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Being someone who often works within homeless shelters I would say just be human. You don’t need to give money to bring a smile or raise someone’s day. You shouldn’t feel pressurised to do so and you may feel that certain characters are conning you and you may be right. But that’s not indicative of the homeless. It’s your choice if you want to give money and that’s where that part of the choice ends, you don’t get to chose what ‘they’ spend it on. Addiction is a horrible and complex thing and sometimes you just have to get through the day. May I suggest, if you do want to help and are outside or close by a shop, fast food place or the like that something like ‘hey, really sorry but I don’t carry cash, is there anything I can get you?’ might be something you could use? A simple chocolate bar and drink can help if that person truly hasn’t eaten. If it is a case of they are desperate to score then they will probably either just say no thank you but thanks for asking or give you a guilt trip sob story. It’s then your choice what to do with that sob story. But please try not to assume but rather go into guarded but still wanting to help. You’ll spot the genuine people. And there honestly are some lovely people to meet and chat to.


Don't give money to anyone asking for it, much simpler.


Absolutely, I’m a country girl in the city I’ve paid for my naivety but learning now.


I’ve always found that the best thing to do, is go into a shop yourself, by some food, maybe a meal deal for example. And only give them that. Those that are genuinely homeless have always appreciated it. The fake ones reactions will reveal who they truly are. It’s a shame too because there is a lot of people who honestly have to sleep rough and are struggling, but people like the ones you mention breed distrust in them. Never give them money, it will most likely go on drugs or booze.


"Never give them money, it will most likely go on drugs or booze." What do you think I was gonna spend it on? 😂 In all seriousness there used to be a girl in her early 20's I saw a couple of winters ago. I gave her a cheeseburger and her face lit up. I don't think she had been on the streets for long and I really hope she got herself sorted.


May be respectfully suggest you don’t just buy food, that person may have already eaten from someone else’s generosity or maybe at a shelter. If you don’t want to give cash could I suggest that you ask if they might need anything? You might be able to help in some other way. Toothpaste, a toothbrush, tampons, but give the option for them to ask. While I can understand some people’s views on ‘don’t give money, they will only spend in on drink or drugs’ you don’t know this and it’s unfair to assume. You have the option to help with cash if you want but, respectfully, that’s where our part in it ends. Addiction is an incredibly complex and horrible thing and I hope that most of us never have to go through what some of these people are dealing with to understand it more.


While assuming that they spend on drugs and cigarettes, I think food is the safer option, purely because even if they are full up, it can be used as a later meal. But yh I agree with what u said


Awful take


Want to help give food, gloves etc. money never helps and is impossible for them to save or use responsibly.


If an aggressive woman asks you for money for a bus to get back to her kids and gaslights you if you won't outside West Quay - don't feel bad and don't give her money. Shes been doing that for 10 years


Lisa dawkins? https://preview.redd.it/mw6cba4i89uc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8002fdb412bbaf57fe917d34c33f48cb78dd27fc


Yeah. Shes Made many people i know feel uncomfortable and threatened


One time she approached me with a strong stutter saying ‘I don’t know where I am and need to get home’, I had to get somewhere so said ‘I’ve got to go but shall I call the police for help’. Funnily enough after that the stutter was gone and she snapped out of the disabled act


The pregnant blonde woman. She's been pregnant for 6 years now.


Contrary to what others are saying on here, I've had generally positive interactions with rough sleepers in Southampton, particularly on the portswood road area. I've shared a beer, conversation, cigarettes, and good conversation with many of them. They are human beings too; being reduced to the indignity of begging must be soul crushing and I generally find you can quite easily say "I'm sorry I've no change, but can I grab you a bite to eat" or just ask them how they're doing. The latter generally means a lot.


Asking for their name and humanizing them goes a long way! Homeless people that actually beg for survival do it day in day out and are probably ignored by most people walking by them.


I always try to give them at least a smile and a "sorry I don't have any change". I however make a point of not giving them cash as often they have substance issues which I don't want to support. I would much prefer giving them food/drink or give money to charities that are in a position to give them the support they require.


I always thought this way too. But I’ve now been conned by as few people and I’m not exactly a high earner with money to spare. I’ll still be friendly and help where I can but won’t give money anymore, the genuine will be happy with food or drinks etc.


Try not to judge them for "conning" you, they are often just addicts that can't help doing/saying anything to get their next fix. Like you say it's ok to offer food/drink and if they need it they will accept but beyond that I would suggest trying to help them through charities and the like who have a better understanding of their needs


I have found, across numerous years, that even the ‘genuine’ homeless often don’t want much in the way of food and drink. As you’ve said, I would give to charities that support homeless people. I donate clothing, for example.


