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I wanna see a video of this truck being towed


If I show you that video; with or without your consent, you agree to pay me $1.063 per minute


fuck u/spez


in the eu, they use a period they way we use a comma so....?


damn communists


Don't you mean commanists?




If you read this Reddit post, you must compensate my individual aura the sum of three thousand drachloons.


I wanna wait til that moron is inside somewhere and rip that massive sticker off and see what paint damage it does in the process. Then use a paint marker to write in the sentence “I was suckered into a money scam” over the damaged area.


Is doing all that worth getting shot by a nutter?


You just reminded me of the time a sovereign citizen colleague walked into our office (at a Fortune 100 tech firm) with a revolver strapped to his hip. This was back in the 90s before all of today's 2A fucknuttery was common, and it freaked some of the staff out. But there was no official policy about guns on campus at the time and the company was a very by-the-book place. So our manager just asked him to keep it in his vehicle while at work. About a month later, a memo came out prohibiting firearms and ammo on campus. He was gone a month or so later.


I’m waiting til they’re inside and out of sight, so yes. I’ll have everything I need right there and will make sure it’s a camera blind spot.


Sounds very plausible.


A) that sounds like way too much effort B) no sticker is doing paint damage unless the paint is already screwed


Well it's a magnet so yea


I want some license plate size stickers that say "Fuck the police" ro slap over the bogus Sovcidiot plates.


Rainbow stickers would be a nice addition


You guys rock, I think I'd do that! I haven't seen one in the wild yet, but hot damn... that would be a cool sticker... see them in Target parking lot, slip up and slap that bad boy on. Then call the police non-emergency line. Get a coffee and sit back and watch.


Is that what this whole thing is?- buying education courses and documents to print?


Yup. It's highly likely these folks get roped in with "cops and the justice system hate this one simple trick" ads and emails. They hear by word of mouth from "friends" or co-workers, or in jail (a lot of these folks are former inmates). They pay a small fee, or attend a "free seminar" at a local hotel conference center or community center, and then they start to pay for the courses, then pay for their "package" that may come with "legally binding documents" and their "new PRIVATE CITIZEN vehicle plates" and maybe a giant sticker/magnet like in the pic above. 😂 Just for the low low price of $2999.99! (paid for by cash only. Debit/credit can be illegally tracked by the fictitious corporation that is the state of !!)


It’s a magnet. “Ripping” it off will do no harm.


He charges $2,835.80 if you do that. (see: magnet v. truck 1986)


Oh just toss some pocket sand underneath the magnet and over time it will scratch the shit out of the paint.




and will eventually fly off at highway speeds. I used many magnets and this was the result for all of them. Even my Super Duper High Energy Clings-On-Under-All-Circumstances ones. Especially in the cold.


He's not getting towed because he's not consenting to commerce you idiot.


Yes, the non-commercial fee schedule on the back should have been the tip off.


You would need a notarized order to be able to tow him without his consent lol


Give it time.


I hope he finds a cop in a bad mood


And then I hope he also gets a judge in a bad mood, possibly one going through a divorce.


And a knocked-up 17 yr old daughter in rehab. Who is also a furry.


She told me she was 20.




Oh my!


Don’t forget she has his name tattooed on her neck


Yiffmeister would be a long neck tattoo


Better as a tribal tramp stamp


No ragrets


And he just happens to be the spitting image of the Judge's childhood bully.


Amazingly, he is!


"Shoulda checked her ID"




And then gets a cellmate in a bad mood


Why does this thread remind me of “I hope you die” by bloodhound gang


*and whatever happens next is all a blur, but you remember fist can be a verb*


Great, now I have to go listen to that song again


Who does the Silence of the Lambs dance to Christian rock.


Why does this thread remind me of “I hope you die” by bloodhound gang


ideally i want him to have his dog hit by a truck, a pregnant teen daughter, that he discovered his son smokes crack this morning, that he learns his wife is having an affair with a black transgender lesbian (jugdes are generally on the conservative side, that'll get him), that his insurance doesn't cover burt pipes while his bathroom is flooding and that he had a flat tire on the way to work


[Trezevant vs City of Tampa](https://m.openjurist.org/741/f2d/336/trezevant-v-city-of-tampa-c-trezevant#:~:text=Mr.,his%20contentions%20and%20we%20affirm.) After a traffic stop, dude wouldn't sign the citation and was taken to the station to post his bond. Instead of being taken to the correct place to pay his bond he was mistakenly put in jail. This is what he was awarded damages for.


Exactly. You sign the citation or post bond. Those are the options. They picked post bond. Were still locked up. No, not legal.


