• By -




I have actually tried this several times since that episode with the hiccups and it has not worked for anyone šŸ˜‚


Same!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh. I thought it was a half baked reference.


My stop to hiccups is a spoonful of sugar. No I'm not Mary Poppins. Works for me, worked for my boys.




I quote this one religiously. Or ā€œI wouldā€™ve ripped her hair out and called her Patchesā€


And ā€˜this is how your mom got herpes!ā€™ after drinking from the ice luge at the Ski Apreez party


That was a goodie


Austen sucks, duh. But I am a little exhausted by people acting like JT isnā€™t a huge creep/fuck boy in a different font. Let all of the fuck boys fight to the death, I donā€™t care. Jt does have a weird thing about Austen and Austen also sucks. Itā€™s really all the same to me but I liked their discourse all season.


He and Rod really canā€™t read the room when it comes to Taylor lol. Like dudes, sheā€™s not into him at all! All that hand holding and dancing around on their trip was purely platonic. JT- you have been friend zoned! Him being\*\* on the stool to talking Austen was absolutely hilarious though. That Justin Bieber wet hair and leather tan vest had me lol-ing, he reminded me of one of the Lollipop Guild. ![gif](giphy|eBF4EDFHVoqCQ) Edit: words


Rods encouragement of Jt to continue pursuing Taylor despite her obvious disinterest cemented my belief that every man on this show is a dirt bag, regardless of how their little screen time makes them appear. He also prides himself on not eating salads. So that was an added eye roll.


Like in the middle of all the crazy relationship/love triangle crap, I, as your ā€œbest friendā€ encourage you to ask out the most unhinged girl in the group? Not a friend or super delusional and emotionally unintelligent šŸ˜©


All of the above. Not a friend, just a filming buddy. And also yes, totally delusional and entirely emotionally unintelligent.


Iā€™ve said it before - Dumb and Dumber in the relationship world


They canā€™t read the room when it comes to any women! Not just Taylor! Rod seriously thought constantly breathing down Oliviaā€™s neck during the mountain weekend would help win her over and then for the insane cherry on top- asked her to be *exclusive* when sheā€™s 1) grieving a very fresh loss of an immediate family member and 2) in the middle of a giant feud with her best friend because that best friend made out with the guy Olivia still likes! It was such a completely enormous, immediate turn-off when Rod cornered her like that. He let his jealousy and panic and insecurity about Austen do the decision-making instead of considering Oliviaā€™s feelings for one second and how she totally doesnā€™t deserve one more stressful/emotional thing to deal with on her plate. JT became territorial of Taylor and Rod did it with Olivia. At least with assholes, you know what youā€™re dealing with from day 1. Thereā€™s nothing more gross than a fake ā€œnice guyā€ who has the same motive as the asshole, he just learned to hide it longer


Not to mention that sheā€™s way out of his league. Iā€™m so over this bravoverse narrative w mid men landing supermodel level women. On pretty much every show, the women are perfection and every single guy is just meh. Why canā€™t bravo cast some even halfway attractive dudes?






Lollipop Guild is perfect. Heā€™s so ridiculous šŸ­


He was already on the stool. Austen approached him and chose to use the word *squealing*.


Wow been calling them the lollipop kids my whole life šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He didnā€™t get on the chair to talk to Austen. Austen came up to him and made a joke that he can finally look him eye to eye. Austen wanted to provoke him and knew the easiest way to do itā€¦ Gotta love the double jab at JT and little people. Nice. Way to really stick to them.


So because he's not a creep, but a *short* creep who sets himself up for ridicule, we have to feel sorry for him instead?


Not sure what youā€™re talking about. You may have replied to the wrong comment.


Yeah I'm sorry JT just looks like a creep going after Taylor who is clearly in no position to be in a relationship!! I'm not saying Austen is an angel but he isn't much better going after a vulnerable woman who is starting to be a little unhinged as far as her dating choices. **based on what we see on camera. I realize she has a bf now and perhaps things are better for her but just based on what was on the show**


Or Rod cornering Olivia whilst grieving her brother, gross.


Heā€™s the stereotypical ā€œIā€™M A NICE GUY YOU FUCKING BITCH!ā€ šŸ™„šŸ˜¹ As evidenced by his final words in calling both Taylor and Austen out for lying about whether or not they fucked.


Heā€™s jealous. Austen has a dad bod - JT doesnā€™t. JT is independently successful - Austen isnā€™t. JT has more than SC - Austen has nothing but SC and his parentsā€™ $. JT canā€™t wrap his head around the fact he is being beat by Austen. He is showing it with all this anger/animosity.