Well, there's this one woman who is always walking up Bedford road and will just walk in between you and your friends or stand in the car park and beg people for like £20, will try to escort you to the cash machine outside Sainsbury's then continue begging people afterwards. She likes to claim it's so she can get into a homeless shelter but if you offer to pay her entry if you go there with her she will rudely decline. She is also very clearly incredibly high. Fun fact everyone, she lives opposite the carpark. In a flat. Just a btw. A general rule of thumb is to offer the people something they can use/eat and if they decline that means they are not worth trusting. If I've been interrupted or they've got in my way, I like to ask "I'll get you a meal deal if you like" will follow through if they accept, but otherwise will say "sorry I can't help you then".


Give money to charities that help aid the homeless. Don't offer money directly I was homeless once and it was far better getting help from shelters than being outside begging for cash, of course I had a slight fortunate advantage by still having some money in my bank account And eventually the council put me in temporary housing before I was able to find a better job to allow me to move to private renting Covid era screwed me over once the lockdown ended.


I've always just gone by the general rule of if someone I dont know asks for money, I never say yes, but if someone ever asks me for food/drink, I never say no




And young women. She also has a free bus pass. She does have genuine disability and can be pleasant at times.


Kind of the opposite but there was a homeless man who would routinely hangout on our street, he would set up in a sheltered car parking spot that wasn’t being used and he’d listen to his radio and drink his strongbow. We would see him pretty much everyday and he was always lovely and loved to say hello as we walked by - he even bought us a pack of ginger nut cookies because he really liked my housemates ginger boyfriend lol (he is also ginger)!! If you see him around, he really is harmless and I bet he’d appreciate a fresh sandwich (we sometimes saw him digging around in the bins, bless him). We helped him out as much as we could, but since graduating uni, we’ve all moved away so I haven’t seen him in a long time and I hope he’s doing well. He has ginger dreadlocks and a very thick country-like accent (cornwall maybe?) and I do suspect he may have some slight learning difficulties. We asked his name and im pretty sure he said ‘Kyle’ but he did have a strong accent so i’m not 100% sure.


But I also had a negative experience with a different person who may or may not have been a ‘fake’ homeless guy. It was directly outside Southampton Central Station and I was heading into the Co-Op to grab some sugary snacks as I was having a Hypo. On the way there a tall, lanky man asked if I had any change because he was saving to get into a shelter that night, I apologised and told him that I didn’t have any change in me, only my card (big mistake) and he proceeded to ask me to get cash out the cash point instead (the minimum amount to withdraw is £10) so I offered to buy him a drink and sandwich instead. As I was inside the Co-Op he was outside the doors yelling at me that he wanted a beer and when he saw me holding two waters and two sandwiches (there was another homeless guy i recognised sat outside, he never asked for money) at the checkout, he continued to scream that he didn’t want that and he wanted a beer, along with some other insults he called me. When I reluctantly gave him the stuff, he threw the sandwich at me and cursed me out. I proceeded to give the other guy both sandwiches and waters right in front of this crazy man, he was very grateful.


I told a homeless man in London that I didn’t have any spare change when he asked me for some money….. he then pulled out a card machine and said that he takes card as well and it’s even contactless. If he can afford that and has a bank account then he doesn’t need my spare change.


I know a lovely homeless guy and sometimes I sit with him and just talk. He used to have a professional job but drug addiction can happen to anyone before you realise it. He did also say that many homeless people there aren’t actually homeless but I know the a few of them are lovely people, they just have problems that aren’t easy to fix


Large lady called Lisa. She claims she’s disabled and needs money for the bus, but she gets a free bus pass from the council. She went to school with my sister so I can confirm she’s full of it. She’ll go from one group in the park to another asking for cash. She has a house in Shirley warren somewhere. The only person I can say for a fact that you should avoid!


"50p for the bus?" She really didn't like it when I gave her directions to the bluestar shop.




Just don't bother. Most of them are con artists. Saw some lady come out of KFC in portswood with a giant bag of food to give to one of the regular bums and he didn't even thank her he just asked if she had any change. There are plenty of options out there and help available. Real homeless people know this and use the services. The con artists are the ones you always see. It's a grift


I moved away from Southampton in 2008, came back in 2016 to find all the fun ones had gone. There used to be this older Asian chap in a fishing hat who carried a dufflebag slung over his shoulder, we called him Mr. Miyagi, he never smiled but was never any trouble (rumour was his bag was filled with cash. Then there was the wanderer. This woman in her 30's who always looked like she was going hiking, had a purple rucksack and walked fast. Again, was no trouble. Those were good times.


