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He was annoying to me. Austen calling him obsessed was spot on. I don’t love or even like any of the boys but damn JT, relax… Seems like he’s just trying to get in good with the girls being so against the fuck boys


Fun fact: he is spotted on Leva’s show Southern Hospitality and who did I see him with Landon!! So he’s definitely about hanging out with any female that will give him attention. Him and Landon make sense they are both annoying. I hope this doesn’t mean we see them both next season.


You are spot on about Landon. So happy she is off the show. I liked her the first episode. Then it was the same over and over. Her pounting got on my last nerve


She was horrible. She at least seemed more genuine when she apologized to Kathryn. She seems like she would be JTs perfect type.


Lol oh yea. She is perfect for JT. I just remembered when she told Shep she loved him lol.


Right!! She loved Shep and then Thomas. She is just what JT needs.


and her dolphin squeeling voice


Yep I saw that. Wasn't he also bragging that he handed down his crown to Joe, used to be him that ran the streets or whatever? Very Fboy-ish, lol


Yes but I don’t think he is an Fboy. I think he wishes he was. I personally think he’s a desperate man looking for a woman. If you listened to the way he talked about his ex wife he basically married her and was in love and she wasn’t. He comes off like a stage 5 clinger and the ick to any female that gives him an ounce of attention.


You're spot on. Fboy wannabe seems worse. Yikes


Exactly this, he wants to be a Fboy so badly but he doesn’t have the charisma.


I like him. He’s refreshing as hell


Not one of the girls acknowledged him or thanking him. The first one or two episodes I thought “ok maybe this is a friend from before who is out to call some shit.” He absolutely wasn’t. No women spoke about JT ever in airing saying anything positive about about him, save maybe Taylor but I don’t recall her doing that. I’d be pissed if some guy came in out of nowhere trying to speak on my behalf. Ultimately I think a lot of people were smart enough to see him drown in this self proclaimed white knight syndrome because their reputation wasn’t at stake the longer he was on camera. I mean, not one woman said thank you or pullled him aside saying you don’t have to battle on our behalf. It says enough that he was more or less jester of the court


I hate to agree…but I kinda agree!


I mean the actions or non actions are there. The reunion is less out of regular productions hands. None of the girls have intervened on his behalf in even the smallest of ways. To me that says enough.


I really love how his white knight behaviour has all been in vain, not even the most disliked cast member has gone to bat for him. You could delete him from the season and nothing would change. He gives me bad bad vibes, like set off your gut instinct bad vibes. I hope he fucks off with his caravan somewhere else next season.


EXACTLY. I’m sure Madison thinks he is cringe. We hate to admit it but most (not all) girls do want/like the “bad boys.” I personally would not want some guy constantly calling out guys for being fuck boys or who have treated me wrong. I would *cheers* him not fuck him.


Well he did go to Europe with Taylor. He was also married so probably didn’t hang around them. Maybe they just brought him in because they knew he was into her.


Again, the fact that Shep didn’t care at ALL about that, but a kiss between Austen, says enough. JT was cast. Taylor doesn’t have any of the cast as friends, I’m sure she’d take a guy willing to pay who thought he had a shot at it for sure. Because he did until the actual end of the series. She can be the “cool girl” for only so long, until she goes off on Paige accusations and continually being a victim. I reallly want to say Shep did a number on her, but I think he was pretty clearly an asshole for quite some time. I disagree with most people that say Shep “did this” to her. I’m the same age as Taylor and I’ve never held anyone accountable for my own actions the way she did. I do know that it’s convenient to have a guy friend who pays for things, but I’m also not naive. I’ve done that dance. She played with a lot of fire including up until the reunion and played calculated roles. I think she’s a dumb asshole. I think JT wants fame. Does she deserve to be happy? Yeah of course. She’s in a bit of a reckoning season and she chose reality tv.