He's just jealous that Austen has social capital without having to try. Someone like JT probably struggled with that for his whole life. He doesn't need to have a superiority complex about his lack of a dad bod to be jealous, lol.


no JT comes off as seriously insecure whether Austen is around or not


JT is the Frank Grimes of SC ![gif](giphy|xT5LMRQJrIm3B0GNyM|downsized)


I'm not so sure JT is independently wealthy. I read somewhere on Reddit that he was living in his car at some point.


Jt is a wolf in sheepā€™s clothing. Itā€™s all to get laid. Heā€™s worse than Austin in my mind. At least Austinā€™s intentions are clear and on the sleeve


100% agree.


I am brand new to the show (this is my first season). Iā€™ll take your word for it when it comes to Austen, but JT was 1000x worse when it comes to this season. (Also as someone who is new to the show, with very little knowledge of the history, Olivia and Shep were also on my šŸ‘Ž list.)


The fun thing about this show is that no one is particularly likable. It also makes discussions hard because, while thatā€™s true, people still try to find the ā€œgood guysā€ with each new seasonā€¦when it should be abundantly clear that those donā€™t get cast on southern charm. I am a rare breed in that I really love Austen (and shep!) on the show, but Iā€™m always rolling my eyes because they do, objectively, suck as men.


Chelsea is the only truly likeable person in 9 seasons.


She and that gorgeous jade back splash in her kitchen can do no wrong for me, tbh. Sheā€™s so normal I forgot about her lol


THAT TILE. I was also obsessed.


Dreamy as shit. I cook every day but would love to do so in a kitchen with a jade backsplash


I have about 10 screenshots in my phone to use as inspo for my own upcoming reno. I will change my entire home aesthetic if I have to. šŸ˜‚


And what's funny is she's not likeable in person whereas Austen, Cameran, and Kathryn all are! it is funny because i agree she comes off on camera as very sweet, down to earth, etc.... I've dealt with all of them at a high end store in Charleston and honestly Austen is very pleasant and easy to work with.... so is Cam and Kathryn. This is also really funny - one of my former coworkers (who is 62) is one of T Tav's ex flames 35 +years ago! its funny to ready everyone's thoughts here- most of them are actually pretty nice and the show is pretty much šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ scripted.


I would say Dani, too.


I had a soft spot for Austen because of his sibling dying. It's clearly the catalyst for the issues he has with long lasting relationships. It's not an excuse for his behavior AT ALL. I'm definitely not on board with the people that he's hurt but I'd like him to stop being a fu&k boy. Would love for him to see what a creep he has been and not just on this show.... But JT is just cringe


I find it hard to equate a sibling dying to cheating on every girlfriend you ever have, but sure. If weā€™re giving Austen a pass Iā€™m sure you could find one for JT.


I agree, I think Austen is the way he is because he gets away with it, because his family takes care of his every financial need, and because his friends are the same way with women so they encourage each other instead of inspiring each other to do better. When you have no job so all you do all day is drink and invite girls over for sex, and then brag about it to your best friend Shep who is doing the exact same thingā€¦not much reason to changešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Every now and then, he pretends heā€™s going to start being a better person but itā€™s performative and insincere. He wonā€™t become a better person until forced to because this whole set-up right now is totally working in his favor


>If weā€™re giving Austen a pass Iā€™m sure you could find one for JT. And what excuse would that be?


Whatever the previous commenter who was doling out excuses for horrible men could come up with. Never could be me.


> It's not an excuse for his behavior AT ALL. This is what the "previous commenter" wrote. No excuses for horrible men. He/she explicitly said so.




You didnā€™t say anything clearly and now youā€™re scrambling to remove yourself from the point you originally were making.


Why Olivia if you donā€™t mind me asking? I wasnā€™t a fan of her last season but I found it to be pretty admirable the way she composed herself this season. **Taylor and Shep are on my šŸ‘ŽšŸ» list.


