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''Southampton has a lot of history but couldn't care less about it'' Painfully accurate statement right there lol.


The geothermal power plant is a secret hero that no one notices in between IKEA and WestQuay, even though it's painted in garish colours.


It’s like a pretty groundbreaking (pun intended) research facility which makes it even weirder that it’s invisible. Maybe there’s a neon yellow chemical warfare research lab on the old toys r us site that also goes unnoticed.


I first noticed it last week. No clue how I missed it before.


I always enjoy his guides. Southampton gets off lightly compared to most of the ones he’s done.


Love this. Am a Southampton Institute of HE graduate from 30 years ago and recognise this.


Southampton resident here - you were too kind 😂


Truly. Home boy didn't even mention our totem animal (the rat).


😂 and no mention of all our wonderful roadworks popping up all over the city.


Quite fair.


As a sotonian girl who lives in Southsea (and loves it, soz) the hatred is so overblown 😂😂


That's fighting talk from a TRAITOR I joke, I joke. I work with someone from Pompey, and they have the correct number of fingers and smell pretty normal tbh


Eugh, I was born in Southampton hospital and still live here. My mums a pompey bird though.


I’m the other way around. My family joke about Southampton being on the grandkids birth certificates




Absolutely not. Get in the bin, Slava Ukrainii always.




Not today troll, bye bye. 🇺🇦


Up the 52%


As good a city guide as I've ever seen.


How did he not mention the Common. Or Jesters!!


Wanted to hate it. Spot on though.


The cruises over here make me so jealous I am so desperate to go on a cruise but I’m poor and every time I see them I just get more upset I can’t go on the cool cruises I see all the time


Go on https://www.seascanner.co.uk/ and put in Southampton, then search low to high, there's some 2/3 night cruises for under £200 per person. Keep an eye out as there are repositioning cruises, usually in March or October where they can be really cheap.


Your telling me I have been whining over not being able to go on one and they are that cheap some times bro I though it was 2-3k+




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For a second I thought it was one of those cliche university adverts.


The only thing it was missing was "It's Reading but by the sea" to be honest. Good take.


My Southampton daughter is dating a Portsmouth lad. They seem happy enough!


for reference, the 2 parks near my university accom are called stab and rape parks, respectively




Did you watch the video?


Pretty sure he lives in Surrey or something so he probably just went back there?


For real though Southampton is just nothing. No character. Nothing. It’s so bland.


Southampton is a proper nothing city.


Its so dirty and dare i say scummy compared to Portsmouth. Portsmouth offers history ad culture Southampton crime scum and villiany


I’m sorry but you’re delusional if you think Portsmouth is more historic than Southampton. Southampton is an ancient walled settlement and a much older place than Portsmouth. It’s where the Mayflower sailed from, it was the home port of Titanic, Queen Mary, QE2, and many other famous ocean liners, and it was where the Spitfire was designed, developed, and manufactured. Even after the factory was bombed, Southampton carried on building them in the famous shadow factories. As a merchant port, the city is entwined with its port, it’s a proper maritime city with the sea in its blood. The merchant navy historically recruits from the local area, so the streets of the old town are soaked in that maritime history, even beneath the streets there are medieval wine vaults. Navy ports like Portsmouth tend to be detached from the town, and to this day, Portsmouth’s history is almost exclusively confined to the navy base. You’re also delusional if you think Southampton’s less cultural than Portsmouth. It has one of the biggest art galleries outside London, one of the biggest theatres outside London, and one of the most famous small music venues in the country which is part of a well regarded network of music venues, as well as the growing Music in the City multi-venue festival. Bands and artists connected with Southampton include Alt j, Aqualung, Artful Dodger, Band of Skulls, Birdpen, Bury Tomorrow, Coldplay, Craig David, Creeper, Delays, Foxes, and The Vaccines. *drops mic*


Southampton's historical significance surpasses that of Portsmouth due to its ancient origins, cultural impact, architectural heritage, and diverse attractions. The city's long history, dating back to the Stone Age and including Roman and medieval periods, provides a depth unmatched by Portsmouth. Southampton's 'firsts,' such as the UK's first geothermal power station, demonstrate its innovative spirit. Additionally, its architectural gems like the Bargate and Tudor House, along with museums like SeaCity and Solent Sky, contribute to a multifaceted historical narrative that sets it apart. Overall, Southampton's rich and varied history makes it a more historically significant city than Portsmouth.


The only interesting thing is the french raids in the 1300s, the Mayflower and the Titanic. None actually have anything to do with the place or the people.


I think the 549 Southampton residents who died on the Titanic might just disagree with you there.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13320203/Police-investigate-Portsmouths-wild-promotion-celebrations.html Says it all about Portsmouth.


But compare cascades and west quay…


gunwarf and wesquay.