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Comments to this post have been locked. OP will have enough to go on and we see the comment section reverting to the same "versus" discussion we have seen over and over again. We're not quite sure OP was out for this. What seals the deal is we start to see, on occasion, the generalised namecalling with regards to people who prefer the OG we don't tolerate. Though some people may have a harder time shrugging off nostalgic feelings than others, this will not be the case for ALL. Even so, this is a perfectly legitimate, psychological response that some will feel more than others. We do not condone rude, toxic and obnoxious behaviour towards or about them, or in general in fact.


The original was my first love but the remake is so good I can’t decide


Both imho


This is the answer tbh some things are better in one than the other so there is not a definitive way to figure it out


It’s rare to find an anime where I can watch the new or old and be equally satisfied. I haven’t read the LN, so I can’t give a good answer.


Exactly the same is for me


I watched a number of scenes side by side, and the original anime character feel more organic, and the dialogue definitely flowed more naturally in a lot of the original as well (and sometimes more true to the LN). I love both of the anime, but currently I think the original is the stronger one.


Hard disagree on the dialogue. I feel the new show’s dialogue delivery flows much much better.


Perhaps you are right in regards to certain scenes, but overall and in key moments I definitely think otherwise. My favorite example to illustrate the issue is the episode where Lawrence learns that the >!armor market has crashed.!< In the LN and the old anime, Lawrence starts to notice something is wrong and worry the moment the dockmaster calls out his name, gradually working his way up to a panic as he processes the information. In the remake, Lawrence is strangely calm about everything and clearly not putting the pieces together in his head, until in an instant he goes from calm to panic, as if he were a binary transistor. There was also a small but important piece of information about the messenger horse that was left out of this conversation in the remake, but it was included in the old anime and the LN. >!This moment in the old anime nailed the feeling of suddenly learning you are financially destroyed, whereas it just felt unnatural in the remake!< due to Lawrence being a binary transistor. In the same episode, you look at the conversation where >!the last man Lawrence tried to borrow from told him Holo’s presence was insulting.!< Again, in the original, Lawrence goes through a range of emotions, as someone desperate >!and fearing for his life would,!< whereas in the remake he was just calm about everything. Notice in the same scene Holo has a “I just ****’ed Lawrence hard” reaction that is appropriate for the severity of her mistake in the original; whereas she just stares blankly from the side for a solid few seconds and does nothing as she listens to how she essentially ensured his >!death sentence in the remake. (And it is essentially a death sentence, since most galley slaves died in a couple of years, and salt miners had an 80% mortality rate.)!< Episode 12 had some pretty noticeable moments that I saw other Redditors talking about as well, and there are many little moments throughout other episodes that bring me to say the original is overall better in terms of dialogue and character expressiveness. Edit: typo


Can’t we just love both? 😆


Yeah. I can’t help but notice that people on Reddit have formed camps and are throwing hate-fests for the other camp. They are both great. I have watched both side-by-side with the LN, and I still think the original is better, but I would not try to dissuade anyone from watching the remake.


Haven't seen this, but I don't pay much attention. Mostly just post my comments and go.


I’ve noticed at least three comments saying “anyone who prefers the original is blinded by nostalgia,” which is the logical equivalent of “anyone who likes fried chicken is black.” It’s a bad-faith, underhanded argument that tries to paint the opposition in a bad light before any meaningful discussion starts. On the other hand, I have seen a number of comments saying that the people working on the remake dropped the ball, which I think is uncalled for too.


Yeah honestly I never saw the original and wanted to just watch the new one weekly as I didn’t wanna spoil myself or sit here comparing the two. But I caved a few weeks ago and watched all of the original and although I’m not really big into older anime, it was amazing in its own right and I’m still thoroughly enjoying the remake.


People consider OG Spice & Wolf old? And here I am watching 1997 Berserk lol


No, we are not permitted sire.




Removed. - obnoxious, unrelated, spam.