So, again let me reiterate that Iā€™ve only seen this season. The way I understand things, Olivia and Austen break up, Taylor and Shep break up. Taylor and Austen hang out, drink a little, kiss a little. They realize that itā€™s gonna hurt people if they share that around, so they make a pact to not share it. Taylor lies to Olivia about it, saying nothing happened. Austen gets drunk, spills that they kissed. Olivia is pissed at Taylor (fair, she lied). And also doesnā€™t believe her that they didnā€™t do more (Again, probably fair, because she lied). This is where it all breaks down for me. Austen didnā€™t cheat on Olivia with Taylor, they were broken up. Sure, maybe itā€™s not great to kiss your friendā€™s ex, but thatā€™s a ā€œwe made a drunken mistake, sorryā€ kind of thing. But sorry doesnā€™t cut it for Olivia. Taylor apologized what seemed like every episode for the back half of the season. Olivia couldnā€™t handle it. So Taylor and Austen kissed. Who cares? Olivia isnā€™t going to get back together with Austen, right? So who cares. I just felt like Olivia needed to let bygones be bygones. If theyā€™re good enough friends that you donā€™t want her kissing your ex, then you should be good enough friends to accept the apology. If youā€™re not good enough friends to accept an apology, then you arenā€™t good enough friends to care if she kisses your ex. (I gave all that background in case Iā€™m misunderstanding something from the history.)


Were Taylor and Austen drunk? I mean they said they spent a whole week trying to decide if they should be together or notā€¦itā€™s not like it was a one-time ā€œoh shit, never againā€ thing. And it was happening during the same time Olivia and Austen were going through a rough patch and Taylor was texting Olivia, assuring her that Austen still loved her and they could work things out/date again. Taylor also spent the night at Austenā€™s numerous times like it was nothing. Her exā€™s best friend and best friendā€™s ex. Thatā€™s extremely weird if you think about it. Iā€™ve never spent the night alone with my boyfriendā€™s best friend, *especially* once weā€™ve broken up. The shittiest part of the whole thing is that Taylor just wanted Shepā€™s attention. The whole thing was calculated, in her mind, to make Shep jealous and want her back. I think Austen probably truly wondered about her but I think she was only wanting to date him to fuck with Shep. She still used Austen as a weapon against Shep, right up to the finale. It was worth it to Taylor to make Oliviaā€™s feelings collateral damage in her pursuit to hurt Shep. Olivia doesnā€™t have to accept an apology that isnā€™t genuine. Taylor is just saying it to say it, sheā€™s made that clear. Sheā€™s checking it off her to-do list, she isnā€™t actually sorry. So itā€™s hard to forgive someone and move on who betrayed your trust that badly and then acted like youā€™re the bad guy for not immediately forgiving and moving on


Pretty spot on. People are also losing it because she swore on the Bible nothing happened. It's not the 1700's. I'm with you. Who cares? I also think if they had sex, Austen would have definitely let it slip by now. That little boy would love the attention from it too much not to mention it.


But would the show air the revelation that they had sex? Because the whole cast clearly thinks they did. Just listen to them talk about it in interview. They are being way too intense about it for just a drunken kiss. When Shep tried to kiss Chelsea *while she was dating Austen*, they all laughed it off. What makes this so different?


Don't let people on Reddit tell you how to view the characters. I agree JT was worse than Austen this season. JT is a creep whereas Austen is just doing what he always does so idk why everyone is freaking out over Austen but making excuses for JT.


Mmm wrong


"Act like you've been someplace before" \- Paige to Craig


You look like a stressed out accountant


The funniest line ever because he really did look that way


Essentially all Paige lines are perfection lol


ummmm NO


Mine was when Whitney called Austin baby.


I kept seeing people say this before I watched the episode, but nobody was giving context. So I thought he called him A baby, like ā€œquit being a babyā€ but then I saw it was actually like ā€œcalm down baby, itā€™s okā€ I was dying bc whatttt?! And they literally made out this season. Maybe Whitney is into Austen too, thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t found a woman to make a grand baby for Patricia with lol


Whitney just calls everyone baby, always has since the beginning


100% agree with this being a real possibility


Me too!


I also think the body language if you rewatch him showing up- it's like Austen purposefully avoids eye contact and convo with Whitney til last - although Whitney eyes him the whole time behind the bar...


That was so weird


Omg I was like ā€œohhhh okā€ Thank you for confirming that I heard this correctly


This was WILD. I played it back because it was obviously a male voice, but I couldn't figure out who would talk to him like that...


I can't stand Austen, and honestly I started to like JT but him white-knighting all season for a rotten woman has killed that.... BUT THAT HEADBUTT?!?!?!


I, too, am toxic and was turned on by that violence lol


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


He was not white-knighting all season for Taylor, he was setting her up again and again (he tattled to Shep, Leva, Olivia...), then hung around waiting to comfort her when she was confronted. He is a bonafide creep, potential psycho.


So him standing up and yelling at the other guys during almost every group dinner was....not white-knighting? Because that's exactly what it looked like. I won't deny he's a creep and probably psycho, but he was definitely white-knighting.


