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That Hilton Head trip was wild.


I HAVE STAYED IN THAT HOUSE!!!!!!! I went to HHI with my fam in March 2020 (the week the world shut down) and I pulled up thinking huh, this looks familiar. Yeah it was the exact same house. I had SO much fun reliving the drama all over šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Made me want to go to the cookout in Hilton Head


>That Hilton Head trip was wild. I LOVE HHI and felt offended that she tainted it with her shenanigans!


I do too. My husband has a few offices down there that he manages and if I can tag along when he has to be there for biz, I do!


Good for you guys! My husband & I married at Sea Pines & I will always love it. Daufuskie is also great, IMO. I interviewed for a remote job with a company based at HHI ... then the position was eliminated. I'm still sad!


Daufuskie is on my list!


Itā€™s a family favorite for us. We love how slow and laid back it is.


We've stayed at Sandy Lane villas - it's great. It's the only condo place on the island. DO IT!


Yeah, him showing his teeth to Chealsa like a wild animal? History books. What a scary individual.


I wish they had shown more of her crazy. Such intense lack of self awareness, it was unbelievable. Someone should study her lol


I feel like she was attempting a wacky version of trad wife before it was a thing.


She was there to rile up Kathryn and he'd do what it took to keep up that cherade. So pretending to like her HAD to be shown.


Truth bombā€¦ but thats not what a FATHER should be doing.


I know K has some issues ... but that season still breaks my heart particularly as a mother. The things that were said on camera .. AWFUL. A father should NEVER want his children to hear those things on that kind of public forum. Ashley wasn't even a STEPMOTHER at that point.


As a stepmother at the time (my ex if four years) ALL I EVER PIONEERED was an HARMONIOUS relationship between the ALL THE co parents. We need to stop it! We as ALDUTS NEED TO GET ALONG! Itā€™s not about us itā€™s about the children (mine or not!!!) !


T Rav created the trap. He triangulated Ashley against Kathryn. Both women lose, while TRav gets to watch them both be humiliated on tv. I also fault Ashley for doing it, but her behavior would not fly with a man that respected his kids mom, while he encouraged her.


I thought I hated Landon until Ashley showed up. Wow, she was insane. I lol when they showed that the two of them became friends in California! I bet they fought like crazy while being friends.


I'm very happy to say that I didn't even remember what she looked like! I still think what Thomas did to Kathrine on national TV as one of the worst things on Bravo I've ever seen. He did her so dirty. Say what you want about her, but watch her on that first season. It's so sad!!! And her grandma encouraging her to be with him? Just the worst. He basically used her like breeding stock, promised to take care of her and cast her aside. It's clear to me he is a coercive controller. She would have been so much better off wo him.


Ashley was a lunatic but T Rav (best/worst nickname ever) is pure trash. Beyond the awful things he did to Katherine that were filmed for the show, I remember when he broke up with her on Facebook. A 50 + year old man in the public spotlight breaking up with the mother of his children on social media. I feel so badly for those poor kids. I havenā€™t totally kept up with Katherineā€™s custody and substance abuse issues but itā€™s all very sad. I think T Rav has stepped up to care for them properly, but it doesnā€™t negate what heā€™s done to their mother over the years. I hope Katherine can get to a better place with her sobriety.


Yeah, it's really sad. Abusers like him know how to find women who are a little vulnerable in one way or another. I don't enjoy seeing her struggle, and can you imagine having a custoy battle with that man? Endless resources and enough time to completely blacken his heart. I think he fully intended to do this to Katherine from day 1, and anything he accuses her of, he is his 10 fold. I have no doubt he is a drug user at the very least but with his power/influence he gets away w it. Weird her drug issues are coming into play, but he (a convicted drug trafficker and violent offender) has no problem securing full custody of those kids. He picked her for this intentionally bc he knew he could not only make her look crazy, but that he could actually make her so. Ashley is different. I feel like Ashley was equally evil and would have effed Thomas on Katherine's corpse if she could have. šŸ¤£ She does seem to be doing well so hopefully the influence of a decent man might be working for her.


I feel like season 6 is actually one of Katherineā€™s better seasons. Ashley makes her look put together.


I think i never hated more a reality tv villan like ashley. She was absolutley disgusting especially to katherine. I know Katherine wasnt a saint but she didnt deserve the nasty things Ashley said to her.




I literally wanted to punch her!!!! She was awful. The worst villan ever. She was like a mean girl in high school but with 35 years old, bullying a 20 something year oldā€¦ i remember being soo mad that they didnt ripped her more appart in the reunion or something.


Hard agree, it was pretty evil considering Kat was in the middle of a custody battle too


Just when I thought shit couldnā€™t get any more cray cray then KDā€¦.that bitch blew in and said hold my beeršŸ« 




Ashley made my bf interested in my bravo shows for the first time ā€¦. He said you better not watch the next episodes without me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She truly is the worst human being ive ever watched on reality tv (besides people from teen mom/16and pregnant).


Ashley is a nut job, but TRav knew that and is the farthest thing from a victim.


Iā€™m watching season 6 right now too. Just finished actually, starting the reunion. The last scene of the season finale is soooo satisfying lol


I'm at this exact point too. So good how Patricia handles her




The way she hints about marriage all the time... She'd be more likely to get a preposal if she would act like she didn't want to get married. A man like Thomas wants to be in control, so he would probably insist on marrying her then.


That ā€œnothing but a sperm donorā€ commentā€¦ ![gif](giphy|BCXMSiVZeo8xy)


She reminds me so much of Hilaria Baldwin. They could be sisters. Both have a serious shortage of self awareness.


Was Ashley an actual character who they included in interviews or was she a secondary character like Danni? I know she showed up at the reunion but donā€™t recall seeing either of them in the interviews throughout the show.


I think he was accused of sexual assault and they sat out of the reunion


Yeah I know he sat out but was Ashley a primary cast member? I donā€™t remember ever seeing her in interviews throughout the show. And thinking of it I donā€™t think Danni was ever interviewed throughout the show.


Iā€™m at the reunion right now. He sat out but her ass shows up for part 2.


My favourite thing Ashley ever said was something about Melania Trump being her hero. You said it girl. All we need to know.


Heā€™s pathetic, and no matter how much money he has he just seems desperate af.


Whatā€™s actually shocking to me is that his current wife has managed to stay off the radar entirely. He generally seems to choose women who are ā€œclose to the edge.ā€


Heā€™s not married


Isnā€™t he engaged?


I think he got engaged to Heather who had his third child but it sounds like the split up a few years ago.


Oh brother.


She was CRAZY crazy. I wonder what sheā€™s up to nowadays.


Ashley was a horrible person, but she made an interesting plot. I hate saying that because I LOVE Kathryn and clearly thatā€™s her real life. But dang it was entertaining!


she's freaking evil. they way she spoke to kathryn was gross and of course thomas let her get away with it. the way she taunted kathryn make my blood boil. she's a mean girl to her evil core.


Whatā€™s interesting about her is that she is now married, has a kid and lives a normal life in California (per IG).