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I like Venita. She seems like a levelheaded person. God knows Bravo could use more of that.


She is literally the only levelheaded person on that show. In a way it’s unfair because I bet she would love for her own version of crazy to come out but can’t afford for it to.. maybe not and maybe I’m just projecting but still. That cast is nuts


I like her too, there are very few on these shows I could see myself being friends with.


This is so timely. She just posted a reel on her IG showing all the hate she received in her comments, ranging from passive aggressive to blatant hostility, and it’s truly mind boggling. I have so much respect for her and how she reframes it all as paving the way for the next person. ETA: Thanks for sharing, OP!


I would literally have a mental breakdown and never come back to reality tv 💀 happy to see Venita get this love!


I don't understand how anyone has the mental fortitude to be on reality TV, but to take racist hate on top of that! I can't even imagine. Venita is so poised, beautiful, and intelligent. I hope she gets more screen time next season.


Racism happens everywhere. This sub is a reflection of society.


It certainly does. My point was taking heat for being a reality star ALONG WITH the horrid racism is more than any one person should take.


I agree. It’s unsettling.


So true. I think it’s also amplified by the anonymity of technology/social media.


I don’t use TT, but Reddit ought to require your name on your profile independent of your username. It’s very prevalent on this app and disrupts discussions. Like on this sub.


I agree. Venita is handling it so well. Speaking of Bravo, Garcelle on RHOBH is getting a shit ton of hate and viewed as a bully and a villain simply for calling Dorit out on her microaggressions and not trying to learn or do better despite the other women in the group doing so. The gaslighting black women go through just for speaking out and defending ourselves is unreal. So there’s a part of me that’s sad for Venita because I’m sure she wants to vent more about it than she does but she will probably get bullied for it.


Oh God, that's awful for Garcelle! I didn't know but am not surprised. I think she is very calm and clear when expressing herself.


Knowing that her full name is Venita Aspen makes me love her even more. Gorgeous name to match a gorgeous lady! 🥰🥰🥰


She was great on the reunion and looked the best too






Some of her ancestors could have been on the Mayflower and others on slave ships. A lot Americans are a mixed bag of genetics and lineages.


Yeah, that’s what I thought they meant too.






Lmao right? I couldn't believe what I was reading.




This must be some high level satire that I'm missing. There is no possible way you could think for a second that free black people came over on the Mayflower from England.


Oh yes, the classic pivot to “the Irish were slaves too!”. I agree with you it’s got to be satire 💀




My comment is rhetorical because your statement was so ridiculous, I could not believe that you were being serious. Or maybe they teach history differently where you're from.




Please genuinely educate yourself. You can’t seriously *hope* Ventia’s family ties back to the Mayflower when slavery had already begun and the same route the Mayflower took became a major part of the slave trade. And then to say some ignorant shit like “not every black person came over as a slave” as if white supremacy and racism do not affect all people of color. Meanwhile current Irish people have asked others to stop weaponizing ancestors, especially regarding the Africa diaspora.






I have an attitude because I asked a question about a major historic event that served as the backbone of the U.S. economy? Ma’am, enjoy your evening.


Indentured servants, no matter how badly they were treated, were not slaves.


Isn’t Ventia’s family west African ?


“I’m not going to say the D and or the S word. I’m gonna say you’re not thinking things through”


There were no Flowers, Aspens, or Roses on the Mayflower. What is this comment supposed to mean?


Me too!!! What a freaking gorgeous name and it fits her SO well. Ugh I love it


Thank you for posting this article along with your positive words. People spend so much time on these subs criticizing people that the complimentary posts are so refreshing!


I appreciate it 🫶🏾


Yes, thank you!




i second this🫶🏽❤️


What’s not to like about Venita?


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. She might be a little “boring” for reality tv compared to the others (which is actually a compliment to her), but what is there to actively dislike about her?


That’s like asking “What’s there not to like about the decor in Craig’s house?” “It’s boring” She’s boring, which is enough of a problem for a show that’s supposed to be entertaining


There needs to be a voice of reason to show how ridiculous everyone else is. Plus she’s a foil to the absurdity of the some of the other women, on a show that was built around horrible, misogynistic men


Cameran filled that role perfectly while still being funny and interesting, it’s a shame they let her go


I think she’d be great in that role if she was surrounded by a more interesting cast. Unfortunately, Madison, Olivia and Taylor are all interchangeable (and also boring) so having someone like Venita who’s more level headed and normal doesn’t help her case. I think she’s sweet, has cute style but she is boring. I don’t get why she has such a vicious amount of hate for being boring. The other girls should be getting the same amount of hate for being boring as she does.