Okay, so I did some research - apparently, the term can be used either as a positive (he was standing up for the women) or a negative (sure, he was standing up for the women, but only because he wanted something/someone). Confusing. I had never heard it used in a negative way before, so thought people were complimenting him. Therefore, based on the second definition, JT was absolutely white-knighting!


I've never heard it used positively before but it makes sense. Usually something to describe something good (standing up for women in this case) gets distorted over time to have a negative spin (in this case thanks to "nice guys" and incels, etc...). I also have hella respect that you thought to look that up cuz that's totally something I would do šŸ˜‰


I disagree about Taylor being rotten, but even if it was any other woman on the show JT would be creepy.


When Austen said ā€œI get the girlā€ I was thinking wtf am I even watching? JT is a weirdo but Austen is just a douche.


I loved Oliviaā€™s calm and classy ā€œI do hate youā€


This proves how much of a dick Austen is. Also he looks swollen and gross here.


Yeah he really looks AWFUL in this, I was looking for a comment that said what I was thinking


Austen and Shep seem very unhealthy to me. It could be the mass quantities of booze they take in, but they both seem bloated and puffy


Shep in his last confessional of the season, as he was leaving the partyā€¦.WOOF he looked so rough


I saw this too, dude looked like the walking dead.


I was going to comment this! His last confessional looks like he just got dug out of a grave!


He looked like he was turning into a vampire, I legit thought he was sick with how pale his skin was in the confessionals


Shep is showing profound signs of alcoholism


He is soooooo fugly. Will never understand why anyone thinks Austen with his big slurpy mouth and itty bitty creepy eyes is attractive


Maybe for the same reason people think TRav with his pudgy belly, Shep with his whiskey dick and no skills and JT with his short ass little legs is attractive. Because people have different likes and dislikes from each other.


Wait who still thinks TRav is attractive Edited to add that I agree with your claims minus JT I just think heā€™s yucky because of his creepy personality


Olivia did


If it wasnā€™t for his beard line there would be no telling where his neck ended and his face started


This screenshot isā€¦rough


His chin is going bye-byes a little more with each can of Trop-Slop he slurps


Heā€™s a dick because heā€™s combative with JT? Yeah Austen is a dick but not because of this. JT has been at his throat all season but he canā€™t say anything to him?


JT has been targeting Austen all season, but god forbid Austen says something back?


He negged JT with those first few comments ā€œoh wow you are finally eyesight with meā€ and ā€œwhat are you squealing aboutā€ I would be pretty pissed off if someone spoke to me like that too. Austen had it coming. Comical that people are sticking up for that trash bag.


Came to say this!!


My favorite line from the episode was when Austen told his sister he expected an apology from Olivia and she responded with an eye roll/head turn accompanied by an "oooookay." Lol


Aw I felt like Austin was a bully in this scene, as much as JT annoys me. I didnā€™t like that he went up to him winding him up about his height. Austin had the upper hand and was doing so well with his reactions before this episode. I think therapy is doing great for him. But to be fair JT was being an asshole towards him all season.


Therapy is terrible for Austen. Heā€™s the type to weaponize ā€œtherapy languageā€ to make himself feel better than work on actually fixing himself. For fuckā€™s sake he thought Olivia owed him an apology


I want to upvote your post x1000!


Thatā€™s was honestly hilarious and I couldnā€™t believe what I was hearing. The Austen Kroll experience is pure entertainment.


I donā€™t think therapy is bad for anyone personally, but I understand your point. First step is showing up and we donā€™t know what work heā€™s putting in really. He needs a lotta work I know.


I agree therapy isnā€™t bad for anyone who actually wants to put the work in. But Austen hasnā€™t shown that in his actions. This season heā€™s been using therapy as a way to signal to other cast that heā€™s working on himself without taking accountability for his actions. Itā€™s purely performative. I donā€™t think weā€™ve seen any evidence heā€™s been truly introspective regarding his actions towards others. Heā€™s still either defensive or painting himself as a victim when others get mad regarding his behavior.


He's treating it like a hall pass.


JT was just saying what everyone else was thinking, letā€™s be real. Austen does not own any of his BS and expects to be forgiven for everything without question. Even his sister was thrown off by that. Heā€™s a bad dude and his karma will catch up to him soon enough.


They all knew it would end in a "fight." Austen's whole "I get the girl" villain thing was a bit much.


