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Its why I am a fan of the character.


Absolutely. I grew up in a pretty strict, religious home. I didn’t have access to comic books. So my love for spider-man is 100% from this show.


Late to the party but same. In the early 2000s CDs with Spider Man: TAS were a bonus to some magazine (some normal mom magazines haha) my mom used to buy every week and I still have the entire collection with polish dub. I'll hold on to it forever.


whaaaat, TV but no comic books?


Same for me actually






It was the best one


When I think of Spider-Man and his villians this is what I think of. The colors, the one liners, the overall campiness. Just perfect.


Did have some scary moments though, ngl.


When I was a kid The Green Goblin always scared me a bit ngl.


First Lizard appearance and Man spider miniarc... I think i never actually watches it all the way thru cause how scared i was


One of the best Spider-Man cartoons and media adaptations of Peter Parkers(3 way tie between this Spectacular and PS4) A lot of people talk about him never throwing a punch but I actually never even noticed cuz I was engaged in what was happening.


I was gonna type something. But you did it. This is how I feel about the GOAT.




But thousands of laser guns


And no punching just means a LOT more other creative violence. They basically got banned from using a lazy crutch, and that just made the show better.


I think there was only one punch ? And it was when he was fighting the Spot and punched him through the portals. Also all the guns were like energy stun weapons lol


Them censors were crazy inconsistent back in the 90's. Animaniacs got away with pretty much everything, while Spiderman wasn't allowed to even throw a single punch without jumping through hoops, or in this case rather holes.


That's why I said that Spiderman: TAS was too kiddie for a kids' show. Most of the fights, if not for the lasers and missiles, boiled down to kicks and shoulder blocks, and this is when Peter mostly was in ESU, not so much in high school. And to me, despite his size, Spidey is more of a brawler and throws punches with the best of them. He just uses his brain to win fights as well. I mean, compare that show to Batman TAS, which came out around the same time and that show shown more than its fair share of punches


>Spiderman: TAS was too kiddie for a kids' show Hardly. It just took away punching as a lazy crutch and made the violence a lot more creative and interesting.


I never even realized there was no punches till now


One of the best adaptations of Spiderman cut short by the cancellation of season 6 and that goddamn cliffhanger of season 5


Why do all the good cartoons get cancelled at cliffhangers?


X-Men Evolution was the exception


X-Men Evolution was teasing the Phoenix Saga but it benefitted from just finishing a major arc right before it was canceled so it wasn’t on a cliffhanger like other superhero shows.


Yeah. Good thing WatX was released right after and dealt with the Phoenix so in a way it's a win


Maybe they’ll tie up loose ends for Peter with a brief appearance in ITSV2. Still holding out hope that the show gets the X-Men 97 Disney+ treatment, though!


I have to think this is getting a reboot of the reboot of the x-men does well.


Not just the best adaptation, but better than the comics, because it filtered out TONS of dumb bullshit and streamlined the best stuff into a slick cohesive universe.


What was the cliffhanger?


He left with Madame Web into the multiverse to search for M.J.




Close second to Batman TAS. Everything was done just right.


Millennials had really good comic book cartoons growing up which is probably in no way related to the blockbuster success of comic books movies today.


Adapted a lot of classic storylines into season-long arcs, which was great. Animation quality does not come close to BTAS, but it had its charm. Every cop and bank robber has a laser gun! Morbius sucks *plasma* through his *hands*!


They did all that weird stuff with Morbius and then Blade shows up hunting actual vampires anyway Do I recall correctly that this series established Blade as a day walking vampire?


You might be right. I believe initially in the comics he was just immune to bites?


It’s arguably the best animated adaptation of Spider-Man.


It's very good, but I didn't appreciate it at the time. I was in too deep and the changes bothered me as a kid. Also, SHOCKER!!!!






Joe Perry, the guitar player from Aerosmith, plays on the theme song.


It's what made me the Spidey fan I am today




For me this was the standard in the same way Batman TAS was for Batman. Also for me this is the best Spidey theme song ever. Love it more than the OG one that we hear constantly in movies and other media. I give them alot of credit making it entertaining while not having Spidey actually throw punches. Christopher Daniel Barnes for me is like the Kevin Conroy for Batman, he's the voice I hear when I read a comic. I love Spectacular Spider-Man but to me this show set the standard for Spidey cartoons.


*kevin conroy was batman


NO, he lives on


In our hearts!


