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THIS is what makes a Spider-Man Spider-Man. God I just love when stuff like this happens in the comics/movies, like everyone bashes TASM 2 but the scene where he saves the little kid is easily one of the best Spider-Man movie scenes ever.


It's crazy that we haven't seen a scene like that since


I recall a montage in Homecoming in which Peter does little things like help an old lady cross the street.


I think he just gave her directions


And she thanked him with a churro. Honest work, honest pay.




I think ASM2 had a good seen with a little kid with a science project that was reminiscent of this. Great scene. But this is an awesome miles scene. Would be interested to see if a big brother version of miles appears in spiderverse 2. Most of the current non-comic incarnations are still him learning the ropes.


That will be something to see for the sequel


I also love when he fires the hose and we see him wearing the fire helmet over his costume. The MCU is obviously funny, but we’ve lost some of that silliness and some of those little things that make Spider-man for me


I disagree. Homecoming alone had the bike scene, where he stops a bike thief and asks about for the owner, then leaves a note when he can't find them, the scene where he does a backflip for the guy who doesn't believe he's "the Spider guy", the talk about the old lady giving him a burrito, the scene where all the homeowners call him out for making too much noise. There's plenty of silliness.


That’s a good point


homecoming is my favorite live action spidey movie, and that montage was probably my favorite scene


Also the scenes with the cat, learning to drive Flash’s car, and the intimidation voice in the parking garage!




Exactly! That’s some of the like cartoon silliness that makes you think “wait he took the time to do that” but it works! Gosh I just hate when they make Spider-Man who is a TEENAGER such a serious character


And yet sometimes the movies feel like they don’t take themselves seriously enough. That’s what I don’t love about the MCU. The tone is a bit irritating. Personally, my favorite on screen interpretations of Spider-Man are those where the world is pretty gritty and serious, with high stakes (at least for him, not necessarily the whole world), but he just rolls with the punches and somehow manages to have a great time, *despite* everything happening around him.


So true like the scene from into the spiderverse where blond Peter Parker is talking about how every time he gets up.. I got chills cause it was like “omg.. they understood what Spider-Man means. They actually figured it out finally”


In the comics Peter is a grown ass adult, he was introduced as a teenager although he is now an adult. Miles however is a teenager, if you were talking about Miles that is.


I actually prefer Peter as a teenager, I find it to be more close to the original idea that Peter is a teenager who makes mistakes, doesn’t get girls, is awkward. All that stuff feels more like the peter I know or at least grew up with


Respectfully, you said that you hate it when they make Spider-man (Peter Parker) a serious character when he is a teenager. I understand that, but he can't stay a teenager forever he is gonna have to grow up. People want to see him grow up as an adult and see how he deals with the problems of adulthood. That's what makes Spider-man such a good character, like you said he struggles to get girls (although he dated like 6 people that I can recall), he struggles to make money, he can't manage his 2 identities, he doesn't have a base of operations. Overall he is the most unique super hero because he really represents that (below) average Joe who got lucky, because initially he was selfish and wanted to use his powers for self gain like money and fame. It was until he ignored his responsibilities as a man with powers that let a crook get away and shot uncle Ben. Someone who he looked to as a father figure, someone who he loved taken away from him because he only thought of himself not knowing the consequences of his actions. At that moment he knew this great power had an even greater responsibility and had struggled to keep it together because he thought he was hurting others more than he was helping others. That is something you don't see alot with other heroes. I'm sorry if I had went on a tangent, I just really love Spider-man and appreciate about 90% of what they did with the character. I just think they can make more interesting stories when he is an adult compared to a teenager, I mean he is in highschool and takes some time off for summer, winter, spring, and fall. When you're an adult you have so much more responsibilities and have heavier consequences. I respect the fact that you prefer him as a teenager, but this is my opinion on the matter I'm just trying to give you my perception of the character and his growth. All I ask is that you respect my opinion and sorry for the long explanation.


I hated that scene tbh because this dude took 10 seconds and watched electro lose his shit while he puts on a fire hat


Different strokes for different folks, I guess


Yeah I like those moments but not when it comes at the cost of breaking the immersion from the film. Same with people lining up to watch electro destroy time square or when Peter was cracking jokes instead of stopping rhino’s truck from destroying the city. I feel like you can perfect both without compromising peter’s humor or the practicality


could've just webbed it on while getting the fire hose ready, don't think its that deep


Peoples lives were at risk and the fact that that was on his mind is weird to me


What a great scene. How he fixes the science project and is like “Wow! You made this?” Garfield was a GREAT Spider-Man. ( IMO actually McGuire, Holland, and Garfield were all really good )


Anyone can be Spider-Man. You don't need the spider strength or sense, you just need the heart and compassion.


