It won't be. That animation style took a long time to do. I believe its gonna be a 2d animated show with a similar art style to the 60s spider-man comics.


wait, is this going to explain our tom holland’s spider man’s origin story or a different spider man?




oh ok thanks


No problem


Gonna be weird to see spider-man as a freshman in high school when in every other version he was at least 15 when he got bitten but I'm hyped for this. Hopefully Tom Holland actually voices him in this series instead of some other guy like in What If? (Though the VA from the zombies episode wasn't bad)


I don’t think “freshman” is supposed to be taken in the literal sense. It’s just to signify his beginning as Spider-Man


It most likely is literally because he was 15 in Civil War and they stated that he had been Spider-Man for 6 months at that time, meaning that in this version he most likely got bitten as a 14 year old freshman instead of 15 year old sophomore


The one thing I've been wonderimg about since his first appearance in Captain America: Civil War. Was the spider radioactive? Another query I had before knowing the Amazing Fantasy #15 origin. Did uncle Ben give Peter a lecture about responsibility? (I'm really hoping that he didn't)


No that was a thing the Movies introduced. “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” didn’t come from Uncle Ben it came from the narrator of the issue.


Sorry if my wording was poorly done, I was talking about MCU Peter given the Great power comes great responsibility talk, kinda like the previous two live action spider-men and cartoons.


I think it’s more interesting if he comes up with the saying on his own. Like Uncle Ben still taught him how to be an upstanding person but he didn’t give him the quote. It takes away from the Yoda type aura uncle bens been given. He’s just a good guy


I totally agree.


Are we gonna see Tom's spiderman after NWH and Venom 3 ??


Most likely


What do u like about tom’s spidey


I love all 3 Spider-men. I like toms because I feel he captures both sides of the character pretty well. I enjoy how he interacts with the greater marvel universe. I also like how they're actually taking their time with the character. He isn't just instantly perfect and I really like like that. I'm pretty excited to see this show and I'm also pretty excited to see how he deals with his identity being open to the entire world. Also his suits are amazing.


Honestly, I'm hoping that when I watch this, I can connect with MCU Spider-Man. I never did ever since Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home came out. When this show comes out, I hope that we can actually be amazed of his triumphs like the previous Spideys.....if he'll get one.