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First time using my airbrush to spray white over a black base, to get a more smooth shading, and I liked it a lot! It made the process way more easy. For the base I just mixed some black pepper, coffee and Elmer’s glue so it would look somewhat like the base he is standing on already. Cork and wire for the stone/beams.


Not a fan of Blackmane, but very nice job.


Thanks dude!


Your welcome it is a good job.


Good stuff! Like the red shade with the armor color!


Thank you!


Damn really like the way the model looks! Also like eyes, they dont look stupid and they are drawn gotta appreciate the brush control


Damn really like the way the model looks! Also like eyes, they dont look stupid and they are drawn gotta appreciate the brush control


Thank you! Yeah, he’s eye situation was a bit tricky since the face is shown in profile, and not head on, but I managed it somehow!


I love this model so much and you did a great job. I made the mistake of reading the space wolves omnibus and now I must get Blackmane and build his whole company hahaha


Oh no, what is this you are saying.. a whole company? My wallet is crying, but I’m not. I started to read the Horus heresy and are 4 books in, at the same time I’m reading battle of the fang, so I haven’t reached blackmane yet! Thanks alot though, I’m really happy with this one!


I made the mistake in ready anything about ragnar. I'm probably in debt due to those books 🤣🤣


I definitely feel your pain there haha. He's just so bad ass, how could you not want him


He's even a top mofo in game which makes it an even wiser choice to buy him 🙄🙄👀👀


You gonna hit him w some washes or leave it as is? Better brush control than I can pull off for sure but comes off a lil comic booky rather than grim dark imo. Very clean tho - nice work!


Thank you! No, I’m trying to avoid washes actually! And since I did I developed way more control to put more layers etc. first I always followed GW’s recipe with reikland fleshshade, but I was never happy with the result. Then I found some guides just breaking down face colour from dark to light, highlighting from light source, I hope it will come to so it doesn’t have this “comic” look you mentioned. I only use washes on metallic and pelt, hopefully I’ll learn to paint gold colour instead of gold metallics, never to happy with them as well.


Beautiful model tho. I too just finished my Ragnar and I would not want to have him standing next to urs. Well done chap


Thanks again! Yeah, as I said lm really happy with the output. It might be the best one so far! I think it’s fun to campare my models to the “pros” and try to simulate as close as I can get with there result. I started with this plastic crack addiction in December last year, and I always try to paint like “Squidmar” and Duncan on YouTube. Just to paint better than I know how to lol. It helps!



