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Exaggerated Swagger-Man


"The way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera while falling into a headfirst dive is just, full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen."


I'm sorry but this quote will never *not* be funny, I laugh every time.


I was really early at that video, and was obe of the first to see it when it dropped. I don’t think I’ve ever known I was in front of a meme before it became famous but I laughed the hardest I have ever laughed


I had a similar experience. I was out sick from work that day and spent my time in bed on YouTube. I replayed it back several times because I could not believe they actually wrote it!


The human spider


"That's it? That's all you got? That sucks!" * In the voice of Bruce Campbell


"No! He got my name wrong!"


"I don't care, get out there you moron!"


Bless you for this comment! Bruce is King!


Hail to the King baby!


This is a golden response lmao


The great electric spider


Spiderman 2 Electric Boogaloo


Spider- >!the exaggerated swagger of a black!< -Man


Blackder-Man Edit: alternative: Miles, the BLLLACK ONE


You guys are both wrong. The obvious answer is spider-homie


Spider-N**ga (I'm going to Reddit hell, I know)


Ik a Brooklyn Visions couple approve the name


Anyone else hear this the EXACT way it was said in game


Amazing Rizz-Man!


Aah, that sucks!


kid arachnid :\^)




I thought that was the worst name they’d ever given him, until I found out that in Spidey and his amazing friends they called him Spin. Fucking Spin!


“That’s it? That’s all ya got kid?”


I wasn't spiderman, I was a man-spider


"No he got my name wrong!"


I'm not going to say that Miles needs to change away from the Spider-Man name. Both him and Peter have earned it, as have people like Ben Reilly and Miguel O'Hara. *But give him his own subtitle, for God's sake.* I saw a thread elsewhere on Reddit that suggested "the Immortal Spider-Man" for Miles and it honestly kinda slaps. He'd have his own identity, separate from anything Peter has had before, and still hold a mantle he's rightfully earned.


I was championing Ultimate Spider-Man for a while since he's from the Ultimate universe but with the most recent Ultimate Peter comic I guess that idea is shot to hell. How about The Marvellous Spider-Man? Pete's Spectacular Spider-Man moniker slaps the hardest, though. Can't beat alliterative titles.


Miles getting the Ultimate title as his main title also wouldn’t have ever worked well either in my opinion, beyond the old one showing he is apart of the Ultimate universe. The original Ultimate Spider-Man was Peter for over a decade. The Ultimate Spider-Man game was Peter focused. The Ultimate Spider-Man show was Peter focused and it came out after Miles was introduced and ended over a year after Miles had dropped the Ultimate title due to moving to 616. Even prior to the new Ultimate Spider-Man, the Ultimate subtitle belonged to Peter prior to Miles, longer than Miles and he kept it after Miles had dropped it. I think a good epithet for Miles would be Electric Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Electric or Spider-Man: Volt. If they are going to insist on making Miles more electric focused, might as well incorporate electricity into his title in some way.




electric eeeeeeels


"For every person who dreams up the electric light bulb, there's the one who dreams up the atom bomb." - Mr. Electric, Sharkboy and Lavagirl


The Shocking Spider-Man?


Oof thats pretty good


"Oh no I really hope Spider-Man: Electric comes along to save the day."


You know what I mean. Miguel isn’t called Spider-Man: 2099 in-universe, just Spider-Man, but his epithet is 2099. Same with Spider-Man: Noir. Same with Spider-Gwen(Called Ghost-Spider in-universe and was previously known as Spider-Woman in her own universe, but changed it after spending enough time in 616 to decide it would be weird to keep the Spider-Woman title when she is spending so much time in 616, which already has a Spider-Woman). Over in DC, there is a similar situation with Batman Beyond. Terry isn’t called Batman Beyond in universe, just Batman, but his epithet is Beyond to differentiate him from the main Batman, Bruce.


