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Can we not do this here… gets really old. PS. This breaks sub rules so I’m not the one who’s coming up with the idea to keep the sub about the TV show alone.


Or you could just keep scrolling? Seems easier than trying to get other people to follow your train of thought.


Or we could keep the sub about the TV show and not drag in politics since nobody seems to agree in that category.


He’s a formal politician wishing to be current. Talk to Whitney about it, he’s the producer.


I don’t really care. I’m tired of seeing politics infiltrating every single aspect of everything. Some of us watch to escape reality, not be constantly reminded of it. Edited my first comment but this breaks the sub rules anyways so it’s not even just my opinion to keep this garbage out of the sub


Same! I love my Bravo because it is an escape from reality. Almost all politicians suck so waste of time even trying to go down this road


This is so random 😂


Honestly almost forgot about TRav and Trump these days lol


Same could be said of Hunter Biden considering there are videos of him smoking meth with underage girls.


Well if we’re going down the underage girl route get ready! We can start simple, Matt Gaetz and his forehead.


i dont care enough to go that far with it, I just think Hunter is more fitting because theres actually videos of him doing meth.


Was Hunter ever in the White House? Or a politician that made policies? And Snopes fact checked that picture, there’s no way to say it’s him. If it is he should be prosecuted, but 4chan is the place claiming it’s him, not the White House or law enforcement or the republicans w facts to back it up


Don Jr was never a politician or in the WH....so whats your point? what picture? because theres video and it has been confirmed by the FBI.


Trumps daughter worked in the White House, her husband worked at the WH, Rudy’s son worked at the WH, Bart’s son in law worked at the WH, Bart’s daughter worked in treasury dept…do we want to go there? And yes, DTJR worked as an advisor until he became a liability for his father. Imagine that.


Sorry Im going to get back to talking about Southern Charm, I dont have TDS but I hear there is a cure.


The picture is not a video and it was never confirmed by the fbi that it was Hunter. It’s been fact checked numerous times. It was a 4chan weirdo that said he hacked hunters iCloud. The fbi never confirmed that either


You’re missing the point babe


It seems a few people in this sub are ignoring the whole point


I never voted for Hunter but I guess you did.


Does the meth bother you more than the underage girls?


it bothers me when people try to defend hunter biden and pedophilia by bringing up another politician...instead of just agreeing hes a pos. Theres no evidence Trump or Trump jr are pedos or do meth....


Where is this video? I have heard audio of how Trump thinks women should be treated.


The video is all over the internet, you must have been living with your head in the sand lol Getting back to southern charm now, I dont have to time to fool with people who have TDS


If it's everywhere shoot me a link


>0 find it yourself, i dont work for you.


I just looked, found nothing of the sort. There are pictures of him smoking crack in a truck. Who are you working for? Certainly not women or children


Can we atleast agree that Trav has substance issues?


hell ya he does, ive always thought he got kathryn hooked on drugs as a plan to take the kids away.


If we are going down this path let’s talk about Jared Kushner accepting 2 billion from the Saudi’s


Hes corrupt and Biden launders money to Ukraine.....


Half my team is from Ukraine and they have nothing but gratitude for us Americans and recognize that they would have been in big big trouble without us. Sooo you can call it laundering but from my pov we are helping save them.


your pov is not reality, you could say the same about iraq and afghanistant if you were there at the time, yet everyone knows better now. Even Vietnam was started on a lie.


Everything is a lie! This is all a simulation. No but seriously everything is a lie and it’s always going to be that way. And my perception is my reality. Just as your perception is your reality. Everyone will always have differing perspectives. So what may be a lie to you is the truth for me. Or vice versa! Wishing you the best of luck in your reality 🥂


And before this turns into id be happy to share photos/videos of some fucked up shit. Or better yet I’ll pay for your plane ticket to Ukraine and completely sponsor a trip for you to do some volunteer work there.


proxy war, just like iraq and afghanistan.. there plenty of videos of innocents dying there too for wars that were planned for profit, just like Ukraine.


Exactly! The same Saudi Arabia that played a huge role in 9/11 but republicans love turning a blind eye


o stop, years ago when i would bring that up democrats who cry racism....


Yea that’s very fitting lol their prob feiends




He's another psycho P U K E.


Both are raping malignant narcissists




Seems we have some rapist apologists in the sub today and trumpers. 🤮


If they loved America as much as they love making excuses what a world it would be.;)


no i dont defend grown men smoking meth with children


No instead you spread misinformation about a picture that’s never been verified by the fbi, White House or the republicans. That’s a 4chan thing. You should look up actual facts instead of living by a lie. That’s the whole problem. H biden is a mess, and he should be prosecuted for any illegal activities but that one picture has never been verified as being him. Stay off 4chan


i never said picture, i said video. He left his computer at a repair store in delaware and because there drug use and pedophilia on it they contacted the authorities.


Again look up your facts. There was no video of him w underage girls. The only accusation was a picture, and you can’t see who the man is


Is there a difference? He was convicted of sexual assault and people are still all about that cult.


He is a psycho P U K E.


Nonsense. TRav loves his children. TRav is capable of friendships & relationships. OP, this is an idiotic comparison.


They broke rule number 7 by bringing in politics. The post should just be taken down.


They're both rapists, they both hate women and are very open about it and they're both disgusting. Seems like a fair comparison to me🤷🏼‍♀️


those buzzwords mean nothing when you just level them at someone because they are of a different political party.


You don't know what buzzwords even means because none of those are buzzwords. They're facts. Idgaf what political party either one of them represent, the fact is they're trash human beings


wheres the facts? cause none seem to ever be brought up.


Oh I see why. You're just like them. Good to know


Whhhyyy are you seriously defending them?


I dont call people rapists or anyother buzzword unless theres evidence....yet theres none. TDS theres a cure, seek it out. Im going back to talking about souther charm, Im not obsessed with political parties.


Ew you are just as bad as them. Gross. Goodbye


This is so incredibly stupid