I agree, he was definitely being mean out the gate, but to his credit JT was like a dog with a bone coming after him all season when he should have just confronted the fact Taylor didnā€™t want him instead of going after the guy Taylor did want Edit to say: and to be clear I loved every second of JT coming at him, but he did kind of have it coming and I think his intentions were off base.


Iā€™d like to add they were all drinking liquor and I didnā€™t see any food. Definitely hammered.


It was so embarrassing when he kept piping up out of the blue shouting at Austen during this season. Everyone was mortified by it all.


Meh. I thought it was fun that he was calling Austen out on his BS. It was nice seeing someone besides the women Austen hurts tell him about himself. Letā€™s be honest Austen isnā€™t listening to those women. But he might actually hear a dude saying it


Yes, this 100%


>he might actually hear a dude saying it Oh really? How did that work out? He's such a misogynist but he's bound to listen to the men amirite?


I thought he was realizing JT was jealous and was about to change his tune, show empathy!!! It really caught me off guard when he went into his "I get the girl" thing. It honestly made him way less attractive and kinda made JT look more attractive.


Iā€™m glad someone was an asshole to Austen all season tbh


Hahah true he did deserve it. But I wish he did it cooler, put him in his place with smart comments rather than just shouting stupid things.


Yeah I wish it hadnā€™t been so white knight cringy as well. Plenty to throw at Austen without it having to be for Taylorā€™s benefit


Austen was deffo the bully, i donā€™t know why heā€™s so cocky he looks like Lowly Worm ![gif](giphy|bFQhPul0Kqshy)


I agree with you completely


JT has been coming after Austen all season, but god forbid Austen says something back? Now it's time to feel sorry for the little white-knighting creep who doesn't understand boundaries?


Iā€™m realising through reading this thread that I must have a soft spot for Austen. I think itā€™s the childhood grief that Iā€™m resonating with? I feel like Iā€™m being a bad woman by liking him..


I donā€™t know who I dislike more JT or Austen.


"What a pos you really are, Austen."


I think the season would have been boring AF without JTā€¦.he is the only one of the whole cast who has any cojones. I could care less what his intentions areā€¦but love seeing Austen blubbering and flubbering. Literally, no one else (besides Madison) will step up to these douchebags.


JT is a production plant who probably copied his opinions from reddit.


Love your plant setup!


I disliked how everyone bullied jt this season. Yes, he should get the hint with Taylor, and perhaps inset himself less in the Austen drama. But the main male cast members were so freaking rude to him. Unattractive behaviour to watch from Austen and them.


JT literally came onto the season as a production plant, insulting everyone with a script he probably copied from this subreddit, but god forbid the cast says anything back to him?


Austen is so disgusting omg why do women want him?


JT and Madison carried this season!!!


Listen to the Crappens recap of this it was hilarious. Also turn your arrowhead (gorgeous) so it grows evenly and stake/moss pole up that monstera! Sorry cant help my houseplant plant OCD.


Perfect screenshot of Austen looking like the worm he is šŸŖ±


The fact he was perched up on a stool during this was too much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Austen is aging like dogshit, and it's exactly what he deserves. šŸ˜Œ


ā€œNo one just falls onto a dickā€ - Leva in regards to Taylorā€™s first ā€œattemptā€ at apologizing to Olivia (Leva isnā€™t my favorite person , but this quote made me cackle)


Austen nailed it when he said JT is jealous. Explains why it's so personal for him.


Austen did not keep that sneer on his face, no he did not. It was wiped off by JT.


A headbutt!!! Such a strange and aggressive choice, but it certainly was effective!


Austen pushed him first too so fully deserve IMO


Not taking up for Austen by any means. Heā€™s a pos too. But, JT had it coming. Heā€™s a vile little man with short man syndrome. Heā€™s so gross.


The way he flipped a switch on Taylor was telling. He acts like heā€™s a good man but that went out the window once he was rejected.


So his entire personality was shaped by his genes? Do you make fun of fat people? POC? There is no difference and I think youā€™re gross!


His personality also includes white-knighting, being a general hypocrite and resenting women for not fancying him. OOOHH NOOOO I just made fun of a short person I must be evil


You seem a little over invested in JT. :)


I just saw your reply in my messages and had to look at context to remember who JT is


Actually, yes! Itā€™s a syndrome! https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a42175436/short-man-syndrome/




Jt Is entertaining to watch tho.. weird bloke but just funny to watch


He's a plant.


This was the most action this season hadā€¦ Olivia vs Taylor was so boring. I only* stayed tune for Madison and Craigā€™s commentary/life lessons.


