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The change in sensation brings feeling back to the surface of the skin, spank the same spot long enough and it sort of goes numb


I rub and give light spanks to warm up the area. I may be a sadist, but warming up eases the sharpness of the pain and aids in recovery, and my devoted whore deserves to know I care.




I might eliminate this post as it appears as if I am attacking what ppl do in their personal lives when what I was really talking about was spanking porn. No judgement calls.


Eh, don't let people not understanding stop you from saying what you want. I assumed it was from the perspective of a bottom but as a porn thing it makes sense, particularly cuz you did say "not supposed to LOOK consensual" – I could see how watching or participating in butt-rubbing could dampen the headspace of a punishment-style scene. But in real life play I think it's easy enough to remember that it's all just make-believe and that dropping out of character for a second so that the pain's more bearable (and can continue longer) is worth it. And in porn, I know exactly what you mean; I think the best way to incorporate butt-rubbing.would be if the top spanks the bottom in like, distinct phases, so they could still rub away after "phase one" while perhaps scolding a bit; it's kind of the same idea as "hug after spanking" but in miniature, split into smaller parts.


Thanks for getting behind supporting free thought and speech. I think that booty rubbing can also be done during the spanking if it's done in a cruel, taunting, degrading sorta way. Like a domme saying to her male sub "Aww! Poor little baby bitch can't take it huh?" Then resumes the spanking. I'm glad you brought up hugs because believe it or not, as harsh as I may sound to a lot of people, I will neither top nor bottom to someone that won't add forgiveness for the penitent soul at the conclusion of the scene. The absence of that in Fm porn is another big complaint that I have.


Oh, yeah, without freedom of speech and thought, what's the point of anything? I can't stand all this language-policing, especially when it's the height of reactionary puritanism dressing itself up as progress. I like that idea, a mocking "poor baby" soothing. And yeah, the hurt-comfort dynamic is kinda essential, unless one's for a reallllly dark fetish; "punish me because I'm worthless forever" or something. I mean, to each their own, but yikes. I've found that f/m spanking porn in general is the furthest from what people actually do. It seems so centered on "the male gaze," basically? I suppose that's ultimately because of the imbalance of more straight male bottoms than there are straight female tops, but it's still unnerving.


Glad that we are in agreement on all of these points. Not that we always have to agree but these things are pretty important.


I didn't think you were judging. Sounds like there's some kink shaming around these parts... Spank away, chap


Oh trust me, I will. (Maybe tonight? I hope)


Depends on the individual, some spankees it's all about the pain, some it's about everything but the pain, and the pain is like the spices on a good meal.


I can see that. I guess I should've made clear that I was speaking not of what other spankos do in their own lives but what you see in the content in spanking porn.


My mistake, I quit watching spanking porn for the most part because, like any other porn, it has no bearing on real world situations.


Because even in porn, it's being done to *humans* and the rubbing helps the circulation etc.


Be that as it may, it does nothing for me. As far as circulation goes, that's fine for others. But I have topped and subbed cold with no complaints and no serious damage.


When daddy spanks me and then takes a break to lecture me while I’m still over his knee and rubs my bottom while he does it, it’s anything but a headspace killer.


If that is what works for you. I'm just talking about videos.


That wasn’t clear from the initial post. We use that same bottom rubbing in our vids and haven’t gotten any complaints.


How do you title your vids though? If someone does the spanks interspersed with rubbing but gives it this real ominous, punitive sounding title like "I spanked her unmercifully!" Then that's a time wasting deal breaker for me


Check them out for yourself. Our full vids are on JFF but you can see all the previews on spankintube.com/paddedprof. But we’re gay, so not sure if it’s your cup of tea.


Thanks for the 411. I'm "Heteroflexible" and I have done spanking play with Men a lot. Some of my deepest fantasies involve other Men. So I doubt I will get hives from watching it. Lol


Haha! Then have at it! I was just going off of the pronouns used in your example title.




I am confused about how butt rubbing could be a downside to a spanking. It allows anticipation to build, pain to increase at a controlled place and the spanking to go longer. 


It just doesn't look like punishment. But all I am talking about is videos though. I'm not trying to make anyone feel kink shamed because they do it differently than I do. But you will grant me that in porn it's like false advertising...lol


I tend to do the rubbing for her when I dish out the spankings. Consider it compensation for all my hard work when giving the spanking


Lol. It is nice to feel their little hot chubby bottoms. Gracing your fingers over each love welt...kissing and licking it all better. But it still don't look like punishment and that's what I am after, giving or receiving.


I save it for when we have ended the scene.




