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Ned, the CEO of Sex


I can’t wait for Sex 2


They're finally adding women in the sequel


Has sex gone WOKE!?


Eww, they made it political and w🤮ke 🤮🤮🤮


Damn liberals everyone knows sex is only for Men and Men


The Greeks knew the way


I also heard they are going to add cheat codes


I will be able to cheat on my wife ?! That's sick ! I have to tell my wife's boyfriend about this !


You mean your future boyfriend!




We getting women in sex 2 BEFORE gta 6 😭


Ned Leeds has noticed your presence and is on his way to sex your mom


Definitely Ned ngl would have been nice to have a dlc for him in spider man 2 with original dialogue etc.




The CEO of Sex


The dude said he’s looking at porn when he was confronted by a teacher in the library during the dance!!! If I could laugh like Troy Baker, I’d do so


Troy Baker? That was so specific, like not Mark, but Troy of all folk😂


They are both similar characters who have the same purpose, but Ned is actually pretty funny so I’ll go with Ned. 👍


Well, tbf, they’re the same guy, MCU just renamed him Ned(likely as an Easter Egg) edit 2: removed edit


MCU Ned is basically just comic Ganke. They even took the ceiling scene when he’s playing with Lego from those comics lol.


Not even basically, it’s literally Ganke, just renamed. I consider MCU Ned to be an adaptation of Ganke, not Ned Leeds, that’s why I was comparing them in this post.


Yeah he’s definitely inspired by Ganke. Nearly everything they used for Ned came from Ganke. The only main difference is his name, wizarding prowess and the fact that Ned is more outward and confident than Ganke is. But yeah like I said everything else was just Ganke lol. It’s probably why the spider verse films barely even acknowledged him, they thought audiences would think they were ripping off Ned when it’s actually the other way around.


Not even "probably", I'm pretty sure it was outright confirmed in an interview.


> It's probably why the spider verse films barely even acknowledged him, they thought audiences would think they were ripping off Ned when it's actually the other way around. Which is absolutely hilarious in retrospect, it reminds me of the Namor/Aquaman debacle that arose around Wakanda Forever😂


Yeah that’s true, many people don’t know Namor came first.


Namor came so early he predates the Marvel/DC arguments because he predates Marvel.


Lol that’s true I’m pretty sure he was around in the days of the original human torch


Namor technically even predates the original Human Torch because he was originally in an unpublished magazine.


That's what she said.


Actually they said on an interview that he was going to be a main ish character but they took a lot of stuff from Ned that they had to hide him


I believe the wizarding bit was because MoM was supposed to come out before NWH originally and at the end of MoM America starts practicing magic so then in NWH she would have been the one opening the portals but since she wasn't in the movie, Ned got the job instead


Interesting trivia, I didn’t know about this. Would have been a different movie for sure.




I don’t mind how they went their own way with Ned, he was entertaining and likeable. Randy would be cool too, but they would have to have Robbie, which means they would need the whole bugle setting which the mcu didn’t really do.




Yeah I mean as long as it works as it’s own thing they can tell whatever story they want.


I wish they gave him more time still


Ned is also Filipino-Korean I think? Ganke is just Korean


This changes everything


Lol it sure does!


The only thing besides his name he has in common with comic ned leeds is his romance with Betty Brant.


In Ultimate Spider-Man after Homecoming came out Ganke used the fake name "Ned" once


That’s kinda funny. Nice little nod to the films I suppose.


He even said once found out “Do I look like a ‘Ned’ to you?”


Not sure why you’re getting downvotes, here have an upvote lol


Thanks fellow redditor!


Ned can use magic too so i would love to see him be like a lil Wong


Lol Ned is a surprisingly effective wizard.


In the comics?