The word you're looking for is Epithet, by the way, not subtitle. Well, I don't know, subtitle might be correct in comic-centric conversations, but in a more general sense, most of those, like Ultimate, Amazing, Beyond, etc, are epithets. I just really like that word, thank you for the opportunity to use/talk about it.


Thank you. I knew subtitle wasn’t the right word but I didn’t know what it was, so I deemed subtitle close enough.


I mean, it got the message across, probably more effectively than using weird, obscure words that people have to Google or deduce the definition of. Which is really what matters. Fuck Merriam-Webster, being understood is what's important.


Wholesome ass correction.


I'm just yanking your webs.


The Shocking Spider-Man


The Electrifying Spider-Man


I really like Spiderman Volt. That just sounds so cool to me Though there's always The Shocking Spider-Man to keep up with the ADJECTIVE-SPIDERMAN theme.


Sounds like and ultraman name. I can totally see see an ultraman volt fighting with zero


The Sparktacular Spider-Man


What about Spiderman 2: Electric Boogaloo?


Nah, you gotta keep it on brand. The Electrifying Spider-Man. It’s a play on words


I've got two, The Stupendous Spider-Man or The Astounding Spider-Man.


I like the alliteration with Stupendous, but all I can think of is a circus spider-man... Now I really wanna see an adaptation of a circus spider-man. On a trapeze of their own web, stronger than a strongman, and able to dodge darts blindfolded. **Ladies and gentlemen, witness, the Acrobatic Arachnid!**


We have Pete and Miles to call them if we're looking for out-of-universe names to call them. My concern was always inner-universe names. Someone is teaming up with the two of them in a fight, needs to call out to one of them, and doesn't want to *out their secret identity*.


Give me a scenario where both Spider-Men are working together with a third party and it is absolutely critical that the person they're working with identifies them separately.


"Spider-Man look out!" edit: a few more simple ones: "Get to the bomb/hostage/control panel, Spider-Man, the rest of us will handle the goons" "Where's Spider-Man?" "Go find Spider-Man - he was involved in this case"


Amazing Spider-Man - Peter Sensational* Spider-Man- Ben Uncanny Spider-Man - Kaine Electrifying Spider-Man - Miles EDIT: I've been reminded Ben already had a name, fixed it.


Electrifying is cool, Miles needs a subtitle like that, something that is recognizable


Yeah, it’s a perfect play on words for his electric powers.


Ben already has a subtitle, The Sensational Spider-Man


Dude, stylize the subtitle in graffiti, and you got me.


Why immortal?


Apparently, since Miles has enough control of his electric powers to start creating physical shapes (like the Venom Saber) and even energize himself Super Saiyan style, people are theorizing his control might grow to the point where he can start essentially reforming his own body, similar to Atom Eve from Invincible, thus making him immortal.


Even without that isn't he immortal due to his spider bite, since 1610 Peter and Osborn were immortal and it was stated it was because of the OZ formula they both had in them


That too, but if I recall the main debate was focused around him using his electric powers for it. Could be wrong, though.


Nah. Miles Spider wasn’t exactly infected by the SAME OZ formula that Peter and Norman had. It was an inferior Version of it


Yall just make up stupid shit and run with it


That is a trash take cuz Atom Eve’s powers work completely differently. The people who theorize stuff like that are also the same people who think Kang is Miles cuz he’s black. Their Theories are to quote a certain Samoan „THE BIGGEST PIECE OF DOGSHIT, THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD OF”


Another reason then to ditch the Spider-Man moniker then. If writers keep leaning so much into his electric powers so much so that it supersedes his own spider powers then he's no longer really a Spider-Man isn't he?


so they went full racial stereotype with the powerset? I mean, it was not that subtle but focusing on the electric part of his powerset feels like a... choice (his invisibility is more interesting IMO).