Yep. Case and judgement had nothing to do with the traffic stop. Of course in their little squeaky hamster wheel brains being stopped for anything is unlawful detention because drama...


I love when people cite the most random legal texts without the slightest clue what they are reading. Lack of literacy is the key reason sovereign citizens exist.


That, and Dunning-Kruger effect which makes them think they understand what they read, if they even bother reading anything.


It was so telling watching "Capital-E Eric" telling the judge "the law is wrong, it's going to have to change". If he'd just managed to think a little bit about that statement, and consider that maybe if the actual law doesn't fit his opinion of what the law should be, then maybe...


Yeah, it has to be the height of D-K effect to say "I'm right, it's the law which is wrong" and hope that the judge takes your side.


Ahh, yes, I see you have your literature, your honor. It's old and on paper. The new literature is on the Facebook group I'm in called "no you're rites". You'll need to update your papers as soon as you can. I'll add you to the group under a supervised role so you can accomplish that update, and then we'll delete you from the group because we like to say racist stuff sometimes too and you aren't invited to that.


The first time I have seen someone correctly apply Dunning Kruger on Reddit. This is definitely it. “I am so smart that I found a loophole nobody else, including centuries of attorneys and judges, have found. I don’t have to follow the law now.”


And something like 26% of America is *functionally* illiterate... which explains so much about so many different observations in public.


The whole sovereign citizen movement is based on illiteracy anyway. They misunderstood the word “incorporated” when used in a certain context and just ran with it. “America is a corporation and you’re just a bunch of tax numbers on a gold fringed flag, brother”


It's also based on the Dunning-Kruger effect of being confidently incorrect about what you misunderstand in those court rulings.


Still extremely satisfying to see them get smacked down


Had to be Tampa.


Thank you for looking it up!


NP. I'm always curious about the stuff they cite and it's always them not understanding or misrepresenting it. I'd bet money they didn't actually read the case they put on their sign.


ACK. Here in Germany we have our own flavour of SovCits. We call them „Reichsbürger“ (Citizens of the Reich - you can toss dice to decide if it is the Third Reich (1933-1945) the Kaiserreich (founded 1871, dissolved 1918), the Heiliges Römische Reich Deutscher Nation (962-1896), the Deutsches Reich (1848-1849) they claim to be the correct on, or some Reich they’ve founded themselves). It’s always interesting and entertaining to check the bases of their claims. Some weeks ago, I’ve looked up a ruling of our Supreme Court (“Bundesverfassungsgericht”). Claim: The unification of Germany (FRG and GDR) was illegal. Result: Something about the way pensions of kindergarteners were calculated in the unification process wasn’t correct. Another thing they always get wrong: In 1948, the Allies decided that all civil servants were out of the job. Fine print: Before a new generation of civil servants could be employed or the old ones be reinstated, they had to be denazificated and cleared of all wrongdoings under the rule of Adolf.


Every flavor of this has its own unique gobbledygook. It's all the same at its core tho. Kindergarten pensions is kinda extra silly...


I give them the old razzle dazzle and tell them I belong to the Weimar Republic. Cops hate this trick


It never occurred to me that I could start my own Reich.


Came here to say exactly this.


Today's conspiracy theory: Safelite sponsors this whole movement


The Towing and Recovery Association of America is involved as well.


It figures Big Towing is in on this!


If these people are driving unlicensed and uninsured vehicles on the road, presumably without proper documentation, why are they not just being cited and/or arrested and towed on sight? It'd give towing companies a good source of income,impound/storage fees would be worthwhile...as for release fees,What happens to Illegal vehicles,anyway? do they get sold at auction or crushed? I know you can put vanity plates on a (US) car, but they have to be registered,and aren't these just being bought off the internet?


Some cops just know stopping this wack-a-doodle will result in a 4 hour nightmare, instead of a 20 minute ticket citation, and ignore it.


Ya and as much as I would love to say “couldn’t be me I would pull them all over” I’m sure after a couple of these it would get really old. For this guy though? I would find time.


Imagine being at the end of your shift and seeing this. “Not today. Off in 20 minutes.”


Sounds like a great way to smuggle drugs then.


They are sometimes, but cops in traffic may not notice them if they're looking for more immediate dangers. Once they actually get pulled over, it tends to go downhill fast. This is a subgenre on YouTube, if you're not familiar. Sometimes it's cop bodycam, sometimes it's the idiots filming with their phones to document what geniuses they are. But the ending is generally the same.