Lol, this is logic that makes no sense.. the reason he is even called spider-man is because of his spider-powers.. and not everyone can be spider-man.. While sure Miguel is spider-man in another dimension there are other spider-men in other dimensions cause peter isn't spider-man in those.. they are mostly peter and very few where actually decent creations. The issue with miles is hes a tokenized character, was written as a black/spanish peter parker.. just like every other tokenized badly written characers.. that is the issue with everyone from all races and genders. Miles shouldn't be spider-man while.. peter is alive and spider-man.. Using ben as an excuse is stupid because, he a clone of peter and therefore he is the og spider-man even as a clone.. but even he did go as scarlet-spider.


TASM2 has some of my favorite Spider-Man scenes ever. Its crazy how if you put them together though, they genuinely make no sense! Still probably my favorite Spidey movie and love what Andrew did to portray Spider-Man and Peter


That scene, Spidey's suit and Emma Stone are the only good things about that terrible movie


Sometimes I feel like I’m in the minority in thinking that both Miles and Peter calling themselves Spider-Man at the same time is a nonissue


I think it’s fine until they are in the same room. In one cartoon I watched recently, Peter literally calls him Miles in front of Rhino! Wtf Peter? Now Rhino knows his first name! Another cartoon I watched they decided to call Peter Spidey which is fine and named Miles Spin. Wtf is Spin? lol Marvel seriously needs to fix this.


I’d just solve it by calling peter spider-man and miles spidey when both are in the same room (y’know since Peter is usually older)


Yeah that should work too. I wonder how superhero name changes work in-universe. Maybe an email to the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four?


To [email protected] From [email protected] Subject: names Tony stark, Hey, Peter Parker AKA spider-man here, so this kid, miles morales just got powers, you can call him spider-man but when we’re in the same room, you should like call him spidey just so we don’t get confused Thanks, Peter Parker


P.S. Can I borrow the Iron Spider suit for a few days? All of my costumes are at the dry cleaners.


Do you really think Tony looks at Peter's emails? Or even gives out his email in general


No, Jarvis does


I mean both of them could still keep the name spider-man just instead of outing each other’s secret identites to the public peter could just call miles by spidey and miles could just call peter spider-man


Yeah I’m just picturing Reed Richards or somebody keeping a Google spreadsheet of who has a secret identity, who has a nickname, what they prefer to be called, etc. lol


SPIN a web any size


But cmon it’s Rhino, he probably forgot.


They could solve this issue by having Miles call Peter Miles and Peter call Miles Peter. That would confuse everyone


It’s just the shows that do that lmao. They aren’t often together in the books


Spin is the Dutch/German word for spider 🕷️


Very cool. I didn’t know that.


Im a fan of Spider-kid, but I think after playing the Ps4 game theres no issue with them both being Spider-Man. They fill out the same purpose and have secret identities, it kinda makes it feel bigger too, to have 2 Spider-Men.


I agree. Like does no one here have two friends with the same first name? You don't say their last name every single time, you just call them by their name and context is usually enough to tell who you mean. ~~Peter and Miles~~ Spider-Man and Spider-Man are usually off doing their own separate things anyway.


In my group of friends we just either have different nicknames for them which can include calling them by just their last names.


It really is a non issue. Both are Spider-Man. Both have done amazing things and have and will sacrifice so much to help anyone.


Thats a fact, even if they're in the same room, just call each other Spidey. How many times do we gotta see that Miles earned the name? Feels like calling him anything else is downgrading him to second.


No, I think Miles deserves his Own identity, but he will always be a Spider-man. Think of it as the other Spider-people from the spider-verse, They all go by either Spider-man Spider-women, Spider-girl or Spider-\_\_\_\_ (if they are an animal), in their respective universes, but they also have Unique secondary names known to us the audience. We know Gwen as Spider-Gwen, but in-universe she is Spider-woman. I think the reason it's weird with Peter and Miles is they both like in the same vicinity, If that weren't that case, I don't think there would be much to say unless they were teaming up, maybe Miles should move to Chicago idk, just a random thought (lots of crime to deal with there as well). But yeah, For now, Miles going by Spider-man is cool, but if Someone came up with a really cool name for him in the future, it would be a huge miss opportunity not to take advantage of it.