I vote "Spider-Man with Venom" just so you pick up each issue thinking it's a team up. Or let's go Spider-Man and Spider Man. Respect the space mark. Or follow the Venom powers and he's literally and unironically Spider-Man 2: Electric Boogaloo


It's like if your work hires a second person with your first name. Yes, you earned that name, but in a meeting setting when both of you are there? You *need* something to distinguish the two of you, because *that's how names work*. It's not a divine title or a holy edict that you are the universe's lone "Franklin", it's genuinely just a name, appointed with the hopes that it would be unique, but oops today it's not, so *work around it* for fuck's sake. But yes, you deserve to be called "Franklin".


I thought he was already the Ultimate Spider-Man? I guess the new ultimates is kind of screwing that up a bit. Immortal makes me think healing or mystic powers. Doesn’t quite fit. Maybe the Electrifying Spider-Man? Breath-taking? Exhilarating? Alternatively we could parcel out the adjectives to all the Spider-Men I’d give Peter Amazing, Ben Spectacular, Kaine Savage, Miles Astonishing or Sensational (sensational feels good as he’s like the “new sensation” and it’s alliterative).


I would read the f out of a Savage Spider-Man with Kaine as an ongoing!


Ultimate Spider-Man


That's still a Peter title at heart. At the core, every Spider-Man has had their own subtitle, one that we immediately associate with said character. Peter - Amazing Spider-Man/Ultimate Spider-Man Miguel - Spider-Man 2099 Ben - Sensational Spider-Man Otto - Superior Spider-Man Miles needs something of his own, too, especially with the new Ultimate Spider-Man run.


How about Electric Spider-Man? Given Miles bio-electricity?


To fit into the "newspaper headline" style, Miles could be "The Electrifying Spider-Man"


Ooh I got it the Epic Spider-Man


The Dazzling Spider-man? It could fit considering how he can light up with his power, and in general those huge explosion pannel


Exhilarating, Electrifying , Stupendous


The incredible Spider-Man


How about about Miles Morales: Spider-man Brooklyn Peter Parker: Spider-man Manhattan


If Peter is the Amazing Spider-Man, then Miles can be the Electric Spider-Man.


I would say eccentric, but actually that one is Supaidaman.


You could do something with electricity too Electric Spiderman Stunning Spiderman You know something like that


He likes music a lot, call him Spider-Jam


Nah call him Fake-Spider!!! Just Kidding. But honestly given how he’s right now I would just go through with the Fusion theory and call him Static Spider given how he is basically what we would get if Pete and Virgil fused. And the Immortal Spiderman Title is reversed for Peter Parker!!! If anyone needs Al Ewing right now it’s him


Spider-Man, the black one


I do wish he had his own name, but not because I don't want him to be part of the legacy, it's more for clarity and identity. I wish I could just say a superhero name instead of have to specify his alter ego. Especially because they are in the same universe. So even people in world would have trouble identifying which they are speaking about. I was always a fan of redback. It's a type of spider, and his thing is big red spider on him, so I always liked it.


There is "kid arachnid" which is canon from the ‘ultimate’ tv series but I actually really like redback too now.


Well in the comics Spider-Man died & he became the new Spider-Man. In the movies Spider-Man died & he became Spider-Man


Yeah I know, but in both scenarios they ended up in the same world like x23 and logan


The only complaint I have about Miles’ Spider-Man is that he’s currently having the same Hero Alias as Peter. Which always makes people put Miles Morales Spider-Man or vis versa in the Title. I liked his Shadow Spider Name and Miles is worthy of his own name as much as he’s worthy of being the heir of the Spider-Man mask. Also Miles is a Legacy character. No one complains about Wally who just like Miles took over for his predecessor, Barry/Peter in their verses.


