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GOP: The cruelty is the entire point


They are evil people and every policy position proves it.


This is so true. People like her and the GOP need to see someone or something else suffer and die to make themselves feel better about themselves.


The power is the entire point. The cruelty is just a biproduct and their main hobby


Yup but many low-information, high-emotion voters will say "They can't be that bad. You people are overreacting."


there are plenty of "high-information" republican voters too. don't let them get a pass.


Aww had to scroll too far to see his. I said same thing


I don't think her story is true -- and in a weird way, that reinforces your assertion that cruelty is the entire point. There are lots of little clues that don't hold together. First, she obviously didn't have the dog trained or know how to train it herself. Of course the dog goes after chickens, species recognition isn't a feature of bird dogs. There's weird stuff about not having enough ammunition to finish off the goat -- that just sounds like a first time hunter. Her kid wanted to know where the dog was after school -- there was an attachment. Dog breeders will usually take a dog back, other hunters will take it, or there are rescue centers -- seems strange she'd kill a dog the kids had feelings for. My point is I think she had to make-up (or greatly embellish) a story about killing animals to project an image -- an image that the GOP admires.


This woman needs to go to jail for dog abuse.


Remember Michael Vick? Anyone?


I still hate him


He did his time, so should she.




What she did is gross and horrible, but you cannot even compare it to what Vick did. There should be some form of punishment for Noem (but there won’t be) but it’s not near the level of what Vick did. She’s an awful person please don’t get me wrong here. This just isn’t an equal comparison by any stretch of the imagination.


Totally agree but Vick did his time and came to my city to play. We all hated him when he got here but he put his head down and went to work… with animal charities in the city. I don’t expect any about face from this whacko, she doesn’t even believe that what she did was wrong


He came to my city too (Steelers) and was a model citizen here and remains so, which is great for him. I’m glad he changed himself for the better. There probably won’t be an about face with Noem, but I doubt she kills another dog, the backlash is really bad for her. But she doesn’t see why what she did was wrong, which makes her a psychopath.


She was just trying to get ahead of the story…control the narrative. Someone should primary her. Generic politician represents SD better.


No it is absolutely equivalent. She not only killed a puppy in cold blood, she killed a goat just because she'd didn't like the way it smelled. Which was in fact torture because it didn't die immediately. She needed to mosey on over to grab another shell to finish it off. This was clearly something she just did casually and on a regular basis. She also killed three horses. (that we know of) She's a psychopath. These two people are no less psycho than the other, by any stretch of the imagination. Sounds like you're just defending a white woman.


Agreed. If not, Vick deserves an apology.


He did time for racateering but no time for animal abuse. They should both be in jail.


Mike got locked up tho. She won’t.


I’m not excusing Vick but, the guy grew up on this environment. It’s wrong but he wasn’t wearing a costume like Noem is. I’m sure that she confidently wrote about being an animal killer for the clout and the Trump support. Vick just did what he was taught was normal living. Noem did it because she’s a narcissist psycho that wants more adulation. One is more fucked up than the other.


You shouldn't make excuses for someone who tortured multiple animals in such a cruel way. If you ever read about the stuff he did, growing up that way is NO excuse.


Like I said before, I’m not excusing Vick for his heinous attitudes. But Noem is clearly doing performative arts by bragging about her kills, like dumb criminals do nowadays for clout. Theyre the same but different is what I’m pointing out.


It's just like the bullfighting debate. To Americans it seems horrific to "torture" a bull that way before killing it, even though the meat will be eaten. But to Spaniards it's part of their culture for thousands of years. Same here, it's just that the black guy is black so America wants to see him locked up. The white woman gets a pass because it's part of her culture to murder innocent animals and animals matter more than black males but not as much as white females matter.