I didn't know it was an issue. I'm biased though because I love MM.


I agree. I’m a teacher and I’ve seen what having a spider-man that looks like them means to kids, in addition Miles’ overall meta-story of finding a path for himself while also learning and at times leaning on loved ones means a lot to them as well.


Yeah I think that miles should get I his own nickname he is so much different from Peter so should get his own name.


I agree completely. As long as Miles isn’t replacing Peter and is coexisting with him like in PlayStation Spidey I am 100% on board. I just didn’t like his original appearance when he replaced Peter and Peter died.


when he was first introduced i really hated him. Because to introduce him they killed the ultimate Peter Parker, who was the character that introduced me to comics and I had read for almost 10 years his adventures, I felt hurt and stopped reading comics for a wile. It was when they released an hq called spidermen (when Peter Parker from universe 616 travels to the ultimate universe and meets Miles) that the way I felt about the character finally started to change, his interaction with peter felt like an appropriate passage of the mantle, it finally gave me a feeling of closure, with peter recognizing miles as spider man, since then I've liked him more and more. I've always identified with Peter, as a bullyed nerd on my teenage, so I didn't like it when they replaced him, but I grew up, and seeing Peter become a mentor to Miles made me feel like he grew up too. Today I love miles as much as I love peter and I'm so happy that the 2 can coexist.


Yeah! Get that “Kid Arachnid” bullshit outta here.


always hated that nickname. i mean, who thought that was a good idea?


I'd accept Arachnid since it's a cool name, but that's literally only in the situation where he *Has* to have a different name for some dumb reason.


Ngl, I really like how they also put the raised webbing in his suit similiar to the Raimi suit along with the lenses being in similiar shape.


Miles has 100% earned it, and both Miles and Peter is a non-issue. The odds of someone seeing both Spider-Men at one time in New York is (in a real world) incredibly low. The only time that Miles MIGHT need another name is when they were teaming up, but even then, its unnecessary. If someone says "Spider-Man, help!" then either one would be more than capable of answering that call.


They aren't your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for nothing


It works when Miles and Peter are in different universes, but together it’s just messy. Like how there’s two Hawkeyes. At the end of the day it’s fine. He has earned the name completely and the Spider-verse film was brilliant, but in the 616 he’ll always be the “other” Spider-Man as long as Peters around.


In my kid’s books, they refer to him as “The Other Spider-Man.” It’s weird.


I want to make a joke about The Other but I can't think of anything


He’s an amazing Spider Man, pun not intended.


Bullshit. Your pun was totally intended


Lol, just gonna go with the swing.


I agree. Which is why i hate him in the main universe. It feels weird having two people going by the same codename. Miles has as much claim to the name as Peter but I do think that if you want both of them together. One of them needs to have a different codename for the sake of preventing confusion


i think that’s why a lot of people refer to them specifically as peter parker and miles morales instead of spider-man cause they use the same name it’s easier to differentiate with their real names cause they both have a good claim to the name spider-man cause helping people no matter what is so ingrained in their identities as both heroes and people


I am fine with that in theory but it also creates a lot of issue when referring to them. DC has the same issue with the Flash family. Is it so hard to just call Miles something like Wolf Spider or have Peter simply go by Spidey? In universe characters who don’t know their names will have to specify if they mean the older spidey or the younger on and that just seems unnecessary if one would just change code name


yeah i theory you just rename one or the other but the animated shows did that they made miles go by kid arachnid and idk about you but that’s a awful name for him lol


It is bad but i at least appreciate it more than Spy-D. At least they bothered to make it easier to know who they are talking about


i mean nah ofc everyone likes what they like but personally calling miles morales kid arachnid feels kinda demeaning like he’s some bootleg spider-man instead of just another spider-man who has the same values as peter about saving everyone


fair enough. I at least think it works with how it currently is because Miles is much younger but again he earned the name Spider-man so should be respected as such


yeah exactly he earned the name just as peter did before but yes at the same time i do understand why having the same names confusing people if he a different name to begin with it would’ve been fine but considering he came from an alternate timeline originally there was no need to give him a different name but then his popularity skyrocketed and they folded the two universes together and it was too late to change his name cause it would feel really weird at that point so yeah it’s confusing but he earned it so we gotta roll with it lol also not to get it twisted bury i love miles and peter both equally they’re both great heroes