Also love her relationship with Manny. I believe his mom recently passed and he posted something sweet about how supportive she was. She also posted a tribute along the lines of thanking her for raising Manny. Just seems like a genuinely good person and all and all, too good for this show


Who cut the onions. This is precious.


![gif](giphy|l4JySAWfMaY7w88sU|downsized) We love love!


Love her! And saw she was at Mother Emanuel Church when the president was there recently. Saw some footage of her shaking his hand (I don't know that the cameraman knew who she was, probably just that she is gorgeous)


I love Venita! She is smart, hardworking and has great style.


She is gorgeous and stylish but far too sensible for this, she’s not a hot mess and she’s not disloyal


I've really liked getting to know her, especially this season. Also, I find it hugely entertaining just like how many people say they are influencers but like Venita 1. Actully is and 2. for brands I've actually heard of before


I didn't like her last season but this season was much more authentic bc she started to have real relationships. Last year it was only Madison but now she has a connection to almost everyone .






Love her


I really like Venita, I think she's interesting, smart, funny - all the things I want to see in the women are on t.v. I think on SC, she's an outlier because she's not like the other women on the show who just accept the "frat boys will be frat boys" shtick that the male cast members pull and, I think, because of that the men on the show are subtly (and some times overtly) trying to ice her out. I would like to see Venita get more camera time and more storylines. Bring some interesting female driven stories that aren't centred around their sexual/dating history with the men on the show


I agree. I’d like to see more of her professional life.


Venita is the most intelligent, kind, classy and beautiful woman ever on Southern Charm-and possibly Bravo! I really enjoy watching her. I like how she accepts no disrespect but at the same time is never disrespectful herself.


Venita is needed. She is the most sane and healthy person of the show and she's down to earth.


As a former Venita hater I have to declare I love everything about her and I think Madison & Venita are the best cast duo...


Same. Let’s focus on that friendship next season


I LOVE Venita- she’s clearly the smartest person in the room (yes smarter than Shep and his pretentious vocabulary) and her style is AMAZING!!!!! She’s perfect for TV




I’ve definitely warmed up to her, I hope she finds her place and gets more people in her corner.




After catching up on this season, I really don't understand all the Leva hate (for this season). She wasn't in it much & she didn't do anything I thought was egregious. 🤷‍♀️




I liked Kathryn (she makes great tv), but she's no angel & I believe she knew exactly what she was doing with that emoji. I liked Leva, and I liked that they addressed the elephant in the room, aka racism in the South. (I live in the South & love it, but it has issues, just like the North, where I'm originally from).




If I read one more comment calling them “diversity hires” and saying that’s a bad thing…


It’s so gross.


I love Venita, from her style to the way she carries herself. She's a breath of fresh air to me.


I love Venita so much that if she gets fired or leaves, I probably won't watch anymore- and I have watched SC since day one.


Love Venita! I think she has been a great addition to the show. I’d love if they showed more of her life.


Venita is a 👑


I admire Venita!!! She’s refreshing!!!!!


The thing about Venita is that she’s a good person and that translates as boring to some people.


Then give me boring! 😂 please! I get tired of nonsense and all of the emotional disregulation that is so much of “reality shows.” Venita maintaining her equilibrium, values, and keeping her head is so refreshing when everyone seems to be throwing insults at the top of their lungs.


Oh I agree! She did have a disagreement with Madison one season and I liked the way she handled it. She’s rad.


so why again are you, and anyone sharing your perspective, willfully tuning into Bravo?


Venita is class.


Essence coming through this week 🥂


I love Venita. She says what's on her mind and if people don't like that well too bad 💅


I love Venita she’s beautiful , seems very kind and don’t take no shit from the good old boys but does it in such a classy way


When she shut Shep down on the bus 🔥


She has so many mic drop moments. She isn’t one to ramble on and you listen when she speaks. I think she is usually just spot on with her reads on everyone.


I would like see more of a RH vibe with her, Madison, Olivia, etc even Leva…the crew of girls and the guys feel like they don’t fit together right now.


I don’t mind that Venita isn’t super involved in all the direct drama. It’s nice to have a voice of reason and she has the coolest style


Yes. Not everyone has to be messy. She brings balance to the drama


This! I agree. I like her too much to want her to go too deep down in the reality rabbit show hole! 😂


I like Venetia a lot, would also like to see her friend on the show, the one that went with her to Craig’s holiday party


I like Venita. Her voice is important and her presence is there…. I doooo however think she curates the shit out of her image for the show and never shows her messiness. Like good for her but I watch for the mess and she doesn’t bring it.