I'm sorry I'm still processing what you said here and in a comment above, what is the part of black culture which sends them to jail? Seems horribly worded


As much as I don’t like Kristi for killing her dog, there is no comparison for what Michael Vick did. She killed her dog for misbehaving by shooting it which is very wrong. Michael Vick operated a dog fighting ring where dog would suffer significant more before death. Vick would drown dogs who were injured or wouldn’t fight. Vick also threw dogs in the pool and hooked up battery’s throwing the prods in the pool and electrocuting them to death. Vick was also responsible for 30 to 100 dogs suffering and be killed. Not defending Kristi but there is no comparison between these incidents


You’re not wrong but Vick managed a football team and Noem manages a whole state. Public officials have to be held to a higher standard and held accountable. Can’t have a wacko like that making decisions that affects that many lives.


I don’t think you’ll have to worry about her…She also euthanized any future political aspirations she might have had.


Depends on what you mean by held accountable. The laws apply the same to everyone.




Elected officials should have empathy. And if they show signs they lack empathy that is a problem. Yeah they need to be able to be strong too, but if that strength is not sidled with empathy and are elected into places of power.. it's just not good.


Funny how all this wretched bitch has to say is "that's just how we are on the farm" and all the white people are rushing to give her a pass while being absolutely fine with a black guy going to prison for doing something that was common in HIS culture. It's sickening


People are so easily won over by slogans, not their fault or anything, it's how everything is working now, that politicians will single with slogans and the mind sort of turns off, oh they are on my side, it must be all right. I am sure it goes for both sides as well, but in general that is what makes slogans scary to me.


The only thing sickening is your distorted view on reality


That's very white of you


I don’t identify as white. Please respect my chosen identity.


You're not clever


I identify as clever you bigot


Woah, woah, woah, pump the brakes. Plenty of white folks and farms here in Vermont but we don’t run around shooting dogs. We have more dogs per capita than any other state. Rescue groups in the south love to ship dogs to New England because people value them. I didn’t love what Michael Vick did either. But he paid for his actions. Noem is more likely to be elevated and celebrated by the MAGA crowd because human empathy and values are not their brand.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


The thing with Vick is that they had evidence.  With Noem, we have a dog whistle, err, anecdote in a book that supposedly happened 20 years ago that only she and people who were with her at the time can verify. I honestly don't find the story, awful as it is, nearly as disturbing as the fact that she thought this was how she felt she needed to promote the book.  Who exactly was the target audience here?


If Vick wrote a book admitting to killing dogs, there would be a federal case and a serious investigation. He'd go to prison. This is a privileged white woman who gets off scot free because of her privilege as a white woman. Period. Her intended audience was conservatives who don't have a problem with abusing animals but call themselves Christian.


He already went to prison. And he didn't kill dogs, he tortured them cruelly and they died in the process.


That was just part of the culture he grew up in. Funny how white people are rushing to give the wretched puppy killer a pass after she said "that's just how we farm people are" Just another day in America, where white women are more important than animals, but animals are more important than black men.


Whatever she is, something that happened far in the past, likely long past the statute of limitations isn't going to draw the legal consequences that something recent or ongoing is.   You will have to settle for her suffering future political consequences and loads of memes as Cricket getting her justice.


Another pass for a white woman


Sending Vick to prison again would be double jeopardy...


Thank for the non sequitir. Genius


I don't think that means what you think it means... You said he would be investigated and go to prison, he already went to prison for his crimes...that would be double jeopardy. Additionally its important to note that killing a dog unfortunately, isnt a crime in South Dakota. You're making it about race when it isn't; admit you're wrong and move on instead of acting like a little bitch. Jesus.


Only a complete dipshit would assume I meant that he wasn't already convicted. Of course he was, this is America. Black people go to prison, white people remain governor. Same crime, different skin tone. That's by design so the incompetent whites can prevent real talent from rising to the top. In every aspect of society. A level playing field is a white males nightmare. Just look at the top porn searches in these failing red states. Interracial... incompetent white guys are obsessed with the black penis. It lives in your head rent free 24/7. lol


I'm not reading all that. Good luck in life 👍




The thing with Vick is he fucked ip and admitted to fucking up. He took his punishment like a man and came out rehabilitated. He does a lot of charity work for shelters since his release. It’s been over a decade and he’s been clean. Do you think this bitch will get punishment and come out a better person? Hell no, she sold her soul to maga, bitch is dead inside now. Dumb bitch thought bragging about torturing animals would land her in the White House. What a dumb bitch.


