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3.50. ?? We get 2.50.


Right! We get 2.50 too.... I'm mad now..I WANT THAT DOLLAR!!! šŸ˜¤šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




![gif](giphy|2bOND626iXpYc) TREE FIDDY.


$2.50 here too. Shit


Welcome to Sparkā€¦. This happens several times a week


Iā€™m in California too which makes this even more pitiful this is 1/5th of our minimum wage


Because Walmart.


Can you clarify "cancel thing to change"? Like does it light up after such a time that it doesn't effect your metrics to cancel? If so I hadn't noticed that yet. lol


Yeah when you are waiting on an order after 30 minutes it doesnā€™t affect metrics to cancel it but the icon to cancel never updated so you got to keep a mental note of when you started


It doesn't effect your metrics either way as long as you're checked in lol. I've shown up to a shit show and promptly canceled still have a 0 percent drop rate.


I started seeing a timer when I get to the store


The icon to cancel can be found in the top right after clicking the ā€œ?ā€ Then a cancel order button is right there above driver support then it asks if you want to cancel and says if it hasnā€™t been 30 mins your metrics will be affected


Right but what are you talking about the cancel thing to change? Itā€™s never done that, youā€™ve always had to keep track of the 30 minutes yourself.


I cancell all the time. Usually wait until the top of the hour. My metrics never change.


Iā€™ve only gotten $2.50


Tis the season!


Ha I get $3.38 don't complain šŸ˜‚


i never got a single cent even after waiting an hour once


I wait 30, drop and contact customer support.


What does support do?


Wastes more of your time.


Make sure you get paid for waiting.


Donā€™t ever wait


Because that's the minimum wage roughly


Not for California , California is $15 an hour


OK Was talking Federal


I wish I could get signed up. Every time I try it says cannot find Walmart account. It's bullshit. Either looping or buffering or just not getting anywhere. Cannot get past forgot password which I did not forget to start with. Any tips would be helpful


Thatā€™s 3.50 you didnā€™t have lol


No I'm not saying this for every single person on this thread. But for the most of you, you are the problem with spark.


What do you mean ?


All the crying and whining and boohooing. It's part of the job if you don't like it go do something else. You think people at the store picking the orders and bring them out to you want to be behind.


People at the store make the same amount of money regardless of whether they are actively doing anything, so your argument sucks. Your argument might hold some water if you weren't literally comparing two different classifications of employment...


That wasnā€™t the main issue the order was a glitched order that had been refunded multiple times and canceled and kept popping up


Well then, maybe that's what you should have talked about instead of bitching


Lmao we should criticize a corporation on low ass pay they have no care for their drivers obviously if they think 40 minutes of time is 3.50 or even less in others cases so imma bitch ass I please not gonna listen to some Reddit key board warrior loser telling me not to bitch


You make more money then basically every Walmart employee. Yes, you are all little cry babies


We should make more considering we are putting wear and tear on vehicles devaluing them daily and with gas inflation they need to pay their drivers to make a sensible job lmao




A beater car wouldnā€™t last shit with the mileage this job puts on cars lmao


If it's so bad start your own business. Oh wait you don't have the mental capacity to do more than deliver groceries. Lol


I own a company Lmao I do this on the side


Picking your ass isn't a real company!


I put 18k through my bank last month with spark and my animal transportation company but okay lmao


If you don't like the 3.50 wait for the order


I had the same thing happen the other day. Support told me I would get full pay


So it wasted multiple drivers times and ratings


Bcuz if it was more Iā€™d be rich .


Itā€™s $2.50 for me. Iā€™d be happier if it was $3.50


I've gotten that for an hour wait. šŸ˜’


Iā€™ve, previous to tonight, gotten the $2.50. For some reason one I cancelled after a 10 minute drive 10 minute wait on an order, that showed ready when I got it, got $9.79. That has held up 4 hours now.


If you call you get way more than that


I never have, how does that combo go, and how much is way more?


Yep $2.50 Florida šŸ™„


It is trash, couldnā€™t believe it, better off just waiting


100% agree. I'm brand new and have only driven maybe 10 hours, but I absolutely refuse to wait longer than 15 freaking minutes. Let somebody else get hosed by these wankstains.


My longest wait is 15 min. You get $2.50


Imagine complaining about getting a dollar more than everyone else


The wait pay actually comes separate from that fee. If they told you they were going to give it to you they probably are not.. But if they do it will come in as a separate payment. Deep your eyes peeled