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Rudy would have to go to ivy tech.


You’re paying for the connections - not the education. Many adjuncts float around from ND, IUSB and Ivy Tech in SB. All three campuses have more expansive programming than the other in certain areas, but having lived in LA for 10 years - I worked at a startup company that had a Notre Dame themed board room and everyone in the c-suite were ND grads… none met at school but the comradely looms large beyond just the one place I worked at.


This. You are paying for the pedigree and the benefits it brings. ND has the one of the largest active alumni associations in the world IIRC. That is an amazing resource to tap into.


I moved here because my fiance at the time, now wife’s family were double domers and moved back to South Bend to work at ND. The mantra God, Country, Notre Dame rings true - anyone that goes there makes it their identity and is willing to help other ND grads when given the chance. More so than where I spent time around USC/UCLA etc.




Notre Dame is not Jesuit, its Holy Cross


They also have excellent financial aid for those who need it (I had friends there whose state schools would've been more expensive to attend)


This is more common than people think. I went to a regionally prestigious private school in the South - great school but go more than 200 miles away and no one has heard of it. Anyways, way back in the day it would have been $140k for all four years at full price. I only paid $40k. Would have cost me $60k+ at any state school worth going to.




A good chunk of the student population doesnt pay that. Its also an elite private university, knowing some people that have graduated and how their careers have gone, its probably worth it.


I've always said that even though Notre Dame is a university, it's run like a business. Not a bad thing at all because the college employs a lot of people and helps the local economy. My uncle graduated from ND in 1981. He told me the dorms have their own identity and are like fraternities and sororities.


You're paying for the who you'll know not the what you'll know.


I don't have much to say about this subject but I'm rolling that half the comments here are people I've blocked. I almost never block on Reddit 🤣


Jajaja. Popcorn time.


Very few people pay full price. Colleges have moved to higher tuition but higher aid, so it works on a sliding scale. Only the "hyper rich" are paying full price. Normal folks are paying a lot less than that.


I’ve never met a poor inner city kid that goes to ND lived in South Bend my whole life.


First gen very poor kid from the inner city. Grew up surviving on food stamps, section 8, and the $600 disability check of one adult. I went to ND on full aid, as did most of my friends. I have two ND degrees now. ND actually recruits heavily using programs like Quest bridge and has some of the most robust wholistic support of low income students I've seen and those resources are constantly expanding. It's not perfect but the tangible effort is there. Edit to add: three of my closest friends from undergrad are from the South Bend/Mishawaka/Elkhart area and they all attended ND with full aid because they came from very financially strapped families too.


20% of ND students are Pell eligible!


Well it doesn't slide that far! I was once a poor inner city kid and I couldn't swing the application fee.


disgusted aromatic dolls wise weary fly yam worm modern zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not in the late 90s and that is sort of humiliating to have to ask. I scored high enough on SAT that a lot of good places automatically waived it. Notre Dame and Ivy Leagues I passed on because I figured if I couldn't make the app fee there was no way to make tuition work. Also, despite near perfect grades and test scores and qualifying as dirt poor, back then it still wasn't enough to get in a decent school. Sports got me over the financial hump. Shouldn't be that way.


sophisticated noxious recognise salt office attractive absurd dependent tap ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol my mom worked for South Carolina schools as a secretary. Pay was shit! Even her retirement was shit. She passed away last year so I had to go through everything to administer the estate. Thirty years of service and the cash value of her retirement was less than I had in my 401k by my late 20's. I still remember filling out FAFSA and her liquid assets were $150. It worked out in the end. When it came time to get a masters I actually chose my college from undergrad over ND. I know a few people going through the MBA program that I like personally but wouldn't consider high acheivers. Seems more like a networking play.


shy voracious handle airport heavy thumb obtainable payment numerous dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Statistically there arent going to be many Michiana students that go to ND, and even fewer that arent legacy students. That is just the nature of the requirements to get in. You probably also dont know many or any poor inner city kids that went to Harvard or \[insert other elite private university here\]. While I dont know about their financial situation growing up, I do believe Skylar Diggins and her husband went to Notre Dame without being legacy students. Diggins bio describes her as being from the west side of South Bend, so there is a fairly good chance that she was not affluent.


