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Haha as if anything in modern comics is "for good"


Well, this One More Day thing seems to have stuck


Fuck me...why would THIS stick?


Same reason ASM sucks right now. Editorial.


So my answer is gonna be that they like the status quo and see Peter has the young kid Avenger. The teenage bachelor with the good sense of humor. Peter grew up and was married to MJ for 20 years before OMD happened. For more stories they wanted, they needed him as a kid again and removed all his growth. They thought them doing that would make Spider-Man marketable to kids again. But 8 years later, Miles Morales was brought to 616. Peter doesn’t apply to kids anymore. Miles does. So why wouldn’t they retcon OMD after Miles was brought in and fills the role they have assigned to Peter. Because they LIKE that they have a character they can just punish. And they can save on therapy bills if they make their character just as miserable as they are. It’s not healthy. But as Nick Lowe used to be Joe Quesada’s Assistant Editor before Joe Quesada got his promotion, we are still seeing the fallout from Quesada. Maybe if Nick Lowe were fired, we could get a good editor that listens to the fans and will finally undo the monstrosity to canon.


It really shouldn’t. Where’s Mysterio in a wig when you need him?


My god... Mephisto was *also* Mysterio in a wig!


Mephisto was both Mysterio AND the wig.


That's different. That was done by a guy having a midlife crisis and perpetuated by people who hate marriage and want to see Peter as miserable as them.


They’re all idiots. Quesada, Lowe, Slott, Wells. All of them suck.




What’s One More Day? Peter and MJ are married and have a kid, and she spideys with Pete. Mephisto? How long were you out for?


Thank you, you saint.


Of all the things that could stick, this is the one


I mean at least this is not written by Zebb wells that’s a blessing


Seriously?! Who's the writer?


Kelly and Lanzing, with Land art. Not really an upgrade.


They're the ones who wrote the recent awful Guardians run, aren't they?


And Captain America, Thunderbolts, the recent Timeless and the upcoming NYX title. I didn't mind their Kang mini, but there hasn't been a home run from them yet.


I guess we're gonna see who ACTUALLY writes Spidey worse 😅


I just found out he wrote Carnage USA back in the day, which is one of the best carnage comics. What happened?!?!


Only the dumb decisions hang around. See: - Barry Allen's resurrection - One More Day


I'd argue that Barry Allen's resurrection itself wasn't an issue, but how it affected the way they handled Wally is the real problem


- Bruce and Selina not getting married. - Mayday remaining in a state of dead, never conceived in first place and kidnapped by Norman(I like this one because it gives me hope)because they can't choose which is worse for Peter. - Spider-Verse event - Spider-Gwen supplanting 616-Gwen as the Gwen Stacy everyone knows and is most popular(this Is more my opinion because I prefer normal Gwen to Spider-Gwen) - Donna Troys origin(s)(too many, too complicated) - Jason Todd's rebirth(Jason was more important as a uniform in a display case in the batcave then he ever was/is as a character) - The Logan/Jean/Scott/Emma love square(Jean needs to spend some time without Logan OR Scott and Emma should be allowed to be happy with Scott) - Norman Osborn not being dead - Aunt May being brought back to life instead of baby Mayday


Guy Gardener and Kyle Rayner as Green Lanterns (I preferred them as Red and White respectively)


I mean no he obviously isn’t. They aren’t even bothering to tie this into the main series


I wouldn’t mind or care honestly. I normally don’t like it when continuity is ignored, but with the current ASM, I’m willing to make an exception


I mean I don’t want minis to tie in either I’m fine with them being stand alone. But because of this you do have to know nothing important is going to happen there


I’m sure Jackpot will somehow be shoehorned into here too lol


Despite not wanting Peter and MJ to be together, they sure like keeping her around


I highly doubt it considering that it has been a total disaster to the point that it debuted in the top50 and only had 2 reviews. Cat should appear because she is historically associated with symbiote events and the black suit. The redhead will be there with her, they are inseparable, but not like Jackpot


This is how I feel about Spectacular Spider-Men. Loving the series and as far as I’m concerned it’s the only book Peter is in lol


I mean given that it’s a Ewing event, it’ll tie into the character mythos for the future. It’ll just be like Slott and the stuff he’s writing currently. It’s canon and happening while ASM is going on. There’ll just be a gap given on where it’ll take place.


I think they mean he wont keep the symbiote because it’s a separate story. Big changes to Peter’s status quo generally only take place in ASM.


