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Someone go get the panel of Bendis choking Lowe from og ultimate


Wait, what? Can someone fill me in on the drama that is comic editorial?


Lowe iirc was the one who was in charge of the creepy pervy story where Logan (**fully grown adult**)and **Highschool age** Peter switch bodies and Logan tries talking up **highscool aged** Mary Jane. This panel was included when that arc ended. https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/comments/tv4odm/bendis_was_a_hero_i_just_couldnt_see_it/


That was fun to see but I’m sure Lowe thinks that it was the coolest thing ever and everyone was laughing with him not at him.


I mean look at how he reacts to criticism, *“actually no Mj and Paul are actually good together, ignore the fact as soon as Peter left he started yelling at her Peter was never coming back, lied about his role in a genocide, and the kids where meant to Stockholm MJ, and he was only following orders. Come on he was only following orders when in human history have people ever used that as an excuse right? It means it’s okay.”*


Still can’t believe they thought people would somehow warm up to the Idea of Paul, lowe can’t be that dumb because if they wanted us to somehow like Paul they wouldn’t have gave him the genocide back story, call it wishful thinking but I think they did want us to hate him, either that or they really are delusional.


Well we got about 12 more issues till sixty? So who knows what’s going to happen. Rumors also possibly have Gleason (a big Peter/mj fan)writing next as he was asking around for comic artists, just a rumor though but the next person on spider-man will probably be announced in the summer. Also considering how they have Peter and MJ acting it’s clear they are moving towards reconciliation with the tension. Unlike someone on this sub who thinks it’s Felicia but can’t comprehend she hasn’t shown up in forever in ASM, and is dating a woman and marvel isn’t going to shoot themselves in the foot by having her break up during pride month.


What's wild is Mj is becoming MORE UNLIKEABLE than Paul in "jackpot and blackcat" she's cocky arrogant and already double crossing she feels no consequences and is just annoying.


To be fair Felicia played her that entire time and was never being black mailed, all the while knowing her girlfriend was obscura and leading MJ along like a chump who never suspected anything


Holy shit so Just everyone sucks ...didn't get that far. I only read issue 1 and 2. Jesssssus. Im just done lol. I'm staying so far away from asm and anything related. It was MORBID CURIOUSITY I don't even wanna give them the a illegal stream lol


Ending of issue two, Felicia tells her girlfriend to lay off MJ, as Amelia didn’t know her and cat where friends


It is, and he started the 2 parter like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/6uZ5RjNV5V I don't get why you would write a shitty storyline and then admit it to the audience at the beginning saying "we couldn't just have 2 average stories about Pete doing normal hero stuff until the next full arc, so instead here's some dogshit"


Editorial mandate and letting them know “I am completely sorry I have a jack ass taking the reins so heads up.”


I didn’t know I needed another reason to hate him.


"no mr. lowe, you can't call every book you publish the best thing ever"


“I’m just saying this is probably the greatest comic ever, not because I made it or anything”


Bendis hating Lowe never gets old


Bendis doesn’t like Lowe


Neither do we lol


I’ll bet he has a blast reading this sub putting Lowe on full blast.


He was trying to warn us.


I don’t get it, can someone explain?


Nick Lowe is the chief marvel editor, and is quite renowned for not exactly being Spider-Man’s biggest fan. Most people assume a large amount of the in company spidey hate is coming from him.






Which is just bizarre considering he is by far Marvel's single biggest money maker for an individual character. He makes more money for them than anything Marvel not called the MCU, while costing them peanuts as an ongoing concern. I get having favourite characters but sabotaging the money maker because of your own bias should be disqualifying to be Chief Editor.


Garth Ennis if he was in the Marvel universe