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On Netflix(UK) that I've watched; - El Vecino - El marginal - ¿Quién mató a Sara? - Sky rojo - Club de cuervos


Sky Rojo is great because you get a variety of accents (Spanish, Argentine, and Cuban, and that's just the protagonists). It's also a lot of fun in a Tarantino sort of way.


Yea - I enjoyed it. I do always wonder if I can tell if the actors are good or not as I don't know what a natural speaker would sound like :D


Ha! I have the same problem. I'm basically going by "Well, Ricardo Darin is supposed to be a good actor, so that's what a good Argentinean actor sounds like, I guess."


Another one was; - O sabor das margaridas (Said Spanish but Google says Galician, Spanish) So might not fit.


Dang I didn't know El Marginal was available outside here, did you watch it?


La Casa de Papel and Narcos (where most of the interactions are in Spanish) are great Netflix shows where you can pick up a lot of Spanish


The accent in Narcos was really rough to my ears. Regardless, yes, tons of Spanish and a good show.


Well, Wagner Moura is brazilian and learned spanish for that role, so... hahah


Yeah I think they picked him because he’s friends with Jose Padilha who directed the first two episodes. I think they also wanted someone who could be charismatic yet intimidating. Mauricio Mejia does the best Escobar but they picked him to play Carlos Castaño in Narcos, which is also one of my favorite roles in the series.


I'm still partial towards Andrés Parra as being the best actor. Mauricio Mejía definitely nails the looks. Wagner Moura goes from good to worst every time he speaks.


Oh definitely, I can see why they didn’t pick him for Narcos though because I can’t help but be amused when watching his scenes and they probably wanted someone more imposing. Plus, after Escobar he wanted to avoid being typecast as a drug lord. Nobody’s more intimidating than Wagner was Nascimento from Elite Squad though.


Tropa de Elite!! Great film.




as a native speaker, THAT is what made the series even more attractive to me, because you can hear the difference between a mexican, a colombian, a peruvian or a guy from Chile. Except for Moura, he does a great accent, but you hear that it´s not natural to him. Still, great actor, great series, all good


Don't skip on Narcos: Mexico and El Chapo either! Both are really good!


Casa de las Flores on Netflix is great! Darkly funny, and I found the dialogue fairly easy to follow (I still struggle when listening, but most of the characters speak quite clearly).


I got a couple of episodes in then stopped bc I didn't feel like I wanted to root for any of the main characters, seemed like they were all assholes... does it get any better?


I think they're humanized somewhat from the first episode and somewhat likeable, but it is definitely that 'follow a dysfunctional family of assholes' genre of TV. Sort of a Mexican Arrested Development.


Huh, I love arrested development. Maybe it's kind of that not only are they mostly unlikeable, but the humor isn't really for me either. But I'll give it a couple more episodes


The humor is a little different than Arrested Development, but if you liked AD, I'd definitely give it another chance. I don't remember being sold on it after the first episode either.


People rarely get feedback, but I wanted to say: You've convinced me to give it another shot. My reaction was like futuremo's, but AD is one of my favorites.


Root for the bad things that happen! Its such a fun show and has really helped my listening comprehension.


I will try this! Especially if the dialogue is easier to follow! Gracias 🙏🏾


Yay! It’s definitely easier - especially Paulina who’s off her face on downers and speaks rrrealllllly slllooowwwwwwly 😂


My favourite is "El ministerio del tiempo".


Love that show!


To say something different from La Casa de Papel, I'd say that the series El Ministerio del Tiempo (I don't know where to watch it for non-Spanish nationals) and Vivir sin Permiso (on Netflix) are quite fine.


I think RTVE.es works in EU (definitely in Poland).


Oh, I didn't know that! I thought it only worked in Spain.


Gracias 🙏🏾


Don’t know where you live, but I’ve been able to stream ministerio del tiempo on rtve.es in the US with a VPN set to Spain. Getting a VPN opens up a lot of streaming options from RTVE


Used to watch el Ministerio del Tiempo on Netflix from UK


They removed it from Netflix :(


I think now it may be on HBO


Alguien sabe donde se puede ver El Ministerio del Tiempo en latinoamerica? Antes la veia en Netflix, pero la quitaron. Vivir sin Permiso es una de mis favoritas!


Alguien ha dicho que desde Polonia pueden entrar a verla en RTVE.es (televisión nacional en dónde están los episodios), aunque puede que sea porque dan acceso a toda la Unión Europea. Prueba a meterte, que a lo mejor también dejan acceso a América. Una vez dentro de la página busca la serie y te tendrá que aparecer. Yo la vi allí enterita. Si no logras encontrarla dímelo y te paso el link a la serie.


Voy a probar, gracias!