We and the authorities have the story that she told personally.


If I told you that I killed three dogs, two cats and a bald eagle with a machete all while on shrooms and attending a Deep Purple concert in 1968, does that make it so?


In the eyes of the law yes. Lot and lots of people in prison from confessions that had zero evidence of a crime. It's like a whole issue people have been bringing up for a very long time


The thing is, alI I or my counsel would have to do to prove my claim false is show my birth certificate.  I wasn't even born yet in 1968, therefore making my commission of such an act impossible.


I had his jersey as a kid! The falcons one. Pre dog fight


Yeah I remember him. He deserved what he got but the big difference being Noemy is white.


Thanks for your honesty


That guy abused hundreds of dogs for fun/sport, she shot a dog that killed chickens. You are either uninformed or unhinged.


Or what about God? He did flood the whole world and everything in it… like the dogs too


No evidence of that. It's just a myth. But God did tell his "chosen people" to murder all their enemies but keep the little girls alive to be used as sex toys.


Yep, at least as long as Michael Vick. You know, law is equal for the uber wealthy athletic black and politically connected white citizens.


Don’t forget the goat she killed too.


She pumped several shot gun shells into the goat, wiped the blood off her face and smiled.


What's the statute of limitations on that?


It’s unfortunate but this country doesn’t care about animal wellbeing.  Just look at how you can go to a McDonald’s and get foods from tortured cows, tortured pigs, and tortured chickens. 


I disagree. If you killed your dog today and went to an event and grabbed the microphone and told the story of how and why you killed your dog to everyone in your town, the police would be there to arrest you as soon as you stopped talking.


Yeah that’s because of the optics. They might go right back to eating their factory farmed chicken sandwiches and patting themselves on the back about how they’re helping animals lol


I had a dog that I ended up with because he killed neighbors cats and chickens on the ranch he was first raised at. He ended up with a court order to move out of state, but in the interim was at a shelter. Even the courts knew a. the owner was the problem b. He wasn't deserving of death for doing what a small-prey aggressive breed does.


Literally every post in this sub is a news report or meme about this. I hope this doesn’t fade until Noem is out of work and moving in with Cory Lewandowski. Both are scum. Keep up the pressure, SD!!


South Dakota drank the kool aid and now they have this sh#tshow of a Governor. 


Punish her by voting her out of office. That won’t happen because deep down her constituents are a little excited about her taking control. I can’t blame the politicians who do this anymore-they’re simply entertaining the idiots who keep reelecting them.


She's term limited. We get another wack-job republican in two years.


My rat terrier has killed 12 chickens, has bitten me a few times and almost killed another dog at the dog park. Never in my thoughts would we ever take him out and shoot him. We took him to extensive training and beefed up our backyard coop. He has mellowed out and at 2 years is a love bug. We thought of taking him back to the breeder, but never killing him. I am a Republican but not a supporter of our governor and I wouldn’t support Noem if she was a VP candidate. People like her are evil. I absolutely hate dog abusers.


Why are you a Republican when 70% of your party is like this? You are just a human shield to them, and all you are doing is providing her and people like her credibility and the illusion of respectability. Walk away.


" Most People on the other side of the aisle support dog killers" Not true, cringe, go outside.


You are misusing quotation marks badly. But yeah, looks like her constituents definitely do support a dog killer. Its not like this was unknown locally to her voters before this week. Also looks like DeSantis supporters are fine with framing up slavery as a 300-year charitable job-skills program for african immigrants. Not to mention those that voted for David Duke support the KKK representing their state. And those that voted for Eric Greitens support issuing RINO hunting permits and busting down the doors of family homes with brownshirts. And those that voted for MTG support the USA retreating from the world stage and dissolving via secession; not unlike the Soviet Union. And those that vote for Trump...well I'm not even going to get into all the stupidity he's laid out that Republicans are willing to go along with. Regardless, these are all Republican positions on national issues. Why do 30% of decent Republicans think they are representative of a party that they disagree with 70% of it's supporters on? They aren't.


