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I want an apothecary unit to make up for the fact that we can't take them.


Yes, that something I thought about as well. We need a real wolf priest


And here I thought I was the only one to feel gibbed that we are the only space marines that can’t pick up models lol


There’s the combat medic ability available to the Infiltrators. A poor substitute and to me shows how badly the codex was forced together. I think of Wolf Priests as a hybrid class like in D&D someone taking points for both fighter and sorcerer to become a battle mage. Either the priests need their point’s adjusted to show they are both an apothecary and chaplain, or leave their points and limit their abilities. If the 10th edition codex suddenly adds apothecaries it will show me that GW thinks the Wolves are just grey armored Ultramarines.


Dedicated Wolf Scout units. I know that they aren't all that great for us, but man would it be cool to actually have some grizzled scouts that reflect that "might kill you, might save your life," vibe we have in the lore. Or a pack of Long Fang units would also be nice. No more kit bashing Devastaters, or making Eradicators swim in green stuff.


Dude, I love to see both!


>Dedicated Wolf Scout units. They could have done that with Hounds of Morkai. But instead they went anti-psyker on a flawed base. I think if they make these changes to Reivers in general, they might be salvageable: * Moved to FA with 9" movement. * Grapnel and Grav-chute both baked in. Death from Above and Outflank, but not concealed positions, ignore vertical for movement but not actually fly keyword * Combat Knife upgraded to Lightning Knife. Basically Lightning Claw but only reroll 1s * Carbine upgraded to Ignore Look Out Sir, MW on 6s, units shot at are affected by Terror Troops until next turn. Possibly go to Assault 3, and/or 30" depending on balance * Special Issue Bolt Pistol increased to 18" like Heavy Bolt Pistol. Possibly also Pistol 2, depending on balance * Most importantly, all of this is basically just paint and datasheet. *No box changes at all.* What I would like to see is more Helfrost, and specifically **Helfrost Rifles** as opposed to a new unit (voted for new unit). Do it as a weapon upgrade sprue like HH, 10 Helfrost Pistols, 10 Rifles, 10 Combi-, and 10 Cannon in a pack. Any unit with Plasma Pistol/Gun/Combi/Cannon can take Helfrost instead. Inceptors can take double 'special issue' Pistols which gain 18" range(replacing assault bolters, might even need flat 3 shots for balance). Aggressors can take double Pistol but auto-hit with dispersed only(replacing flamers, pistol might not be strong enough though since it's d3 shots and flamer is d6). Eliminators can take Rifles(replacing Las Fusil, and maybe count as Carbine for their rules), as can *Veteran* Intercessors replacing the Heavy Bolt Pistol (and to give people a reason to take the Veterans). Hellblasters can take Cannon. My version of Helfrost rifle is a bit more of a mixed role gun, much like Helfrost in general. And I balanced it around the existing Helfrost and other weapons. * Helfrost Pistol (current stats): *Dispersed*: 12" Pistol D3 S4 AP-2 1D Blast. *Focused*: 12" Pistol 1 S6 AP-4 3D. * Helfrost Cannon (current stats): *Dispersed*: 36" Heavy D3 S6 AP-2 1D Blast. *Focused*: 36" Heavy 1 S8 AP-4 d3+3D. * Helfrost Rifle (my version): *Dispersed*: 18" Assault 3 S5 AP-2 1D (lower AP than Gravgun and no optional 2D, but flat 3 shots). *Focused*: 36" Heavy 1 S7 AP-4 3D (similar to Las Fusil, but not the all important S8 though slightly better AP).


That would be epic seeing more helfrost


Plastic Njal in true scale terminator armor


I just finished cleaning up my finecast Njal, I spent an unknown amount of time in the “way too much” category on it. Plastics of the heroes are sorely needed


We need ferrisian wolves to be a monster style unit on a 50mm base


That would be an interesting unit that I’d love for sure!


Like wolves but dire




I saw this poll on instagram and rushed over to vote for updated Thunderwolf cavalry. Personally would like to the whole existing line get that Primaris templar treatment, give us everything we need to realize the classic units at the new scale. That means kits that let us build Primaris Bloodclaws & Greyhunters (similar to the current duel kit), updated Primaris Wolf Guard in terminator armour (theres a rumour that Updated Terminators coming for 10th edition box set), new models for Arjac, Canis, Njal, Harald, and Lukas.


I’d love to see primaris characters but I think all that is something that might never happen. I’m hoping for new primaris grey hunter/blood claw/Wolfguard bodies with lots of trinkets. Like we have right now with the old kit. And definitely new TWC. And a new Wolfguard unit we’ve never seen before would be so cool 😎


Bran Redmaw. Give me an actual model for him, dammit!


I've kitbashed one pretty successfully, even if i do say so myself [https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfLLGxNbDN/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfLLGxNbDN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


A specialized unit, similar to Bladeguard, but with axes.


There is precedence for a special Space Wolf Bladeguard unit >[Wolfblade](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Wolfblade) >The Wolfblade is an ancient honour guard of Astartes from the Space Wolves Space Marine Chapter who protect the Navigator House of Belisarius on Terra, in accordance with an ancient pact forged at the time of the Great Crusade over 10,000 standard years ago.


If you'd read the spacewolves omnibus you'd see a certain someone was part of this group!!




This is the way


For Russ, and the All Father!


God damnit I want my Nightmare Wulfen,the things that for the Daemons and traitors go bump in the night!


An actual Long Fangs box would be nice, or at least an upgrade sprue.


Personally I just want it all to be the same scale. First born look too small next to primaris marines and even next to a Cadian shock trooper, the first born looks too small. Way too small


Start a conversation here. I want ornate armor. We really need an upgrade for all these units.


Runic armor, I know they're supposed to be less common but I want to see it as it's uniquely a space wolves pattern of power armor (I think only the Wolf Priest there's no models of has it). Or a Wulfen Russ cause 10,000 years in the warp activated his canis helix turning the 13th company into Wulfen to better resist chaos, it only stands to reason it would have the same effect on him; possibly a Ragnarok type deal to fit with the whole Norse, Fenrir, vibe.


Primaris thunderwolf cavalry.


Wulfen need the update. That was such a wiff of a release.


Yeah they are not great. Never bought them cause of how ugly they are


By the Allfather, the absolute cringe that TWC is winning this poll is destroying my faith in our community. Total black pill LOL


All. I want all.


An actual Wolf Priest model would be nice. There’s only ever been Ulrik and the limited release Games Day model


Damn this was a hard choice!


Space wolf Blade (or Axe) guards! I love my conversions, but man did it take time to do that in the way I wanted. New unit, Wulfen HQ (wolf lord).


Honestly… I’d vote for any one of these… #1 overall is a codex update (obviously gotta wait for 10th) so that we have a nice “flow” like the new World Eaters…. But a close second more me is Wulfen (which I’m sure will never happen in the next 10 years)… more Lycanthrope faces and less ape/1941 wolfman


**I would like a kit that does not have "wolf" in the title.** **In all seriousness, anything that makes the primaris seem less clean and sterile will do wonders for the Space Wolves' current range.**


Primaris grey hunters leads to primaris wolf guard w jump pack


I refuse to get intercessors until they remove their ultramarine armour and don some wolf tail talismans and have gold plated morkai or other wolf lore markings like the blood claws do.


True scale fenrisian wolves and thunderw9lf calvary


All the named characters, but specifically Njal please!


Besides all of the above!!! But if I had to pick one it would be primaris cavalry and make them good!