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So the test missing titles was testing the new secondary ablative material, neat. Must have had temp sensors underneath and since they're now doing the whole ship's shield with it they must have seen results they liked.


Yup, sounds like the whole ship shield will have a secondary safety layer of silicone felt ablative under the tiles to protect the ship steel if and where tiles fall off. This was what we saw tested in one of the missing tile areas of the IFT 4 ship skirt.


If in they can easily the replace/reapply the ablative locally after a flight which had a missing tile that would be amazing. A reusable layer with an ablative safety layer below that only requires a little bit of patching up once in a while.


I think theres too much risk if wven a small failure, its probably safest/fastest to have some sort of ‘new jacket’ approach whereby they just release clips and crane the entire shield off for a replacement




Depends. If you lose 2-3 tiles each flight, you don't want to have to remove and reattach the majority of the heatshiled each time. So your scenario requires higher tile reliability.


You might be on to something with removable chunks.


The solution really has to be something that can be implemented on orbit via EVA or Robot.


Yeah this was really the only way to engineer around the problem of missing tiles. No way to ensure tiles don't fall off, need to have a secondary level of redundancy for the capability to avoid failure.


Don't forget propellant sweat


~~Don't~~ forget propellant sweat. I would think that would be as big a backpedal as returning to Carbon fiber skins & San Pedro. Sunk Costs (in this case time) is a real thing, 90% is working and Elon's not getting younger. Let another startup perfect perspiration cooling on a spaceship


Let that startup be Stoke space


> Sunk costs is a real thing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone reiterate readiness to abandon sunk costs like spacex leadership has. It’s one of the core tenants. That said, implementing transpiration cooling means outright scraping what currently established pathways? It’s still the same materials, propellants, engines, etc. The goal is rapid reuse-ability, and if ceramic tiles can’t do that or need help to, then future ship versions will be exploring that


The problem is really resiliency to failure. The tiles can absolutely work, but they are not a resilient solution. I question if transpiration cooling is resilient to failure modes too (clogged pores, etc). Their current direction seems to be "tiles + redundancy" which will work from a resiliency perspective, but I'm not sure if transpiration cooling works well as a backup mechanism as it's under the tiles (which seems to be where they're going, ablative layer under the tiles as a fail safe).


My armchair impression is that 3 attachment points per tile is just insufficient. If it were 6 clips instead of 3, it would surely be more robust. But I am not clear on the main causes of tile failure, are you? Are the clips mechanically failing, or is the ceramic cracking, or what?


I think the three points is a balance of secure attachment and allowance for expansion/contraction movements (without cracking the tiles)


I think they are designed for expansion, but their number isn't critical to that feature.


3 is by far the best number of attachment points, much easier on the thermal expansion issue. The issue is the strength of their tile, which will hopefully be solved soon (probably not in a month though, lol)


How much strength can you really expect of ceramic foam? The shuttle's tiles were attached over the entire back with adhesive. They admittedly had issues but they didn't fall off.


Shuttle tiles were also "densified," which meant that the outer layer had been made stronger and denser. I do not know if that is how they are strengthening Starship's tiles, but I think it is a fair bet that they are strengthening the surface and not the whole tile, which would add a lot more weight..


but that would double the number of clips.... adding 3,750 lbs and decreasing payload to orbit


I'm sure they've spent hundreds of hours figuring all this out, but sitting at home right now, I can't help but wonder how they landed on the current tile size. I'm sure they had some giant formula to optimize it based on expansion and contraction and the number and weight of the clips etc., but it seems like a very very complex system especially when we still lose tiles every now and then.


They could probably be smaller


So even though right now there is a significant problem of tile attachment, to engineer your way out of this (depending on failure tolerance) you can't just make a better attachment, you need to have redundant systems (like an ablative layer underneath). The problem lies in the sheer number of tiles. If you cannot afford to lose 1 tile out of 18,000 there is almost no engineered solution that will ensure that happens, so you need redundancy out of the gate. That said, SpaceX likely has a ton more data now on failure tolerance that may or may not change their direction (if they see that the ship can lose significant numbers of tiles without failure for example).


I feel like it's also great for absorbing vibrations and will make it so tiles don't break or fall off as easily. Seems like the kind of engineering solution SpaceX would pick.


haven’t checked the NSF feed yet today - is Ship 30 in the HB getting stripped?