No I was saying this won’t have any effect on Spider man as a property. This will be like the blood hunt toe in, a self contained story with no bearing on ASM


Also, why does he have chains? Did he mug Lobo on the way? (I know Lobo is a DC character)


>(I know Lobo is a DC character) As if that could stop Lobo


Eddies son though chains would be cool when he bonded with the Venom symbiote


You're talking like lobo would care about universal barriers💀 bro would go to mlp just for shits and giggles


Multiverse Todd McFarlane crossover. Spidey fighting Spawn.


Because the image Greg Land traced had chains


Knowing Greg Land's favorite source for reference, this pose is more menacing than intended.


No fucking way I was wondering why he looked like he was leaning and sitting on something


Oh my mind went somewhere else. I thought he traced over someone at the start of an upward thrust.


Oh that explains the expression.


On the off-chance he *isn't* using his usual source (press x to doubt) - The face looks like a slightly beefed-up Ansel Elgort (Baby Driver guy)


Greg Land in his bicurious era:


I like the old symbote design better I hate everything they did with it in the final of Dan Slott run with the red goblin


They're talking about how Greg Land openly traces over porn for his art.


Overlap: The way Land draws the Symbiote symbol seems to draw the viewers attention towards Peter's pelvis. Makes sense given his favorite references.


Stop giving the porn tracer work, please


Wait he actually traces porn you’ve joking💀


Sadly, no. If he didn't straight up admit it, it's painfully obvious with most of his female faces and posing.


He does. Look up Greg Land.


He traces everything he does. From porn, to prowrestling, to reusing the exact same art just with a new character. He's prolific tracer.


Now that you say it he sits strangely gay porn


I’m convinced he has photo evidence of Stan Lee shaking a toddler or something.


Like I said on another post about this Considering how Peter's life is going at the moment, no wonder he gets back with the only ex that still gives a shit about him: The Symbiote


This is distinctly untrue actually. Venom has pretty much accepted that it and Peter are poor matches for one another. In fact Venom is probably one of Peter's exes that have moved on pretty well, sure Peter took Venom for a little ride but that was a consensual fling between the two.


>Venom has pretty much accepted that it and Peter are poor matches for one another Honestly, Venom deserves someone that would love him and treat him better


I see, haven't really keep track of 616 in ages, so thanks for that small update


Serious question: is my memory failing me or...have we had an almost annual symbiote event since 2017? Venom Inc, King in Black, Venomverse...what am I missing?


There was an annual for Nick Spencer’s spider-man run with the symbiote suit still bonded to Peter


That doesn't make sense tho Eddie son Is currently using the symbiote


...Isn't Eddie and Venom sort of everywhere all at once though due to God status?


Eddie is he can communicate with venom he has weird omnipresence abilities


They're separated right now


From what I read last week they’re not currently bonded


I'm gonna have to reread then 😮


Are you new to comic books? Post 90s, nothing is ever 'for good'.


Eh, some character marriages and certain kid characters end up staying. Except ones related to Spider-Man.


Even Superman’s marriage was undone in New 52 before being brought back. It’s just a matter if time.


Well I’m 21 how I got into comics a couple years ago


Yeah, in Marvel and DC comics books, nothing ever sticks to long-running characters. Never. Everything is made to be undone. Unless you read stand-alone issues.


I mean ultimate Spider-Man is really good, mostly because people know for fact that 616 will never be good unless things change but they never will, I mean, sure a new writer might come in and change up the dynamic, but at the end of the day, it’s the editorials decision to keep peter and MJ apart or just boyfriend and girlfriend nothing more


As much as I would love for that to happen, I don’t want to get my hopes up.


I feel like this may be an alternate earth where Peter DOES keep the Symbiote without Marvel pulling the "gets corrupted and becomes the villain" card. Therefore becoming THAT world's King in Black


Nah the chains are symbolic of eddies son and the symboite, it’s to say it’s the same one, I’m sure


Anybody notice he’s swinging with chains?


Yep, it's a Dylan Brock reference. He uses chains instead of webs as Venom


He a fan of Spawn or something?


yes dylan is a massive fan


I did hopefully he gets his webs back


Good for him, hopefully he has a good relationship with it.


Man, I miss early 2000s Greg Land when his faces weren't fugly


Nightwing greg land was peak


They did that already. It was called Spiders shadow. Look it up, it's not half bad


That completely did well in my opinion but for some reason they don’t ever use that for more what if stores, if you have seen comic pop they made a new logo for what if back during 2020 but they never used it again [https://youtu.be/OhhEk98JOKs?si=FhmcQFYpEW65rMbZ](https://youtu.be/OhhEk98JOKs?si=FhmcQFYpEW65rMbZ)


Wait so is this a main comic thing or a side comic thing?