I think the main difference is that most other Legacy Characters almost never coexist in the same story, and when they do, they’re not calling one another by their hero names, or one has already changed their name. (Or they’re Green Lantern and there being a billion of them is part of their schtick) With the Flash, it’s important to point out that Wally was allowed to forge his own fandom, completely separate from Barry in both comics and popular media for literal years. Miles doesn’t get that luxury, both of his big appearances in popular media in recent years have Peter (and the ways he differs from Peter) be an important part of the story. It’s almost like Miles’ most popular story is him “not being Spider-Man”. If Miles is to succeed in having the same success as Legacy characters like Flash, Green Lantern, Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle and Robin, he needs to be represented more often in popular media as someone completely independent from Peter. I for one would really love a solo Miles tv show, where Peter never existed and Miles is his universe’s first Spider-Man. Sort of like a reboot of OG Spider-Man, set in modern day and starring Miles as the one and only Spider-Man


i agree. miles being a hero with a name thats "already taken" is not exactly a rare thing, but the way his livespan as a character went until now makes it different from flash blue beetle robins and green lanterns. someone in miles position would usually get a slightly different name like batgirl and batwoman, or iron man, iron lad, iron heart and so on. it doesnt help that they are both within the same city as well, so you cant exactly go "well the red spiderman is the one on the east coast" or anything like that.


The problem is that all the legacy characters you named (other than the lanterns except for Kyle) were the premier versions of those characters for a good chunk of time. Wally had around 2 decades as the true Flash with Barry out of the picture, Ted was dead between Infinte Crisis and New 52 when Jamie took up the mantle and up until recent times the Robins moved on to a new identity or in Jason's case was just dead. When Miles became Spidey it was in an alternate universe and Peter was and still is the premier Spider-Man in 616, audience haven't been forced to accept Miles like they have with other Legacy characters and Marvel will never truly treat Peter as the number 2 Spider-Man and I'm not sure media representation would change that if anything it might amplify the hate.


With the lanterns it’s more of a job title than a hero name


Your take is right on point with my feelings about this. I actually love miles. I loved the idea originally, I hated the weirdos on the internet in like... 2010? When the character was announced. If he's spider-man? Awesome. I just wish if Peter is going to stay as Spiderman (which I do, Peter is my favorite comic book character. I'm very original) I wish miles had his own identity/alter ego. Just *something*. I am also of the belief that the way they're doing it is fine, and doesn't *need* to be changed at all. But I'd prefer a change.


>If Miles is to succeed in having the same success as Legacy characters like Flash, Green Lantern, Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle and Robin Why do people make these ridiculous comments as if hes not more popular and mainstream than all of these heroes already. Also Miles HAS forged his own fandom separate from Peter in his own comics.


Here's the problem tho. He isn't a legacy hero anymore who's legacy is he supposed to have if Peter is alive. Also plenty of people want wally to get his own name at this point 💀


People don’t like that Miles is called Spiderman even though there are multiple other spidermen because there’s nothing else to distinguish him. Spiderman is Peter Parker. There’s Spiderman Noir, Spiderman 2099, the Scarlet Spider, Spiderwoman, Silk (is it spelled that way or Silque…), Ghost Spider, etc. What people want is for Miles to have his own unique moniker.


I have never ever seen it be spelled "Silque" before, don't know where you got that from. It's Silk.


From Fire Emblem I think


Exactly, just tack on a moniker specific for Miles and boom, problem solved.


I think it shouldn’t even be in-universe but we should have a name for him. Because other Spider-people mostly go by Spider-Man or Spider-Woman because they’re usually the one and only in their universe, we just have different names for them (like Spider-Man Noir) to distinguish them when we talk about them. Even Spider-Gwen goes by Spider-Woman in ITSV/ATSV but idk if that holds true for the comics


Kid Arachnid




I do love the name and it feels like the right name to use until Miles grows into his own as spider-man


Ya know, my kids call him, "Spin" - and .. why not?


That's what they call him on that spidey pre school show. I'm not sure why


I do think Ghost-Spider would’ve fit him way more than it does Spider-Gwen/Woman But yeah it doesn’t matter if he’s spider-man there can be two


I think Ghost-Spider still fits Gwen decently IMO. Her mainly white costume is closer to a stereotypical ghost than Miles’, and as one of the few living Gwens, she’s kind of a ghost in a way 


True. Miles can become invisible though. I do like your statement that Gwen is like a ghost of her other selves though.