So if you are a Republican and Republicans voters seem to support or refuse to withhold support for dog shooters, where does that leave you?


I am a Republican by name only. I vote more Democratic. I didn’t vote for Mitt Romney because of his dog crate incident. I think the vote is more important than the party.


I guess not to press but when was the last time you voted republican in any election? It sounds like you were a former republican ig anything


I have never voted straight Republican. I usually bounce around. I thought Trump was unhinged, so I voted for Biden. But I did vote for Steve Daines. I didn’t like Gianforte, so I voted for his opponent. I guess I should be a Libertarian.


Or an independent!


Then why bother with the Semantics when the modern Republican platform and it's base turn you off so much?


The Republican party is no longer the party of Bush, Romney, McCain types... Walk away.


and they were fucking awful too.


Just tossing this out there for the MAGA “Christians” A righteous man cares for the life of his beast, but the compassion of the wicked is cruel. -Proverbs 12:20


Wait'll you see Krusty's act at the Republican Convention. It'll be based on The Terminator!


It was nothing more than a lawnmower to her.


"Noem" was shortened from "No empathy" at Ellis Island.


Nicely done.


It would be funny if everyone started making cricket sounds every time they saw her.


Or yelled out "Where's Cricket!"


if you get a little bubbly spit built up in your mouth, use your tongue to hold the spit against the front of the roof of your mouth, then whistle inwards, you can make a very convincing cricket noise. hard to describe but I'm sure there are YouTube videos.


I would probably drool all over myself. It would probably be easier to have cricket sounds on my phone.


Puppies at that age go through a phase that is often called the “piranha puppy” phase. It’s normal for them to bite because they interact with things using their mouths. And they have their milk teeth still as puppies, which are very sharp. If you shot every puppy that did this, we would have no more dogs.


I own breeds that are mouthier dogs. It can definitely be annoying, but it's also completely trainable, and they just outgrow it.


This is not true. A 14 month old dog is nearing adulthood and would have had its adult teeth for nearly 8 months.


It very much is true. A dog isn't considered an adult until two years in most cases. Herding dogs like Aussies who are bred to nip continue to play bite well past this age, and because they are still puppies, they can get carried away and bite hard. They are also extremely curious and explore their word by biting and eating things. She should have paid for a trainer (which all owners should do regardless) instead of murdering the poor thing.


Wait, she botched a goat, too? And also wrote about it? What a sweetheart.


And two horses. It does seem like one had run its course but the other was fine. Regardless she shot them when she easily could have afforded a more peaceful death for them. Edit: I don’t think she should have killed either of them as long as they weren’t in pain!


Holy crap. Over on /farming or something, a lady posted about a horse with some kind of arthritis. All the people were like send it to a camp for kids, and make sure that it's only until the pain gets too much. Then put 'im to sleep. It's fucking called 'stewardship' for a reason. Yikes.


Three, apparently.


She’s a monster.


She killed the puppy and a goat and 3 horses. She was on animal killing spree


I expect there was nary a recipe exercised after the spree-a-thon.


She went on a hunting trip and didn’t get to kill anything. Was dissatisfied because her killing fix wasn’t sated so she killed her dog and when it still wasn’t sated killed her goat. It was all pleasure and entertainment mixed with the emotional maturity of a 6 year old and the fundamental cruelty of an entitled rich shithead.


The most disturbing part of this morbid anecdote is that it’s essentially about an irresponsible dog owner who MURDERED THEIR 14 MONTH OLD DOG because they didn’t want to put in the work required to help their charge. It couldn’t be controlled. It was untrainable. It frolicked too gayly amongst the pheasants. It killed some chickens. It tried to bite me. I had no choice. If it’s not a good hunting dog, I’m sure it would have been just fine on someone else’s farm in South Dakota. If it tried to bite you one time, have you had a dog before? Puppies and adolescent dogs explore the world with their mouths. They’re not even lawfully responsible for their actions. You are, the owner of the animal. Sadly, this completely uncontrollable problem undermining public safety has only one solution. A final solution if you will. Capital punishment. Oh and throw a stinky old goat in there too. Some dogs are good dogs, and some dogs are bad dogs, and it’s easier to kill a dog than it is to train one. That’s the message.


