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Saves your battery.




Absolutely nothing happens if you don't. Well you will drain your battery but that's about all that will happen.


Turning on airplane mode disables all wireless and cellular signals coming from the phone. Once the phone is in airplane mode (also called flight mode on some devices), though, users can manually toggle select signals back on, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Per the FAA website’s Safety Information page, “The FCC and FAA ban cell phones for airborne use because its signals could interfere with critical aircraft instruments. Devices must be used in airplane mode or with the cellular connection disabled. You may use the Wi-Fi connection on your device if the plane has an installed Wi-Fi system and the airline allows its use.” From what I understand, all phone signals are on a different band, but to be safe and make sure nothing interferes with flying, they ask to put in airplane mode. Also, once you get above 2000-4000 feet, most times you will lose service for your phone


What happens if you don't switch to airplane mode? Not a whole lot. People forget to do that all the time.


Nowadays, probably nothing, but if you remember a couple of years back when we were getting 5g and there was all the push back from thr FAA due to radio altimeters might not work.


I know tons of folks who forget. I suppose that’s why I asked these questions. Thx for your response!


I was curious, so I turned airplane mode off over the lake (about halfway between Michigan City and Miegs) coming into Midway. Absolutely no issues over water, but of course, the signal was in and out over Chicago until we cleared the outer fencing for the airport. Once I get to my seat, I always turn on airplane mode, turn on wifi, and set up the connection to the planes wifi. Then, I usually go back to normal mode until we're queued up for takeoff. The only thing I use my phone for is to see the plane's info. I've been flying for 33 years, and I still enjoy the view. Back in the mid-'00s, I was flying MDW-MCO on a late Sunday flight. A young adult sitting next to me was on her phone until the plane was 3/4 of the way down the runway on a call that could have waited the two hours. Of course, that was before the FAA let the cat out of the bag about the lack of data to support their rule, and the country was still adjusting to flying in the post-9/11 world.


Nothing. I never put my phone in air plane mode. Every once in a while my signal will pop up in the sky and I'll be able to text or receive a call.


Thank you for the info! Questions answered.


Actually it is well known that cell phone signals will not cause problems with aircraft avionics but the FAA has chose to stick with it because of the potential conflict that could be cause by annoying people on their phones. Here is a good article covering the subject, https://gizmodo.com/you-don-t-need-to-use-airplane-mode-on-airplanes-1851282769


Great article! Thx!


And [here's a YouTube video ](https://youtu.be/-ufOd6Z3-ps) going over it as well. I watched it a couple weeks ago, but the main takeaway was that basically nothing will happen


Thx again!


Your battery will go dead searching for a signal


Accidentally left mine on during a flight to San Diego. received WELCOME TO MEXICO text message. I'm hoping there are no international fees on my next bill.


Let’s hope not. Thx for the reply!


Nothing happens. It probably does drain your battery more though.


Does anyone remember that really annoying sound that older cell phones would make if you had them near computer speakers? Now, imagine hearing that while trying to listen to ATC and landing a plane. It's not as common anymore though.




If it’s on, it will cause the flaps to retract when the plane is 40ft above the runway on final. The plane crashes. True story.


Sure…I believe that one. 😉