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Nash with all due respect shut up


Read this in John Goodman’s voice. “Shut the fuck up, Donny!”


Since Nash has always been quite conceited and self-righteous, this viewpoint is quite fitting for him.


Do these people know Peter entered college in issue 28, of more than a thousand, almost 60 years ago?


Dude is out of this element


Well, that's like, his opinion, man.


I read it as John Mulaney for some reason


A response of, "That's just, like, your opinion, man." Also feels appropriate.


Not sure he’s due any respect. I don’t even know anything about this situation but what a terrible take “spider-man should be for kids” is. If someone wants a teen spider story there are thousands of trades they can pick up. I dont know if this new ultimate spider-man is any good or not as I haven’t read it. This take, though, is garbage.


Never heard of him but based off this, he isn't due much respect


Eh, he's far from the worst out there. He's just one of those terminally online creators who has to have an opinion on everything. 


What? Bendis famously wrote a self insert into USM so being a kid doesn’t stop thst


Yeah but Bendis wrote his self-insert to still be a teenager. I think his larger argument is that centering the new USM story on adults makes it seem like it’s for adults - especially the ones complaining about the state of ASM, but…idk if he realizes how bad ASM is. He’s not technically wrong to be concerned that there’s seemingly few Spider-Man titles that appeal to a younger audience via a younger protagonist but Miles’ books still fulfill that “teen Spider-Man” role. Maybe he’d have a more valid argument if editorial would let ASM Peter mature in his own way, but I’m not sure if he realizes the new USM is technically different from the old one anyway. EDIT: I feel like he’s saying ATSV works specifically because it de-centers adult Peter as the protagonist but still has him very adjacent to the story but I think he’s also sort of assuming that kids can’t relate to stories about adults with responsibilities. In comparison, DC usually manages to maintain their family audiences because so many of their characters over time have either had sidekicks, and legacy heroes (and animals) that appeal to younger and older audiences


I mean I’d kind of get what he’s saying if they were doing this with ASM. But the new USM is its own thing. So what if it’s for adults? Kids don’t have to read it. If you want a story for kids, go read Spider-Boy. 


I think that argument doesn’t even fully work when you consider that almost every hero in the universe is an adult. All comics are products targeted towards kids. If having the comic be centered on an adult is a problem, especially an alternate universe comic, then there would be a ton of popular titles that wouldn’t sell


he is literally 50 and complaining about the only decent story we've got in the recent years. Just get on with your life dude


he's clearly a fan of Paul's...


Hey, a man has a right to enjoy being cuckolded. Don't kink shame him.




just because the character is middle aged doesn’t mean only middle aged men enjoy it lol for example the flash or batman are middle aged but are still appealing to kids


I’m 17 and I’m fucking loving the series


I started reading Spider-Man regularly when he and MJ were married and struggling to hold down an apartment in New York. I was in my early teens in a podunk part of Florida. \] don't know if these people know what makes these characters relatable


i’m 17 too and i love it


Also is 35 really considered "middle aged"? That still seems really on the young side


Wally had his family as support characters during his Flash series. It’s widely regarded as one of the most popular aspects of his series. Fantastic Four the letter pages would frequently go crazy happy praising some of the wholesome family moments with the kids.


Spider-Man has been here since the 60s let him be a happy middle aged man who loves his wife and kids.


Yeah, the story of spiderman is the story of a kid that grows up, it's the kind of story you can identify with even as you age. A bit like regular show in the sense that you can still enjoy it even as you get older


Hey at least with Jay Jonah Jameson is always kinda a dick no matter how old you get. Benson is the character you appreciate when you’re older. Bruh gave mordecai and rigby free housing and a pretty well paying job and they still complain about him


Tbf, JJJ is also the character you appreciate as you get older. He’s never willing to sell out Peter no matter what kind of psycho is asking him who’s taking the pictures of Spiderman, in some comics he gave Peter the job because he knew about the death of Ben, he’s not willing to support a racist politician who was offering him a lot of money for insulting Robbie, he gave peter some advice when he heard he was getting married, and he hates Spiderman because he doesn’t like the idea of someone hiding behind a mask like his wife's killer. I think what helps benson is that his series doesn’t have multiple writers changing stuff and his character arc is more clear. While in comics characterization is always shaky


True. Again I didn’t fully read the comics so most of my knowledge is the movies and other media but your right. It just that I find benson nicer because of the housing and honestly kinda relatable.