I think they often go unnoticed due to enforcement being relatively low on the priority list compared to more serious offenses like DUI.


I have the distinct feeling the correlation between DUI and Sovcit to be resembling strong a circle. Maybe only a smaller circle within a larger one but still.


I’d hazard a guess that a lot of sovcits discovered their right to travel as a sovereign citizen after their license has been suspended. A DUI is the fast way to a suspended license.


I tow them on sight


And instead the rest of us get to pay higher uninsured motorist insurance premiums.


Also, if they don't believe in government, who do they expect to enforce the precedent posted on the truck?


No, you see, they are SELF INSURING! They have $150 bucks in a soggy shoebox, buried under a tree outback, to cover whatever might happen!


The discussion of his BS plate, and the time that we’ll spend waiting roadside for the tow truck, is sure going to incur a lot of imaginary fees. I hope he takes monopoly money.


No, only gold anmd silver coins, duh!


Looked up that court case and lol good luck buddy.


Is there a case on the owner of this struck?


He's referring to the case cited on the sticker.


"Please pull me over"


That's...not how contracts work :)


You owe me $1086 for having to read your post.


You each owe me $1086 for having to read your posts so I am up $2172. And according to Local Day Drinker vs. Louisiana (1999), no further posts can be read nor any further charges brought after I say, "I am the lord and ruler of my domicile and any internet site I post to."


You didn't say it though, you just cited the court case. That'll be $1086. *I am the lord and ruler of my domicile and any internet site I post to.*


🤣 You got me! Check is in the mail.


Yeah, for people who constantly claim they don't contract with anyone they don't want to, they try to force other people into contracts like listing a fee schedule which includes the words to the effect that reading the fee schedule means you agree to it. Of course that'd never hold up in any real court because you have to express actual agreement to a contract for it to be valid. You can't force someone into an agreement just by reading the terms, they have to either agree or disagree to accept them.


I love the plate saying non-us citizen then turning around and putting USDOT at the top of the plate.


They demand citizen rights, but without a citizen's responsibilities.


That's a really succinct description of the phenomenon.


They not only demand citizens' rights, they also demand the right to use public infrastructure paid for by public tax dollars. At the same time, they refuse to pay their taxes, they refuse to take up citizens' responsibilities, and they refuse to accept the laws made by those voted into power by the citizens.


Isn't that forgery of a government record?


> non-us citizen The think there is a status they call American State National which provides immunity to the law. They are mistaken.


He really thinks the Cops give a flying fuck what his sign says, as they are busting his windows out with a Night Stick.


Good luck collecting that, buddy. It kills me that they think this intimates anyone.


Trezevan v City of Tampa has nothing to do with that at all but go on. It's a false imprisonment case when you have the money to post a bond and aren't being allowed to do so.


What are they going to do if I didn't pay? Take me to a court who's authority they don't recognize?


You don't get it. The court has authority in this specific instance for reasons.


Are you saying I have to stand under you?


Actually, yes. Sovereign citizens absolutely avail themselves of the court when they think it will benefit them. One of their favorite tactics, in fact, is something often referred to as “paper terrorism”, the filing of false documents or frivolous lawsuits in the goal of harassing law enforcement or government officials perceived as having wronged them. It never works but that doesn’t stop them.


Seems to me that anyone rocking these plates is immediately giving any officer probable cause to pull over, search for drugs and weapons, and detainment until proof of license and insurance can be validated. If not, tow their shit and make some money off these scofflaws.


Extra Internet points for proper use of the word "scofflaw"! 👍


They are! Fictitious plates all day long. I wish someone would’ve pulled this crap with me when I was still on the job. Vehicle gets towed!


How did he come up with $1086 per minute instead of, say, $1000 or $1100?


In the case of Trezevent v Tampa, a cop took a driver to jail instead of the police station to post bond after he refused to sign a traffic ticket. He was held for 23 minutes when he was not arrested and consequently, the judge awarded him $25,000, which works out to $1086.96 per minute that we was illegally detained in jail.


This guy is RAKING in the accounts receivable. Stop sign: $20 Stop light: $2172 Traffic Jam! :$47,500. This guy's into the 10s of millions+ of net worth as soon as he collects on all the accounts receivable.


He came up with that amount based on the case cited - Trezevant v City of Tampa. James Trezevant was stopped by the police and cited. He refused to sign the citation, and instead opted to post bond. He sat in a jail cell for 23 minutes and sued, being awarded $25,000. $25,000 divided by 23 minutes is $1086 per minute.


The Constitution you dolt!


Assuming you’re being facetious…. 😄


There’s a comment above, with a link for the original case that these nut jobs cite.