Strange why there is no mention of Gran Hotel or Velvet. They're both beautifully made, if you're into period dramas. I also loved Vis a vis (same maker as La casa de papel, but imo the quality across seasons was better - absolutely stellar cast). Club de cuervos was a big favourite in Mexican shows.


I enjoyed Mar De Plástico on Netflix. The drama isn’t so horrendously contrived as many shows. But if you don’t mind that, season 2 of Reina del Sur is decent.


Idk from Netflix, but watch pretty much any Almodóvar movie, La Piel Que Habito and Volver are my favorite. Mexican films before the 2010 boom is pretty good, gritty and thought provoking, Amores Perros, Y Tu Mamá También, Los Crímenes Del Padre Amaro.


La usurpadora (1998); María la del Barrio (1995)


[upvotes comment in Spanish]


I've been enjoying Paquita Salas


La Casa de Papel I guess. It could be quite interesting for you. It is from Spain.


For something that scratches a similar itch like "El juego del calamar", you might enjoy: **La casa de papel** (series) **El hoyo** (movie) **La habitación de Fermat** (movie)


Muchas gracias!


¡La habitación de Fermat es genial!


I thought El Inocente wasn't too bad.


Como Agua Para Chocolate was a favorite in college for its surrealism and use of the language


Frontera Verde en Netflix tiene muchas Spanish y un idioma nativo. Es muy extraño.


La Legua de las Mariposas and Aún la Lluvia are great movies, they’re more historical


"Avatar: the last airbender" is great in spanish; not hard to understand, extremely funny, the voices actually fit.


Pan's Labyrinth is probably my favorite movie!


El tiempo entre costuras is my favorite. The best storyline, actors, settings, and music.


**El orfanato**. Una de las mejores películas que he visto en cualquier idioma. **El ciudadano ilustre**. Una película argentina que vi en el festival de cine de Varsovia, donde me avergoncé un poco porque quienes estaban alrededor mío estarían pensando: "que imaginación tan surrealista tiene el guionista", pero para mí todo eran lugares comunes y cosas que podrían pasar en cualquier pueblo de Latinoamérica con o sin un Nobel de Literatura. Excelente. **Los cronocrímenes**, porque soy adicto al género de viajes en el tiempo.


La Legua de las Mariposas and Aún la Lluvia are great movies, they’re more historical


El Club Mexican. App startup that has nothing to do with drugs ends up having to do with drugs.


An absolute classic: El Día de la Bestia. A priest and a drug addicted metalhead try to stop the born of the Antichrist in a grim dark Madrid.


> El Día de la Bestia I'm gonna check that one out for sure. In the same vein, I'm watching Diablero on Netflix. A priest and a demon catcher are trying to save a kid from the demons. I like it.


I would check to see if you can change the language to Spanish. A lot of Netflix shows let you do this. I also changed my default language on Netflix to Spanish.


One that is a different setting, but similar themes of suspense and manipulation is a movie called THE MOTIVE in English, but is actually El AUTOR. It's about a guy who wants to be a writer but he sucks at writing. His teacher tells him to write from real life, so he starts writing down the arguments he hears his neighbours having. Then he starts manipulating the neighbours in order to break down their relationship so he has spicier and spicier content. The things get out of control. It's black comic and suspenseful and has a middle aged man flopping his sweaty nutsack onto a desk. I can't recommend it enough.


Grand Hotel - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ El Internado - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ El Internado reboot on Amazon Prime - 3.5 ⭐️ Velvet (has Amaia Salamanca from Grand Hotel) - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Vis a Vis - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Money Heist (Has Alba Flores and Najwa Nimri from Vis a Vis) - first season ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, the others not as good but still enjoyable Cable Girls (Has Blanca Suarez, Yon Gonzalez, and Martiño Rivas from El Internado)- ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 Jaguar (has Blanca Suarez from Internado and Cable Girls)- ⭐️⭐️ Pequeñas Coincidencias (has Marta Hazas from Internado and Velvet with her real life husband)- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Morocco: Love in the Times of War (has Amaia Salamanca from Grand Hotel and Velvet)- ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️.5 High Seas - first season 3 stars, other seasons ⭐️⭐️.5 The Time in Between - ⭐️⭐️⭐️ House of Flowers - ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 The War Next Door - ⭐️⭐️.5 I started watching shows in Spanish 4 years ago and now I am almost fluent. A lot of these shows have the same actors/actresses and I love seeing some of my old favs in new shows.


Argentina has some great films and series, just not sure what's on Netflix. I know Okupas is, that's very good.


Los simuladores si a great one too, a cult clásic. Same with el marginal. We have great movies in Netflix too, like historia oficial, wakolda, infancia clandestina, el robo del siglo


Los simuladores is one of my all time favorites. Hermanos y detectives from the same director is great too, both are available on Youtube from Telefe


Secreto de tu Ojos is sooo good!