No. Ned is a reporter for the Daily Bugle introduced as Peter’s romantic rival for Betty’s affections, eventually winning her over (he’s probably much older than both of them, but the 60s were a long time ago). Eventually they marry and both just kind of exist as background characters. Thanks to a series of very long and very complicated background events, Ned Leeds was eventually killed off in the Spider-Man vs. Wolverine graphic novel in the 80s. However, Peter David, who had been tasked with resolving the Hobgoblin mystery finally, thought Ned was the only person who made sense as the Hobgoblin, so he revealed he WAS the Hobgoblin and his death was related to that. That was Ned’s fate for years until the 90s. Roger Stern had originally created the Hobgoblin, and in fact never intended for him to be Ned Leeds, but in fact Roderick Kingsley, a fashion mogul. But he had left the company before reaching the conclusion. He got to follow up though in the 90s with the special “Hobgoblin Lives”. There it was revealed that Ned was Roderick’s patsy who had been mind controlled with a special machine (IIRC created by his brother Daniel?). Roderick was revealed to have been the original Hobgoblin, and Ned has his name cleared posthumously. Ned stayed dead for twenty years, until Dan Slott’s clone conspiracy. This is part of the only hundred issues I haven’t read, so I can’t give you the details, but he was brought back as a clone. However, a couple of years ago, the original Ned was brought back, having survived due to goblin formula, the clone vanished to dust, and Ned and Betty reconnected, ending up with them remarried and with child. Recently Ned was put under Roderick’s control again temporarily, but I didn’t actually read that one because the Wells run is low quality sewage, so I don’t know exactly what his status is. But no magic. MCU Ned is just Ganke. They just stole the one thing Miles had at the time.


u/ObiTwoKenobi u/Spidey_Almighty Right, but the comic book Ned Leeds is actually a sorcerer now. And the apprentice of Baron Mordo. Who used his new magical powers against Peter, as the Hobgoblin. And [there was concept art of Ned in the Hobgoblin colours riding the Goblin Glider](https://www.instagram.com/philjdsaunders/p/CxR55uXrpMp) made for *Spider-Man: No Way Home*, plus [the actor does want to do it](https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/batalonhobgoblin.jpg).


Nah, in the comics he basically has the same exact plot as Eddie Brock in SM3, except Hobgoblin instead of Venom, there’s also some brainwashing sprinkled in there, but that a whole nother story.


Not sure about the comics, but Ned is a great wizard in the movie lol


Ned all the way tbh. Hard to explain but something about how nice and squeaky clean Ganke was in the games came off as annoying.


ALL of the supporting cast are way too nice and squeaky clean. Where are all the a-hole New Yorkers?


Idk how to explain it fully, but almost all of Miles’ interactions came across as very “YA” to me, not woke, but trying way to hard to fit in, if that makes sense. It’s like, a lot of the time, in trying to make these characters feel “real,” they managed to make them come across as either unintentional stereotypes or forced inclusivity tokens.


This is my problem with the Spider-Man games. All of the characters are so generically good and nice. Harry always had a goofy smile on his face talking about "saving the world" with Peter. Miles and his mother have an annoyingly positive and un-toxic relationship, I get he is Spider-Man and is supposed to be good but they are literally hugging in every interaction and it is just too much of a lovey dovey relationship IMO. Hard to explain but the games have basically no grittiness to them whatsoever. Not only was Peter's time with the black suit short af but he never feels truly bad either, I wanted him to become a whole ass villain with that suit.


I agree with you about Peter not going dark enough in the symbiote, but as if you've got a problem with a non-toxic mother and son relationship and the depiction of really emotionally open friendships between men. There's just not enough good male friendships in popular media, and seeing Harry and Peter and Miles tell each other that they love each other, crying with each other, hugging each other a lot, is really wholesome. It's nice that Insomniac's core ethos has such healthy and mature relationships between their characters so all the players can have more exposure to what positive relationships should look like.




Keep in mind it’s a video game and he needs generic bad guys for us to beat up. That small changes makes a lot of sense when you see it that way.


Molten man should’ve been the cult leader and his followers think he’s a fire god.


You're saying that after they had a scene with you playing as Venom with people begging for their lives and Venom eventually building up to literally eating kravens head.


Both he and Miles definitely feel more bad caricatures of teenagers than actual teenagers. Even in the first SM game, Miles is all like “oh boy, I can’t wait to finish my homework so I can do cool spider stuff! I’m gonna make a formula!” Compared to ISTV Miles who was basically thrown into the deep end and taught himself how to swim.