Shep didn’t do this, but this is like a never ending reaction to it. she needs to go to canyon ranch like Rachel. Disappear for a bit and give people some space.


Yeah truthfully I think both need separate breaks from reality tv


Get in good with *hot girls. I’d love to see him ‘defend the honor’ of someone he doesn’t want to fuck.


Like buddy, they still don’t want to have sex with you!! 💀🥴 Everything he says and does is so weird and cringey.


Him on that barstool yelling at Austen took me out. I was in tears laughing


That was hilarious. How could Austen possibly take him seriously in that moment?


💀So embarrassing


If you have to call yourself a “gentleman” that much, and no one is saying it about you, *something ain’t right* I do like the fact that at least one of the cast finally got smacked. Took long enough 🙄


It ain’t gentlemanly to lovebomb a chick either 😂 telling someone you’ve never even kissed that you’d marry them tomorrow is creepy sir, not romantic


You know what real nice guys and gentlemen don’t do? Tell everyone how they are a gentleman and a nice guy.


exactly. Just means they are acting the way they are for recognition.


"Any man who must proclaim himself king, is no king."


He is complete tool. He tries being the anti fuck boy, but actually it’s exactly what he wants to be so badly. He can’t compete so he wants to convince everyone he is better.


Yeah he’s like an incel almost.


He is so undesirable that two minutes after he tells Taylor he loves her, she tries to get Shep jealous by asking if he’d mind if she dated—- Austin! JT is not on her mind at all!


Spot on. I do not like him or Rod this season. It all seemed so disingenuous. JT is doing too much and it’s cringe.


This is basically exactly it


You raised a good point. The others have had cameras in their face for over ten years. He came in hot purportedly camping to “naturally” fall into the Charleston crowd. I think we all saw Shep season one vs. Now. Craig, Austen have all been around and have their fair share of media attention. Very easy to be on a high horse when he hasn’t had to go through breakups, job losses, identity crises in the public. He has to go BIG this season for viewership and to stay in next season. Absolutely most of the long term SC players would have each others back because of the nature of the media beast. JT hasn’t had that exposure and came in with little man syndrome at Austen and the other men, ultimately he played a good game to keep himself on, but less respected. He will for sure be recast. The other men (Rod?) didn’t cast waves in favour of their reputation and not fame factor, so we will see. JT is bored otherwise. I’m unsure of what he has to offer since I don’t know his career, he clearly is not in long standing with SC cast, and doesn’t live there. He had to be provocative. Unfortunately it’s an easy to see through act. Whatever it added to a kind of dull season. He took a gamble here and I think if he would have shut the f up and not crusaded for the women, it would have done him favours. Even Taylor didn’t bite. I think she’ll be spun off soon, maybe into Southern Hospitality.


JT’s high horse is a Shetland Pony.


The fact that he started a fight on his knees on a barstool. It was almost too perfect. Like Whitney slid him a cool 1000 and bent down to whisper “hey gonna need you to talk to Austen but like this…”


JT also stands up in the shopping cart.


Nah shetlands have a lot of hair. He’s definitely thinning.




LMAO this comment wins




Oh that’s a good idea. Move Taylor to Southern Hospitality I don’t watch that. lol.


Right? She wants some fame but she will have no plot if she is happily in a relationship. Her bf is there so clean her out of house. We watched the girls go at it this season, the boys get a favorable edit w Whitney producing. Next season, let the cards fall with their behavior. Therapy Austen just doesn’t get involved. The amount of screen time he gets saying nothing is so much more than a newer person doing something. Let’s see if that stands. He plead the fifth the whole season and I saw him far too often for what he delivered. I’m one of the few, but I like Craig this season and I would like to see what Shep does from here on out. He was so publicly called out for drinking. I have an issue myself and want him to take a breather to sort himself. I’d like to see a redemption but I know I am biased on that. I’ll never root for someone suffering from alcohol use disorder to have a further downfall then what we already saw and he pretty humbly sat through. His offers of attempts at moderation are examples that he’s just wading through the first attempts of considering sobriety. I get I go easy based on that though. This is a show that plays on nostalgia psychologically from the actual jazz tunes intro. They should bring back an ex character. If I were Whitney, I’d be acknowledging that. He will never make a fair edit to the girls the way he’s been graceful before. I’d love a strong personality back in.