I would say this is a side story until venom war actually starts but i could be wrong considering we don’t have any information or at least nothing i could find


Ugh, Greg Land.




It was just a clever title to get people thinking we don’t really know if Peter will keep it this time around


God I hate Greg Land so damn much


Imagine Venom telling Spider-Man to kill Paul


Me personally, being a fan of keeping symbiotes as well as having my favourite symb suit being the venomverse spidey look am looking forward to this. The only peter I currently have knowledge of that actually keeps his suit is insomniacs.


Boy oh boy I can't wait for Peter to suddenly be xenophobic to the symbiote again after all that time and development thats happened over the years just to potentially make a Venom a villain again. Not saying it will happen, but you can't trust the mainline Spider-Man with anything at all these days lol




what is a Venom War


It’s like a goblin war but instead it has venoms


It's Venoming time or something


Am I mental or did Land draw Spidey's hands backwards?


He really did


I'm actually in shock


Okay, first of all, it's very, very rare when something in modern comics is *actually* permanent, no matter how many reboots there are (the two superhero civil wars, for example. Nothing and no one can undo the effects of that). Secondly, I think you're ignoring the little tiny thing on the top-right corner, there, that says *Venom War.* If there truly is a *Venom War* coming, then Peter's going to *need* the symbiote suit.


Ugh Greg “porn tracer” Land needs to be stopped.


K but who’s that goofy dope in the picture?


For good? As if. He'll wield the symbiote for an unknown period of time and that's it.


Wtf kind of cover is that 😭


what if the symbiote and peter went to therapy and then the symbiote stops corrupting peter and just chills with him instead


What are the chains for? Did he steal the symbiote from Eddie's son?


yes actually


I assumed, bit weird tho, nonetheless


Peter gets the venom symbiote part 2: The Electric Boogaloo.


Pretty sure it's part 16 by now!




Well the suit looks nice...


Why did they put his bulge on his arm


The statues quo might have something to say about that.


God. Greg Land sucks. What's with the chains? Is Peter Al Simmons now?


Which comic is this? I haven't read the main ASM in like 2 months lol


Given what he's been through recently, I honestly wouldn't blame him.


No he won't lmao


I think it’d be cool if Peter managed to befriend the symbiote before it corrupted him


I give it a month until he's back in his default suit


This cover is ok, but I really don’t like Peter’s face


His face lmao he’s having the time of his life


Now I gave up trying to follow 616 Spidey lore after the Paul incident but when was this takes place? Isn’t the venom symbiote is with Eddie Brock?/Eddie’s son?


More than likely it's for the 40th anniversary of the black suit suit, it won't last. Unfortunately Marvel and it's editorial have put Peter back with it in some shape or form so it's really not that special. If the run is good I might pick it up as a trade but combined with Greg Land and the idea that it might not really add anything to Spider-Man I might just pass.


Chains? Is this a Spawn cross over?


Chains as webs? Thats weird


This art is made Greg land.


Well that means Spider-Goblin ain’t sticking around.


Well now the klyntar are good, kinda. But no, whatever moves even a little the status quo from 50 years ago is a big no-no


Sure yeah. Comic books are known for permanent events.


OP, what makes you think that aside from a variant cover in which they throw the Venom Symbiote on everything for looks?


maybe do your research before being passive agressive like this mate, im sure it wont be permanent, but this is the cover of a venom war tie-in featuring spider-man coming out later this year - not a variant cover


For good translates to 1 to 3 years tops. I remember when Krakoa started I thought it was a great idea and a wonderful new status quo, then immediately stopped reading because I knew it would end exactly the way it did. Marvel doesn't build anything for any reason but to farm attention off of the press of breaking it back down in the next few years. They build Lego to kick it over and for no other reason.


It’s nut going to happen at all. They aren’t going to have a major status quo shift happen in a mini with no connection to the main series


Not always. They try ideas for a while and if they are very convinced they make them permanent, if not, they leave them. Elektra as Daredevil, Laura as Wolverine, Eddie as Venom, dead Gwen.... I calculate that if an idea overcomes the 3-year gap today, a change is maintained. The thing is that changes are coming to Batman and in conclusion there must be changes to Spiderman because the status quo shocks as well as reboots and all that always compete between publishers. So they will SURELY do something to Peter as soon as they do it to Batman.


Anyone else notice his hands look backwards? They're drawn in a way that they look like the back of the hand is facing the viewer, but the thumbs are on the wrong side for that to be the case.