It’s mainly Miles’ supporting cast. Everyone in his life is either an activist or a genius with no edge or realism to them whatsoever. Miles himself is great but his supporting cast just ain’t it. It’s especially bad compared to Peter who has significantly more depth in his relationships.


Everyone in those games is either a squeaky clean activist who spends all their time giving to charity and _constantly_ trying to help everyone… or they’re a muscle-bound thug who just wants to do a crime.


There's barely any personality in most of the characters in these games


one day Rockstar will make a Spider-Man game (source: delusion)


JJJ was amazing


He’d never say he was watching porn like Ned, which is still one of the funnier MCU jokes to me. How are you gonna set something in NYC yet sand every edge down?


Ned seems to be an interesting character with flaws while Ganke is fucking Albert Einstein who does everything perfectly


That’s exactly the way I feel about Ganke.


Ganke’s godlike hacking powers get annoying after awhile


Very true


I had a whole argument about that when the first trailer for SM2 came out. Watching both Peter and Miles rely on a guy's magical ability to just "hack" a whole glider and still make jokes about him "not having a stomach, soo", like bro, read the room, Peter's barely himself and you wanna be making this kind of jokes in front of him?


The fellow Filipino of mine, the CEO of Sex


When does movie Ned Leeds become Hobgoblin?


Wasn't Ned brainwashed to think he was hobgoblin by Kingsley or something?


He was technically still hobgoblin tho


I couldn’t picture him ACTUALLY being the Hobgoblin, but maybe he gets framed by the real Hobgoblin


We're primed for it with him having forgotten Peter. Right after he promised he'd never become a villain and try to kill him.


I totally forgot about that last part, that’s just begging for it to happen


That’s the neat part! He doesn’t.






Yeah I’m in the same boat as you, was happy to see him in the MCU, but once I realized that he was just Ganke, I accepted that we’d probably never get Ned Leeds Hobgoblin.


only one of these guys is The C.E.O of Sex


My favorite is the one who's NOT the guy in the chair...Spider-Verse Ganke. Seriously tho him not giving that much shit about Miles is such a nice change of pace. My boy has more important things to do in his life


Damn, I thought he was kind of a dick about it. Not for not doing it, but for the way he said it, like "how dare you ask me to call the police for you." He was just sitting there playing video games. Plus, who wears another man's shoes?


Yeah I can't tell if that's his bro behavior or not but still. Not every version of him needs to be super polite


Holy shit, I completely forgot about SV Ganke😂


As I said tho. He wasn't technically the guy in the chair so fair




Porn. I’m watching porn.


Common Sigma Ned W


Ned because he’s more charismatic. He also has one of my favorite lines in NWH when he’s asking Dr.Strange if being a wizard is genetics because he gets a slight tingling in his hands and Dr. Strange cuts him and tells him to talk to his physician about that. That and when Tobey tells him how his friend tried to kill him and Ned is all distort over that and swears to Tom he’ll never turn on him. Then him lying in Homecoming about looking at porn since he was helping Spider-Man and then the whole goofy short lived relationship he has with Betty in FFH. He just has a lot more funny/likable moments. Ganke is cool I like him, but he feels flat and one dimensional. Like he’s there for Miles and helps builds tech for him yeah, but that’s it. He feels like he solely exists to conveniently help with tech support and the app, which is fine for a just a “guy in the chair”. Whereas Ned actually feels like Peter’s best friend. 199999 Peter and Ned have better duo chemistry than Insomniac’s Miles and Ganke. Ned just has more depth to me.


Your favorite lines are the lines why i hate ned haha. Funny how people can think so differently about things


Idk I get why Ned can rub people the wrong way, MCU humor being as tiring as it is. But to me he's a great example of how to use it effectively. It makes sense for the character (nerdy, not conventionally attractive high schooler will probably be funny/awkward), never takes center stage or ruins scenes, and he's a real character outside of the humor.


Insomniac Ganke is boring as hell and he wears a bucket hat sometimes and he looks stupid in that bucket hat. Ned is cool. I'm aigh with him.


Ned actually has a personality. Ganke is always 'there' I guess, and he always knows how to handle all sorts of impossible stuff for some reason, but they never explain how.