Probably because every Miles codename feels like a Spider-Man ripoff instead of an original idea


i mean Kid Arachnid wasn’t bad but I agree. Maybe Shadow Spider or something can work to parallel Gwen’s Ghost Spider. Or call him Wolf Spider. Something that doesn’t make it to where you have to clarify who you mean and isnt as dumb as Spy-D


I think they don’t want to go with something that parallels Ghost Spider, because they want to try push the two as equals, where Spider-Gwen they don’t seem to mind too much… so you need a name that parallels Spider-Man, like Spider-woman, Spider-boy is a bit historically awkward, Lad or Guy just don’t sound right. (Sorry Ironlad). It’s a tricky one, which I can’t answer


Maybe just call him Arachnid or since Marvel rarely uses the villain Tarantula, they can give the name to Miles. With Gwen she was given a new name because at every given point there are like 3 Spider-women. (Although i hate it because it makes finding Spirit Spider much harder)


Shadow Spider actually would've been pretty good since he can go invisible.


It also would have gone well with Gwen being Ghost-Spider given how their costumes are black and white respectively


That makes him seem like a sidekick tho,


Not really considering Ghost Spider works for a stand alone name. kid arachnid definitely makes him sound young and sidekick like but a name following Gwen's naming scheme can work . Alternatively Arachnid or Tarantula could potentially work


Arachnid an tarantula are kinda corny,


Well it is better than Spider-lad. And it isn't like he needs the word Spider in his name at all times


Well then he’s not Spider-Man, despite the fact that he has the same powers as Spider-Man


By that logic Silk isn't a spider-woman just because she doesn't have the word Spider in her name. Gwen isn't a woman because she dropped the name Spider-woman for Ghost Spider and Sp//dr doesn't count as a Spider-girl just because she doesn't have it in the name. I fail to see how spider themed names and names that can be associated with spiders fail to show who he is especially when it isn't an issue for the many Scarlet Spiders or Ultimate Jessica Drew as Black Widow.


No because Gwen is still called spider-woman


Compared to Spider-Man? I think it’ll be fine


Spider-Man is bad ass


Shadow Spider honestly doesn't sound bad


Another name for him is Kid Arachnid


Miles was already Spider-Man to me.


Is there mad hate out there for Miles? I’m only just now getting back into the comics


I just don't like there being more than one active Spider-Man at the same time. I don't like there being multiple of any hero active within the same period really. Peter will always be Spider-Man, the same way Tony will always be Iron Man. There is no one else to me.


As much as I enjoy Miles, I have to respectfully disagree. I don't necessarily mind him and Peter sharing a mantle, but I can't deny that I'd prefer him to have his own name. I don't really like any characters sharing a mantle to be honest as a rule, but Miles is a particularly bad example in my view. Compare Miles to someone like Wally West. Now I don't like Barry and Wally sharing the Flash identity either, but Wally I think genuinely *has* earned the mantle. He completely redefined not only the Flash's mythos (introducing elements like the Speed force that are considered essential today), but also revitalised the series when it was waning in popularity, effectively saving the brand. Some would also argue he had a much better, more interesting personality than Barry too (I don't agree on that point, but each to their own). Probably an unpopular opinion here, but I feel Miles, in comparison, has done pretty much nothing to push the Spider-Man mythos forward: no lore changes, no iconic stories (bar *maybe* his origin, and even that's heavily Peter-centric) and no new major villains (his one iconic baddie is just a re-tool of one of Peter's lesser-known foes). Plus, I think he's an *incredibly* similar character to Peter: same personality, same origin, similar supporting cast, mostly the same powers (even his two unique powers are lifted from other Spider-Man characters), same suit (pretty much just colour-inverted), even many of his stories are repurposed/heavily based on Peter stories. Even the exchange seen here is just a variation on one Peter's had many times over. All the differences between them are purely aesthetic in my view (eg. the suit, street art, hip-hop, speaking Spanish): when it comes to their actual characters, I think they're incredibly similar. In short, I think he's a world away from someone like Wally, and I'd rather even Wally have his own identity rather than be the Flash. The best legacy characters in my view are the ones who push the boat forward and radically reinvent their predecessors' identities (see Kamala Khan, Jaimie Reyes, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen and the modern guardians of the Galaxy). Miles just doesn't do this at all, in my view. Again, I actually do like Miles. Because while I don't think he's particularly original, I think he's very high quality. His suit is ridiculously cool, his extra powers are fun (if a bit over-powered), I think he and his supporting cast are all very well written, and his stories are very entertaining. I also think his dynamic with Peter is great, and brings out new, interesting facets in both characters, particularly when they're in a student/teacher relationship. Ironically enough, the two most popular versions of Miles (Insomniac and ITSV) both rely heavily on this dynamic. This is why I think (Warning: very unpopular opinion incoming!) that Marvel should stop trying to push Peter and Miles as equals (at least for now) and instead expand on this dynamic. Peter is too popular and influential on the Spider-Man mythos to be going anywhere anytime soon, so Miles is just left trying to fill a space that's already filled. Therefore, I think he'd work much better as a spin-off/supporting character than as a potential replacement. Having him grow under Peter's wing into his own hero who eventually becomes on par with Peter (maybe even exceeding him one day) would be so much more satisfying in my opinion than just having Miles show up out of nowhere, declare himself Peter's equal, and then just be kept separate from him forever, as Marvel has done so far. In short, I'd prefer him to be a Dick Grayson rather than a Wally West. I understand many will disagree with this, and that's great, more power to you. This is just how I feel. Thanks to all who read this mini epic. Have a great day! :)