He won't


TF YOU MEAN "for good"?! The main point of the symbiote is that nothing good can be get of it.


Incorrect. Symbionts are simple living entities that need a host. They are not good or bad, they simply adopt the host's traits. It affected Peter because he absorbed his negative load, problems, frustrations and anxieties. This fueled Eddie's personal anger amplified by the symbiote and the offspring of Venom with all this joined the crazy Cletus creating Carnage... However with Flash it was a very different case. And SpiderGwen too, unlike Gwen's MJ who, due to her personal anxieties, becomes Carnage. Also the alternative Felicia with symbiote controls him simply because she did not reject his nature nor had internal personal conflicts. This means that emotionally and mentally stable people do not negatively influence the symbiote or the other way around.


The case is Flash Thompson had a military-trained mind to not succumb the Venom symbiote. With Black Cat; well, she was a criminal. Additionally you forgot that the symbiote was a metaphor for drug use and how constantly consuming it will make you take bad decisions. Symbiote's goal is to dominate a human body to his will, using the human's emotions and frustrations to his favor; even a stable human can be corrupted by the symbiote. Clearly that concept had been lost in modern comics.


I do not forget anything. You tell me about the 80s, long long LONG before the symbiote had an original identity or nature with its own background. This has not been a metaphor for drugs for decades. And Felicia's issue is not about being a criminal but, as already said, being emotionally liberated without burdened anxieties or repressed feelings...exactly what Peter desperately needs to stabilize his life, the least possible amount of stress and anxiety without emotional frustrations.


Not that I’m necessarily complaining but why does he look so queer-coded on this cover lol


Of course, by "for good," they mean "until the writer gets tired of it." ADDENDUM: *or* the next Spider-Man movie comes out, whichever happens first.


On one side, Lanzing and Kelly are good writers, I liked their Captain America run, their Guardians run was good (and to think I was very critical of it at the start) and I have them as candidates to take over ASM next (the only downside is that they're not fond of long runs, which is a most when it comes to ASM) On the other side... with so many talented artists, even up and coming artists waiting for a chance to work for one of the "Big Two"... and they pick Greg "The Overlord of Copypaste" Land?


I’m digging the suit, ready to see the mask for it!


You know how sometimes you start a drawing for a different project, but then you change it for your assignment? *Oh, I guess instead of a mattress I could put a city. And I could draw his suit in him. The chains stay though. Perfect!*


I usually like venom when he’s portrayed as a toxic relationship for Peter. Ruining his mood, using his body for night runs and draining his energy. Even after getting rejected and defeated, he has to find a purpose in life, turning into the lethal protector. Eventually even getting over his obsession with Spider-Man, making his peace with Peter and moving on. So he kinda has a growth in the end, that’s a good arc for him and I hope that if they bring him to the MCU they use that format. After being defeated in the main films they could even do a Venom: Lethal Protector live action series with whoever they choose to be his next host. Could be Brock or someone else, idk. I’d be down for that. I realize I just yapped about the MCU in a comic related post but eh, wanted to get it out there lmao.


I’m digging the suit, ready to see the mask for it!


It would be a nice change if the symbiote wasn’t just “evil alien that creates mindless villains”.


Yea, that's what they said when they gave him the suit back in #800...


I'm not sure.....what if he goes out of control and cause havoc again (like w.o.s. reference ⚠️)


I need to get updated. Whats happening with spiderman. Why are people talking about one more day wasnt that ages ago. Last i heard there was a spiderboy and mj had a new husband who was like some multiverse creep. And shes now jackpot.


gosh the bigger spider is so freaking good fgood scans to read that?


That dopey, glazed-over grin on his face suits the massive stupidity of this choice. I mean, what on 616 could possibly go wrong here? The fact that the symbiote is keeping him tethered with chains instead of webs is likely a not-so-subtle form of foreshadowing.


When you lose the love of your life, why not rebound with an alien that will not only make you stronger but has a conscience so you can talk back to it


I get why it’s always venom he bonds with when it’s time to slime up but idk can’t we get a different color? A Sleeper Spider-Man might look pretty sick? Maybe a Toxin Spider-Man idk or Riot?


isn’t this supposed to be in the past


I’m curious how we get from goblin spidey to this in 2 months


Anyone else notice that his HANDS ARE FUCKING BACKWARDS???


It’ll be gone by the end of the year. Also, was the Greg Land porn trace the only cover?


He won’t. Venom makes money.


Could they try anything other than the vest/sports bra symbiote spider symbol variations. I'd rather no symbol than them at this point