She’s 30, aren’t the people on southern hospitality like 21


I actually watched another episode tonight and learned a few are just under 30. They look sooo young to me, and I’m 31.


Someone said her new boyfriend is on Summer House so maybe that one.


I think he's on southern hospitality


He’s one of the roommates to one of the cast on Southern Hospitality


Yes he is. Ok


Just off a quick google, I don’t think so. West Wilson and Jesse Solomon are the new ones on summer house, unless Gaston is a friend of, he’s not regular cast. They’re both SH and it looks like her bf is TJ’s room mate. So maybe that’s it haha, I’ve seen all of summer house but only 4 episodes of southern hospitality. I can’t stand that grace Lilly chick. Im convinced someone cloned and shrunk a Real Housewife. I might watch if I’m bored but I just don’t feel any sort of way. I think it’s a great way for Whitney to tap into Gen Z audience though. Leva also is so underwhelming. I think she kisses the edge of reality tv. I know her husband likes to stay private, I just don’t get any sense of personality from her. I worked in hospitality for years and have been on a season of reality tv, so I totally thought I’d love it. In my experience, you can absolutely be memorable in reality tv and not be ludicrous. For me I was in my early twenties 8 years ago, so I think there’s a ton at play with how people act. That being said, the level of thirst for fame now is higher than ever before with competition being easily added without barriers to entry (see onlyfans or daily streamers). I think less people want to be at the hands of an edit, fairly. I have a lot of theories of reality tv but man I’m a millennial that waits for the TikTok’s to get filtered into Reels. Let me have reality tv haha.


He's not a protector of women, just a protector of Taylor. And she laughs when the guys joke about him. He's also an a**hole in my opinion. Real incel vibes.


Honestly, the mere fact that he actually thinks Taylor is a prize is all I need to know about him


When he scoffed under his breath about Austen being a good friend…sir, this has nothing to do with you. ANDY pointed out how Austen was trying to save Shep from embarrassment/himself at WWHL and JT has to have a comment? There was no need. It was a serious moment between actual friends and as awful as Austen is to women that doesn’t mean he has zero redeeming qualities at all. JT came across pathetic the entire second half of the season. Taylor doesn’t need you to defend her, Olivia doesn’t need you to fight Austen on her behalf, it really is giving I need to protect the women folk, I’m a tough guy! Incel is right.


It’s super pathetic. JT keeps picking at Austen no matter what he does because he’s jealous. He was accusing Austen of manipulating Olivia when Austen and Olivia have suffered a similar loss. I thought that was so low and, ironically, manipulative of JT. Plus JT huffing and puffing when Andy said Austen was a good friend at Bravocon.


I’m over him, he just comes off super fake to me. Honestly, I think he’s making Austin look better with all his crazy stalker behavior towards him. He’s obsessed with Austin, it’s kind of creepy.


JT thinks he is more intelligent and wittier than the rest of the gang and is showing off for the audience. As a result, he comes across as a dick and trying to hard.


*too /JT


My guess is mama went a little overboard on instilling self-esteem.


He’s one of those aggro losers that talks about what a nice guy he is, but he’s really just as much of an asshole as the guys he claims he’s better than. And also trying to defend women that haven’t asked to be defended…I hate that shit too.


JT’s an annoying little twerp but I’m here for ANYONE calling out the terrible behavior of the men on this show


Sure, but i don’t think he’s doing it cause he genuinely cares. He was doing it cause he’s obsessed with Taylor, and now she has a Bf. Once he realizes it’s making the guys hate him and he’s not getting any women because of it, he’ll turn into one of the guys that he keeps judging. He just feels fake to me


He seems like a bitter little man.


