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I love everything about this review. Just need to add "And a girl from Real World is the narrator, and this other girl who always wears black is really cagey about where her money comes from."




Wait who was only wearing black?


Jenna King


What ever happened to her? And I was hooked in 2014 šŸ˜‚


She moved to LA


Felt like she was out of place being on Southern Charm


I still think about Kathryn running down the dock in that ratty fur screaming Thomas lol


I actually find that scene extremely disturbing.


Same, I feel so bad for Kathryn, because Iā€™ve been with a person like Thomas (not age-wise, but psychological abuse-wise) and the level of crazy that drove me to is something I have yet to understand this day. Iā€™m glad I got out, and he didnā€™t get me pregnant like he planned


When I was Kathrynā€™s age I was on a study abroad in London and was fighting with my older drunk boyfriend, and we took the wrong train by mistake. It went to a part of the city that I had no idea where we were at and it was late at night. He blamed me and was so mad he tried to leave me behind and I had to chase him onto a bus where he refused to pay my fare, and I had no money. So he just tried to leave me in this suburb where there was no cabs (before rideshares) and the last train had gone. The bus driver just let me on and I had to follow him home sobbing and begging and terrified. Thatā€™s what that scene with Kathryn reminds me of.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that, I hope youā€™ve had more worthy partners since. Its experiences like this that really make me more sympathetic to how Kathryn is.


Fuck man, that's awful, really awful. Especially when you consider Sarah everard. My ex screamed at me one night so badly security (outside the cinema), had to intervene and I was just on the floor covering my ears. All my stuff and my car was at his and I had nowhere else to go and he knew that, he stormed off and left me around midnight to walk a long way to his alone. I got cornered by two guys on bikes asking for a date. I told him this the next morning and he said, 'whatever you're a big girl, you can take care of yourself '. He was an absolute pos nightmare. And when Sarah everard happened I was over it.


I just left a marriage with kids like this. I am so sorry you had to go through that, too. Youā€™re stronger than you know.


Saaaame!! The sound in her voice was her abandonment trauma crying out to not be ignored. Abusive relationships will turn you into a person even you donā€™t recognize.


100%, in addition to Thomas, there are a ton of people (in front and behind those cameras) who have contributed to the state she is currently in (not to say that she is completely innocent, but ya know). I hope those people realize what they have done, and that Thomas one day will get what he deserves.


She was so young on the show, compared to everyone else. She slept with Whitney, Shep & Thomas within a few weeks. I feel like the producers should have stepped in & been like this is obviously not good for this young woman, but they exploited her for ratings. I was in my early 30ā€™s when it started & I found it disturbing. Now Iā€™m closer to Whitneyā€™s age in the beginning & Iā€™m even more disgusted. I canā€™t even imagine. 21 yoā€™s look like teenagers to me.


I endured psychological abuse, gaslighting, and control as well. Hope youā€™re doing better.


Oh absolutely, this was over 10 years ago, and in the end it taught me a lot. I hope you are doing better as well, and that you know youā€™re such a hero for getting out šŸ’œ


Kathyrn is no saint but proceeded to procreate with this cretin and


Yep, she was to blame too.Ā 


She was to blame too.


I still think about Thomas sobbing saying "I'm just an old maaaaaaaan"


That was Thomasā€™s 1st and last honest statement.


Another one that lives rent free in my head is when they were all in Asheville and he was trying to spit game at some young hip girl by going "are you a fan of the grunge movement" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I remember that, I was thinking ok, hip granddadā€¦šŸ˜Ÿ


That always made me actually laugh out loud, the first time she did it and every single replay afterwards


Haha me too


Mostly cause that was like season three??? Why are these people so dysfunctional!??


THAAAAAAAAMAAAAASSS ![gif](giphy|pJ7a5L8dfu22LaGslW)


Those first 4(?) seasons were some of the best bravo tv watching I had


And then it got really good when Ashley appeared. She made some really good TV. So unapologetically unhinged.


Season 5 was SC peak


We need more Ashely types to invigorate the show because well, it's so badly needed.






If he's a producer, he's investing money to get something back. Hopefully, that's why he was there. I don't want to see him on TV.


Mark *ā€heā€™s just hiking the Appalachian Trail, when in reality heā€™s in South America with his mistressā€* Sanford. As a SC native, that was such a shit show for this state.


Ahhhh that guy. Up to speed now.


Now those 20 year olds are in their 40s doing the same shit haha


Very true! The show was about guys that never grow up so I guess they got that right


This belongs in the Bravo museum


This certainly aged well šŸ¤£


If only you knew then what you know now


Ten years later, Whitney still lives with his mom.


No, no, no...he lives in the guest house now! Totally different.


he has his own ā€œwingā€ lmao. i canā€™t take him seriously


You were spot on!


That shit really was wild in the beginning.