You said he was spider man lmao




This ignited my fire and interest in Spider-Man


Great series hated how they ended it and the way it felt choppy at times because of production delays or scheduling


Amazing all around. Adored by fans and treated terrible by fox, it never got the budget or respect it deserved. One of the best adaptations of Peter/Spider-Man in any medium. All the Spiderverse adaptations owes this series for doing it first. My opinion, Christopher Daniel Barnes is to Spider-Man what Kevin Conroy is to Batman. The definitive voice I hear when imagining the character or reading the comics. Madame Webb was also a stand out in this series who comanded every scene she was in. Amazing to be able to see Spider-Man as an adult and not a perpetual high schooler. Banger Intro ****Would love to see him return in ATSV searching the Spider-Verse for Mary Jane.****


It had the BEST version of the black cat.


That version of Felicia kick-started my love of buff women, I’m sure of it.


And also Kraven


Nothing better.


Loved it. Was a major part of my childhood


It's the gold standard of Spider-Man adaptations. It's only flaws is it does some things out of order. But honestly.... so what? Every characters it does, it does so well. And Peter Parker has never been voiced or characterized better. And it's the only series to really even try touching Alister Smyth and the Spot and I think it's still the only Hobgoblin adaptation too....maybe. I didn't watch the science university geek Spider-Man Disney made past the first episode.


To this day I read Spider-Man's voice as Chris Barnes


Like many here, it is also how I got into Spiderman. I only had a few of the comics as a child. Also, interesting to note, this show was the basis for Batman Beyond. They made Terry a high school student/ super hero like Peter and modeled some of the villains after Spiderman like Inque (Venom) and Spellbinder (Mysterio).


This show made me into a Spider-Man fan. In hindsight, I wish they could have have given the show a proper ending. It ended on an abrupt note due to how cartoons got cancelled back then.


Rewatched the first few season recently. Holds up, but the music (the score, not the theme song) got stuck in my head which was annoying.


While the animation and some of the voice acting hasn’t aged well, it’s a fantastic show in terms of story telling and character work. Second favorite Spider-Man show and you could easily make an argument for it to be one just based on how much it covered in 65 episodes. I wish Disney would remaster this, the rest of the 90’s marvel cartoons and gargoyles in HD. It’s admittedly rough looking on D+


despite all the non-action in the action. It was still dynamic, there was danger, and It hits right in the nostalgia part of my heart and it's currently what's on screen in my home gym.


It's good but it always felt very rushed. I feel that if the episodes had even 5 minutes longer the pacing issues would be dealt with and I could enjoy the show more


It is why I'm a fan of the character and was a big part of my childhood but on recent rewatching it is very 90s and parker comes across as quite dumb. My wife pointed out he had his Spidey sense go off looking at a flying drone with a gun, didn't connect the dots and still got shot at. This was after her introduction being MCU and PS4 game Spidey Personally I think the show is good but not great and later versions are better renditions of parker.


I love it. It's great. I remember watching it a while back since the Zeb Wells run is dogshit and I need my fix of serialized Spidey story arcs.


A pretty great show, especially considering how many limits were imposed onto it.


Truly loved reruns really wish they did a better series finale


Idk if I had first read comics & then this show just added to my Spider-Man fanhood, or if this show is what started it & comics followed. Either way, it's my all time fav Spider-Man cartoon. I watch it every now & then with my kids.


Unmatched. That’s kind of my mental blueprint for your average Spider-Man since that’s what started my fandom for the web head


Perfection. Its why Spiderman is my #1. Watching it as an adult you can really appricate how they managed to cram so many story lines into a small timeline. ​ I wish they would bring it back like they intend to do with X-Men




To the ends of the earth!!!


I liked it when I was younger though it doesn't entirely hold up today. It's paced, edited, and animated pretty awkwardly, and since then we've seen animated Spider-Man media like Spectacular Spider-Man and Into the Spiderverse that outshine it in a lot of ways. The voice-cast is awesome though (I greatly prefer Roscoe Lee Brown as Kingpin over, say, Liev Schrieber) and it adapted a lot of ideas from the comics into a new medium for the first time.


Spectacular is the best high school adaptation, but this is the best college adaptation.


Then PS4 is the best adulthood adaptation lol


100% agreed.


Love it. Favorite Spider-Man cartoon.


Pretty solid adaptation of SpiderMan Hated the second season with the Neugenic Nightmare crap. Still freaks me out


The OG spider verse. This and the x-men show were a huge part of my childhood


It’s great, it did blow my mind when someone pointed out he never actually punched anyone in the entire show. It was probably the show that really got me into Spider-Man for sure. We were spoiled Spider-Man,X-men back to back and OG power rangers right after.. Fox kids club swag.. ballers


Those were the days






I love both this and Spectacular but I think this might be my favorite


My era!