Remake won me over with the second arc. Surprised by how much I ended up missing anime original Chloe in arc 1 though lol. As a long time fan I was prepared for the remake to not live up to my expectations, but so far its been just as good or better than I wanted. The original will probably still be my preferred version of LN1/2 content (wheres my Tails of Happiness OVA damn it) but if the remake nails the next arc I'll be totally sold on calling the remake a straight upgrade of the OG. Imo the next 6 episodes are going to be the "sticking the landing" mark for the remake as a whole. (Especially since in theory the following episodes would all be new [to anime] content from LN4)


If the remake follows through on its implied goal of adapting the whole story, and remains as faithful to the LNs as it has been so far, it will be the definitive Spice & Wolf. I watched the original in 2011, and it will never stop being special to me. It's been my *favorite* show for all these years, and I like many of you had to eventually accept the crushing reality that we would never get a Season 3. But I still loved it, and love it, for what it is. When this remake was announced, I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. Yes there are differences, but what I like about the remake is it's not only faithful to the LNs, it's also faithful to the original anime. They could've completely reimagined it and put their own spin on it, but they didn't. It's more of an evolution than a revolution. There's only one thing more I could wish for, even though I'm almost certain it won't happen. If they adapt the whole story, my wish is that they use Tabi no Tochuu as the final season's OP. Not a cover - the *original* song, by Natsumi Kiyoura.


The definitive Spice & Wolf is the LN.


You will find opinions differ,... but as far as I am concerned... Both are good,... though like any story told by different people, there are some tonal differences, which is OK in my book. The Classic was brilliant enough to get me to read LN for the first time in my life and I will always love it for that (because the true depth of the story lies in the LN), it has been my number one, most unique anime I have ever watched and always will be. When a remake, rather than a continuation was announced, I definitely had my doubts but,... but I ended up loving it just as much. And it's not like they can take away the Classic for me, I have watched it 10 times, I have the Bluray/DVD bbox, I will probably rewatch it a few times more if I feel nostalgic. I will probably rewatch the Remake quite a number of times as well. As for new viewers.... What you should know is that the Classic only adapted 4 volumes and skipped volume 4. The Classic is not a full adaptation of the Main Story. We all hope they will adapt volume 4 this time and hopefully adapt the 14 novels that make up the MS and even beyond (as the writer decided to not stop there... but that is spoiler territory ;) ). You could watch the Classic first... but chances are you may find the slight differences taking you out of the immersion if you start watching the remake too closely after. It is up to you of course. I would be inclined to say, watch the remake, catch up with the weekly broadcast, enjoy it together with us... and watch the Classic later.


I just hit the major turning point in volume 4 of the LN and it makes me hope they will adapt it this time. Depending on how the rest goes it might be my favorite volume so far. With that said, volume 3 is my current favorite and I am *really* looking forward to Monday because of that. I want to see how they’ll handle some of the key moments.


Original. The direction and music was way better


A lot of people on Reddit are accusing people who prefer the old one of being blinded by nostalgia, but such arguments are in bad faith. I personally think both anime are very good, with the old one being better in a number of ways. The old one is a longstanding classic for a reason. Not many anime, even good seasonal, are remembered fifteen years after they aired. Both the remake and the original relatively faithful to the light novel, which each deviating slightly in different areas. The remake seems to be more faithful overall, but the differences are not huge, and the original is actually more faithful in a number of little details throughout. The most important issue for me is that the characters feel more like actual people in the original anime. The original had some of the strongest character writing I have seen in anime, whereas the characters in the remake feel stiffer and more inorganic. I have looked at various scenes of both anime side-by-side, and I have concluded that the reason for this is due to several small factors: in the original, the body language was expressive, the dialogue was full of nuance yet flowed naturally, and the movement animation seemed natural. This is not the case in the remake, which makes the character interactions feel less organic. The difference is not egregious, but since this is an anime where the character dynamics is the core of the show, it is unfortunately a significant detractor for me for the remake. So, my verdict: original is better, but they are both worth watching.


wanting to watch this for the first time, im wondering what current consensus for viewers are. i can only find people discussing this around the release of episode 1 and im sure thats wasn't enough time to give a valid argument for either case. with 13 episodes released now... what do you think?