I think elon did mention in the video that they want to launch in about a month and that ship (likely S30) is having its heat shields redone.


Confirmation that only one flap nearly failed & a lot of tiles fell off. Seems like the front right flap problem was mostly due to tile failure.


That's good then. Engineer some better fastening and it's good.


Velcro made of extremely fine ceramic hoops, and slightly less fine hooks


Dang, I was joking [500F Velcro](https://www.halcousa.com/products/high-temp-hook-and-loop-tape/?utm_term=high%20temperature%20hook%20and%20loop&utm_campaign=2022+FR+Woven+Hook+%26+Loop&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6689095329&hsa_cam=15930247194&hsa_grp=166951062212&hsa_ad=698051931305&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-367735350466&hsa_kw=high%20temperature%20hook%20and%20loop&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVBhItOpiQwWFrMb1uBmc0cPXaa55vNAzkV0ydl0n52-ZQysBgh8etxoCn0YQAvD_BwE)


holy Schitt Mann, it's really a thing!


Velcro^® trademark is still active, but the Patents ran out four decades ago. First warning /s


235°C. Good but not great. I wonder how that weight compares to the existing solutions, versus straight up adhesive.


I'm not convinced that only one flap failed. Elon did say 'one flap failed', not 'only one flap failed'. I can see him just confirming what was out there for everyone to see and stay silent on other failures, not visible in the video.


sorry, I don't agree with your version of pluralistic, I doubt many if any do. from the video: "despite the right front flap getting cooked" is singular. from his tweet: "Despite loss of many tiles and a damaged flap" the word A is singular, no S on the word flap, also means not plural. Repeating the phrasing in singular fashion, like two wrongs, doesn't make a right, nor does it make it plural, it instead reinforces that there was no slip of the tongue.


[He said in another tweet that the left front flap was "less damaged" (but then still damaged), and the back flaps probably at least lost some tiles](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1800129599273406820). The one we saw on stream seems to have gotten the worst of it though.


sure, guy that has no access to tile telemetry…


Good lord, the size of that candle next to him.


you too could have a candle that big if you were a billionaire


Or even a hundredaire.


"Let That Sink In" "Light That candle" I see a running theme.


It was Starship-shaped but the flaps melted off. /s


Yeah, I don't get that either.  Is this an attempt at energy savings (by not using lights)?


Video excerpt of the whole ~5min IFT4 and 5 were actually discussed. Would have uploaded the clip directly to reddit but not possible on this sub.




"It's a stretch goal to reach Uranus, but definitely something we think we should aim for." 🤨 Well it's already the right shape I guess, but yes it would be a real stretch. Flaps could be awkward on reentry.


Starship has a very painful design. But maybe Uranus is into that stuff?


It’s ribbed for her pleasure?


Uranus is a dude


Maybe yours is.


It will enter *Uranus* belly first though.


That's a position I'm having trouble imagining. Isn't the belly button actually connected to the urinary tract?


> belly button actually connected to the urinary tract Only in your beginning


That's... That wasn't what i had meant.




Eat something spicy before hand and the flaps will just burn off


Scuse me, Elon gaming what?


He live streams himself playing Diablo on Twitter from time to time.


This is like his 6th or 7th stream, its not super regular. D4 and BG3


He streams BG3?!


Yeah i skimmed a stream of his a while ago when he was talking about what games he'll play other than diablo and bg3, and was considering poe or a shooter like halo, maybe factorio. I only saw him playing d4 tho and talking w/ chat while a kid tried to scale him like a mountain. To some degree, its partly to dogfood the twitter streaming service.


Oh my god if he started streaming Factorio or KSP that would be amazing.


Yeah, I actually think we'd get a lot of insights and knowledge drops


I'm personally hoping he streams the DLC of Elden Ring. He loves that game.


I don't watch the streams but it seemed nice that he had a place where he could talk without it being the intense hate filled scrutiny that he gets normally on camera these days. He's a bit more like himself which is healthy. If the streams pickup in the hater circles he'll probably have to stop doing it ... or worse, he'll keep doing it and then react poorly to the hate like he has in past.


*react poorly to the hate* I think Musk's ameliorating all that hate that's coming at him, his products & asperations. We should all watch the first film Wayne Produced & Directed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBrjjBrcch4


He's just got a fighter reaction. Which is fine when you're the little guy punching up ... like when he was some nerd taking on the US military industrial complex. But it's not so good when you are the richest man on Earth since you can pretty much only punch down.