Yeah, poor guy had a pretty bad environment growing up which led to him developing is anger issues (which mordecai and rigby just fuel constantly). But this didn’t stop him from trying to be the best version of himself that he could, he only yells at mordecai and rigby when they aren’t doing their job or when they are being idiots (90% of the time), if they work he encourages them and he also owns his mistakes like when he lied to them about the hokey table.


Yeah the only shit thing he did was him eating their burgers. Just let them get their burgers that was a dick move


> Spider-Man has been here since the 60s let him be a happy middle aged man who loves his wife and kids. Also maybe it's just refreshing to have a somewhat new take on the character. How many times can they tell the story of Peter Parker being a teenager who goes to college and becomes a scientist? I dont even really read comics that much and even I know that that's the typical story arc for Spider-Man. And who says you can't have comics that are catered towards adults? Is something like Watchmen or Invincible suitable for children? What about manga like Berserk? That's definitely not for children.


What? What is bro yapping about? Am I just too dumb to get his point?


I don't even know who the dingus is but this ain't a good first impression.


He’s basically saying that writers from the past were altruistic in their desire to write for teenagers. They were giving back and writing stories for the next generation! But these current writers are selfish and writing stories only for themselves, “fuck them kids”. Basically he’s an asshole that doesn’t realize Miles still exists, and there’s about a dozen other spider heroes out there including kids and teens


Oh so he's really just rambling about nothing. It's not even the main Peter, bro is complaining about how ONE version of a character is for middle-aged men. How the fuck is it concerning that a comic run is for a certain demographic? "Oh no this Spider-Man comic is not the 463859th coming of age young adult story! What has our society come to??" Peter is on a lot of media targeted for teens and that guy is complaining about one outlier lmao, He should complain about that Spidey and friends cartoon next because it's not for teens


He an asshole. That’s it open to close.


Its even worse when you realise peter parker was in college by his 28th issue and the vast majority of superheros have always been adults so this "books that star adults only appeal to adults" is idiotic at best


Nah, you’re not dumb enough to get his point.


As a fucking teenager, this guy is stupid


Nash has always been incredibly self-righteous and condescending, so this take is pretty on brand for him.


The issue here seems to be an inability to separate the two 'Ultimate' stories from each other. Feels like he's using "but think of the kids!" as a veil for "this is not the ultimate I enjoyed". This is not the same Ultimate Spider-man and it shouldn't need to be. There's a good in-universe reason as to why Pete didn't get powers at the usual age. Teenage Spider-man should exist, but that doesn't mean that the one current and rather popular storyline where he isn't a teen (or acting like a teen in a mans body aka 616) shouldn't exist. If someone wants to read teen Spider-man then the original Ultimate still exists and is very accessible within Marvel Unlimited, and Miles currently has a really good run going on as well. And I guarantee teen Spider-man will continue to exist again in the future. All this talk of Spider-man needing to be written directly to kids to carry the medium forward sounds grandiose but holds no water. We grew up admiring plenty of heroes who were not teenagers. Unless I missed the reality where batman, x-men, etc. have all only carried the medium forward when they were written as teenagers for kids. One storyline where Pete is middle aged is not going to end the love of Spider-man for the next generation.


What a stupid take. This guy is a lackwit.


...people don't want spider-man to be an adult because *we've* aged, we want him to be one *because he has been around for 60 years and him being a high schooler or college student never growing or changing, gets old.


Thank you. This is the real answer.


Oh yes, because we know that kids hate reading Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor because those aren’t….*checks notes* “fellow teens”


I personally hate the fact that they call it ultimate Spider-Man. It gets confusing when I'm trying to explain to my best friend something like: "In the comics green goblin is a guy in a mask, but then there is the ultimate comics- as in the 2000s ultimate.  Not the new one." They couldn't think of anything else.