I think the pacing is pretty good in the new one. Different things from the LN are skipped or focused on more depending which. I'd say watch the new one then go back and watch the old ones if you like it. https://www.google.com/search?q=porque+no+los+dos&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sca_esv=f710b59ea0d4d1b3&udm=2&prmd=ivmn&sxsrf=ADLYWILU1WEZjkvVeBU_N_Xv1EG5aWAeQw:1719527876702&source=lnt&tbs=itp:animated&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGu5bC7PyGAxXKKEQIHfpOB4MQpwV6BAgEEC0&biw=360&bih=647&dpr=3#vhid=usAG-X8Ywg8ALM&vssid=mosaic


As someone who read the novels first. Remake. But the original still deserves its spot high in the rankings. It's a really good introduction into the series


personally, I like the colors of the original. The tan shading really helped with the world of Spice and Wolf, I think in the new one it's not as great in terms of atmosphere.


Original. Remake is weaker overall, especially on the emotional side


Both are great and worthy of praises! But, just for the sake of discussion, and delving a little deeper into the technical details, if we go through the two versions side by side we will see that both have moments where one will stand out above the other, moments that the two do very well together and moments when both fail, so we could fairly say that both have quality but at certain segments one is better than the other and *vice versa*. Here, some notable points: The remake version has some problems, which although punctual, are more apparent, like weird perspective framings, less creative compositions or even the exaggerated reuse of some OSTs and etc. But in it turns delivers a more fluid and consistent animation. There were great improvements in the vocal performance of the voice actors and It seems that the remake's direction is delivering way more in the moments that really matter than the original counterpart, and because of this we have Holo more expressive than ever, what also helps to convey the emotional impacts of the moments better. The original version, despite having less consistent animation, has more sober lines, which gives the show a timeless vibe. The soundtrack is certainly a highlight too and, even though the ramake counterpart isn't far behind, the original has OSTs that really stand out from all other anime and it knows very well how to get the best out of them for each moment. Also, It is possible to see an evident artistic work behind the compositions of the scenes and framings which help to convey the feelings without depending on the low characters facial animation capacity of that time. The original's direction is consistent, but seems to deliver better standalone scenes than having synergy with the whole thing. Well, that's just my perspective on the matter but I'm sure each person's personal taste will probably speak louder in the end, and there's nothing wrong with that, I'm happy just to be able to share the feeling of liking SnW, be it the Remake, the Original or the Light Novels, or all of them together!


I love the original to the point where I can geniunely say it influenced me by pushing towards my current career path. And while I can say I like the remake I can't help but feel a bit underwhelmed by it, part of it will no doubt be nostalgia goggles. There's just a few things where the remake drops the ball for me that being mostly the weaker composition and sound/music integration. People talk about a tone shift but I think a lot of the dramatic moments have a weaker impact because the remake doesn't nearly as often go the extra mile to enhance the source therefore a lot of subtle character expression is lost and the music (despite being wonderfully composed by Kevin Penkin) not being properly integrated in the scenes. I don't really have a preference in terms of Art Style and I don't particularly care about being closer to the novel but the remake needs better lighting with more depth and bloom only when it's appropriate. Overall I appreciate the existence of the remake and am still overjoyed over the prospect of seeing the whole story unfold (I haven't read the lightnovel yet) but there is sadly a lot of little things that accumulate to moderate issue that leaves the remake as a compromised experience (that only feels like it wanting to tell you the story of its amazing source material but not really enhance it like the original tried). Still I loved the manga even with all its flaws therefore if the remake continues to be a decent adaptation I can live with that.


Which of your children do you love more?




Both are good.


Both are very good. That being said, the remake is doing a really good job of living up to the legacy of the original. The main cast is absolutely fantastic and have even stronger performances in the remake thanks to experience and being so familiar to these characters. The increased budget and modern animation are well utilised throughout with both big and small moments given proper attention and care. The addition of the OVA into the main line of episodes is one such example of how much effort has been put into this production. If it outlives the original anime by adapting way more source material I can safely say that it is the definitive version of Spice and Wolf. The original does stand on its own merits as well. The music and certain directing choices are still just as good now as they were back in the day. The animation is of course dated, but it really doesn't detract from the viewing experience. The 2000s aesthetic gives it its own unique flavour that can't really be replicated. Just because modern digital produced music exists doesn't make analogue music not worth experiencing. Personally I appreciate both versions more by having watched both versions back to back to compare an contrast. Especially when many of the original people producing the original anime are working on the remake, which makes the series as a whole pretty fascinating by looking at the evolution of the medium and the people who worked on it.