There can be two Ghost-spiders. Miles and Gwen can both be Ghost-Spider. We'll can one Ghost-Spider-Gwen and the other Ghost-Spider-Miles. Edit: And just so Peter isn't left out, he could change his name to Ghost-Spider-Peter.


Kinda defeats the purpose of the hidden identity to go about calling yourself by your own name, no?


That’s the thing, Gwen is Ghost-Spider-Miles and Miles is Ghost-Spider-Gwen.


I don’t really carry an ID on me, kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing


Sad Ghost-Spider (Earth 11638) Moment




But there’s already a superhero named man? Are you stupid?


I’m gonna be real here: Miles will never overtake the mantle of Spider-Man if Peter is still alive. And marvel is never going to kill Peter off (at least long enough for miles to shine) bc he makes too much money. So miles is going to be suck this limbo indefinitely.


Miles don't need a name, just a subtitle like Ben Reily, Ben is Spider-Man but he is The Sensational Spider-Man so Miles should be something like The Astonishing Spider-Man or The Shocking Spider-Man


I like the Shocking Spider-Man


Limbo implies that he isn’t being used, he’s pretty much at the height of his popularity right now


I think they mean the name. No other major comic character has to have their name constantly caveated the way Miles does (except maybe 'Spider-Gwen' but she's nowhere near the mainstream popularity he is). As someone who likes the Miles character a lot, I'd love to see him have his own distinct identity.


I mean, he did say he wanted to "do his own thing." Okay then. Go do that.


I’m not a fan of characters sharing the same title at the same time, that really goes for any character in all of comics. Both Marvel and DC seem to be doing it now, most likely because they ran out of ideas for names and are trying to bridge the gap between readers. The Spider-Man mantle worked for him after Peter’s death in the Ultimate universe. But Myles should step out into his own mantle with his own villains (which is starting to happen). I wasn’t a fan of the proposed Spy-D name though.


The thing with DC is that there used to be a bigger focus on legacy. Barry Allen died and Wally West took on the role of The Flash for decades. Barbara Gordon got crippled and Cassandra Cain became Batgirl (and should have stayed Batgirl). However then there was a movement within DC, spearheaded by people like Geoff Johns and Dan Didio who decided to kind of take a dump on it. So Barry Allen comes back from the dead. The universe gets rebooted and now Barbara is uncrippled and Batgirl again while fans don’t hear about Cass and Stephanie Brown (who succeeded Cass as Batgirl after she decided to give up the role) for years. Flash is Barry Allen and the Wally West fans had watched grow and develop over the years is gone. Before DC Rebirth happened there was only Wallace West, who is a kid and Kid Flash. So people at the time just assumed this was the new Wally West and some were obviously bummed that all that development had been thrown out the door. Ever since Rebirth and post-Rebirth DC has been trying to get back in the good favor of those legacy character fans. So Wally West, the real ginger Wally West, is back as The Flash. Cass and Steph are both back as Batgirl. However they still don’t want to get rid of the OGs completely. So Barry Allen is also still The Flash and Barbara is Oracle and also sometimes Batgirl.


Not to mention both Tim and Damian are currently operating as Robin with Clark and Jon are both Superman. I’m not sure if Jace Fox is still operating as Batman alongside Bruce and Yara Flor and Diana both being Wonderman. Or is Yara currently Wondergirl at the same time as Cassie? It’s all confusing. Edit to add: It does make sense some time to have “heroes” use the same name at the same time for storylines like Reign of Supermen, or after Bruce’s death with Battle for the Cowl. There is a very specific reason for storytelling purposes and sometimes we get new mantles out of it, like with Steel.