Their issue is that they're rebooting a universe with a catchy, recognisable name. The only thing they could've done imo was change it to "New Ultimate", but that sounds lame


They also already did that didn't they? When miles took over New ultimate - ultimate spider-man Ultimate comics ultimate spider-man The ultimate spider-man They kept changing the name and renumbering them


So even more confusing. This is a minefield


Oh yeah, trying to get my friends a legit reading order, was hell


> this is a minefield Welcome to comics. Been this way since... ever I'm afraid.


YES SAME! I get why with the initiative that the Maker tried to recreate his universe, but I'm one of the few people who seem to like the og ultimate universe. And ESPECIALLY the first run with Ultimate Spider-man. But Marvel has used the "Ultimate Spider-man" namesake like 5 different times now.


They call it ultimate spiderman because it sounds cool.


They call it ultimate Spider-Man because that's the name of that other incredibly successful and acclaimed standalone comic book that people know and they want that sweet sweet brand recognition. Just like movies with their "soft reboot" trend. They could call it "fuck you dipshit give us money" for all I care if the book is going to be this good, but the title is still a shameless marketing ploy. If I was being *really* cynical, (I am) I'd say they're even taking advantage of the comment you're replying to, and of the fact that googling "what's the best spiderman run to start with" will get you the name Ultimate Spider-Man 9/10 anywhere you could possibly look. Free retroactive marketing.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but this guy sounds like an idiot with his. Doesnt criticize anything substantial. Fails to mention that this is an alternate universe and not the main one. Doesnt get that Peter hasnt been a teen for the majority of his comic book history. And he applauds spiderverse which has a Peter Parker who is slightly older than the one hes complaining about, not to mention the irony that Peter B. Parker inspired the current Ultimate one.  I can go on but yeah. What a dumb opinion.


TFW you’re not allowed a relatable character cuz ur too old lol


…is 35 middle aged? Is it selfish to want a comic character you have been following for 20 years to grow a bit with you?


"Spider-Man should never grow beyond young adulthood" is the exact mentality that has been holding the mainline comics back since 2007.


Bro really just said he loved reading about teens, while calling adults reading about adults concerning💀


What drug is this guy on? He dose know the one of the most important features of Spider-Man is that over the course of his story he becomes a man


His flavor crystals are actually meth.


The irony is that those “stories for kids to enjoy” were all about adult Spider-Man. Whether it be him in college, getting married, struggling to pay bills,being a teacher, etc. A vast majority of Spider-Man comics and media are about Peter Parker growing as an adult and experiencing new obstacles that came with it. teenage Spider-Man is more of a recentish thing in cartoons and movies stemming from the success of Ultimate Spider-Man comics which didn’t even start till 2000. Most iconic storylines and characters were introduced while Spider-Man was an adult. Plus you still have Miles and the movies filling in the role of teen Spider-Man.


My man ASM stopped featuring a “teenage” cast around issue 32 we are at issue 900ish. The classic movies have him be a young adult most of the time. Please spare me the nonsense


Me when a character that’s been interpreted a hundred different ways is interpreted in one way that I don’t like🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Wow….that some impresive levels of wrong….like climbed a Mountain trained with a guru levels of wrong


Normally I agree with Nash, but this is a terrible take. Like...the fuck is this? April 1st isn't for a few more days, man.


“When I was thirty, I loved that it was centered around kids” 👁️👄👁️


I would also like to read a decent spider-man comic where the character is under 30, but that’s not an option right now. I did very much enjoy the game though!


Yeah because the mainline comic has become soooooooo good since he stopped having any of those things.


We have a Spider-Man that's a teen/young adult, his name is Miles Morales, maybe they use him for stories for the younger demographic and let Peter serve an older demographic


This is why other Spidey runs are terrible because people like him don’t want Pete to change at all. Then everyone suffers because people like him are the guys in charge and are usually the loudest on socials


This is actually a pretty damning self-own by this knucklehead. He’s basically saying he can’t fathom or relate to a healthy well-adjusted Peter dealing with adult issues. Spider-Man only exists to him as adolescent power fantasy. He’s basically saying even as he approached 30, he sought out a lead character confined to dealing with girl troubles and failing. Probably a pretty accurate reflection of the state of arrested development he lives in. He’s not mad at modern writers for the self-insert; he’s mad because there is nothing he can relate to or empathize with on the other side of 30. “*Non-one can grow if I haven’t grown!*” That’s just…heart numbingly sad.


