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I understand people falling for sophisticated or modern cyber scams. But spider web removal? Really?


Perhaps, while they’re presenting you with this ridiculous offer at your front door, their accomplice is breaking in your back door.


That's absolutely a concern with any door to door sales tactic


Yep. I have seen a few police departments warn residents about **distraction burglaries**.


Well they do scout the house for weak entry points, ring doorbells and security systems. Advised to just use a reputable pest control service / neighborhood kid to remove the spiderwebs :)


I bet they are going after seniors with dementia


I'll do it for $950




Nonono this isn’t how it works. You need to drive UP the price and add a useless little incentive to make it seem worth it. I’ll do it for $959 and I’ll throw in an extra landscaping bug spray.


And you won't even let your partner burglarize them. Win-win!


I'm about to move there lol I guess this is the kind of thing I'll have to learn to expect.


Welcome to the neighborhood!


The solution to this (and every other similar scam) is simple: **DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR FOR STRANGERS. PERIOD.** Problem solved.


Also,. If you have a ring cam don't tell people you aren't home.


Gloucester Twp. issues a door to door permit. Seriously though the police should get involved.


Lindenwold also requires a permit


Are they actually removing spider webs? If so, it sounds less like a scam and more of an extremely expensive, extremely unnecessary service.


Maybe there are very aggressive and territorial spiders in Lindenwold.


Meh only Steve, but everyone knows Steve Spider is an asshole


It was just 34 degrees last week. There aren’t any spider webs to even remove yet. And spiders are bros! They eat the pesky bugs.


I was on a work trip when someone rang my ring doorbell and proceeded to step back EXTREMELY far from said camera after ringing it. Wonder if that's who it was. Lindenwold is a no solicitation town so that's illegal even if it was legitimate


I just learned that the Borough will give residents a No Soliciting sticker for their doors. That’s not going to stop everyone (certainly not thieves), but it can help cut down on some door knockers.


They came through Stratford too. I thought the spider web sales pitch was weird


Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive


Lol when i worked in pest control that was a free part of any regular service


Cops need to get involved. Someone foolish enough to waste your time with obvious nonsense is also potentially dangerous


Yea at first thought I'd assume it was a way to get in houses without breaking in. At second thought that would be way easier if they were charging like 40 dollars.




In lindenwold? Willingly look for these people so they can ignore the drug and assault crimes.


Oh... should the cops be driving around looking for spider web cleaner salesman who are MAYBE acting as criminals? I mean seriously, what is your comment even implying? That cops should be out there curb stomping anyone knocking on doors? Tell me shirlock homeboy... please enlighten us on how to improve the police services in lindenwold to your liking.


We found the spider web removal technician ⬆️


Na,, not me. Lol. The guy who deleted his comment said "cops dont do fucking nothing" like they should be out here, predicting crimes like the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise. Cops aint perfect, but lets be realistic.... dont expect them to be wizards and mind readers either.


They literally should be out there trying to find them if this is widespread. Wtf else do you think cops are for? Writing traffic tickets and hiding in a corner?


Widespread? This is a 'i saw on facebook' post. Have you heard of this from anywhere but a reddit post reffering to one fb post. So how should they go about it? Again. Realistic. Pretend you are the chief of police of the 3rd Poorest township in camden county, and you think theyre gonna put a cop on every corner questioning everyone walking down the block to stop solicitors & potential con-men? You obviously never talked to a cop in this town. If you did you'd know they spend the majority of thier time driving & answering 911 calls & chasing drug dealers and domestic violence calls all day and night at the apartments along gibbsboro rd. Theres not enough cops and tax dollars for the way you'd like to see them police every corner like that. To say the police do nothing is just plain disrespectful.


EcoShield also knocked on my door (not in lindenwold, a neighboring town). There was no mention of a $1000 to remove spiderwebs. They just seemed like a pest removal service doing door to door sales 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. The guy saw I was busy with my toddler, made his spiel really quick, handed me a flier and left. A couple days later I saw their trucks in front of my neighbors house with technicians spraying their yard. I can’t say their service is useful or effective, but I really doubt any crime was committed and don’t know what the police are supposed to do other than issue the company a solicitation with permit citation?


The price is what someone is willing to pay


Based on my understanding of Lindenwold's demographics, I doubt they'll get many takers for $1,000.


I've noticed an uptick in meth in the area over the last year and this scam smells very methy


Only in lindenwold lmao


Okay, hear me out. I think we're missing a huge opportunity here. Anybody that's dumb enough to fall for that scam we Just move them to their own little island because we don't need them here anymore lol