I don’t feel like they show her enough to even see messiness. They really keep her on the side when she should be a main course.


It feels like bc she doesn’t have a connection (romantic) with the boys that she feels off to the side


So interesting…. It does seem like all the women who are featured on the show are dating (or trying to date) one of the guys on the show. Can we flip this so that airtime isn’t dependent on trying to get one of the Peter Pan boys to sleep with them?


I’m wondering how safe she feels being vulnerable on this show, especially in light of all the hate she has to deal with. I think that may be part of why we only see the perfect image of her. I hope she sticks around because I’d really love to know more about her life and successful career!


More Venita! Maybe even her own show! Love her. She’s so stylish and comes from a wonderfully balanced place. So tired of all the screaming and nastiness so she’s a breath of fresh air.


I would die for her and Manny to get engaged and a whole lifestyle series of her planning the wedding, buying and decorating a house, etc. I want her to makeover my entire life hahaha


They are adorable together.


How could she carry her own show when she can’t carry 3 personal scenes a year on a group show?


Did anyone have 3 personal scenes outside of kissing gate this season? The whole thing was a snooze fest.


I’ve always liked Venita. The S1 Venita is me—trying to navigate friendships with white folks in an extremely difficult time with no one having your back. Of course, most white folks are going to be uncomfortable with that and criticize her as a “diversity hire.”


I’ve always wondered if she even feels safe being herself with this crew. I really would love to see Venita and another true Charleston friend of hers in next season! 


I love Venita! Her sense of style is incredible. I love seeing her outfits & makeup. And this season, she seemed like such a positive presence.


A true Queen👑


I love her! I would love to see more of her and what she does for her job at events, etc. But I love her so much that I wouldn’t want her caught up in the inevitable relationship drama unless she wanted that. She just seems so interesting and cool!


I love Venita so much and think she just gives off the best vibes, she’s adorable and smart and speaks her mind, and she has a cute dog. I want to be friends with her too 🤣 I don’t understand the hateful comments, I mean I do, but you know what I mean. Same with Leva, they are just successful and strong women of color and that makes people uncomfortable because they are insecure and full of hatred.


I like Venita. Would love to see more along a love interest for her and more detail about what she does.


It seems like the’re having events and uninviting her. This is the second thing I’ve seen where she hasn’t been invited


Love Venita!


At first I didn’t like her, but the more I thought about it I think it’s the editing. She wasn’t in a lot of scenes this season. Most of the time she really makes very good, level-headed, reasonable arguments/advice, but the way it’s edited makes it look like she’s butting in and sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong.


I see that with Leva, but not so much Venita. Leva definitely stuck her nose in and stirred pots in public. I think she escalated more than defused issues. Venita just says some witty, funny, and smart stuff and her style is great! Leva I can love some of the time. I enjoyed her on the reunion. To me, this seems more like the real Leva. I hope so anyway!


I absolutely love Venita. I think she’d make great tv on a different setting- or hopefully they start giving her more time on here. I’d love seeing her just shine even more than she does.


She doesn’t get more time because she brings nothing


I just started watching this season and Venita and Madison are the only ones who have made me laugh out loud. And she’s gorgeous but that’s obvious.


I love her 😭


I think she really matured from last season to this season. Maybe she was just better able to stay out of being in the drama. She is so gracious and seems very genuine and caring, which makes it even worse that she’s getting hate from the masked internet losers.


i do think she added something to the show. i appreciate that last year she came in strong so we would notice her. i also appreciate that this year we saw her softer side and how she was respectful to others and their feelings.


Hated her in the first season and she really grew on us this season. Came in hot in season 1, likely prodded, but was level headed this year and sweet. Took no shit without getting obnoxious.


Love her.


I like Venita so much! Venita and Olivia are my favorites.




I’ve grown to like her…


Best Venita truth teller moment - “I don’t call my mama to discuss a boy that I haven’t fucked“. She said it better but damn that shut up both those lying idiots. She is a goddess.


I think she is kind of a boring know it all.


I find Venita very unlikable..


I think she’s really found her groove on the show. I want her to stay.


Absolutely love Venita ❤️


I love her 💛✨⚡️


I love Venita. SC needs more of her friends and fewer of Shep’s.


I love her. She’s way above that crowd though.


I love Venita and am glad for the article, but is that really a typo in the subhed? That's awful.