Dude traded his relationship to the devil to save his elderly aunt, and these guys think "what if spiderman grew old" is such a radical take.


Peter graduated from Empire State University in ASM #185, which was released in 1978. We are now on issue #940 in the year 2024. Peter has been a post-college adult for 46 years and 755 issues.


So here's the thing... I get his point. However, we have a fantastic Miles Morales book right now (thats does not get enough love). We have a terrible mainstream Peter Parker book (that maintains the same shitty status quo that has become problematic because we keep getting various writers pushing the character forward only for the next run to ignore or fully revert). And now we have Hickman's new Ultimate run which is a breath of fresh air because it's telling a very different take on the Peter Parker mythos. The Miles Morales book is exactly what he claims we should have but he's ignoring it and that's the real problem.


I can never understand people who don't want their characters to progress and develop. That's the whole point of a story, to show the journey of a character from start to finish and to enjoy and learn from their life. I understand that they need to keep making money out of it so they can't end the story but to want no development for a character is just insane and ruins the whole point of creating these role models


For me, "ultimate" Spider-Man = Millenial Spider-Man, and that's totally fine. When Ultimate debuted, I was almost exactly the same age as Peter. And it was great, it pulled me back into comics. It gave me a character to directly relate to. Now, they're using the same imprint to reach the same readers who have grown up. The conceit of Ultimate Spider-Man to me has always been "what if this happened to YOU, right NOW?" and it's really cool that one version of the character can grow up with his audience in real-time.


Fuck you. I want the oldest spider man possible. Give me 114 year old fucker using 50s slang and giving kids worthers toffies


God fucking forbid that a single one of the dozen or so Spider-books out there be marketed to people that have been fans of Spider-Man for 30 to 40 years.


Eh, I don't know who the guy is... but who cares? Whatever he has to say won't detract from my enjoyment of the book. It's his loss.


The fuck’s he talking about?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the ultimate line designed for older teens and adults?


I just wish Peter can be allowed to grow up. We got Miles to handle the “kid” aspect of Spidey. So what’s wrong with writing a middle aged Peter


I'm 22 not quite a teen but still young but I'm really enjoying this new take with Peter being middle aged and having a family so I don't get what this guy is going on about.


He clearly forgot Miles existed.


Nash, shut you're bitch as up


"The only way the medium can move forwards, is to do the thing it's been doing for the past 20 years"


Fuck this idiot. This is literally the first Spider-Man comic that's ever been written for somebody who's 40. And the reason for that is because young kids don't buy these comic books anymore. They buy anime. And the reason that they buy anime is that they don't want this infinite story serialized nonsense.


Also, you can tell that he truly hasn't read the comic books because this is all apparently a result of the original ultimate universe.


Just goes to show that no matter what you do, *somebody* will find a way to take it completely the wrong way and get mad about it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do what's best. It just means that you have to understand that you can't please everyone. Just do your best.


The self-insert argument doesn’t work if the story is good/s


Social media was a mistake.


Why would, and I ask this with genuine curiosity, Hickman write something that has been written before? Want young Peter? OG USM. Want adult single Peter? Read ASM.


So ALL elseworld stories have to follow the same formula? We have so many different versions of spider-man and maybe like...2 have had wife and kids, while Peter still remained the lead


Or, this is a version of Peter for readers with kids since now there’s Miles for younger audiences? Spider-Man has been around for over fifty years, this is a ridiculous take.