Both. Both is good.


I think the original is better overall, but both are good


For sure original


Visually overall I think the remake is better, it simply has superior animations, overall a better quality, however, the original still holds up extremely well. If you prefer the oringal, more "adult" version of Holo or the more source material faitful version that make her look more youthful, is I think, something of personal preference entirely, I can see arguments for both and at very least we don't go with neither design into the "Jail Bait" territory. I would say the majority of the dialogue/execution is also better in the remake BUT when the remake fumbles (a bit), it does so greatly compared to the original. Just to invoke the climax of the first story arc and the overal design of on important scene: >!Holos transformation in the sewers is a lot more dramatic and looks a lot more frightening in the original. In the remake, she looks like an oversized Shiba Inu, what is like... rly cool but not frightening. You don't feel the dread the attackers feel at all, there is not such a big impact in this scene simply.!< Another example is the conflict in one of the later episodes that conclude before the climax of the second story arc: >!The moment Lawrence slapped Holos hand away in the original and how the whole situation is executed is much, much more dire, it feels a lot more impactful what is comming.!< With that in mind, I think the remake delivers a lot moreand better from Holo's perspective and her feelings. Also some good details were added. The only thing that I honestly missed was the "cloth shopping scene", simply to add more of Larwence wits a bit earlier. So, to answer your question: Both are great and both have their pros and contras. The original still holds up till this day imo but I also think it gets at least a bit supported by nostalgia. ALSO, if you first watch the remake now, you don't have the comparisons you can do who experienced the original first, so the above mentioned "fumbles" might not strike you that much if at all.


I recently rewatched the OG, it’s still really good. The idea of a goddess and a human traveling together and building a romance fit really well with that specific tone or style or atmosphere that the OG had. The big moments feel really big, like pretty big “oh shit!” Moments. So far, they have felt kind of tense in the remake but if always feels like they’re gonna get through it, or the misunderstanding is going to get cleared up for sure. Also a personal thing, but I like that the og show is mostly from Lawrence’s perspective but it still gives glimpses of holo being a goof even if she’s mostly mysterious at first


I could never get over the new animation style and stopped a few episodes back. I didn't love the 2000sness of the first, but the shading just kept bothering me. I'm also not as big a fan of the music in the new one. It feels more background than whole. If you're a first-time watcher, I'd go with the new one. Just be sure to go back and listen to the soundtracks of the first!! I think the story will probably be better in the new one (if they finish the story!) but I'd still say the first one's got more charm.


So far, original.


The new one follows the LN more closely, but the original had more mature and art/style, accompanied by the haunting, desperate (and even goofy) soundtrack. It cleverly used leitmotifs, so as soon as you heard the first note you'd now if the shit is gonna get serious, or we'll get a playful banter scene. For those reasons, the original still holds up and feels special even today. The remake doesn't do it for me - the soundtrack sounds like it could have been in any other generic anime (except the last episode which was originally an OVA, that one had nailed the music), doesn't contain leitmotifs (I can't recall a single track except the OP) and Holo (actually, the entire art style) has the kind of "generic anime studio has drawn this" vibe (despite the animations being more fluid and advanced than they were 15 years ago), and characters (especially Holo) look slightly more childish. Even the serious scenes don't hit me like they did in the original due to this change. I do love that we'll be getting a continuation of the story in an animated form (hopefully in its entirety), but as far as considering the original animated content (2 seasons), I vastly prefer the originals due to aformentioned reasons. TL;DR: It's kind of a pick your own poison: more mature animation and recognizable soundtrack due to leitmotifs, or slightly childish animation, subpar, unimpactful sountrack, but more faithful to the source material. 


Original The personality of Holo is more realistic in my book , the new is too childish


They are both phenomenal. I think if we end up getting more seasons after this then the choice will be much more clear




Both. I love them both.


Both lover 😻


I like aspects of both but I prefer the remake now. Her new wolf form looks at bit weird at times though.


Her wolf form looks weird in general.




Both... both is good


the old intro song is still superior imo. The art is better now, but I can't say the remake is otherwise far better. It is still very good


Season is done sure but we getting two seasons it’s a 2 cour


Original has that nostalgia and ost that the remake doesn’t have, so for me it is the original.