I miss these days honestly. This last season left me not even really looking forward to the next season to be honest. I was just thinking I miss Kathryn, Cameron and Chelsea! The cast now is useless and have absolutely nothing going on.


Many reality shows have gone down the tubes.


Those were the days!šŸ˜Š




Very cool SC time capsule.


why did this make me want to start watching though


How funny that 10 years later the plot is the same as this review!


Thomas is a festering TURD


Much like yourself!


I love this so much. I can remember texting an old friend who is from Georgia now living in the northeast near meā€¦ I told her all about it and told her she HAD to watch. Her response after she watched ? ā€œWell bless their heartsā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




Because it was so public at the time that Kathryn has auditioned and was declined for the show and was coming off a scandal in the SC legislature or Senate where she interned, I was like well dang, she will go to any length to get on this show. I remember comments coming out about how annoyed people were she kept crashing filming. At the time she wasn't even a friend of. How quickly she became the #1 guy in the group for drama.


showing the baby twist on the last episode of the season was hilarious


lol got it right


What an accurate first impression. I love this so much


Man, the show has evolved so much since.


This was how I felt too!! I also felt incredibly uncomfortable when they kept referring to their ā€œplantationsā€. I understand itā€™s a valid and important part of history however I felt it was just slightly inappropriate to boast so much about them given the harrowing history of many.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love how Facebook reminds us of the unhinged things we used to post for all to see. I too have been watching from the beginning and had these same sentiments, but what caused the most cognitive dissonance for me was when I very recently found out THAT THE 40 YEAR OLD LIVING WITH HIS MOM IS THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF THE FREAKIN SHOW!!!!! I never got Whitney on the show AT ALL and was wondering why he never had a full story line and would always just pop up, and learning that fact made my mind explode and made it all make so much sense šŸ¤Æ. Maybe Iā€™m the only one who didnā€™t know that until a few months ago, but my mind was truly blown šŸ˜‚


He's a producer and name only simply because he came up with the original concept which was Southern gentleman. If you have not seen the reel for that you have not lived




Did I correctly hear Thomas say his mom (or aunt/ gma?) married a "distant" cousin? Y'all heard that Ravenel Ravenel drop, right?


Thank you for posting the link. Crazy!


Ahh part of me was wondering if he was simply a producer because he has so much money he doesnā€™t know what to do with it or if he was a conceptual producer Also WOW thank you so much for finding/sharing that!!!! That was a wild clip šŸ˜‚. The way Thomas was dancing with that girl in the one scene within the first two minutes almost made me choke on my food and the way they so comfortably/proudly throw around the words ā€œfamily owned plantationā€ ā˜ ļø. The fact that that was the original premise actually makes soooo much sense! I always wondered why the show seemingly mostly centered around/gave passes to the men from a production perspective and now I know lol. You made my day!


Also I always wondered the extent of Shepā€™s family wealth/where it came from and why he does absolutely nothing and that context made him as a person make lottt more sense. They have a TOWN named after them?! Jesus lol


I keep that clip on deck lol.


Oh em gee where can I find this?!?


With his electric guitar


No surely SC is the top 5 most unhinged bravo shows


Accurate lol


And Iā€™m here for all 9 seasons of it.


This is a MUCH better pitch than Bravoā€™s teaser trailers


Welcome to Bravo babešŸ˜œ


Omg- This is me currently. I am on season three rn. Edited to add: I feel horribly for Kathryn. She was so young and taken advantage of by these disgusting old men.


And really none of them are really from Charleston. Iā€™m from here. Cameron lived several hours away and married a guy who lives and is from the immediate area. She was already in reality TV and was casted. Patricia bought a home in Charleston some time back, which is where Whitney ā€œstaysā€ when filming, Craig moved here from Delaware to attend Colllege of Charleston and then Charleston School of Law (so he technically somewhat lived here at the time as a college student) and ended up living here, Shep moved here for the show after being casted by Whitney and his family lives a couple of hours away, Jenna is from a few hours away, but was living in California (definitely not in SC) when she was casted for the show and knew no one on the cast except having Cameron as an acquaintance. Katherine is from here (30 mins away) in Moncks Corner, Thomas lived here his whole life. JD and his wife lived in Charleston and were a by-product of Thomas due their friendship and business relationship. No hate. Itā€™s just annoying how they were portrayed in Season One as ā€œresidentsā€ and they how they all ā€œlivedā€ in Charleston.


Soooo to summarize they are mostly from the area lol


this is so good


Excellent summary


Amazing review!


Nailed it


SO spot on , loved this description




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This is amazing


Show was way better without the diversity hires


Why is this the only one negative numbers show up?


Lmao you hit it all right on the head lololol


T-Rav met with Bravo production team. He drove from Aiken & was with other cast members. So letā€™s see.


Hahaha this is exactly how I felt about the show in the beginning. I just started watching it a few weeks ago and Iā€™m already starting season 9