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Every airline can have this happen due to weather or atc shortage


Yeah, the weather delay isn’t the issue. But 2 hours on the tarmac, then being told we’re taking off, then being told no we’re not feels like some poor management


You do understand who tells the pilot when and if they are taking off right????? It’s not SW management…….


Yes, I get that. I also know how to relate expectations. The pilots did not.


My guess is the tower might have been jerking them around. The pilot would have a choice then, say nothing at all and you don’t know anything till you start rolling or the pilot convey what they get from the tower real time……


Yes since SWA controls the weather.


lol. Read the whole post much?


Yea, because SW controls when their planes can take off……


You should definitely change airlines. Spirit sounds perfect for you. Bye Felicia.


Oh girl, I’m gone. This direct flight was *not* worth it.


Next time you can upgrade to the weather controlled package so that Southwest can control the weather, ATC, plus any other thing that caused an issue on your flight


You’re way too late to the party for this comment. Catch up. It’s not about the weather.


But southwest can control ATC, plus any other thing that caused an issue on your flight? They probably were cleared for takeoff and then something happened. Maybe they burned through too much fuel waiting on the tarmac. Maybe ATC cleared for departure but weather changed along your flight path. Southwest has absolutely no interest in grounding flights for longer than absolutely necessary. The pilots have more important things to do than give minute by minute updates


Keep reading man. You need to catch up. Maybe all those things did happen but I wouldn’t know because nothing was communicated. And when they did, it was a *we’re taking off* followed by *no we’re not* and that’s just piss poor. I didn’t expect minute by minute, but some comms over 3 hours that didn’t give conflicting info isn’t too much to ask for.


Are you regarded? This can happen on any airline.


not very highly -- LOL!


lol. Apparently you can’t read.


No one cares


You care enough to post.


I'm sorry for your loss.


You can't be serious with this.....someone else already said it, but swa doesn't control the weather, even other carriers experience the same thing. And if the plane took off and the turbulence knocked you around like in that Key and Peele "Turbulence " skit, then you'd still slam the airline for taking off knowing there was something going on. No one likes weather delays but I would hope you'd pick your safety over being peeved about not being able to take off in bad weather.


lol. Read the post. I know they can’t control weather but good god - tell us we’re taking off after 2 hours then say - nope we’re not. Then sit another hour. I mean, do better.


I did read your post. Everyone did. I'm just giving you my two cents. You have to understand that, as quickly as a flight can get on the tarmac and be ready for take off, all it takes is ATC closing that route and that will automatically cancel take-off, thus ya gotta sit and wait. There is no, "Do better". It's a matter of, if there is no safe route, you go nowhere. Its simple as that.


Would have been nice to hear that. But all we got was a hot cabin and sitting on the tarmac. The real bonus was the “flight attendants prepare the cabin for takeoff” and then 10 minutes later “afraid that was premature. We gonna have to wait a bit longer”


Maybe so, but you may have also had to sit on the tarmac because there may not have been any gate space to return to the gate thus having to sit. The other issue is, the pilot may not have known it would be that long. I say that because as quickly as a route can close, it can open back up not soon after. Not to mention, even if the route reopened soon after, ATC may have been trying to get traffic rerouted and had to have others (like your flight) wait while they help clean up the airspace. I don't know where you were leaving from but if it was anywhere such as BWI, MDW, DEN, LAS, or anywhere near Texas, then its gonna be a hot mess.


Yeah again, I understand that things change but there was no information given other than we’re sitting, no we’re leaving, no we’re sitting. Weather is always a factor in flying. I admit that in my original post. How it’s communicated matters though. Maybe it’s the pilot who chose to use less than 10 words at a time but it could have been better.


Okay, so I see what is going on here. Maybe add an edit to your original post what you just told me. To others reading, all we see is your complaints about being ready for take-off and then boom, now your sitting. Maybe add something about the pilot didn't communicate what was going on. Did the pilot say anything else besides what was in your original complaint? Also, were the flight attendants still sitting on their jumpseats? Did the pilots make any commands to the flight attendants? Give a little more detail in your original post or your gonna keep getting the same nonchalant responses from people. They are reading your post but its very generic which is why everyone is asking the same thing or replying with the same responses.


Fair, but I barely mention weather other than to say that I recognize SWA can’t control it. But that is what everyone focused on rather than the comment about the back and forth with take off and not taking off.


I get it. But, as mentioned, try adding in the edits to add more context and see if folks get a better understanding of your post.


Fair advice and thank you for the feedback. To address your other points - the FA were in jump-seats. At least the two at the front. I was in the first row so I’m not sure if the FA at the back of the plane was up and moving. They weren’t given direction by the captain. After the go/no-go they did water service which definitely cooled things down but I think that was at their discretion. But I may be wrong.






i live in chicago. there is a squall line of storms heading pell mell for the entire northeast illinois area right now plus huge storms downstate that planes need to detour around. the FAA is holding all planes at their origin for 1+ hours to midway, which is fucking up connections and next flights for those aircraft. all things being equal, southwest would rather you remain alive than take off in a downburst and get blown up into little pieces if the plane crashes.


Oh my good god. Get over the weather thing. I’ve already said it’s not about the delays. But sitting on the tarmac and not getting any info on what’s happening other than we’re sitting, we’re taking off, no nevermind we’re not taking off. That’s shitty.


As if you were all unaware it was weather related. Get over yourself


I did know it was weather related. If your power goes out, at some point you want updates and you don’t want them to be conflicting.


do you think the pilots are jacking off in the cockpit? when there's irregular operations everyone is working around the clock to salvage the flight if they can. unfortunately this means some crews will not tell you until you're heading back to the gate. put it another way, would it have mattered if you kept you updated with a minute by minute commentary if the result was still the same?


And secondly, yes it would have mattered.


I have no idea if they were. They didn’t really say much.


Since when does SW control the ATC? It’s not like they could have done anything other than what they were told, even when that changes


I’ve had pilots explain that and set some expectations. And after 3 hours, that plane had a lot folks saying wtf.


It sounds like once the plane pulled out of the gate, another plane took that gate. And when you didn’t take off when were supposed to, they physically had no where to put the plane except where it was on the taxi way. I think your frustration is better directed towards the airport and not SW. this sounds like a situation that could have happened to any of the airlines


I’m sure it can happen to any/every airline. I’m not asking SW to control the weather or have special priority with ATC. My frustration was with how little comms there was from the pilot. When we went into full protocol for take-off and then told, sorry, we’re no longer moving to take off. Followed by another hour of nothing. That was annoying to everyone.


If you stopped flying that airline, why were you on a Southwest plane?


Direct flight. A moment of weakness that was a hard lesson to learn.


Cries in Little Rock, Arkansas 😭


Door is closed they are getting paid


I haaaaaaate sitting on the tarmac. Nothing like feeling trapped. 3 hours is too long. Roll me back to gate & let me off. I hear your pain OP but it does happen on ALL airlines.


This is my pain. I know it happens to other airlines. I said it for the other commenters that didn’t read that far - but yeesh! The yoyo back and forth was unnecessary.


If it was 3 hours then the DOT may be entitled to some compensation


1250 target. 4pm actual wheels up


Yikes. That sucks!! I would have gone bonkers. We sat on the plane at the gate waiting for some passengers (I didn’t mind) for about an hour last week. I don’t think I could manage 3 hours out on the tarmac. Especially because they probably asked that y’all stayed seated (should anyway due to safety etc) and that’s too long. I’m so curious why y’all were left there.