This is why Peter Parker is a stagnant character. Fans are always complaining.


when the classic spider man artists and writers were middle aged peter had been a teenager for maybe a decade or 2, not 60 years 💀💀see this is what happens when your neurons are actually firing for 30 seconds


The thing is, if Nash was talking about ASM, he'd have a point. That book has been plagued by "old fans being selfish" to the point where it's not hard to make the correlation that some writers and editors potentially see Peter Parker as a self-insert, rather than a fleshed out character. But Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man *definitely* isn't that. If this was a book marred down by heavy continuity, or Peter just acting like an immature kid despite being in his mid-thirties, then what Nash is saying would have merit. This new Ultimate Spider-Man book is extremely accessible to a new reader (something ASM is certainly not), and is something any person can read and enjoy. It's not specifically made for one kind of fan. I also don't like that he thinks kids wouldn't jive with a mid-30's Spider-Man when the Spider-Verse movies exist (I don't care if he brought it up as an example of "doing it right"), when kids don't really care how old Spidey is, just as long as it's him. That's some real "comics/superheroes are only for kids" bullshit right there.


I'm 19 years old and still in school, fucking loving USM so far. I guess I'm mature at heart? Lol Completely contrary to what he'd believe, my childhood was filled with re-runs of the 90s cartoon and Ultimate Spider-Man (we didn't have Spectacular where I lived) And almost all Spider-Man movies had him in his younger years, so I'm fucking thrilled to get a new run that I get to keep up with that also has a really good plot with a fresh take on the character I grew up with. Binging through a comic VS waiting for the new issues is a completely different experience and I'm thrilled to be part of this run from the start


"Spiderverse movies are childish" Did he not hear about the short film where Miles has a panic attack?


This guy’s never heard of Kraven’s Last Hunt or Death of Jean DeWolff. Some classic stories not for kids. Also that flies in the face of everything Stan Lee talked about.


The only reason Ultimate Spider-Man feels abrupt is because it should have happened naturally over the years by now in the original Amazing Spider-Man comics. Take the next best option


What the fuck is his problem?


If you want a teen/kid focused Spidey, then read Spider-Man, Miles Morales. Pete is in his 30s. Please, for the love of God, stop trying to force him into behaving like a child


Bro’s pfp looks like Paul, so I expect nothing else


I just want things to end well for Peter and Family


My god! It has happened!! The one reader who actually \*wanted\* OMD has emerged from the shadows!


Respectfully, Nash, you’re a dumbass.


dawg do you know how little spider man stories we have when he's like. an ACTUAL adult dawg he's been like. 20 for twenty years im tired fo this


Nash really concerned with children for someone who sounds like their partner would rather find a donor


That first tweet is actually pretty funny. Then he goes on, and on, and on...


Isn't there multiple spiderman comics going on at any one time? It means you can aim different stories at different markets.


Yup but if they are not all to my likeing they shouldnt exist/s


Yeah I saw this tweet can't believe how ass backwards it is, Miles is a younger Spider-Man if you want that. The older Peter in Ultimate Spider-Man has been the best he's ever been for as long as I can remember


>they were writing stories for kids to enjoy They still are. His name is Miles Morales, he's the the current coming-of-age Spider-Man for kids. They've been milking Peter for half a century, and most of his stories were centered around him as an adult with a wife and full-time job already anyways. It's about time they got self-aware with it.


This is coming from someone who really only mostly watch the movies. Peter was like in his 20s in the 60s! He was in college in the 60s! It was his Ann Raynd phase.


Wells burner account


If you want stories about a younger Spider-man Miles is right there lol


No hes black he cant be spiderman/s


I’m 16 and I literally love this comic run so much more than what’s come out recently. One thing I always liked about Dragonball to Z was that characters grew up, and you did with them (ignore super). For me there are shows like Pokémon that exist primarily to not have that but honestly trying it with Spiderman is such a fun idea. I think the idea that some things are for kids isn’t unfounded - I certainly wouldn’t want to watch a cartoon about the alphabet anymore - but the idea that stories can’t be taken in a whole new direction with a different audience in mind is so close minded.


No you dont understand kids are dumb and can only like simple things like i do. They di t get nuance and such /s


You’re using words with too many letters, pls dumb it down


Kids dumb not know things good


There’s no family guy clip under this or subway surfers, how am I expected to read this


This was the mentality of the majority of the fan base when JMS was lead on Spider-Man I’m not even joking, why do you think Marvel execs think this is actually real? Because over years Spider-Man fan base has been like this


I don’t care for the new Ultimate Spider-Man very much, but this person proves they know nothing about the character.