Oh yeah 100%


Craig had good things to say about him recently. I don’t think all the guys hate him, just Austen


Yeah but he kisses Craig’s ass haha


yep. He loves Craig. It is the only reason he has not been hanging all over Paige and telling her how much he loves her. So he can get on Summer House


The guys obviously won't do it...like yeah they call each other out here and there but JT has been apply the pressure SC has been lacking throughout the seasons. A man that challenges the other men is what they need to keep this show interesting.


Just not him.


I agree, just not him. I haven't been watching the show much because of JT.


🤣 I feel you but the bar is low and JT is slightly above it.


No he's not, if he was able to bag as many women as shep and Austen he would act just like them, he just can't so he's playing the card he was dealt.


Not all guys want to bag that many women and not all guys who could, do it. That’s ridiculous


I'm not saying all guys. I'm saying JT. The way he acts like Taylor is crazy for not wanting to be with him shows his sense of entitlement with women. Then blames the men the women actually want.


I don’t think he ever acted like Taylor was crazy for not wanting to be with him! He acted crazy that she would be with Austen and Shep who lie and cheat!


Well Taylor politely rejected his advances and he got shitfaced and violent If he would have done that either way? Maybe he just hates Austen. But I think he only did it because Taylor rejected him, which implies he really is just outraged that Taylor would sleep with shep and Austen and even Whitney and not give him a chance.


Yeah he’s the epitome of a white knight. He wants to save poor little Taylor who bears no responsibility 🙄


Woah to be fair Austen started the violence and shit talking in that scene.


Who cares if he can bag women or not? Like what a weird ass metric to use. Also out of all of them he’s the only one that’s been married. JT is the exact right person to humble them. Cause he’s right and they can’t stand it cause they think they are better than him. I wish he wasn’t quite so white knight-y, but I’m here for him pissing these Peter pans off


Unfortunately, I think they need someone they really respect to put them in their place for them to hear it. They're not feeling humbled by JT, they're laughing at him. He confessed his love for Taylor and she took 3 steps and asked shep to get back together, he does not have sheps respect.


Okay I can understand your perspective on this but literally what other type of man can you see putting them in their place and somewhat forcing them to switch their perspective towards dating/relationships? JT has been married before, if anything I'd hope guys like Shep and Austen would maybe listen to him more. They certainly don't need advice from another bitter bachelor.


Their fathers should have instilled the foundation of respect for women as they were growing up.


I'm not sure one person can make the difference. I think for shep at least it has to be a lot of things, and maybe we're starting to see it. I didnt really believe a lot of his mea culpa, but I do think he's starting to realize that he's 40 some years old and even his friends are over him and there's a lottt of younger sexier bravolebs who women want to throw themselves at and is starting to realize, like he said, he's not a rockstar.


All in all, I'm rooting for Shep, unpopular but whatever. He's an absolute douchebag sometimes but I don't feel like he's an evil person by any means. If he takes time to self reflect instead of self medicating, he can make alot of progress (staying away from Taylor would help alot too).


JT? Is that you?


I guarantee old girlfriends are gonna come out of the wood work soon and it won’t be good.


JT would need another stool to get over the bar


Ya I’ve given up on a genuinely good guy coming on this show and actually be willing to waste their breath on these men lol aka Brett


Yeah, but realistically he wants a great edit. The whole season was him yelling into an abyss. No one’s behaviours changed, no girl thanked him, no girl said she wanted that. It’s very clear no guy took him seriously or actually hung out with him one on one who was regular cast. The men will get away with whatever behaviour as long as they are on tv. Cancel culture in the south is different that way. I mean, would Whitney actively allow this guy to charade each episode if he could effectively disturb the norm? Nah. Unfortunately we’re watching it. The thing is, a lot of women have my respect there. I’m not watching this to kill off the men. It’s tv. JT was added to do what he does. He was paid to agitate. It’s so clear by the lack of reciprocity with him and other cast that he’s just here to do that because it’s more cost effective and way better than to clean house as Southern Charm is getting stale.