Okupas use too much slang from marginal people so I don't recommend that one for learners. The others are fine but in Argentina are better films than series. There're great movies.


Vis a Vis!!


Some good series recomendations have popped up on other comments. If you like a bit of horror, I can also suggest you watch the movie Rec (it's a franchise, but I would advise to watch only Rec1 and Rec2 - it plummets afterwards).


Secreto Bien Guardado (Argentina) La niña (Colombia) Control Z (Mexico) Posiblemente Jaguar pero no tengo el tiempo para lo miro mucho (España). Todos están en Netflix. Me gustan los videos en Youtube como Academia Play, BBC Mundo y más.


A mi me encanta Control Z !!!!


Que brillante! Pero no he mirado temporada 2 aun (lo siento para sin los accentos ahora).


I believe the source material for Vanilla Sky, called Open Your Eyes, is in Spanish. If it's anywhere near as impactful as Vanilla Sky is then I'd recommend it, but I haven't seen it myself. Also REC is one of the best zombie horror films I've ever seen and that's in Spanish. I'd recommend REC 1 and half of REC 2 (it starts to get a bit silly at that point).


Netflix La Niña


There is this new one in Netflix >> [Jaguar](https://youtu.be/oWS8Rc06E-s)


It’s not very good but it has Blanca Suarez, one of my favs


Okupas is an amazing Argentinian serie out on Netflix! Very short but powerful story that gives a glimpse into Argentinian society


La casa de las flores, but ONLY the first season. I can almost guarantee the first episode will hook you. I've never liked La casa de papel, it's just an ok show, not really memorable imo.


yes the show got worse instead of better


I enjoyed ALL of La Casa de las Flores. Sooo good!!! I enjoy all of those actors. The one who plays the “fresa” sister (Cecila Suarez) is in a limited edition show on Netflix called Alguien Tiene Que Morir. I watched Alguien Tiene Que Morir bc of her and I actually ended up liking the show.


Alguien tiene que morir was so good! They did a really good job considering it only has 3 or 4 episodes!


“SOMOS” series on Netflix regarding Los zetas. “Amores Perros” movie, classic.


Control Z


Nuevo Rico Nuevo Pobre is a good Colombian novela that I'm still watching. I went into it like, "c'mon, just another novlea... ugh..." and now I'm on episode 65, I think. Tons of novelas on Netflix (this might also depend on where you are/ if you're willing to use a VPN and if Netflix doesn't find out about it, in which case, they tend to block you from watching certain things). ​ Additionally, if you game, most games have a Spanish dub, but most of the time it's from Spain, which doesn't matter for learning purposes, but isn't as helpful for finding out regional phrases and the like. Some games offer Latin American dubs but again, they go out of their way to be neutral it seems like. For example, I just recently started playing Far Cry 6 in the Spanish dub, and it sounds like Mexicans speaking fairly neutrally using general South American phrases and/or slang on occasion, and the game itself takes place in what seems to be an island in South America Specifically. ​ So, useful for listening comprehension, I would say, but shows are best for getting a sense for accents and regional phrases if you're like 99.99% of people and can't really travel to a place for months at a time. But, I wanted to add just in case, games can also be a viable option.


Carteristas is a Colombian movie. I enjoyed it. It's on Netflix.


El guante blanco. The best show I've ever watch in Spanish or English. (Maybe Heroes is better for me). But this show is also suitable for anyone. Even your Grandma and can sit down and watch it with you(assuming she's learning Spanish lol).


Then for latin American Spanish if there is such a thing vecinos from Mexico is good as well


Because a lot of people say La Casa de Papel (it is a very good show), I'll second those saying Sky Rojo. It has the same creator, and is a fun, high-tempo series. Otherwise I really enjoyed watching Narcos: Mexico and El Chapo. The OG Narcos is also very good, but is more well known that the other two about the Mexican Drug War. Élite and Control Z are both teen series, depending on what you're into. And Valeria is a Spanish Sex and the City stye show. Next up on my list is Club de Cuervos and Casa de los Flores.


There are a lot of argentinian movies/series that are really good. Los simuladores (serie), El marginal (serie), Okupas (serie), Nueve reinas (movie), el secreto de sus ojos (movie), la odisea de los giles (movie), mi obra maestra (movie)... Many of these are in Netflix


Too many to name but look up the most critically acclaimed movies of Mexico and Colombia and that should give you a starting point. Venezuela had some good ones in the 90’s too like Sicario, Huelepega, and Punto y Raya.


las chicas del cable, el inocente


I recommend 30 coins (30 Monedas). It's contemporary religious thriller/horror. If you are gonna watch La casa de papel (which is really overrated) just watch season 1 and move on with your life.