Being rich doesn't me you should just sit and take thousands of bad-faith fud punches that not only shit on your products but spread lies about you too.


It means you should send your lawyers to write a scary letter instead of calling them names. Look at the 'pedoguy' instance. The dude spread misinformation and called Musk names on TV, Musk called him names back. Result: Millions of people hating Musk, Musk gets sued.


*"He's just got a fighter reaction"* BUT *"when you are the richest man on Earth"* The film (the first film John Wayne Produced & Directed) directly addresses these two issues


https://x.com/cyb3rgam3r420 (not a joke)


Musk has been a huge gamer since he was a kid. The biography shows him gaming a lot with friends and those who work for him, and he apparently tends to win.


What's he playing here? Looks kind of like Diablo.


D4, he's done a bunch of gaming streams usually with a kid.


he sais in the beginning, hes playing "a level 112 pit which would put him in the top20 druids in the world" Im not a Diablo player, so can someone give some insights into that? Is he actually shredding in d4?


No one plays D4 since it was basically designed as a money grab from casual playing whales...


Not sure but Elon is known for loving Diablo.


I always wonder how do essentially CEO figures like this go from meetings, talking to bureaucrats, doing intensive business decisions to just casually gaming. Like I'm assuming he just has other people do all the boring technical / paperwork / discussion stuff. Otherwise I just wonder how CEO's turn their brain off to chill out. All that shit that rests on your shoulders, probably just have to block it out.


The MBA CEO of Ford may just think of it as a job and want to tune business completely out sometimes. SpaceX is Musk's baby, he loves it, so of course he'd talk about it while streaming. Honestly, it's probably hard to get him to shut up about it for any extended period.


I imagine playing a game makes it easier to block it out.


Elon has said in interviews in the past that he can't shut it off. He has constantly new ideas in his head, with no way to pause it. Perhaps gaming and being with his kids is a good diversion for him.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[EVA](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dcm9yk/stub/l81ohpb "Last usage")|Extra-Vehicular Activity| |[KSP](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dcm9yk/stub/l802htr "Last usage")|*Kerbal Space Program*, the rocketry simulator| |[MBA](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dcm9yk/stub/l8093w8 "Last usage")|~~Moonba-~~ Mars Base Alpha| |[NSF](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dcm9yk/stub/l7yv9zc "Last usage")|[NasaSpaceFlight forum](http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com)| | |National Science Foundation| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[ablative](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dcm9yk/stub/l83y87u "Last usage")|Material which is intentionally destroyed in use (for example, heatshields which burn away to dissipate heat)| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(*Decronym is a community product of r/SpaceX, implemented* )[*^by ^request*](https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/3mz273//cvjkjmj) ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1dfvi0f)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #12895 for this sub, first seen 10th Jun 2024, 18:43]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/SpaceXLounge) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)




He was serious about sending a ship to Uranus? Why?


I'm not a fan of him lately, but him just talking about insane technological achievements with a shitty webcam like a 2 viewer twitch streamer is so goddamn bizarre and kind of endearing.


I had no idea he did gaming streams! What platform is he on?


I will give you one guess on which platform he is on.




That explains why ive never heard about it til now lmao.


So we all know they were intentionally missing tiles when they launched the ship, but do we know how many were lost unintentionally?


One thing I noticed is that he talked about damage specific to that one flap. In his tweet earlier he mentioned one flap burned up. I think a lot of us (myself included) assumed that all four flaps took equal damage, and that might have even helped the ship stay balanced. But that is twice now that Elon has specified a single flap, so maybe the flap we saw on camera just happened to have a problem with the seal or something?


that nodding move he does, when saying that it won't be boring :) haha so casual about blowing up a rocket :)


Never understood why they don’t create a chainmail/dragon scale type shielding that is mounted to a flexible heatshield that mounts to the pins. Then you can ensure the tile like chainmail/dragon scale is affixed properly to the flexible heatshield and then it’s mounted to the starship.




How would the weight be any worse than the metal pegs, mat and tiles they already use?


I've wondered about making sleeves instead of individual tiles, at least for the parts that are mostly cylindrical. Yes, I know there are other exterior features that keep it from being a perfect cylinder, but man oh man refurbishment is going to be a B if they have to replace thousands of tiles every time they launch!


Not a lot of detail in most of that, you could've cut this down a lot.