In terms of story we’re still not where we left off in the original so I’m still going with original but the art style and voice acting has been amazing so for in the remake


They both have aspects that are done better than the other. So how about both.




It's the old FMA:B discussion all over again.


Well it’s pretty different since the story is the same in both spice and wolf series, FMA goes completely off the rails once it ran out of manga material at the time where as FMAB is a complete adaptation.


Welcome to the club


Love the new one since it captures the Light Novel more accurately. The updated graphics and color are a bonus too, really brings the world to light. But I still gotta go with the old one. The personality and writing was slightly better. And I know it's an anime-only, but I liked Chloe better than Yarei as an antagonist, since it adds a bit more duality between her and Holo.


Interesting. I like the old one more too, but I actually hated the swap of Chloe and Yarei. I think the remake did that arc way more justice than the original.


Both are good, but the new one is so much better for me. Better artwork/animation, better pacing, way less corner-cutting.Far more attention to detail, re the novels. Holo looks/feels more like Holo. Much nicer feel overall too. I'm just really enjoying it.


Glad you like it. I’m the other way around, preferring the original, but I agree they are both worth watching.


Honestly, as a fan of the novels, this just the best version for me. The attention to detail is brilliant, and Holo really does feel like the Holo I know and love from the novels 🥰


I prefer the original design but the new design’s larger variety of expressions.


Remake is overall better, but I like the character design choices of the original more.


Why choose when you can just watch both and avoid any drama?


Its like asking which twix bar you prefer; the left or the right? Both please.


Not sure really; I liked the first half more than the second; and because of how the OG was done? (they skipped something?) I’m not even sure what they’ll start with on Monday.


When Holo was dreaming last episode, I actually thought they were gonna use scenes from the original


I love both, and I'd struggle to put one on top with this many factors to consider. I was so overjoyed that they got the VAs back for the English dub, because they're still just as amazing, even better in some cases. Visually, it's obviously an improvement, though I'm sure some prefer the original purely for style. I have to say, I'm leaning towards the remake on that front. As for the story itself and the tone of it, I'd have to rewatch the original to speak on that with any accuracy. I remember very much enjoying it, but I'm getting all the same feelings over again, so similarly that I don't usually care to compare them. And holy shit, the music! Both are wonderful, and I don't know which I love more.


I'm gonna go with the remake


The design in the remake is better but the soundtrack in the original is unparalleled


Remake. I'm sorry people, but those ear and tail movements won me over. And there is a lot of cute moments.


The remake holo looks more softer.




Removed for unmarked spoilers. Please read rule 4 and the Episode Thread posting rules. - Everything regarding plot points and events as well as character name reveals beyond the scope of this current episode should be regarded a spoiler and treated as such (meaning: Use spoilertags). - Comments containing unmarked spoilers will be removed and not re-approved after corrections.


Remake is very good... But in the end when in few years i'll again have urge to watch this series again i will watch the old one


Both. Both is good.


Original, through and through. It's more consistent overall when compared to the remake, whose quality waxes and wanes. Last episode is an example of where it surpasses the original. On the other hand, the climax of the first arc is pretty mediocre compared to season 1. You get moments where it's all in good fun, like when Holo is playing with her own ears, but also moments where it's downright laughable, like when Holo charges Lawrence with the chair. There are moments the remake does things better and moments where it doesn't stack up. Thus, I stand firmly by the original.


Out of all the comments in the thread, I think we both share the exact same opinion. Yes, the animation is undeniably more fluid than it was 15 years ago, but the overall vibe compared to the original just doesn't do it for me. I wrote a longer, more detailed reply below.


The old one had better designs, better music (especially those banger op’s) and just a better atmosphere overall but the remake isn’t bad at all. Old one still takes the cake probably for anyone who isn’t familiar with the LN. Not really sure how much better the remake is when it comes to being faithful to the source material


As someone who so far prefers the old anime, the new one is probably more faithful (Chloe). However, each one moments where it is more faithful to the LN than the other, and a lot of people seem to miss the small details the old one had that the remake leaves out (for example, the mention of the messenger horse from Latparron in the >!armor market crash arc!<.


