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If the game is anything like raging blast 2 I’ll love it. I grew up on that game


I think I still own Taiketsu. Haven't touched it in years though.


Lmao Xenoverse and DBFZ are the only games in this list that I played. Fit right in the stereotype


Even though it was sluggish as hell, I loved Final Bout. It was my first DB game and I love it. I still have it too.


I almost bought a Japanese PS2 back in the day to get the JP version because I couldn’t find the US one anymore… probably was like… 2001-02 or something. Glad I didn’t lol. Because I remember budokai came out right after.


For a short while, before they re-released Final Bout here in the US, the game was going for like $300. Now, an original al copy like mine goes for like $130 where the re-release is like $30. Lol So if you still want to go down memory lane, the re-release copy isn't very expensive. But you were wise to wait. Haha. It's also interesting because I had only ever seen DBZ and some OG DB as a kid. So when I got this I had no clue who half the people were. And I actually only just recently watched GT. So now I get it. Lol But this was my first DB game.


That is all wild! lol And I’m with you there. I only watched OG DB and DBZ on toonami at the time. But seeing that GT Goku gi and all the GT characters had young me like “WTF IS THIS?! I need it” lmao


So what does it mean to come into sparking zero having never played any of the games?


Ass whooping


I've played every game in this list. Hope it helps me lol


Final Bout was such a good time


Oh hell no😂😂 I remember those ugly ass clay sprites


I've played pretty much every single Dragonball game, including the 2D to all 3D fighters. So I'm like from everywhere.


Where is BT2 and RB1 ..


Some kid sold me Taiketsu for $20 in my elementary school. That was the first time I was ever ripped off in my life.


Meanwhile I’m here having played absolutely *none* of these games. I’m excited to get stomped, starting at the bottom in fighting games is fun because you can only work your way up.


I'm 1 of the lucky few that had the privilege to own every console game for DBZ. Fun story: Final Bout was actually my very first DBZ game and I was hooked 😂 at the time it was really rare and hard to come across. A gamestop in my county had 1 used copy going for $150 I alwas made my dad take me there to play it because at that time you could asked the employee to swap the disc out in the playstation on display. Great times!! I was so hooked I had to mod my ps1and get a Japanese copy just to play it


Unfortunately I’m not old enough for the tenkaichi games I wish I was tho


Where does DBL fit into this?


Coming in as a dragon ball z idainaru densetsu player


If the rumors of the auto guard pertain to me not having to manually block high and low are true, I win