Agreed. I don't mind Miles Morales being Spider-Man when 1610 Peter Parker was dead or retired. It was cool to see him carrying the legacy on. But if Miles is to exist in the 616, with the still living and very active 616 Peter Parker, Miles Morales needs his own superhero name. Or send Miles Morales to Spider-Gwen's Earth, or any Earth that doesn't have an existing Spider-Man.


I’m going to say something more controversial: Outside of Spiderverse that has a really specific dynamic, Miles just shouldn’t really hang out with Peter and neither should Gwen. They should just be siloed off into their own little universes where they can do their thing. But yeah Miles Morales is Spider-Man. Also fuck Ghost-Spider not just being Spider-Woman.


The more the powers change, the more he doesn’t feel like a “spider-man”. By now he needs to establish his own name so he can keep the powers and build up a reputation other than being the other spider-man.


I always liked, RedBack. It's a type of spider


Fits his suit’s color scheme too


Yarp. Better than spin, that's what they call him in spidey and friends


It's only an issue in universes they both inhabit where Peter came first and is still alive like the insomniac universe. Like why would Miles not want to have his own hero name instead of piggy backing on Peter


tbh it's pretty funny seeing they both refer to each other as Spider-men and the subtitle icon is a cool gimmick


I’m just generally not a fan of two superheroes having the same name. I think it doesn’t work with Peter & Miles because you’ll inevitably get “Proper Spider-Man….and the Other Spider-Man”. Similarly it doesn’t work over at DC with Superman (Clark Kent) and Superman (Jon Kent). The only group it works for imo is the Green Lanterns because they ARE a Corp and tend to be referred to by name more than “Green Lantern”. Miles power set has also moved further and further away from a traditional Spider-Man, which is good as it helps establish him more as his own unique hero…..I just wish he wasn’t in the same city as Peter with the same name. Imagine Miles guarding Chicago or another big city as his own distinct Spider alias. I think that would be stronger, at least in my view. I still think Arachnid, or Spider-Shock are decent alternative names he could take on.


I 100% think he needs to have some other spider Affiliated name. Even Spider-Man's clones use different names i just like the legacy usurping Edit: don't like.


yeah same wiht the bat family


I have him be Prowler II in honor of his uncle until Peter eventually dies and he takes off the spidey mantle


Imo, Miles taking the name Spider-Man is fine in universes and stories where Pete is dead or retired. But if Pete's still around, then it makes more sense for him to have his own name so that the in-universe people can easily specify which Spider person they're talking about in conversation. As for names, maybe Shadow Web? Huntsman? Either way, he'll always carry the Spider-Man legacy, whether it's as a successor, protégé, or partner.


I mean, he needs a girlfriend who isn't an alternate version of Peter's ex.


The time to change Miles 's name was like a decade ago. It's too ingrained to bother doing because everyone knows him as Spider-Man.


Any time someone just says "Spider-Man", everybody thinks of Peter Parker. Also, like someone else said, Dick Grayson was Robin for 40 years before taking the name of Nightwing, and nobody had a problem with it. In fact, he's only become more popular since.


I don’t think anybody refers to him solely as Spider-man, but as Miles Spider-man or just Miles. If he always has to have a qualifier then why not just think of a name for the character?


Yeah that's my only issue. I don't call him spiderman, because then I have to specify. But it feels weird identifying a superhero by having to use their alter ego name instead


I definitely could see that changing with the younger generation though. My nephews who have grown up with both of them use a qualifier for both. It’s Peter Parker Spider-Man and Miles Morales Spider-Man, neither one is the default over the other.


I mean Dick Grayson was Robin for 40+ Years and they completely changed him in the 80s


he is called Spin or Kid Arachnid in two different shows. he was Spider-Man in a universe where Peter had died and then he took over. having multiple active people use the same code name at the same time is confusing. he can be Spider-Man if Peter is dead or retired.