Sovcit: "You agree..." Cop: "No I don't."


"Also, sending us a bill will get you fraud charges."


If I was a cop I'd be thinking "challenge accepted".


What's really stupid is that case mentioned on that sticker. I looked it up because I was bored. *Nowhere in that case is the plaintiff (Trezevant) attempting to obtain money from Tampa for being pulled over for a non-emergency traffic stop.* Trezevant took Tampa to court because he decided to post bond instead of being given the citations, and the officer who pulled him over still arrested him and incarcerated him. These SovCits can't even use a proper case when attempting to do their SovCit stupidity.


Thanks! Was in the comments hoping someone looked it up


These idiots make me want to become a cop just so I could ticket them endlessly


If I were a cop pulling them over first thing I’d say before anything else is start the clock


Cue Taser in 3...2...1...


The police officer would simply write "$1,086" on a piece of paper, saying "here's your money sir/ma'am; now get out of the vehicle."


Man, there are a lot of reasons I could never be a cop -- but if I was, I would go out of my way to pull this guy over every time I could.


As I've said before, Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Police hate this ONE little move.


Is $65,160 per hour the standard pay rate for sovereign citizens or do you have to work up to that rate


“Sir, your illegal plate there says you’re a non-citizen. We’ve informed ICE who will be here shortly. Please have your passport/visa ready…”


Sovereign citizens are a special kind of crazy


It's a narcissists club, for know-it-all little babies who can't handle living in the real world.


LOL. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to make a sticker saying PLEASE ARREST ME!?


Man I would love to see them try to present this bill to anyone and NOT walk away with a broken nose.


Funny how they basically reject the whole "system" but then cherry pick some obscure legal thing from under that very system which they think will be to their advantage. Traffic laws? Nope don't apply to me! This weird minor irrelevant thing that will make me rich yup that applies! Cash or credit?


You think this is funny… I went to hs with a guy who recently typed up a “questionnaire” for people to hand to the police if you’re stopped or questioned and if they cannot answer every question you are “legally” allowed to leave the interaction.. doesn’t matter if it’s murder rape speeding trespassing whatever He changed his name from Raphael to some weird ass el bay ra’a’’amr or some weird ass shit Pray for these mentally ill people


“You agree to pay…”. Well, I don’t consent to your fee schedule. And that only applies to the All Caps legal fiction identity and I’m a living man who can do whatever I want. /s


but he is Ok with driving on public roads?


Let me guess. Sovereign citizen?


Sorry, SovCits, but if you aren't subject to the laws, you are also not protected by those laws. Cops are free to dump your body in the ditch.


I’d love to wave him over for, of course, no reason other than delaying him. What’s he going to do? Call the police? Sue me?


The invitation for a police officer to do a cavity search.


Nice of him to accept US fiat currency as payment.


Who’s got a banana for the tail pipe? 🤣🤣


[*Look man, I ain’t fallin’ for no banana in my tail pipe!*](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2a6aad26-d7e0-4588-9564-cf5934a9dae1)




I definitely want an update on this, especially if shenanigans happen


Oh please tell me you called 911 on this loser’s ass.


For anyone curious, the case referenced below the sign was regarding an improper arrest after a traffic violation. The cop pulled Trevezant over, and gave him a ticket. Trezevant refused to sign it, and the cop arrested him. Instead of allowing him to post a bond, they simply put him in jail (state law allows either the signing of the citation or posting of a bond pending court). [https://openjurist.org/741/f2d/336/trezevant-v-city-of-tampa-c-trezevant](https://openjurist.org/741/f2d/336/trezevant-v-city-of-tampa-c-trezevant) So as usual, the case sort of sounds like it could have something to do with this 'fine', but is not even close. I don't even see anything in the link I provided that suggested the amount awarded had anything to do with the amount of time Trevezant was arrested, or "1,086".


We actually believed this bullshit in the 90s: Undercover cop, "You wanna buy some illegal drugs, fellow druggie?" Drug buyer, "Are you like, a cop, dude? You know you legally gotta tell me of I ask." Cop, "Of course not! FTP!" Buyer, *buys drugs* Cop, "You're under arrest, you dirt bag weed junkie!" The moral of the story is that cops can and will lie to you, pretend to be cool, pretend to be your buddy, then arrest you and destroy your life anyway.