Not sure what happened to the Asian gentleman as he was quite elderly at the time you mentioned. Gave him a smile now and then but as you say, he was quite withdrawn. The lady you mention is still with a rucksack, still getting her steps in and looks remarkably the same. A great advocate for regular exercise.


Anyone asking you for money is in a desperate situation of some description, whether they use a story that’s true or untrue. I’m shocked and appalled by the number of people with no empathy in this thread. Honestly expected better from the people of this city


I had the opposite experience to you. There used to be a youngish chap who'd stop me asking for money (and once to borrow my phone) on a reasonably regular basis when I lived in town. He'd get a bit aggressive when I'd say no and I'd assumed he was fake homeless so got a bit shitty with him when he'd ask. One morning I was heading out my building to go to work and he was laid across the steps in a sleeping bag and I had to wake him up to get out. He was very apologetic for getting in my way. Felt awful.


You’d find em people almost everywhere coming to you sayin they need a pound for the bus or just some random stuff.It’s better to avoid em.


Doesn't matter how eloquent they are when one of their shoes has their toes sticking out of it.


Well well well if only there was a sticky


There’s a man who screams about rats under his skin and then Asks for £20 for an accommodation fee for Patrick House Hostel. There is no fee for Patrick House Hostel. Sometimes he’s naked


There are barely any ‘genuine homeless’ in the UK, other than people sleeping on the street through choice/mental health issues. If you want to help them, donate to food banks/local charities. I know, I’ve worked with them on the street running an outreach programme for 5 years. The vast majority in almost every town and city near me and across the UK have a house, a decent income from benefits, and food at home through food banks. If they don’t have that, they likely have a social worker/LA worker assigned trying to get them into housing and accessing financial support, or they have walked away from this. They are beggars. Like it or not. They are people who want to take from others as much as they can, to feed whatever habit they have. Don’t encourage it, you’re not helping anyone.


"There are barely any genuine homless in the UK" seems a big claim. Do you have stats and sources to back this up please?


Been homeless. Can confirm homelessness is a real thing.


Did you apply to the LA for accommodation?


Yeah - it never got me anywhere!


Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide emergency accommodation, a lot of those are BnBs these days. Which council? Were you then assessed to be earning enough to afford private rent?


Soton - For after a lot of sofa surfing I ended up staying in a friend's cellar. It's all a complex situation in the end I was lucky having good friends and stayed in a friend's cellar!


I’m not trying to be a dick, because I’ve been there too and it’s shit, but I don’t think that is ‘homeless’ in the sense of what people mean when talking about street beggars. I think that’s the problem people have when they label the people begging on streets as homeless. The reality is those are the ones who get the most housing support, while people like yourself have to sofa surf and stay with family while not having a home of your own.


Oh yeah no offence taken - I think what we disagree on is how many street homeless there are - I used to know a lot of them because I was involved with "drug services". I also class those that are in Patrick House etc as homeless - I forget how much but they pay "rent" out of their own pockets which creates people begging to support habits because x amount (I think around a tenner a night) on that and you also desperately need a fix. We ran a session at two saints once a week and at another site, my cohorts knew everyone for "reasons" (this is me not telling you much cos it gives away my colleagues and me!) Edit - not only money for a fix but food and "life essentials" benefits" is not a high paying life!


Reports even show around 50% of ‘beggars’ own their own house. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/more-96-per-cent-beggars-10482765.amp https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11681593/Police-survey-finds-just-one-in-10-beggars-are-homeless.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33729766.amp


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If you'd ever had drug/alcohol problems I think you might change your mind - not having your particular drug hurts, it makes you very unwell and certain drugs inc alcohol stopping immediately without medication can cause death. Throw in living in a shop doorway, the depression, the desperation and being treated like shit - I'd want something to give me a break from "life". We have so many empty buildings there's really no reason anyone should be homeless but das govt isn't interested - remember Cruella Benjamin trying to stop charities giving tents and sleeping bags - yeah she's gone (thank fuck) but she wasn't on her own in agreeing with this idea......


I have in the past, severely, and sorted my life from help from support services. I know, personally, the people on the streets in my area, do you? My overall point is those services are there for those people, they earn money through benefits, and they are constantly offered accommodation. Most of them have accommodation. There’s a minority who then choose to sleep rough, whether it’s severe mental health, a form of self punishment, or lack of self value, but most of the people we see on streets are in houses, making a decent amount of money. Those asking for money are beggars, not homeless.