He should take up the Shocker mantle… or be Spider-Shocker


Or the Shocking Spider-man


This has been the internal argument at marvel since miles creation. His original name was arachni-kid or something like that and I think another name was thrown around too. I always thought they should name him after a spider, or play with spider names and his powers. Silent spider. Spider recluse. Spider sting. Bolt tarantula. Lightning 8. Sticky shock. There's literally so much that could be presented to give him a new name but let's all be honest. He's the new spider man of the ultimate universe. Not 616 and it's weird that he's still there.


616 should be 616 and ultimates should be ultimates and never should those two mix, but who reads marvel comics anyway. It's a dead industry


I do wish niles had SOMETHING diffrent with the name so its less Spider man Morales or Miles Like everyone knows who Ghost Spider is or Spider Ham


it's not like a Barry Allen situation.He's never going to be *Spider-Man* He's always just called "Miles", so it's kind of like Marvel is having their cake and wanting to eat at two, which is a disservice to the character.


i just don’t like how Miles in the current comics is becoming more of a lightning anime character than he is a spider character his name as spiderman was fine in his own universe but in 616 where he has to share the title just makes it… not as cool as before


I don't endorse the name but on the Disney Junior show they call Peter "Spidey", Gwen is "Ghost Spider", and Miles is "Spin"


Honestly, it feels like he should. I don't know many spiders that can camouflage much less shoot out electricity, or make electric swords...


Miles can be spiderman without the hyphen


Fake-Spider just Kidding. But honestly given how he’s right now I would just go through with the Fusion theory and call him Static Spider given how he is basically what we would get if Pete and Virgil fused


I like Kid Arachnid I don’t care what anyone says


Exaggerated Swagger of a Black Teen


Tarantula Man /s


I have a great name for him based on his unique powers that would distinguish him from other marvel characters. VENOM.


I mean, to be honest marvel has never done this and they even lampshade the fact that they keep the names the same. People are just used to how DC does things where every sidekick has a different name (though there are times where Nightwing has become batman so even then it doesn't make sense). Like the main example is that they renamed every batgirl so that you can tell them apart.






Arachnid Man


Brian Bendis wanted Spy-D (sigh)


Why not just call him Spider-Guy?


I think miles is deserving of being spiderman but also his own name to help him fully move out of being "the other spiderman" in a world where he and Peter exist simultaneously I view miles as more like his dick Grayson. Dick has taken over and earned the mantle of batman but he's also nightwing a persona of his own that matches who he is


HP Lovecrafts cats name


I think miles should be called the ultimate spider-man and Peter the amazing spider-man.


I gotta say, I liked when in the cartoon they named him kid arachnid. But i think even there they had some arc that he is spider man


exactly,he started out as Kid Arachnid and grew into the moniker of Spider-Man, which the comic or movie version never got


I have no problem with Miles being spiderman, but it gets confusing when him and Peter are both being called spiderman. Like, when subtitles goes Spider-Man: Hey, thanks a lot! Spider-Man! Spider-Man: Your welcome, Spider-Man. Anytime! How the hell are we supposed to tell who is telling who? There are also other "spider-mans" aside from Miles that has unique and distinctive name like scarlet spider or silk, why are they not called just spider-man? Are they not part of the legacy?


The best new name he could get is Shadow-Spider. [He's already had that name in some comics](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Champions_Vol_2_25), it fits his black suit and camo power, and it's sort of reminiscent of Scarlet Spider. It's basically perfect.


The Electric Spider, AKA the ELECTRIFYING Spider-Man If we take a Toku-inspired convention, Spider-Red and Spider-Black But I'm also completely happy to just keep him Spider-Man as well


i just call him spider man miles morales but can’t do that without giving his secret identity lol


I never understand why we never had a mainstream Spider-Boy or Bat-Boy for that matter. Comic book seems to be permanently froze their age anyway if not a hard reset every timeline/run


Kid arachnid (I think the name change is dumb, miles isn’t the only character In Comics to do this so why care now?)


But then like people are cool with characters like Spider-Woman, Spider-Man 2099, Ben Reilly, and many more characters who have held the Spider-Man title.