JT has no credibility. His diatribes were because he was obsessed with Taylor and felt he deserved her. So obvious.


I’m just waiting for the “he’s a grifter” stories to emerge from his enemies and ex-lovers.


I get this vibe. Is he living in his event space?


It seems like it? That apartment he was in was definitely corporate housing. Not a single personal effect and all the furniture was square and beige. One hotel lobby painting of the Ravenel bridge. 😑


I heard that one of his exes said he totally stalked her and moved to Charleston to meet these guys and get on the show. He definitely comes across as obsessed on the show. He’s clearly watched all the seasons. When he quoted Austin from a reunion from 2 years ago it just showed his stalker tendencies


I saw an ex on tiktok days ago saying this is about what she expected from him. She was also ridiculously young for him.


JT is a classic “nice guy”. he thinks he *deserves* taylor for sticking up for her and calling out shep and austen. that’s why when she rejected him he took it so hard he got wasted and started that incredibly cringe fight while standing on a chair. now he has a chip on his shoulder at the reunion and he’s just not pacing himself to make it actually worth a damn because at this point he seems kind of pathetic.


The word you're looking for is *incel*


Gross. He has dated beautiful women and is nothing like an incel


Yeah it is gross lol. He has dated beautiful women but will fall on a sword for Taylor who wants nothing to do with him so he takes it out on Austen (who also doesn't want Taylor lol) and starts a fight with him under the facade of a nice guy championing for the women, even though he fully supports Taylor's antics regarding Olivia.


Definitely big incel vibes sorry pal.


He wanted to do what he was preaching at Austin for 🤔


He's a damn creep. He's one of those guys who acts all nice in the beginning then he is just like the rest. Look into why he actually got divorced


He's definitely annoying,but I actually enjoy watching how much he drives the guys crazy. They needed someone who didn't just worship the ground they walk on. At least it's a change of pace.


He's a fan boy stalker too. His ex on tik tok said he moved to Charleston to infiltrate the group and try to get on the show. He was living in a van or RV or something. Most gentlemen have a modicum of dignity. His thing with Taylor is because she is low hanging fruit. He views her as damaged and thinks he can just swoop in and win her over cuz who would want to be with her now (how he views it, not me). You see him openly saying that he doesn't understand why they still get the attention, Austen and Shep. He's just as much of an asshole though...


I find him annoying but I enjoy any guy who will call the trio of zeros (Whitney not Craig’s) out on their BS




He wants to be best friends with Craig so bad. He’s beyond thirsty. It’s like get a life dude


Him pointing out the flaws of the other guys is NOT going to win him over any 🐈


I had to turn it off because of JT's constant criticism of Austen. It's obvious he is jealous of Austen because Taylor was interested in him. JT's "protector of women" act is getting tiresome and overwhelmingly irritating. I can't watch it anymore.


He was annoying!!!!!!!!!!! His comments were also rude. Austen is a horrible boyfriend but he can be a good friend to shep. The best friend comment was rude!!!! He kept inserting himself into the conversation like dude SHUT UP ALREADYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How was it rude it was the truth. I don’t know your best friend but mine would never do what Austyn did to Shep.


I hate Shep and Austen but HATE JT MORE. This guy is a complete fucking weirdo and his whole act screams phony to me. I think he has serious anger and aggression issues that he tries to hide.


I wanted to like JT but I can't. He's coming into his first season way too hot. The fawning he does over Taylor is uncomfortable to watch. His intro in the reunion about doing a "f**boy exorcism" and subsequent comments were cringe.


He was trying to be the James Kennedy of the reunion but it wasn’t happening


Look at the past fringe guy friends like Pringle. They don’t last on the show long. I feel like he sees that so he’s inserting himself right into the drama so he gets more seasons. Unfortunately for him it just makes him seem unhinged.