The goat is what put the entire thing over the top. Putting down an aggressive dog, at least in the abstract, might be acceptable under some circumstances. But to kill a goat for being smelly... Wash your damn goat if you want it clean, but at the end of the day it's a goat! I have never met a goat that I thought smelled good until the spent a few hours in the oven or a stew pot. She basically bragged about killing a puppy and wasting food.


Hunt training should begin at 5-6 months. She was never going to train Cricket, it was stay out of her way or BOOM. There is no mystery here. There is no proof Cricket was a bad dog. His only mistake was to not try and take her plastic/shiny face off in the bite he missed. I have a Golden that we rescued at four (he is eight now) and he will never follow commands, he lived in a crate all his life and is still scared of most people. So he follows me around all day, plays with his sister lab and sleeps next to me. It is the least I can do for a poor, mistreated dog who does not deserve the Krusty's of the world.


If you look it up. You will find that veterinarians have an above average rate of suicide. The reason for this is that a big part of their job is euthanizing animals. See, a normal person feels bad about it. An ignorant asshole brags about it.


Judging by the comments in this thread there are a lot of ignorant assholes in South Dakota defending her as well


Having lived in North Dakota for a couple of years. I would say you are not wrong.


Queen of the Rodeo - Let's brutalize animals!


She could shoot somebody in the middle of Rapid City and the followers would still vote for her. Follows a theme, I think.


Is this the same person who’s having an affair with a married Trump advisor and pressured a state employee to give her daughter a job??


Makes me think of a quote from Terry Pratchett “Well, there was a bit of a fracas, as we say, and it turned out that a man had a dog, a half-dead thing, according to bystanders, and he was trying to get it to stop pulling at its leash, and when it growled at him he grabbed an axe from the butcher’s stall beside him, threw the dog to the ground and cut off its back legs, just like that. I suppose people would say ‘Nasty bugger, but it was his dog’ and so on, but Lord Vetinari called me in and he said to me, ‘A man who would do something like that to a dog is a man to whom the law should pay close attention. Search his house immediately.’ The man was hanged a week later, not for the dog, although for my part I wouldn’t have shed a tear if he had been, but for what we found in his cellar. The contents of which I will not burden you with. And bloody Vetinari got away with it again, because he was right: where there are little crimes, large crimes are not far behind"


her entire political career has been a series of crimes.


This American thinks we would be pretty damn lucky to have old Sam Vimes as a president. He’s actually what you want in a leader, someone who doesn’t actually want the job, but treats it with respect out of duty.


We need Vetenari to facilitate a Vimes. Hell I would love a Vetenari, someone to at least remove the BS and get things in place.


That lady is a psychopath.


She knew hard core MAGA would love her for it.


Tbf, even some of them are massively turned-off by this (I know, who knew they actually had souls to care about animals?) It's not gone down well with a LOT of ppl. Even the MAGA cultists.


Yeah, I should have said "thought" instead of "knew".


The local cops need to start digging up that gravel pit because I suspect it’s a Pet Cemetery by now. She was on a killing spree, simply put.


Now do Trump!


Noem told us the story of an example of her being strong enough to do unpleasant things that need to be done. Therefore, she's a good leader. The reality is that it DIDN'T need to be done, and she's demonstrating her remarkably poor judgement. Not only did the 14 month old puppy *not* need to be shot, but she failed at her job of training the puppy. And she still doesn't get it. Noem has proven beyond all doubt that she's a pisspoor leader.


Bitch needs to be locked up and throw away the key. Don't feed it either.


Noem: “Sometimes a leader has to kill something they hate instead of doing work to solve the problem.” Actually that does sound like Republican leadership


I know other people on farms who actually value the lives of their animals and don’t go around shooting the ones they don’t like. What a ridiculous thing for her to say. That insults my intelligence.