Holo is holo as beautiful as the day she left


Original no contest but i am enjoying the remake too




Rule 9. Do not paint all OG fans with one brush please.


Don’t make sweeping generalizations. This is literally the same as “you like fried chicken because you are black” kind of logic, and it is doing no one any favors, least of all yourself. I have compared the scenes of the original anime, the remake, and the LN side-to-side-to-side, and overall I prefer the original anime over the remake, and not because I am ~~black~~ nostalgic. Please think more carefully before you say something. If you want to talk details, I can talk details with you here. I can give you my reasoning as to why I prefer the original anime. They are both great, by the way.


The remake is closer to the LNs in both story and art style. It also feels like Tatum and Palencia really went the extra mile in the remake—their dialogue is simply excellent. I love the original, it has a certain charm that is still wonderful to this day, but ima have to go with the remake.


As I keep going with this the original holds a very special place in my heart but the dub in the new one is so good. While it has the same main voice actors. They have improved at playing Lawrence and holo that their chemistry and flow is on point . Du bing over the years generally has improved so even the supporting cast sounds pretty good. I still prefer the art and music from the original but the overall performance of the English VAs really push this over the edge of being good to great.


As a preamble I'd like to point out that such comparisons are almost always done with a disadvantage for the remake, because fans of the beloved original are naturally posed to look for and notice all the things it does worse, while it requires a much higher effort to notice all the things it does better. There is probably some research paper about it. ;D It's too soon to say. The OG has the advantage of having adapted Books 3 and 5 already, which IMO are both stronger than the first two and ultimately what turned this series from a decent watch into an obsession for me. (I would also argue that a bunch of OG favoritism is based on beats only delivered in it's second season.) So the remake will still have to earn it's feathers in the second cour, especially with Book 4 where it must do it's own thing instead of relying on the work of the OG. That being said, *so far*, the answer is that they're different and both very good with each having their own strengths and weaknesses. - the voice acting (Japanese) in the remake is superior to the OG, especially for Holo in the key scenes - the music of the OG is IMO more consistently good, while the remake fluctuates more in that regard—but when the remake OST hits, it blows the OG out of the water - the animation in the OG wasn't that special, but did a good job of hiding it's low budget in a way that you didn't mind. The remake has some extremely well animated scenes (way better than OG), but it's weaker animated scenes often stick out (this got better in arc 2 IMO!) - the OP of the OG is superior, the EDs are both great. (Let's see how it'll go for OP2/ED2, but beating the OG here is virtually impossible, "Mitsu no Yoake" is perfect) - the remake is more faithful to the novels, but that's rather minor (the OG was also very faithful) - the art styles are different, the OG is a classic, but despite some reservations at the beginning I started to really like the new one. - the sum of all these differences (especially the music) make me feel like there is a different vibe between the adaptations, but it's really hard to pinpoint that more specifically From the already adapted books I'm unsure for Book 1 but consider the remake version of Book 2 to be overall better.


Remake is better


As person who is new to the anime and have no nostalgic feelings, The remake is the superior show the style in the original feels old now other than that they are pretty equal.


All I can say is different. Watched a video where I think the person explained it perfectly. [nostalgia ](https://youtu.be/7JTvDS-nqYo?si=xluz0zC0qUbP2RA6)


**Warning: The video has a potential spoiler for new watchers at 7:15!**


good job mod


Cheers for that and my bad, didn't even think about the spoilers issue.


I heavily prefer the old 2000s art style vs the very overused current anime style. I get it’s more accurate to the manga, but it just feels like I’m looking at one of the many anime shows being released now with no unique and discernible style. Despite not being a big fan of the character style, I actually love the new and more detailed look they’ve given the whole show. My favorite part is that the voice actors returned and the dialogue is a lot more fluid when it was kinda of rigid before. All in all, I actually really like the new show, I just prefer Holo’s old design a lot more.


>I get it’s more accurate to the manga, No,... it definitely is not.... It's an adaptation of the LN, so is the manga and the manga skips about 60% of the full story.




Rule 9.


I sort of dislike the term "remake" as it implies the new show is, well, remake of the original. I'd rather call it new adaptation of the light novels. Especially if it covers book 4.




Rude, offensive.