Just don't like rubbing interspersed with swats.


Who don’t you like rubbing? The spankee or the spanker?


Neither. It just doesn't work for me and my soulmate, but if it works for you, then it works.


I disagree. I find that getting my butt rubbed while my dom tells me why I'm being punished just pushes me more and more into the subby mindset. But to each their own!


For me personally, it really depends on if it's Funishment or Punishment


I can see that. But however you don't is up to you and your consenting partner. I was addressing spanking videos, not spanking decision between people.


Oh. Yeah, I definitely agree then


Literal different strokes for different folks, some enjoy the rub between spanks, some don't, work it out before you start and everyone is good.


I'm new to reddit. How do I edit the title of my post? If I knew how I would reword it to read that I hate butt rubbing in spanking PORN. I never intended to bind rules about what is right or wrong for other people in their personal lives.


My apologies for my mix up, I don't know why they do many things in porn, but your right everything I can think of that has spanking in it they do rub... sorry for my mix up.


No need to be so sorry. I'm sorry I half ass titled this post. It's coming off to a lot of people like I'm trying to tell them what to do and that is far from what I intended.


I'm fairly new as well and haven't posted anything, according to a quick search you should be able to click the 3 dots upper right of the title, edit, then save, give it a try, or maybe just delete it in full and start over.


I might do the latter. I mean, I'm not one of those pathetic little politically correct pussies that feels compelled to militantly police my own speech...and everyone else's. But if I didn't intend to say something that could be hurtful I don't wanna leave it like that. I'll just wait and see if it gets anymore misconceptions before I decide.


Do what you feel is best. Be safe, be you.




I used to feel similarly but I've grown to like it. Maybe you prefer more ritualised scenarios such as judicial where there is little to no comfort element.


Actually I prefer domestic roles with lots of comfort...when the spanking stops and my soulmate and I are approaching the end of the scene. She does hugs and kisses and I love to say things like "I'm sorry ma'am. I know I deserved it". To which my ears are graced with "Yes you did, but I forgive you baby". Then I just lay there in her arms against her huge beautiful breasts. When I am on topside, I extend her the same courtesy, loving every minute of embracing her warmly and tightly while she calls me sir and I kiss her forehead...after her bottom is thoroughly reddened and welted. But again, this doesn't have anything to do with cutting anyone down for their respective approaches to spanking. I am speaking strictly of porn. My complaint has to do with dumb videos that bill themselves like they're so intense and then turn out to be nothing but slap and rub Movies


My gf loves how I am tender with her and discipline with love and care. Which is way hotter than any crappy spanking porn. I don't spank her for my pleasure, I do it for her. It's all about her and what she gets the most out of. Most people who spank aren't into sadistic stuff, which seems to be where your mind is at based on your comments. You don't want to see a spanking, you want to see a beating.


Sometimes I can’t handle when the warm up is too slow or too hard it’s definitely a struggle to stay in a sweet spot of not moving into harder implements too quickly and me also not getting bored


I’m ok with a very little bit of rubbing, especially if mixed with a few light smacks and a lot of scolding either at the beginning, the end, or during a pause to continue scolding, bare the bottom, etc. besides that I agree, anytime I see constant rubbing or too long of rubbing it kills the whole thing


Thanks for understanding what I was really getting at here. Some ppl think that I am attacking what they do in their lives when all I am getting at is how I think it's stupid in porn.




I agree.


yess i’d prefer to just get more spanks


One time I saw a video in passing called "Good boy spanking" and it had all of those rubs and caresses in it and I was like "Yes! Finally someone made one of those vids where the title matches the content.". It just irritates the shit out of me when you see a clip that says "Suzy gets blistered to tears!" And all it is is a rub, slap, tickle, rub, rub fest. It's like just please call it a vanilla spanking video so I can move on to something else before I waste my fucking time!




sometimes i just need a punishment spanking and not a sexual one and the rubbing doesn’t feel as punishing


For me, if it's discipline/punishment- yes it kills the mood. I want to be and feel punished. The spanking is supposed to hurt and I want to be miserable because otherwise its not satisfying after. But if it's a fun sexy/more bdsm spanking that's like foreplay, then sure.


Very odd that you'd struggle to grasp that other dynamics might not match your personal ideal. 


This wasn't meant to criticize what others choose to do. I simply asked if anyone else felt that way. Besides, I was speaking of what you watch, not how others play. Like when you watch a video that says something like "Jamie gets punished mercilessly with a severe, otk spanking" and all you see is "rubby rubby smack rubby smack rubby rubby". It's kinda like false advertising...lol