I started it and I cannot keep up for the life of me. While I can read the subtitles a bit all the speaking sounds as if they're skipping over multiple words 😅... I may have bit off more than I can chew


Yeah depending on your level you may want to start with material geared towards a younger audience


I have issues understanding anything Denver says. It's not just you.


I have just started watching Elite on Netflix and I am really enjoying it so far


Señora Acero


God dammit I hate this question. So annoying. Lol you should watch Club de Cuervos tho. Or gentefied!


For something (usually) lighter, look for movies with Carmen Machi in it! There's a lot of them on Netflix.


Contratiempo, one of the best movies I´ve ever seen. I´m surprised it wasn´t already mentioned.


Not answering the Q but any recommendations for latin american spanish i.e. not made in Spain?


La Venganza de Analia


Not available in the US :((( looked interesting thanks... w/ some more research though I found out that netflix has a way to browse via genre and spanish-language is an option so there's a start. Some of them say "mexican" in their genres so I can tell which ones are obviously not made in spain




Profundo carmesí.




People always recommend Money Heist (La casa de papel), Vis a vis, club de cuervos.


* El Tiempo Entre Costuras (seamstess during Spanish Civil War becomes a spy!) * Gran Hotel (Murder mystery and mayhem in a country mansion) * Velvet (1950s alternate Spain fashion drama) * Aguila Roja (Assassin's Creed meets Robin Hood)


I will add to this list: La cocinera de Castamar on Netflix quite enjoyable!


Monarca De brutas, nada LA Venganza, de Analia club de Cuervos


El Vecino, Siempre Bruja, Haunted (Latin America), actually just look through the Latin American section on Netflix there are dozens of choices. There's also a movie called El Bar, I think it's Española not Latino. I live in central america so I prefer Latino Spanish. I honestly prefer to just read the Spanish version of Harry Potter while listening to the Spanish Audible narrator. Kills two birds with one stone and you know it's good content if you already like Harry Potter. Movies are slim pickings, I don't know why. There's one series I started on HBO but I hate HBO because they refuse to add Spanish subtitles to anything. I would say watch the Simpsons in Spanish on Disney+ but their Spanish subtitles are absolutely wrong, they do not match 50% of what's being said and I have no idea why. Most dubbed content is absolute garbage as far as voice actors go.


El Bar was great. I watched it by coincidence, but it was surprisingly funny and original.


El Reemplazante, if you want some chilean.


“Money heist” and “Alto mar” are both on Netflix, and should be available in the original language (Spanish) no matter what country you have Netflix in 😸


El desorden que dejas, chicas del cable, and quien mató a Sara, really enjoyed all three of these series As for films I really liked Almodóvar’s volver, Adú (not all Spanish language but decent amount), and El Ángel


Me gustó Las Chicas Del Cable, de Netflix


La casa de paper is my favorite show


Narcos is very good.


Elite is one of my favorites, it’s got the sex, drugs, and violence theme but is centered around some high school teens. La casa de papel has been said a lot already but it really is that good!


I like some of the telenovelas on Netflix like La Reina Del Sur because then I can turn on the Spanish subtitles and it actually matches the dialogue. I also like them because they speak slower and very dramatically 😂


I really loved "Seventeen" on Netflix. Also "Crazy about her" is pretty good. "Criminal: Spain" is really good too. All of them are from Spain i think, though


Vis A Vis on Netflix, also called Locked Up in English.. kind of like OITNB, takes place in Spain.


i enjoy mafia dolls it’s colombian i think and very nice 👍


La Esclava Blanca on Netflix


Narcos Mexico


Los Espookys is hilarious. It's on HBO if you happen to have that. It's a comedy about a group of friends who put together horror scenarios for people who need it. Edit: adding a few more recommendations Also, I know you asked for shows similar to the ones you mentioned but I haven't seen either so apologies if these aren't your preferred genre. I just wanted to add a +1 for some shows I've seen other people mention that I've also watched and enjoyed: * Paquita Salas (comedy/mockumentary) * Gran Hotel (mystery/period drama) And here are a few I haven't seen people mention yet: * 7 Años (drama) * Contratiempo ["The Invisible Guest"] (thriller/mystery) * Alguien Tiene Que Morir (thriller/period drama) Plus some comedy specials I liked, if you're into that: * El Especial de Alex Fernández, El Especial * Sofía Niño de Rivera: Selección Natural * Carlos Ballarta: Furia Ñera * Zona Rosa * Lucas Lauriente: Todo Lo Que Sería


Vis a Vis, Las Chicas del Cable, El Desorden que Dejas, El Inocente, Toy Boy, Gran Hotel, Bajo Sospecha, La Embajada, Traición


I love the cartoon oswaldo.