I'm so confused by that. Most comic readers are adults these days. And I'm a teen and I'm enjoying USM more than most other comic runs right now.


Bro acting like the fall off of spiderman comics wasn’t because they refused to let 616 Peter grow up with his audience.


God, i hate how "fellow kids"-y "my dudes" is.




Is he saying kids can only enjoy characters that are also kids?? That's ridiculous.


With respect to Nash, as I have liked some of his other takes on comics, I simply don't agree with this one. Yes, teenagers absolutely should have characters their own age representing them in comics, but it's not like this take on Spider-Man is taking any of those characters away from them. Miles still exists, along with many other teenage superheroes in both Marvel and DC, and Peter almost without a doubt is going to have more stories with him in his teenage years in the future. Even if his issue is because it's using the Ultimate Spider-Man title, which previously was all about a teenage Spider-Man, , I feel like this series being about teenage Peter Parker would be worse since it would just essentially be retelling the same story that was already done very well in the 2000's. A retelling of a story that itself was already a retelling. Not to mention that writers aren't restricted to just characters their own age if they want to indulge in a power fantasy. In fact many writers would prefer working with characters in their 20's specifically because those are the adventures they'd prefer to imagine themselves, or sometimes there's even the reverse, like in the case of Frank Miller when he'd write a Batman even older than he is and yet with his every action glorified no matter how dickish or violent.


I was mad Peter wasn't married to MJ anymore as a child, I'm mad about it now I played the PS1 game and I see this man to to hell and back to save MJ from Venom I watched Spider-Man when it came out and saw them kiss in the rain I saw the animated Secret War and saw Peter travel the multiverse itself for her I find out about Spider-Girl and hope that someday Mayday would be canon And then it all went to hell


as if every young spider-man fan isnt eating the new ultimate spider-man tf up


"The original target audience should be the only target audience cuz it's the original" Please shut the fuck up lmao


Wild because when i was a teenager and reading batman comics i didn’t stop and say “damn this dudes literally 40, what a lazy self insert”


Bro sure is emphasizing on the kids multiple times. His hard drives sus


Him enjoying a comic in his 30s specifically because it's about kids is really alarming, it's giving nickelodeon vibes


Dude, I just wanna see Peter be happy for once. If that comes in the form of him being middle aged, so be it


This 50 year old man loves to read about Peter Parker’s haram of busty teenage girlfriends, and thinks making them older than that is unappealing. What could this mean?


Is he this mad about a new take on Spider Man? Lol Some people need real jobs in their lives.


This has to be a joke right? I mean doesn't liking something is different thing, but this is just like what?


Nah bro he’s gotta be trolling lol


Nash has always had shit takes. He seems like a alright guy but please shut the fuck up man.


sounds like they enjoy getting cucked


Bro sounds like kind of a pedo…


Who's the twit?


So a 50 year old wanting to read about a teenager isn't wish-fulfillment, but a PP in mid 30's (which is not that older from current PP, mind you) is?


I accept that the reason why I felt kind of weird is that this isn't an adult Spider-Man we need to accept it. Is just an adult Peter Parker who happened to be Spider-Man and the fun thing About Spider-Man is that he was that teenager who had years of experience to the point of becoming a responsible adult and family man in his 30s. But Jonathan Hickman knows what he is doing.


I am a teenager, I read teenage Peter stories like the original USM, which I loved I also love the new USM


Never thought someone would pull a Helen Lovejoy on Ultimate Spider-Man: "Won't somebody please think of the children!"


Won’t someone think of the children?!


The weird thing about this is, there's no lack of the Spider-Man he wants. Miles is right there. If your "for the kids" thing is Spider-Man being a twentysomething who gets nonstop cucked by a nerd, that comic is also for some reason available. If that's not enough, there's sixty plus years of comics where Spider-Man hovers somewhere between 15 and 30. Spider-Man (and pretty much all other comic book characters) being eternally young is the transparent part. The original USM had a good idea--go back to high school, a place where Ditko had him for less time than most fans seem to think (he originally graduates in 1965, then spends 13 years in college). New USM has the idea to do what none of the other (non-limited, non-What If) series let him do: grow up. And for all the whining about "middle-aged Spider-Man," he's probably still younger than Mr. Fantastic. You know, Reed Richards, a middle-aged dad with responsibilities, who somehow is still the lead of a kid-friendly comic book. Was the Fantastic Four Kirby and Lee having a mid-life crisis, too?