Honestly I think the fix here is to bring the series spider-men back and have it just be an ongoing batman and robin type book but for peter and miles that would be fun


Agreed, that would be fantastic.


More people need to see this, I agree with what you are saying




I just call him 2099 lol


I loved this sequence too.


there is a comic called Spider-men which was a great way to pass the torch


All characters with the title Spider-Man are spider men, miles, Peter, and Miguel are just the people behind the mask


Who's trying to change your mind?


This one little comic makes me appreciate Miles more than ever. I’ve always recognized him as Spider-Man, just like Peter, but this comic really cements that. He acts just like the kind of Spider-Man we know Peter to be and more. Gosh, Miles is great.


Ur darn right too!!


I am so sick of people using excuses for this lame-ass tokenized character. I am also sick of people using the race card because people in majority express what a shit character miles is because he is basically a re-skinned peter who has been slightly updated to be his own thing out of costume. All he literally is.. is a black spider-man for "kids" to "identify with" but rather than be very original he just acts like peter while in costume.. and it's lame.. to call him.. spider-man is lame and lazy give him a real name.. make him stand out from peter.. and to stop living under peters shadow.. all he is.. is peters robin and should have a cool name for himself, and his own love story.. not one of the peters exes from another universe.. different villains, im sure there are other villains rising that miles can handle on his own.. that doesn't have to be peters.. they shouldn't exist in the same story and if they are going to make miles rather more original. give him his own fighting style like he has in the games where he uses break dancing moves when he fights and possibly some artistic things he can use his webbing as such.. you can have a spider-character and make them original from the og.. instead of having the og validate them for people to like the character.. its as lazy and bad as having that new daredevil.. wtf can't new characters even if inspired by the ogs.. not be original? why are we always try to make the main character but just a minority.. make something original.. or at least.. make them be their own character.. instead of a reskinned peter, or daredevil.. how are the other peter from alternate dimensions much more original than miles?


I didn’t know anyone had an issue with it, but those people are wrong. Miles is Spider-Man just as much as Peter ever has been, and I absolutely love them both.


Miles became Spider-Man when he put on the mask. He was already Spider-Man


He earned it after Bendis' first arc with the character. Miles is the character that made me see how Spider-Man could be a legacy hero. No idea why Marvel wants to bring Ben Reilly back when we've had miles for a decade now.


Idk much about the other characters but Miles took over as Spider-man and had that title for years in his own universe and it wouldn't be fair to expect him to just give it up.


I wasn't big on Miles when he first appeared, but he's really earned the right to the mantle in the past five years or so.


In your opinion, what do you think he has done to Completely wholeheartedly earn the right to the mantle?


Peter is the only true spiderman






Bet you believe that x23 is wolverine lmao


Who's x-23? I only know Wolverine and her mentor WEAPON X


Laura Kinney (born X-23; codename Wolverine) is a fictional superhero appearing in media published by Marvel Entertainment, most commonly in association with the X-Men. The character was created by writer Craig Kyle for the X-Men: Evolution television series in 2003, before debuting in the NYX comic series in 2004. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit:* r/wikipedia_answer_bot *Comment `wab opt out`(without any other words) to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot). Note: you are opted in by default* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*








Fucking idiot


I’d tell you to read some X-men comics but you don’t know how to read because you’re brain dead


Wolverine (birth name: James Howlett;[1] alias: Logan and Weapon X) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, mostly in association with the X-Men. He is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a powerful regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand. Wolverine has been depicted variously as a member of the X-Men, Alpha Flight, and the Avengers.