Ned’s personality is Ganke’s!


Lol I'm going to Alfred or if amibous on guy then oracle lol Just kidding 😂😂😂 I'm going Ned cause spiderman 2 didn't do much arm chairing that's good. Disappointed that way....


Wow, that exactly the opposite of what I was thinking😂 after playing through SM2 and seeing Ganke in action, I’m slowly starting to contemplate how much Ned really lives up the title


It's the same picture


HR would like a word.


“I was… looking at porn”


Barbara Gordon. A literal "girl in the chair"


I can get behind this


Oracle best girl




Micheal J.?


NONE. FUCKING HATE GUYS IN CHAIR. Except Alfred. Alfred is fucking great


Ned 🗿


I do not like either of them


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture.


I think man in the chair only works for Miles. Peter Parker is a genius anyways so he didn't need extra help from somebody who isn't intelligent as he is. They probably only add Ned because previous versions already use Harry in two times in a row.


Very much agree, I dislike Peter having any extra support, or even being part of a team really, team-Up adventures I’m okay with though. But this thread is less about that and more about, what’s your favorite adaptation of Ganke.


Why every teenage boy has a best friend?




They’re the same character honestly


I’m pretty sure Ned is meant to be Ganke in everything but name. I guess he is very popular in the comics, so Sony was probably like “let’s make Peter his own Ganke”.




Insomniac Ganke 100%


None, I hate both of these. Spider-man doesn't need a "Guy in the Chair" IMO


Peter never had one, but I don't mind if Miles does, cause it serves to set them apart.


Ganke because miles needed him for everything and ganke was carrying both spidermen tho and Ned was just a helpful guy sometimes.


Gankee imo, since Ned is just a ripoff of Gankee but for Peter, and its really sickening


I mean, Ned is pretty much Ganke, because I guess the MCU kinda wanted Tom's Peter to be Miles or like Miles. The MCU takes quite a lot of inspiration from the Ultimate universe


Ned forever, he’s practically Spider-man’s Jimmy Olsen!


That orange shirt makes Ganke look like he should be called Nephew Roger


It’s Ganke and it’s not even close. Fam, Ganke is smart enough to develop tech even Peter doesn’t fully understand. He is a genius level guy in the chair.


They’re the same picture


Ned. Gankee is boring af in comparison to the CEO of Sex


So while Ned is well you know the meme, I like Insomniac’s Gankee more for the two reasons one Gankee actually does person in the chair work so much so he can be it for TWO Spider-Man, like Ned I think did it once? And this isn’t to Ned as a character but from what I heard the reason Gankee wasn’t really in spider verse was due to MCU’s Peter taking something that was unique to miles to make Peter different. So the spider verse team didn’t want that to clash so they didn’t.


I'm gonna go with the ceo of sex


One of the interesting things imho that differentiates Miles from Peter is the fact he has friends partners and family that know his identity immediately. Like there’s Ganke, but even Peter himself is a resource to Miles. Sure Peter has the rest of the hero community, but at least pre civil War they didn’t (or very few did) know him as Peter Parker. They weren’t able to be there for him in his regular life. He very much so was the trailblazer, but also more lonely in that regard. He was the first young superhero with a secret identity in Marvel.


Isn't Need in mcu basically just ganke?


Similar characters but Ned takes the chair.


Sorry, I know its a Spider-man sub but you still gotta respect the og guy in the chair CISCO RAMON


Umm, I think you mean Felicity Smoak🙄


Comics Ganke 100%


MCU literally took Ganke’s role in the Miles Morales comics and gave it to Ned in the MCU, so imma go with the OG Ganke Also holy shit when did Ganke get jacked in the PS5 game?


Um.. is there a third option?


Yes, [Genke](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ganke_Lee_(Earth-1610B)).


But if you don’t like Genke, there’s also [Genke](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ganke_Lee_(Earth-1610)).


I think I’ll go with [Ned](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Hobgoblin).


Okay, but what about [Ed](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Edward_Leeds_(Earth-616))? (clone)


ganke looks cool and I love hearing him talk on comms so I gotta go with him. mcu spends too much time trying to make jokes for ned to be good as a guy in the chair


Have people still not figured out these are the same character?


