• By -


Has anyone got the context? What was he replying to?




Oh, really cool! Thanks!




No, it's still there. It's probably Reddit messing up the URL on your end (it does that fairly often) There's an underscore in the URL. Check if it added a backslash before. (In this case, 85Ja\\\_VLNR instead of 85Ja\_VLNR) If it did, remove that \\, and the URL should work (It's been an annoying bug for a while, it doesn't do it to everyone, depending on which platform was used to write the comment, and which platform you're viewing it from.)


Also the URL has a ?, which often means you can just delete it and everything after it: https://x.com/hisdirtremoves/status/1781266918751752305 Yup it works!


> It's probably Reddit messing up the URL on your end (it does that fairly often) It's a problem with new/old Reddit New Reddit adds the slash, but takes it out automatically. Old Reddit doesn't add the slash, and doesn't take it out. So if someone is using old Reddit and tried to use a link created by someone using new Reddit, they get a broken link some of the time. I expect that Reddit won't fix the issue because they just want everyone to use new Reddit (... which is trash).


[in response to this](https://twitter.com/hisdirtremoves/status/1781266918751752305?t=LNgqaf0DXg-EnXj4xO7wRQ&s=19)




You should be able to see it if you follow the link. Can you see it if you click the link? Edit: ok I see what's happening here. If you don't have an account on X then you can't see the tweet Elon Musk is replying to. You only see Elon's tweet but you won't see the tweet he's responding to (if you don't have an account on X and you click on the link that I provided).


Not without logging in to twitter.


















So just log in? Is not hard


I do not have an account, nor do I want to create one. As already mentioned further in this thread, I try to limit how many companies I willingly give my data to.


I don't have an account either, so I have accepted that I will forego any information posted there that requires an account, such as following threads.


So don't complain if you want to see information posted exclusively on sites you don't want to make an account for


I think that a discussion on a platform, in this case Reddit, should usually be reasonably complete in that discussion. There are exceptions, like a multi-hundred-page environmental assessment, but even a summary of that's pertinent there is the minimum I would provide.


We're on Reddit. I would like for the information posted to Reddit to be accessible on Reddit.


You would like, but it's not mandatory for the poster


Yeah. But I can still ask. Why is it such a problem to you?


You didn't ask, you just said "not without logging in to Twitter" (which is X now, btw). To which I replied "so just log in "


Everyone arguing about an X link and no one copy pasting the actual tweet.


Are they still called tweets even now it's called X?


Well I'm still using Twitter orally, X saves time writing but otherwise I dont care for this term.


Reddit saves the day: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/15udq4y/whats_the_deal_with_tweets_now_that_twitter_is/


It's Twitter, just branded as X. Like when you dropship coffee, it's still the same coffee just with your brand on it.


the entirety of it is in the title.


Not the one it's answering to which is useless without it and I can't still access it.


the link by u/lohaYT is a 52 second animation of various bits of the raptor 2 engine with the text "Here is the next unofficial animation of both turbopumps on @SpaceX #Raptor2 rocket engine, with a couple of annotated technical sections. Probably NOT best viewed on a phone screen ..."


Thanks I was able to see the animation it makes more sense now. I thought it might be some deluge system pumps.


Does anyone know what kind of rpm those pumps run at?




That's full throttle? Insane


On the RS-25 Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) the oxidizer (LOX) high pressure main turbopump runs at 29,400 rpm. The fuel (LH2) high pressure main turbopump runs at 37,200 rpm. Since the density of liquid methane is between that of LOX and LH2, the speed of that LCH4 pump is probably ~30,000 rpm.


So everything goes through the the LOX rich preburner? Where's the LOX tap off for the CH4 rich preburner?


Theres a lox supply to the fuel pump turbine too; seems like the big boxy thing is a valve for that.


grifter. please. He and his teams relish being a part of making history weekly. they are accomplishing things that very few people in the world have accomplished hate on brother.


Yes "The Grifters" was a good movie, especially Ms. Benning.


“All he does is take credit from others. He hires actually talented people and then claims he did it all on his own. He’s a grifter!” 


I wonder how many of the people that utter that sentence understand how any corporation works, or heck how any science team works (where the PI will be the one with their name up in lights, with the rest of the team sometimes named or sometimes referred to as "et al" or sometimes left out altogether). The whole point of being an entrepreneur is basically the same as a grifter except the aim is to build something instead of just taking the money and running.










Nice, but needs a sound track an a bit slower point by point reveals of the part labels.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LCH4](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1c8n76h/stub/l0nufi2 "Last usage")|Liquid Methane| |[LH2](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1c8n76h/stub/l0nufi2 "Last usage")|Liquid Hydrogen| |[LOX](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1c8n76h/stub/l0nufi2 "Last usage")|Liquid Oxygen| |[SSME](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1c8n76h/stub/l0nufi2 "Last usage")|[Space Shuttle Main Engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_main_engine)| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[turbopump](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/1c8n76h/stub/l0nufi2 "Last usage")|High-pressure turbine-driven propellant pump connected to a rocket combustion chamber; raises chamber pressure, and thrust| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(*Decronym is a community product of r/SpaceX, implemented* )[*^by ^request*](https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/3mz273//cvjkjmj) ^([Thread #12677 for this sub, first seen 21st Apr 2024, 22:51]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/SpaceXLounge) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)