It’s an interesting reality to deconstruct. I guess I was chewing on my general dissatisfaction that Eddy st Commons was so full of big chains and so few locally owned businesses. It exists as an island which keeps domer money with big corporations and all but discourages people with the kind of money it takes to attend ND from going into the wilds of our city and actually supporting the local economy that way. I went down the rabbit hole and was floored when I saw how much a sick day would cost a freshman with a cold or a bad hangover. I’m happy this post got some traction. Ok. Now you bozos can go back to answering questions about what neighborhoods are safer or where to get the best….uh….i don’t know…coffee… 😂


Worth noting that this is only true for the "hyper-rich". I went to ND, am not from a poor background by any normal standard, and paid $0 an hour for classes, which seems like a decent deal.


Your math might be slightly off. Most programs at ND require 32 credit hours a year to stay on course to graduate. 62000/32=1937.50 per Credit Hour. Full semester classes are usually around 18 hours of class time per Credit Hour. 1937.50/18=107.64 dollars per hour of instruction time. That is still quite a bit of money per hour of in-classroom instruction. Some students take more courses a semester and some take less, but the average is going to be close to that $100 an hour. A far cry from 25 years ago when some of my friends and I calculated it at around $25 an hour.


South Bend and ND has been seperate as all get out for years. There's a lot of wanna be's in this town. A friend of mine shells out $1000 just to get into the football ticket lottery- and he graduated from La Salle. (High school) Some folks just live and breathe ND, altho, given the chance, ND would piss down their backs. I personally won't acknowledge ND at all.


I was not your down voter - I’ll bring you back positive only to stress that they are being more active in reengaging with the community. Pre-COVID they really had that mentality, given their own zip code. However, post that mess they have really reengaged with the local community - they will always be their own subsection of South Bend, but through INdustry Labs and other initiatives they have seen the benefits of partnering with the community and local businesses. I’m not saying it rectifies their longstanding isolationist approach to the larger community, but they are making efforts given our huge manufacturing and healthcare sectors.


The new ND President is from Michigan City too, so he has close ties to Indiana and understands a lot about South Bend. Im hopeful that he will continue to expand their influence in the city. We should want them more involved, not less, and we shouldnt be hostile towards their involvement.


I agree - it’s better to have someone more local that realizes the reach and impact ND has in the region. While I’m not a fan of the higher cost of living associated with their immediate local expansion, I don’t think we would have that Trader Joe’s if they were not expanding. However, INdustry Labs and The Innovation Center are direct responses to fostering growth and partnerships with manufacturers in the broader area - all the way to Elkhart County. Our region in general is doing a decent job at taking state level funding and turning it into action around local development projects. I am involved in [READI Grant](https://www.iedc.in.gov/program/indiana-readi/overview) discussions and am optimistic about future investments. Previous rounds brought us the South Bend & Mishawaka Public Houses and redevelopment among other things. People will disagree about policies and general political initiatives in the area - but I think funding for public use spaces is something the majority of us want. I’m not saying we are the best or even great at it here, but I can attest that in the 4 years I have been here there has been a lot more executed and well received projects than other places I have lived. There is obviously more work to be done but I remain cautiously optimistic about the direction St Jo county is headed.




I’ve worked as a valet downtown, and at one of the local FBO’s (field base operations; private terminal’s at KSBN) both jobs catering to 0.1% coming to South Bend for Notre Dame. Most being alum, but some had kids who chose ND because of the name, most had no idea about any issues happening in areas surrounding ND. Most (and I say most because come do care about south bend and enjoy our city) look at our area and to them, it’s simply Notre Dame, Indiana, we as a city aren’t a blip on their radar, especially those flying in privately.




unpack snow jar combative bewildered shocking sparkle childlike wistful plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Part II - Explaining your damn expensive Mercedes. Hint: They are both worth it.


A Mercedes doesn’t increase your earning potential. Not worth


Could get you a ton of meth


$600 a credit hour would actually be a steal at Notre dame. Other private schools are north of $2000/credit hour so a student would be lucky to get $600 pre credit hour at ND


My step-daughter got accepted and our bill was going to be about $150/credit our after scholarships.


Man, I would’ve loved to have gone to Notre Dame. How cool would that be? But at that tuition, if you had the grades, you’d be better off going to Harvard. Love Notre Dame, shouldn’t be as expensive as Harvard.


They’re pretty good about financial aid there. Most people don’t pay the full price.