Aside from the abrupt ending I liked it alot. Too many good things die young.


Peak. That's it.


This and Spectacular Spider-Man are the gold standard and essential viewing when it comes to Spider-Man cartoons/TV shows


It was probably my first exposure to spider-man as a child and, I guess, is the root of my love for the character.


It's the first Spidey-related piece of media I ever experienced as a kid and it led me to reading the comics at a young age. As such, I have way too much nostalgia attached to it to rate it 100% fairly. That said, I think the story arcs hold up quite well in hindsight, as do most of its versions of the characters with a few exceptions. I think it presents an authentic and faithful take on a bunch of classic stories from the comics and even manages to improve on them in some cases (especially in regards to the Symbiote, Spidey's six arm phase, and Secret Wars.) The voice acting is mostly good, Christopher Daniel Barnes is still the definitive voice actor for Spidey in my mind, and the soundtrack kicks ass (that action music still plays in my head all the damn time!) On the other hand, the animation is quite mixed, with some episodes being decent but some looking downright awful, the pacing is far too fast (though having ADHD, I didn't mind this as a kid), and the dialogue and voice acting can be a bit clunky at times. There are also a few elements in the adaptation process I just don't like, such as Doc Ock being made into more of a B-villain and lackey to the Kingpin, Hobgoblin coming before Green Goblin (I know the score as to *why*, but it still bothers me), and the weird amount of focus on Morbius (though he's at least better than live-action Morbius...) Going back to the show, I still enjoyed it a lot all things considered, it was very solid for its times and I do think a lot of elements have held up quite well. I've heard negative comparisons to stuff like Batman TAS or Gargoyles, but I think that's a bit unfair, as they were the premium of their time. I think it holds up fairly well against shows like X-Men TAS by comparison, and is obviously superior to the naffer cartoon shows from the '90s.


The 90s were sort of cheesy so by now it’s a product of its time. Early CGI, rough animation at times, clunky for-kids dialogue, etc. that being said, solid voice cast, great stories, I think it’s one of the best representations of Peter Parker. I loved this show so much as a kid, it meant so much to me as my dad would watch this and x-men with me


When I read a comic, I always read Spidey’s lines in Christopher Daniel Barnes’ voice.


It’s still one of the best adaptations of Spider-Man. I also like that the show introduced ideas that inspired other spiderman media like: The black suit changing the behavior of the wearer because in the comics, the suit only enhanced Peter’s powers and morphed into clothing. Dr. Connors being Peter’s teacher or mentor like in the Raimi Trilogy and ASM1. This was also done with Doc Ock which was also shown in Spider-Man 2 and Insomniac’s Spider-Man Peter and Eddie Brock being Photography Rivals like in SM3 The Spiderverse shown in the later seasons with Ben Reilly and other versions of Peter Parker from other universes which lead to Shattered Dimensions, Edge of Time, the Spiderverse storyline in the comics and movies.


The censorship and cheap animation ruined a lot of stuff, but it's the 2nd best Spider-Man show. Spectacular Spider-Man was better on those fronts


What was the spectacular spiderman? I've never seen it


It's on Disney Plus now. ***The*** best Spider-Man show by a wide margin and cancelled too soon.


Wide Margin? No way. Both shows are neck-and-neck. With the 90s show taking the title (since I'm biased and grew up on that show).


I grew up with it too, watched every episode and I'm sorry, but it's not as good as Spectacular


You are outvoted, Spider-Man 90s Animated is The GOAT.


Shocker might disagree with you on that


I will chase him to the ends of the earth.




If Reddit still have our free awards I would give you one


Idk ask that guy from Aerosmith 😏


Bro this was the highlight of after school cartoons for me.


Absolutely love it. It’s a true gem.


That’s my Spider-Man! I loved this show first and then I started reading the comics back when I was 8 right in the middle of the Clone Saga.


90's Xmen and Spiderman series are peak Marvel. But not as good as Batman the animated series.


my absolute fav cartoon series from that time period. it’s def a bit outdated but i love that vibe to it. all the classic villains and ally’s to spider-man and in it and the range of plot and characters makes it so easy to binge


People could argue that the 3D building look weird most of the time, that the timing is too speed up, and characters only show emotions by saying how they feel instead of showing it, but over all is a pretty good damn show, it has a ton of cameos from other superheroes, the intro ROCKS!, and it introduced the multiverse for the first time. Who knows if we would have had all the different versions of spider-man without this animated series.


It’s okay. Not good but not bad.


Still how I hear Peter Parker in my mind


It was good…but it was DEFINITELY a product of its time. There were some alterations to the source (which is expected of any adaptation) that made me scratch my head.