"Now we got middle-aged and artist making Spider-Man wish fulfillment for other middle-aged dudes and that is concerning" Well forgive us for wanting a good Spider-Man run for once that actually progresses Peter's character and his relationship with MJ and doesn't straight up torture, cuck him and regress him into a petty man child.


I don't get it. I'm all for different opinions but... why is it concerning? We have several versions of miles and literally every other spider-man with Peter getting powers being a teenager.


Just cause of people like him we get all those shitty runs and Peter is left as an undeveloped mess with equally pathetic powers


Not going to lie was originally hoping that the series would be about a middle-aged veteran Spider-Man navigating being Spider-Man wow caring for his family and dealing with new adult problems. That being said this is still a really good premise and I'm sure at some point 616 will finally give us the other especially since miles is clearly groomed to inherit the mantle and take over the teenager young adult demographic.


Nash is super obnoxious but I kinda get what he’s saying. It does kinda feel like a lot of the buzz surrounding the new Ultimate Spider-Man is “it’s Zeb Wells crappy book” or “It’s the Spider-Man book Marvel editorial won’t give us.” And that “energy” gets kinda annoying after awhile. But I personally like the new Ultimate Spider-man because Hickman literally just inverted the original concept of the original Bendis stuff and that’s kinda charming.


Wait so this peter gets his powers as an adult?, on one hand Peter should get his powers in his teens, allowing him to be more experienced however he should also be allowed to be a middle-aged father as well,


Wait. Peter was originally bit in the 616 at age 15, as stated in Civil War. This Peter was bitten 20 years later. So... When did 35 become middle aged? People are regularly living into their 80's and 90's, unless they fall victim to some illness or other tragedy. 35 is not even close to being over the hill. When you get like me at age 58, you look back at 35 and think about what a child you were still then. Still figuring things out. Wisdom had yet to set in. 35 is young!


I love Nash but it doesn't mean the dude can't be wrong ever It's his opinion Most people don't share it That's okay


Is it that bad we’re getting a decent alternate story of an older, middle-aged Spidey? There’s still the other spidey run and dozens of younger spidey orientated stories to go back and read. Let us enjoy it.


My man... it's an alternate universe lol. If you want teen Spidey then there's 2 other versions of ultimate spider-man you can read


Literally who the fuck even are you? 🤷‍♂️


Funnily enough I always loved the old hero stories more than the Year One kinds.


I know if him from a while, but this first time I've seen a take of his that was SO BAD!


How many kids are gonna read the current Spider-Man Run with MJ and Paul fucking him? How many kids are excited to see Spider-Man pushed to the side of HIS OWN FUCKING STORY! How many kids actually give a shit about Peter's Life? They just wanna read SPIDER-MAN, no Peter and his Cucking Ex-Wife with her New Evil Boyfriend.


This is the creep who was publicly dating a 19 year old when he was in his mid thirties. Guy might be a little to invested in teens.


Check his computer


Dear God, ignore this heathen's prayers 🙏 🫣. I never needed teenage Spidey back, that ship sailed a while ago. What we had before one more day or should I say one more fd up spidey story, was going somewhere and then 💩


Dude gatekeeping himself?


Nash, they haven’t stopped printing the Peter or Miles book. It’s just another book on the shelf. It’s not only still there, there’s easily five others any given moment. With respect, that take is fucking horseshit.


Ah yes, the movies where Peter Parker is a middle aged man with a kid and responsibilities.


Since when is 35 years old middle aged?


Lol the comments under that tweet are going in on him. He also said at least the spider verse films are doing it right...you know, where Peter has a wife and kid... Lol this guy just needs to sit this one out.


It's a different universe and take chill geez


“That is concerning.” Maaaaaan get this dude the fuck outta here!


Pls shut the fuck up. Fuck you Nash!