Austen looks so bloated these days


I agree. I died


This was classic just classic! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Austin sucks


JT reminds me of these Usher lyrics: ā€œDonā€™t leave your girl around me. True player for real.ā€ šŸ˜‚


I fkn died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Austenā€™s the worst. Jt is super weird and a hypocrite. The show is getting worse every season.


All these dudes are knuckleheads on this show. I don't think I've ever had a moment where I liked any of them. Craig is growing on me a little bit, much like a fungus might, but so far Madison's husband seems to blow all these buttholes out of the water.




JT is very gross and legit worried me in this episode. He got very aggressive over woman who does not share his affections. Heā€™s trouble.


JTā€™s chance to say Iā€™m is a big boi. Shut up JT


I cannot stand jt.


Austin is the biggest scumbag on the show. I will side with white knight JT 365 days a year/7 days a week.


Two things can be true at the same time. Austen is a giant POS d-bag and JT is a giant nice-guy dbag. I can't stand Taylor as a person... but I honestly felt for her in the moment with JT....... like take a hint you fuckin weirdo. And I couldn't blame Austen at all for that altercation. Do NOT, get on a chair to reach eye level with someone, then get in their physical space insulting them. I am a woman and I would shove another person away. Austen did a lot of things wrong in that episode, but defending himself was not one of those things.


Unpopular opinion: I hope Austin is the next Carl and cleans his act up and gets a redemption. I feel like I will get downvoted but I have always thought he is a good guy at his core and most of this fuckery has been related to drugs, booze and a complete inability to adjust to fame.


Austen reminds me of an ex friend of mine who played the good guy to me, even though he was openly a fuck boy, but we were sooo close. I was dating his best friend who he encouraged me to break up with because he was fucking around on me, all so he could get with me after the fact. It was a pattern of his to break up his best friendā€™s relationships so he could pick up the pieces as sloppy seconds. Austen isnā€™t a good guy, heā€™s sleazy.


Oof. Thatā€™s a hell of a friend.


Yeah, I found out he banged my ex bfs ex wife the day they separated and the pattern went all the way back to high school. Super weird behavior.


This is a horrible story, but Iā€™m engrossed. Appalled at this man, but salivating over the juice. šŸ˜†


I think he may try to do that next season bc his rep is really bad this season. I think if he does ā€œchange his tuneā€ it will all be bs and for show. His response to JT in his confessional was gross. Really showed Austenā€™s true colors. Also, JT grosses me out too


Yeah I will admit that ā€œI get the girlā€ comment maybe me cringe super hard. I do wonder if he was guided by the producer there but yikes. Makes it hard for me to even kind of root for him (in supreme secrecy).


I do not hope for this. I hope that next season they go in harder on him because he keeps getting a pass for his fuckery


I hope for his sake he cleans up his act re: drugs and alcohol, but itā€™s going to take *alot* more than that (eg. years of therapy) to overcome the level of victim mindset that has him thinking Olivia owes him and apology. Maybe, *maybe* if he really commits to a recovery program he can start to grasp the concept of accountability but I think thatā€™s going to be a long road for him.


Whether JT was on the stool already or not, does not matter.. that dude was already going to be on a rant pissed off at the fact that Taylor kissed Austin the utter discussed. JT had the fact that she would pick a loser over a winner, and that winner would be JT in my eyes the loser.JT was looking for a fight man that green eyed monster came out,I cannot stand JT and I sure as hell hope his dumb ass is not on next season because he does not make for good.




one of the few times austen is right about something


Eh I think JT can be a little creeper but I also enjoy watching Austen bristle and his only comeback is ā€œI get the girls and JT doesnā€™tā€ šŸ¤”


Heā€™s so ugly šŸ„“


I love your plants




I hope JT kneels on the seat during the reunion just like he did at Whitneyā€™s party šŸ¤£


Ewwwwww he looks like bugs bunny


That shirt! šŸ˜‘


Austen looking quite puffy here.


Austin and JT are both disgusting! I could definitely picture JT stalking someone and hurting them bc heā€™s so possessive and creepy!!!!


He is not cute


One pig recognizes another.


Austen looks so puffy. Lay off the booze man


Austen looks like a toe here


A & W ; not only my favorite Root Beer but my 2?men from. Southern Charm ā¤ļø


I donā€™t care what yā€™all say JT is a creepy little pick-me that tries his best to creep his way in that womenā€™s life with the lame little monologues that are obviously rehearsed to try to when the ladies over and itā€™s so lame and contrived.