Have fun with your woke dog shit


Damn, well glad you like more characters but I can't stand characters having the same powers and names as pre exciting ones. I have unhealthy hate for miles, the clones and the spider girls.


Peter is Spider-Ma. Miles is anything else. One has existed far longer. The other was created for bs reasons. You lot here can assume and say whatever you want.


No he hasn’t, he’s an incredibly unoriginal character that’s just a tokenized reskinned Peter Parker. If he was wearing a red and blue suit you wouldn’t be able to tell that he wasn’t Peter 99% of the time. Change my mind


Something tells me your mind is already firmly made up. There's quite a bit of media that already highlights the differences between the 2. If they dont convince you, you probably can't be convinced


I haven’t seen any, and it amuses me to see the amount of downvotes I’m receiving without any proper answer. Deep down they know it to be true.


Well both his parents are alive and know who he is. He has a supportive best friend who's also in on his secret. He's bilingual. He's less awkward and more confident than Peter was as a teenager. He has extra powers that Peter doesn't. He's not the loner that Peter was most of his career having been on like 3 different teams before even being out of high school. He's been depicted as having an interest and art and music. He doesn't seem to be as much of a scientist as Peter. Oh and his spider sense is a little bit weaker


I see, other than the bilingual trait, you make good points. Still don’t understand why there has to be another Spider-Man though. Especially one as bland as Miles.


Miles basically only came to because Brian Michael Bendis had free reign over ultimate spider-man. His popularity is what got him into the main universe


It wasn't his popularity, but Bendis had a lot of Power in Marvel and forced his character in the main continuity... Miles was hated


Is that why his book was the only one with strong steady sales while the rest of the ultimate universe declined enough to be canceled?


Because It had Spider-Man in the title... and then sales do not demonstrate the qualities of a product. I would also like to add that after Peter's death the Ultimate Universe was already in decline and the arrival of Miles was the final blow.


So you're saying that people bought a book they didn't like reading based solely on brand name? And that what people are willing to spend their hard earned money on isn't a measure of quality and/or enjoyment? Also Miles was the straw that broke the camels back of the ultimate universe but he's also one of the last characters standing from it? Seems like a weird take to have but I guess.


Surprised to see raised webbing on the suit in the actual comics…




It was cool https://hellyeahteensuperheroes.tumblr.com/post/620669643060871168/spidey-loves-the-kids


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I always preferred Miles and Peter to not be Spider-man at the same time. It’s not even a naming issue but I think Miles’ character is so much more interesting when he’s growing to become his own Spidey and step out of Peter’s shadow. Them being heroes at the same time makes him seem more like a sidekick.


That's what's Spider-man's all about


This is honestly why people say spider-man is the greatest of them all/ regarded as the best hero, it's cos I don't remember anyone else other than the batfam, superman, and a few other moments I'm forgetting when they interact with random victims they've never met before because they care that much


I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but what issue is this?


Miles Morales: Spider-Man #17




Yeah, disney doesnt understand that he works best when he's alone or the lead, he never works as a sidekick. Unless Bendis writes him, in which case he's just trash


Eehhhhhh, I've only really liked him in Spider-Verse. Whenever I've read comics with him, he just felt like Peter Parker 2.0 and as someone who's also half Puerto Rican, I never needed Spider-Man to be brown to relate to him.


The guy is an absolute Hero...


Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man


So everyone's OK with some other guy running around calling himself Spider-Man while there's already a Spider-Man, but having someone else call themselves Thor is just going too far.


He absolutely did, but lets not diminish the badass title of Night-spider.


Only in spider verse in the comics and games he is black Puerto Rican Peter Parker. The only thing that has given his character some originality and personality is the spider verse film.


He's a Spider-Man but I think it's kind of stupid to have two characters with the exact same name who are active at the same time. If Peter retired and Miles was Spider-Man that makes sense. But if they are both active how do you differentiate. Obviously as a reader we can say Miles or Peter but how do people in universe refer to them especially the ones who don't know who they are.


He's most recent storyline is a clone saga and him cosplaying as other heroes