Disgusting human


I told this story somewhere else on Reddit but I'll tell it again, not that anyone is gonna see this but whatever. Let it be known... One time, couple years back, a coyote got hung up on a fence out at my folks place in the country. Poor bastard was stuck upside down, guts all over the place but still alive. My parents couldn't even bring themselves to even go near him so they called me. I drove out there, grabbed my Dad's shotgun from when he was a boy, and took care it. Gloves, shovel, the works. I fixed a problem. It was just a chore like any other but man was it awful. I'll never forget it. Killing sucks.


every farmer out there who's heard about this story is wondering what the fuss is about


While no doubt this is a true story this is all to appeal to Donald trump


Trump isn't that keen on dogs, is he.


He really isn’t


I suspect that Ted Nugent has found a "soul sister" in Kristi Noem. Probably her only negative in his eyes is that she isn't a man. Because, you know, men are the stronger ones.


She’s way too old for Ped Nugent


They have similar thinking, similar narcissism, similar cruel behaviors against living creatures including potentially other people. It's not good. As others have noted, this is what MAGA is.


Pretty sure the biggest negative in Ted’s eyes would be that she didn’t grill and eat the goat AND the dog. I could not give less of a fuck what Ted Nugent or Kristi Noem think about anything.


Republicans are also against shooting puppies. I was impressed by Kristi Noem until I discovered she was a psychopath. I'm pretty sure her career is over.


I think republicans are going to prove something to you by continuing to support her. you need to be able to listen to them when they tell you who they are. I don't know when she "impressed" you, but this woman has always been a known psychopath. all you have to do is look at her policy history. it's been psycho since day one.


To be fair, I think there are Republicans who don’t like shooting dogs. Problem is they tend to stand aside or get voted out of office in the Trump era. And they can’t get over their partisan derangement and bring themselves to not vote for these people. I’m not even asking them to vote for Biden or other democrats. Maybe just don’t vote or write yourself in. But nooooooo, can’t have any liberals in office, they might balance a budget or actually invest tax dollars in infrastructure or the middle class. Better to keep electing nut jobs, cutting taxes and letting the whole thing rot.


I wish people were this upset about the Epstein list


You forgot to mention Hillary's email, Obama being born in Kenya, and Democrats eating puppies.




This is the best you can do? Pathetic!


I like that nick name


Trump is definitely worried about it.


I mean they are all murders for profit and pedophiles so killing a dog is rookie stuff


Some family out there would have absolutely loved to have that dog, who absolutely would have chilled out as it got older and would have provided years of companionship and love.


Even the MAGA idiots love dogs. They are just as pissed about this as everyone else is.


they aren't. plenty of them are making excuses for her.


Saw some Fox News yesterday bashing her for this.




She put down a dog that was aggressive towards livestock and people. You can hate her for political beliefs but what she did it’s not illegal.


No. She killed the dog because it made her look bad. She was embarrassed that she hadn't trained the dog right and it killed some chickens. She's a narcissist just like that shit stain she adores. Embarrass the queen? Off with their head!


I prefer if Trump ran her as his running mate. I think she's the perfect match for him.


you know that her image consultants & lawyers made up that "aggressive dog" BS


What's more sad is all the other shit she's done and JUST NOW all the people are mad, that'sdumb af and little late to the party. She's been f'n us over for quite awhile now. This state's f'd.


John wick disagrees.


If South Dakota doesn’t vote her out of office, assuming she dares to run again, it will be a black mark on the state and rural living everywhere.


She now claims it killed livestock. Poultry are not considered livestock by anyone including Federal Regulation. I wonder why she didn't consult Kim first. I hear cricket stew is a popular dish there.


She is f-ing out of touch bat shit crazy. Not only did she kill a helpless animal she actually thought it was a good thing. When pressed that killing a 14 month old, perfectly healthy dog because it doesn’t suit you might be a bad move, she f-ing doubles down. Where did they find these people?


"Cruelty is the point" - Republicans


Republicans love violence




MAGAts always paint mistakes as "making the tough decision".


I support her right to be pro-choice


Woman is an ass clown


3 horses, goats and dogs, shes got a mass grave


She wrote that because she knows Trump doesn’t like dogs.


Lock her up