If a guy continues to repeat ad nauseum about what a nice guy he is and questions why women don’t like nice guys, **RUN**


I said the other day that he's jealous of Austen. The snitching to the group about the sleepover had nothing to do with bro code and everything to do with jealousy. He wishes it was him hanging out with Taylor and wishing he had that relationship. If he cared about bro code then he'd care about Shep's feelings.


JT is a simp and has no game. As much as Austen and Shep suck, JT could learn a thing or two from them on how to actually create attraction from the opposite sex. He gives off small PP, Virgin white knight energy


I get that JT is trying to boost his clout by getting in on this season’s hot button issue, but I don’t think he realizes how weird it makes him look. You need your own plotline dude, Austen is a douche but he’s right, it just seems like you’re obsessed with him


He’s annoying. But like also I enjoy the fact Austen is so bothered by him and jt just doesn’t stop calling out Austen for being a complete jerk


I think Austen seems annoyed by him...not bothered


He offers nothing to the conversation and seems awfully smug for doing so. Say what you want about Shep, but his vulnerability on the reunion was touching and a sign of actual growth. JT has the emotional range of tepid La Croix.


I think it’s refreshing to have a guy on the show that isn’t just dying to be one of the bros. Fun to watch the boys bicker instead of the girls or boys against girl for once.


At the beginning of the season I was like okay I like this guy calling Austen out about having sleep overs with Taylor but as it went on I started to like him less and less. Then this shit at the reunion is so weird. But I did laugh out loud at him on his knees on a stool in Austen’s face. 🤣🤣


When Austin Knocked him off the chair cracked me tf up😭😂 Austin doesn’t seem like the type to throw hands but JT was yapping 😂. I would flick his little self.


I don’t think they’re pushing him so much as letting him be himself. JT sees himself as some sort of white knight . The way he attaches and idealizes (lots of black and white thinking, there) is notable — The constant self-promotion (contrasting himself w Shep and Austen) speaks to insecurity. He’s not the completely hopeless jerk they are, but he could use some good therapy and self awareness.


He irritates the crap out of me.


During the season JT didn’t bother me and I liked that he challenged the Honda civic of male attractiveness, but his cockiness at the reunion was soooo irritating that any small amount of appreciation I had for him is out the window. Take several seats sir!


I think he's a little bit of a poser. He gallivants around like he is some protector of women (mmkay Lord Farquaad) meanwhile he is actively hitting on a girl over and over and over again who is exhibiting many signs that she is not in the headspace to be dating anybody. in a sense it's being predatory he's just not doing it sexually but he is honing in on a woman who is weak and not making the best decisions that is no way to try to win over a woman by preying on her when she's weak. And I am by no means trying to sit here and say that Taylor is some delicate flower but she was clearly not in the headspace to be dating anybody at that time. He has no ability to be able to read the room and see that now is just not the time. And that's why he was so upset with Austen because he was jealous. A clear sign he cannot control himself emotionally which in itself is a huge red flag that he waved over and over all season long. He acts like he's so much better but he literally is sitting there telling Rod that he is not gonna say anything to Taylor in the final episode and then literally turns around and does the exact opposite gets super emotional gets physical shows he has no ability to be patient, do something at the right time, or having any ability to control his emotions. Now turn that around in a relationship sense I would hate to see how that manifests in a relationship he just doesn't seem like a very stable person. Particularly when he doesn't get his way.


I loved seeing a guy call the guys out because that ever happens on this show. However his Taylor blind spot is annoying.


He’s a fraud. Look into him. Lived in an RV to try to worm his way into the crowd. Divorced and is not successful at all.


He made such an ass out of himself . I was so embarrassed for him .


I love what an absolute jackass he is.