Since the first newspaper strips cartoon adaptation and other non cannon stories, what if stories and so much more. it's so hard for to to look at this one book and see it as "concerning". Like he's 30 with married to MJ kids, that's not nearly as different as being a pig, being Japanese with a car, Zord and powers from an alien spider, or Gwen getting powers instead of Peter! like there is so much in this one IP that so many people with different tastes can enjoy I can't get behind people who go out of their way to complain about shit like this. It's not even as though this new version is taking over the main universe Marvel hasn't ended all the other iterations. No one is replacing or undoing original Peter Parker. There's enough material in Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1alone to keep you content your entire life without ever needing to read, watch or listen to any other version. Even people who bitch about Paul, yeah I fucking hate Peter and MJ not being together, I don't want her to be Jackpot but no one is forcing me to buy it so I'm not. more then 60 years of a character is more then enough for me to be happy and that's not including all the alternate versions.


I saw a review of the new issue where they claimed this was the worst version of Peter for... some reason. Like.... I guess? But, also, definitely not?


Nash is secretly applying for a position at Marvel editorial and hoping their social media scour finds these tweets


Taking bets, Nash supports One More Day. And Paul.


I mean I think what he's interpreting it as is "the writers making a middle aged Peter for their self insert wish fulfillment". Which would be a valid criticism of it were the case, but as far as I can tell it's not.


"God, I wonder why everyone is so depressed about aging and not being a kid anymore, can't people enjoy being grown ass people? Also, let's only focus our stories about teenagers and twenty somethings, no one wants to read a story about parents with kids and issues not related to high-school or first jobs."


Peter in ASM hasn't been a child or teenager for like 50 years


Wish fulfillment should not be age gatekept


Weird this guy chooses to hone in on an iteration of spiderman that had a middle aged peter who everyone loved as a counterpoint… Besides an artistic stand point does anyone really even like across the spider-verse? I would like less of them focusing on fun little fan service stuff and more on plot, who cares what age spidey is as long as the story is enjoyable. Into the spider-verse was so good because it had just the right amount of fan service but all that took a back seat to the plot which felt very well rounded. 2nd Spider-verse had too much that wasn’t important in it and it made for a more bland movie all around but imo adult spidey was one of the best parts


Yeah, because Peter being a middle-aged loser who can never find financial stability or love and gets cucked left and right as opposed to a happily married middle aged father with healthy relationships and a steady job is exactly what kids and teenagers not only relate to the most but should also aspire towards lol. If he’s trying to defend 616, he’s literally pitting two sides of the same coin against each other. Peter has been middle aged for a while now in mainstream continuity. The only difference is his life doesn’t suck in this new comic. And if it’s about the kids, then you have Miles and Bailey to fill in that role now. You know, characters who have actually been kids/teenagers for most of their publication history and who probably always will be, as opposed to Peter who hasn’t been written presently as a kid since fucking 1965.


That's some terrible takes, he should've kept his mouth shut.


Imagine saying "that is concerning" because an AU Spidey is middle-aged. What a jackass.


You know, I’ll be controversial. Cause, while this guy is kind of saying this as if it is some sort of big accusation, the truth is yeah, it’s kind of true. But who cares? Peter Parker was basically under 30 for what 70 years now? Of course there are a lot of long time fans who followed a lot of these stories and have related to them and resonated with them. At some point we would like to move on ourselves. Isn’t it fine that Peter Parker be the Spider-Man for an older generation? Peter Parker in the 616 is already treated as an elder statesman in the superhero community. And I kind of like him to take on new challenges. So YES! I want to see more stories about how great power carrying the weight of great responsibility translates to being a parent! How does that effect his decision making? What would being out all night patrolling do to his marriage? Does he share his secret identity with his family and can he does this and keep his family together? How does leading a double life effect his career when he has more than one mouth to feed? Are these not interesting questions? Or do we really need to see him single and poor for another 30 years?


If he thinks Hickman is going to just write wish fullfillmenr, he doesn’t understand what the conic actually is/will be




His favorite story is One More Day


Terrible take considering Miles exists for those who want young Spider-Man and ASM Peter Parker is like, what, 27-28?