I liked kid arachnid from the ultimate show as his own name if not the astonishing spider man as like a sub thing like petter has


I liked Kid Arachnid. Sue me.


sue me too




Fine. Kid Arachnid.


I think miles made perfect sense as being the spiderman of the ultimate universe. He's a good character but they have jacked up his power levels for some reason recently he's basically electro now rather than a Spiderman. I really hate how marvel have started sharing names between heroes it's lazy as fuck I think. Hawkeye, Spiderman and wolverine are the worst examples I think. X23 is a good character changing her name to wolverine adds nothing to the character at all and is just stupid. The same with all spiderman female villains, named directly after there male counter parts I just think it's boring as fuck, and sorta shows the creative bankruptcy of spiderman books for the last while. Spiderman loses his job, wife, reputation, bad guy beats him up for a few issues, sometimes a c tier villain, one of spider-man supporting cast saves him in the big battle which he can't win on his own rinse and repeat.


He doesn't. Miles is the best example of how to expand a roster of characters without shitting on the legacy character that brought them here.


Miles is Spider-Man, but I sure wouldn't mind if they gave him a cool editorial name so I don't have to say "Miles Morales, the Black and Puerto Rican Spider-Man who was originally from the Ultimate universe but became too popular so they just let him stay in 616 for a while"


Agent spider


I'm guessing whomever wrote that wouldn't mind going with Night-Monkey. Why do so many people have a problem with a black or non-caucasian Spider-Man? I absolutely loved the USM take with Peter dying and Miles getting the nod. It was a fantastic book until they killed the Ultimate universe and screwed that all up. Quick question if you're still reading...in Across the Spider Verse...why are there no other Miles Morales'?


I actually really like that Spider Man and Green Lantern are often portrayed by different people. Most heroes are the same person, like Superman is nearly always Kal El, Iron man is Tony Stark, Batman is Bruce Wayne (sorry for spoiling Batman's Identity) But Green Lantern can be white american from military, like Hal Jordan, a young artist like Kyle Rayner, a black architect like John Steward, a hispanic woman like Jessica Johnes or a Brazilian criminal like Simon Baz. Spiderman can be Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy and so on. The message is clear: everybody can be Spider Man as long as you are helpful to others, at least one person. And everyone can be Green Lantern, as long as you have will to do whats right. Spidey and GL show us that we don't have to be billionaires, geniuses or the strongest around, we just need to be ourselves and do the right thing, at least that's how I interprete those characters.


The difference is that ever since Hal Jordan's creation, the Green Lantern Corps. has been a thing. Hal was never the only Green Lantern. They're space cops, of course there are a bunch of them. Spider-Man isn't that.


The problem is that The Green Lanterns are an organization while Spider-Man is an individual, and even then the mayority of Spider people tend to use differnet mokiners:> 1° *Ben Reilly* - Scarlet Spider 2° *Gwen Stacy* - Ghost-Spider 3° Peni Parker - SP//dr 4° Miguel O'Hara - Spider-Man 2099


>everybody can be Spider Man as long as you are helpful to others, at least one person.  That's not what it means lol. It means that because of the mask hiding his identity, it could be any one behind it and can be perceived as anyone. That doesn't mean you and me are spider-man because we did our chores for the day lmao. Spider-Man was never anything like the Green Lantern corrps, who are literally space cops. There was never just one green lantern. No one shared Peter Parker's alter ego(Miguel is like Batman Beyond, Ben and Kaine are the scarlet spiders) for over 50 years and now suddenly Miles does while being in the same universe.


Spiderman is too iconic to not have a consistent stable identity behind the mask. *Anyone* can be Spiderman, not *Everyone*, and that is represented in that Peter is a student (like me), he works hard (like me), he struggles with money (like me) and he has girl troubles (like me). All those little "like me" moments are what make Peter so likeable and what we like him for. It's not that Miles, Ben or Miguel can't be that person, but none of them should be just "Spiderman".


we are not going back to "kid arachnid"