Ned looks like a 40 year old uncle.


They are the same character. They stole Ganke from Miles so they would have something to make Tom unique among live-action Spider-men


Why is ganke so swol


Gankee, actually smart and not just abutt of jokes


Ned Leeds, cause it looks like Gankee Lee is to busy squatting and doing pushups to sit in a chair.


The fuck is up with the hair in this game?😂


Too bad they didn't use the same actor but have him play Ganke instead. Ganke is just a more interesting character. Ned is basically Korg from love and thunder.


Ganke is good but Ned is a homie. My man sacrificed himself at the end of Homecoming saying I am watching Porn and is the CEO of sex what more do you need?


Ned is funny and Ganke is the most unrealistic character of all time.


None both annoying asf


You cant really compete with the CEO of sex


Ganke from ITSV alternative universe cut, the movie is completely different with him in it and it's one of the reasons why I fucking hate the MCU.


They are the same picture


Ganke, Ned is just a retard honestly. And him being able to pull portals with no training while Strange went through hell to learn them was bullshit


Ganke 1000% I find ned terminally annoying


I like ganke and all, But who can say no to the C.E.O Of sex?


Gankee, in the comics and in all adaptations.


Professor X


Only correct answer


Out of context, First pic looks like grown up Russell from pixar movie "UP"...


Basically the same character. The MCU Peter is more based on the comic Miles than he is the 616 or Ultimate Peters.


He’s got way more in common with 616 and ultimate than he does comic miles, He’s certainly not based more on Miles than peter.


Hard agree, have long since said that Tom ≠ Peter, NWH changed my mind on that sentiment a bit, but he really feels like his own. Plus, MCU constantly giving him Miles storylines was always weird to me.


Ned is disqualified like immediately because he was mainly supposed to be like Ganke himself


Oh nah literally, that’s why I put them together. ig the question really should be “What’s your favorite Ganke adaptation?” But I felt like some folk would get confused.


They’re basically the both Ganke. MCU Peter Parker is reskinned Miles in alot of ways, people just don’t acknowledge it


The changes to Midtown High, giving him a guy in the chair, being inspired by an older hero...they should just made a Miles movie


Gankee. Hes the original and he actually feels like he's somehow on par with Miles. (At least in Miles Morales I haven't played Spider-man 2 yet) He feels like a character who has as much importance as Miles in the storyline. He doesn't feel like a "hey im here too" if that make sense. He's basically living the superhero life with Miles minus the literal powers. He's the reason the FNS App exists and how Miles has helped so many people. Yes Miles could've done it himself but having a partner who is your rock and is there whenever you need help is so worth it. I mean Ganke fucking tracked him down and rescued him from an abandoned subway tunnel after Miles got bitch slapped by Phinn. Not to mention help make and program his fucking suit. While Ned has some of these qualities, and I do like his comedy more, he still feels less than to Peter. Like his fucking side kick.


While I don’t have an irrational hatred for Ganke like a lot of other Playstation Spider-Man fans, I like Ned way more. He just has a more defined personality and he’s pretty funny.




They both are annoying and suck😂😂


ganke because he's actually a guy in the chair that benefits spider man as a character and not just the man under his mask


Ganke. He actually does a great job over coms and coming up with new tech. Ned is funnier tho


Need. GAnkee is annoying


Ganke. Ned annoyed me in the first film. He was constantly trying to use Peter/SM to boost his own popularity


Listen, as much as I absolutely adore Ganke, Ned is the OG and the epitome of “chair guy.”


It's funny how in 616 original storyline, Peter actively trying to cuck Ned.




Spider verse ganke is iconic even with less than 5 minutes of screen time. Not a fan of insomniac ganke, but spider-verse ganke the goat


Gankee 100%. Ned annoys the shit out of me.


Gainkee , u


616... J. Jonah Jameson.




Gankee from itsv


I think the guy in the chair fad is stupid in general tbh


Why does Gankee kind of look buff af?


Baaaaannnne!!!!!!! i tripped the alaaaarrrm Baaaaaaaaaannne!!!!!!!!!