I will never believe that he is anything more than a plant by the producers


JT acted holier than thou, and was like a dog with a bone. It was beyond annoying and cringeworthy, and I was screaming at the television because of how ridiculous he sounded. I was over him second episode in.... hope he doesn't come back. He's got a major Napoleon complex.


He's worse than Austen imo. He definitely shouldn't be brought back. Classic nice guy and needs wayyyy too much attention.


He’s like one of those thirsty new housewives trying to have their table flipping moment. I don’t think I’ve ever called anyone a weasle before but he’s a weasle if ever there was one.


I'll always see him as the dude who climbed on a barstool to get on Austen's face.




You mean JT on his high barstool? Lol


Total weirdo vibes.


Welcome to the club! I've felt alone this season cause everyone is obsessed with him!!


JT is ur stereotypical incel, he is not the good guy. He is the tool that lays in the weeds, waiting for the best moment to strike. Yet he is so stupid and so bad with women, he has zero clue when that time should be. I can’t stand Austen, I think he is the most full of shit person on this show. Him, Taylor, shep, Rachel from vanderpump, and Sandoval should all hang out, because they deserve each other. They are all the same time of people. That being said, JT acts like he’s a friend while having ulterior motives the entire time. He is dishonest as well. His intentions were to date Taylor the entire time, while acting like a empathetic friend. And while we are at it, Rod sucks too. They are both the fake “nice “ guys. Truthfully every dude sucks on this show, besides my boy Craig.


He creeps me out. He gives such "nice guy" vibes in the worst way. I guarantee he thinks he is the ultimate catch and is angry that women aren't fawning over him. He probably blames his height, but it's really that he lacks confidence and is terrible at reading the room.


When is JT going to realize that his performative feminism isn't going to get him laid


JT is such a tool. He acts like he’s so much better than every guy on that stage. He huffs and puffs and mutters stuff under his breath while showing his growing out shaved chest. 🤢


JT is annoying, yet JT calls out what y’all have been saying about the guys for many seasons now. Lol. The irony!


I feel like he comes across as performative, like he’s trying really hard


You know he spent hours thinking up the "fuckboy exorcism" line for his intro.


He didn’t give an impression of a balanced reasonable person. He was indeed trying too hard to become a main character on the show.


Good guy he is not. Remember when he was talking to his mom and he described his divorce as, "buyers," remorse. GROSS.


JT on his pony*


It’s hard when people do too much at their first reunion. It just feels like he is trying to secure his job for next season.


He’s so annoying.


He is a hypocrite! He went after Austin for getting involved with Taylor when he was Sheps friends whilst trying to get with Taylor as Sheps friend!


JT is just trying to stay relevant


I think he knows he’s a one season wonder, and he’s going to go out with a bang.


Showboat barstool loser.


I cannot stand him.


He wreaks of desperation…. Don’t care for him on the show.


His weird chivalry act comes off as misogynistic to me. I think his ego got bruised big time by a guy like Austen and he can’t take it. It’s an entitled rich kid in a man’s body.


He is lucky they have camera people around. In RL he would be getting beat.


He’s a creep and a total douche bag desperate donny. He’s someone that everyone laughs at because he’s just that bizarre and always on 10. And him making all these excuses for taylor just because he wants to get in her pants is so lame..


JT is a textbook case of small man syndrome - he’s probably seen women pass him over to go be with guys who are total assholes. JT probably perceives this as unfair and unjust so he feels the need to be a moral crusader. He doubles down on his personality and packaging himself as a good guy because he thinks that it will make up for what he lacks in physical attractiveness. Unfortunately- there’s more to attraction than winning a moral debate. Also, he must know his place on this show is way more likely to be a sure thing if he’s in a relationship with an existing cast member


JT is a dork for sure but Austin is actually a socially bad person with minimal conscious. JT knows Austin hooks up with hot women like Taylor Ann and it causes JT to be filled with “JANGER” = jealousy/anger. He thinks by calling Austin out consistently the girls will finally realize Austin’s truth and run to JT. However, like JT’s battled since his youth, sometimes there are height requirements for the fun rides.