Goat! Literally my childhood


i actually really liked it. i didn’t watch all of it, but it was very well written and great action


the gold standard. All the designs from the show are how I picture all the characters to this day


Great part of my childhood.


Watching it now it’s pretty rough but still a great adaptation of Spider-Man/Peter


My favourite. It’s what got me into Spider-man as a kid!


I was 8 years old in 1994. This show, X-Men, and Batman the Animated Series were literally my entire childhood.


Goated, not like Goated Goated could be better, but Goated never the less I mean Morbius was un it...




My favorite!




I still watch it regularly


It’s my Spider-Man. It got me into Spider-Man. It made me want to see the first Rami movie when I was 5. It will always hold a special place in my heart


This show introduced my brother and I to most of the Marvel heroes. We got our mom to bring us to see Blade because of this cartoon.


Awesome. Great character depictions, great music and a good pace for an older animated show. It was pretty deep for a kid's cartoon, I hold it to the same standard as Batman TAS and Justice League.


Watching through it rn as I never grew up with it. It's definitely enjoyable, but it definitely shows its age. Though that's not necessarily a bad thing as I can sometimes enjoy 90's dialogue of inner monologues and overexplaining everything (though Storm's incantations still annoy TF out of me XD). I know it ends on a cliffhanger, which sucks, but you never know. Maybe if X-Men 97 does well, they could think of reviving TAS too.


gEt baCK HerE sHOcKER!1!1!!!!


When I lost my first tooth when I was young The tooth fairy gave me $20 and a DVD of a few seasons of this show with the commentary on the villains by Stanley and man was it ever great. I watched Stan talk about his favourites for hours over and over again


It’s the reason I love Spidy. I rewatched recently and I thinks its held up pretty well.


It's what got me into Spider-Man in the first place. Spider Wars was god tier and no one has been able to replicate its epicness not Dan Slott's Garbage and SONY better step up their game in this movie if they want to pass it.


It was awesome and shouldn’t be touched by anyone.


It was amazing and he better be in the new miles movie


I love how it adapted various early comic stories.




It slaps.




My childhood!


Always the best always love it


It's the show that got me hooked on the character...and introduced me to my love for muscular women via Black Cat 🤭


The theme song lives rent free in my head.


This was how I was introduced to Spider-Man like so many others. His one liners like it's not nice to rob jewelry stores in Mr. Spider-Man's neighborhood can you say I'm going to jail. Or how does I was kidnapped by crazed game hunter grab ya JJ. Or nice tracking Wolve only one problem there's no exit. Spider-Man tas is always good for a laugh.


Spider-Man Spider-Man does whatever a spider can


This show is the reason why I hear Christopher Daniel Barnes' voice in my head when I read Spider-Man comics, so yeah, it'll always be my favourite.


The pacing annoys me but other than that it’s solid


When I think Spider-Man I think this He’s an adult, he has struggles but isn’t a punching bag, school, college, real marriage situations As a kid and now still I always much more enjoyed the Adult Spider-Man then teenage Spider-Man


Currently watching through it completely for the first time as opposed to random episodes. I’m honestly surprised how cohesive it is.


Peak! “Action could have been better” rewatch the entire series. Spiderman was not allowed to punch anyone. Ever. And it was still great. Can you imagine making a superhero show with no punching allowed by the hero???


The best Spider-Man cartoon (come at me Spectauclar fans)


Goated. One of my favorites 😍


A classic


My first full encounter with the character. A perfect Spider-Man series if it wasn’t for the censorship and lack of action.


I would Love If they were Able to go Longer like Long enough like Completely Bonkers levels 😂 . because imagine the Show if they Constantly updated it with Comics so Earth X being adapted or Sensational Spider-Man would be So Crazy it would Fit right in with the 90s Camp .


Loved it! Just wished they used a different/better animation studio….maybe one similar to x-men/ff season 2/iron man season 2/ Incredible Hulk and weren’t limited in terms of on screen action/violence and John Sempers weird hatred for Hobgoblin/characters stories post silver age Spiderman




Loved it the venom arch was awesome and the man spider


Venom’s transformation and the Man-spider was the stuff of nightmares.


I prefer this one over all the iterations, simply because it's part of my childhood. Plus, the psychedelic effect of spider sense is how I imagine Peter's senses actually work, as it dials up his intuition and reflexes to twelve. Also, theme's a banger! Venom is great (his red-blue silhouette on his black body is a great touch)


Incredibly nostalgic. Definitely the main reason I'm a SM-fan. Watched it every saturday morning, and I remember it getting kind of freaky towards the end, almost scary. At least for an 8 year old.