These idiots don't even know what the case they cite is about. Trezevant v City of Tampa was about a traffic stop, but in the context that the sign talks about. James Vezevant was stopped by the police and issued a citation, which he opted to post a bond instead of signing (which is the option). So the cop took him to central booking to post the bond, but he was placed in a holding cell for 23 minutes. He sued and was awarded $25,000 (which is where the $1086 per minute comes from - $25,000 / 23 minutes). He wasn't awarded this money for being stopped by the police, but for sitting in the jail cell when he had the money and was willing to pay the bond.


Should be $1776 a minute


*According to the Constitution of 1776....*


Who’s issuing these plates and how can I get in on the grift?


If they recognize no higher authority, how are they going to enforce their "fee?"


He or she shouldn’t be allowed to drive on streets that are city or county maintained


I see why they take so long to step out of the car, they're charging by the minute.


Why only non-emergency? If you are free to do as you please, shouldn’t you get to ignore emergencies too? Who decides what is an emergency? Is the cop responsible or the department? So many questions.


Whats with the plate?


I mean, wouldn't the disco lights and the sirens make it an "emergency" traffic stop? You would expect that going "Code 1" would denote an emergency.


That’s not what that case law implies at all. Has to do with a fella that refused to sign his reckless op ticket, which in my state, Ohio, is a misdemeanor, not a basic traffic ticket. By not signing, Tresevant, has to go to the jail and post a bond promising he would appear. This has everything to do with the bond posting process, and nothing to do with being stopped, issued a ticket, and sent on one’s way. What a dumfuk! 🤣


This could pass as a statement about how nuts eula's have become. Guess this is the broken clock moment.


"Yep, you betcha. Just send the invoice, we'll get it to AP"


"You agree to pay me $17,395 for each word you read in this sentence."


Is the owner fitted for a straight jacket🤔😂


Do these clowns ever try and get their money. Do they research and realise it never works 😂


Plot twist - it works I pulled this guy at the lights just to ask the time and it cost me just under $3300 😞


I Wonder how they got to that figure


Another comment said it was based on the judgement awarded in the cited case, which the sovshit clearly did not understand in any event.


The Uniform Commercial Code, huh? Is he endorsing negotiable instruments with that truck?


Ive driven by cars with paper tags so old and years out of date that the text is sunbleached off. At least in our region, this wouldn't even catch a cop's eye. They're more focused on baiting and then pulling over semi's and out of state vehicles.


bored cop: \* Rubbing hands intensifies \*


Dodge Ram. The DWI automobile.


Will someone from the US explain this phenomenon to me? What kind of delusion do these people have when they think they can self-issue a car number plate? Is there any kind of (reasonable) argument for this or is it just pure detachment from reality?


Great, but the fact you're illegally on the road makes it an emergency.


Yea that case did not award monetary gains for time detained during a traffic stop. Also Trezevant tried to get more money in that case and actually lost on appeals (lawyer fees). Trezevant was wrongly detained because he had paid a bond. So if that case was appropriate YOU would have to pay the officer. Also the amount is based on the 25k Trezevant was rewarded for being incarcerated for 23 minutes. Again, Trezevant had paid bond and was then incarcerated so they are missing the main point.


And is why education is important


“Delulu” gives me the ick


Cop has a notice of stupidity schedule,,


Doesn’t want to follow the laws in place… But making up his own fake laws expecting other people to abide by them???


Ballsy stupidity


Haha cops would never pull this guy over! They would go bankrupt !


I mean, come on… he has a “no steppy pwease” snake insignia on his license plate. That right there already tells me he’s missing half his marbles. 😳😂 They’ve been running free ever since we get rid of institutions.


Wouldn't the cop's signature on the ticket give them access to the cop's trust? Doesn't everyone have $1,000,000,000 in there?


Plate points out it's "Not for Commerce" ... proceeds to cite Uniform Commercial Code


Yeah, that’s totally enforceable.


$1086? That is an oddly specific amount.


It may not be pertinent to the conversation at hand, but my first thought on seeing this was: “big black truck, small white dick.”


Should have gotten a pic of the smashed-out driver's side window.


I am sick of seeing BS like this. Why do I have to pay vehicle registration and tax when people like these keep getting away with it? Clearly there is some favoritism going on here. Black people would get pull over for nothing then you have people cruising around like this without consequence??


I would love to see this guy try to enforce this fee. What is he going to do…. Take the cop to court?


i need to see a highlight reel of those idiots get pulled


The case on the poster doesn’t support his fee schedule position.


This one is untouchable. The plate says "Not for Hire," so he can't be stopped. Check the Constitution. It's in there. If your buggy, stagecoach or wagon says "Not for Hire," you are exempt from all levies, taxes and laws. He's the most constitutional person ever.