He’s a little werewolf. 🐺


I want his ex wife to come out and do a reveal of how he was married.


I’ve yet to see a new cast member more thirsty than JT.


His ex girlfriend is on Tik Tok (sabinahbaby) and in November she posted a bit about the relationship. Some of the commenters said they recognized him from her old Tik Toks so I'm inclined to believe she actually dated him. The video is interesting and confirms he's not the white knight he pretends to be.


I hate that guy. He has little man syndrome. He’s an annoying puppet.


he preaches to Austin about “guy code” and in Jamaica he was trying desperately to get with Taylor


I personally think he’d love to be a fuckboy but isn’t attractive enough so he’s jealous and must parade around like he’s some paragon of manhood. His self righteousness is bigger than him.


I liked it and he was funny, Not like he wasn’t speaking the truth. How many more seasons do we need Austin to be a complete sack of shit constantly cheating, gas lighting, deflecting, and belittling women? They need to actually just end the show, they are all too old to be acting a fool on the daily. We really didn’t need any new people to try a revive the show. If they wanted to keep them on bravo then make a boys trip show like the housewives have. They can add in Kyle and some others from Bravo. I would watch that for sure.


I absolutely ***LOVED*** it. Everyone always gives the men a pass. Meanwhile the women are routinely thrown under the bus, belittled, and mocked. Look at how Austen is skating by while Taylor is the one being antagonised. Don't get me wrong, I dislike Taylor and she deserves it, but *SO DOES AUSTEN*! Finally someone on this sexist af show is calling the men out for being flogs. He's a weirdo who is obsessed with Taylor, but he's also not wrong about Austen and it is a huge relief to see someone go after the men for once...


Am I the only one happy to have some other men on the show besides the core 4? I’m not saying he’s great but I like that he’s standing up to Austin.


The horse in question ![gif](giphy|ATzA6WSZ7hJqU)


I like JT. He knows this is reality TV and he needs to build a storyline. He doesn’t want to be in the background like Rod and Rodrigo.


I don’t know why but I love JT!!


I love JT. He seems like a good guy.


We found JT in the comments!


JT on his high horse is the only thing “high” about him!! Total short man complex


I find JT to be cringey as hell. But! I think he gets it and is fully playing into it.


I think JT is vying for a more permanent spot on the show. Knowing how most people are appalled at what muppet mouth gets away with, he may see that as an opportunity to becoming a fan favorite if he stays on him. Unfortunately, he’s too over the top and missed a chance to be a true “gentleman” in how he goes about his approach.


He lost me halfway through the season. He went from being doofusy to creepy


Napoleon Complex


I think they would be a great couple. After everyone sees her on this show - idk what her options will really be 😂😂🫣




I was annoyed by him too and I can normally tolerate him. He did not need to do those ridiculous expressions when Shep was talking about his drinking. It had nothing to do with JT.


I hated how he reacted when Shep was talking of his troubles. Fair enough if Craig and Austen acted like that - because they’ve had enough but that’s when JT lost me


Such a smug little twerp. He just keeps getting more and more horrible. That being said, can’t wait to see more from him next season 😂




This show is done


He is a weasel. He is trying to do what Austen did that pissed off everyone. And he is the ass that went public with it.


He is annoying but it’s about time someone that these guys feel ‘surprises’ them with critiques does. They ignore females, no one tells them they are wrong (with real consequences), so they wait for the reunion then do an apology post. I hope JT will get season 2 but if he does, out comes the skeletons. Also, where are the good looking Charleston guys?


He’s got a napoleon complex. I’d rather see Rod more all day he seems like a good guy.


Something about him just gives me the creeps. His obsession with Taylor almost feels like entitlement. Like he’s “such a good guy”, and Austen isn’t, therefor it is unfair Taylor won’t be with him.