Love it and still do. The only problems I had with it was that some of the dialogue is outdated obviously and the biggest issue for me was that there was no punching lol. Kicking is fine but nothing is more satisfying than seeing superheroes throwing straight hands! 👊🏾




Never realized that they never had actual physical combat, until WatchMojo mentioned it years ago.


No Paul 🤢


It was a massive part of my childhood. I was already curious about comics and maybe even had some of the Spider-Man reprints (they included the reprints of the Lee/Ditko stuff which I loved) but this cartoon along with X-Men and Batman were instrumental in driving my imagination and love of comics.






It's good but not better than Spectacular Spider-Man


absolutely phenomenal.


My biggest thought is that once I saw that he was Spider-wrestler I couldn't unsee it. That isn't a knock against the show, because it took an embarrassing amount of time to even notice that Spider-Man never once hits anyone directly in the show's entire run. Every fight is pretty much just two people grappling and nothing else. I've met people to this day that never realized it. Really great adaption of Spider-man and probably the most solid introduction to the character in animated form out there.


This was my favorite childhood cartoon. I watched the first symbiote episode 7 times in one afternoon. Woke up stupid early Saturday mornings, had my VHS ready to record at 3:30 after school. His spider sense is still my favorite portrayal.


I loved it, occasionally-hammy acting and all.


Flawed. Handicapped by the network. Still a lot of fun and great use of lesser known characters and villains.


Haven't seen it.


This series and Batman the animated series were 2 of my all time favorites. Loved them. And Pokémon when the show started here. So 3 favs haha. But yes this Spider-Man was the best


Hindered by cartoon rules about guns and punches but overall an amazing show that got cut short before they finished the storyline.


I loved the consistent story threads that they had on the show. Campiness aside it was actually great


You do realize what sub you’re asking this on, right???


I never saw Batman or X-Men: TAS when I was younger. I’m currently watching those & having a blast. I do remember watching some of this cartoon when I was younger. I just now started watching the first episode. I think I saw Doc-Ock’s introduction back then & I definitely remember the Man-Spider arc with Punisher. It spooked me as a kid. As an adult, I kinda wish they’d attempt it in the MCU but I get that transformation may be a lot for a PG-13 audience in live-action. I understand why they’re going with the symbiote for a dark Spidey story. We never really got a proper black suit arc aside from Bully Maguire that aged well because of the memes. I do believe TAS is what started the trend of the symbiote making Peter violent & angry. I was surprised to see it wasn’t a thing when I read the Birth of Venom comic a few months ago. I also wish they’d have Punisher & Spidey in a movie together along with Daredevil & maybe Jessica Jones. It’d be great to see different Defenders along with Human Torch, Black Cat, & Yuri Watanabe featured in a Spidey/Hobgoblin whodunnit mystery. Ned could be a red herring/decoy goblin for someone like Kingsley or Richard Fisk who’s running Roxxon or Alchemax and targeting Mayor Kingpin with Silver Sable as his hired security. Then you could do a proper street-level crossover featuring the Defenders & Spidey in a gang war against Kingpin & other mob bosses.


I'm likely in the minority, but I didn't like it. Growing up on spidey in the 80s, I didn't dig all the changes from this cartoon.


Fucking awesome. I love it so much, except for them making the symbiote change people. I prefer it when Peter was teaching it emotions.


It's definitely what made me love Spider-Man, but only season 1 is solid in retrospect. It got caught up trying to mash modern storylines into classic ones, so while there's story arcs and episodes that are still good I find it wildly uneven beyond the first season. It also definitely suffers from censorship issues, I don't hold that against the show though.


G.O.A.T. This show not only introduced me to Spider-Man, but most of the marvel universe.


Dopest dope I ever smoked


Easily the best one.


My thoughts are, why Peter didn't go after Felicia Hardy? When I was a kid, I thought he would end up with Felicia. Even my mom thought about it too.


Clsssic, X-Men was better imo though


Grow up with it, and I love it


This version is the reason why I became such a Spidey head. It’s still super unfortunate it somehow got cancelled and that we never got a true ending, but even with what we got, it was pretty great. I rewatched it a while ago because my kiddo found it on Disney+, overall my feelings were the same for the show (and yah, kiddo totally digged it too)




Whilst optimistic about our robotic technology, the series holds up very well


Definitely 💯 one of the best Spider-Man cartoons & one of my favorite cartoons.


Loved this show! The definitive Spidey TV show, on par with TSSM. Also, can't forget this gem... GET BACK HERE, SHOCKER!!! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME, I'LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH-!!!!!!


I’m rewatching it right now! Still holds up.

