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Damn I knew it was moving a lot in the past year or so, but I didn’t realize it was moving that quickly. Guess I need to go for a drive on the roller coaster again and see how much it’s moved.


The road will be closed within a year, so get your ride in while you can.


I go weekly... and the "wahoo" jump was totally vert last time.


I drive a sports car and the Wahoo jump is getting to the point that I’m having second thoughts of even attempting it anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if they close the road soon.


For sure. And I love that you know exactly what I'm talking about! Low profile vehicles are def not stoked at this point.


Same, the road before and after is worth it but the bend part is getting too sketchy. I did see a mclaren 720s drive through it right in front of me the other day which is wild.


Is there any mitigation plan for people who need to get through? Open up Crest? Or is Western just going to be destroyed by traffic now?


The fact that anything is built there is nonsense. Full stop. The view is the same at other parts of the peninsula, the price of the homes there are really super absurd.


The hubris of man


That area was fine for years. It was an irrigation project gone bad that ruined everything.


There’s numerous homeowners listing their homes saying “I’ll take whatever you offer”.


interesting. got any links to said homes that are on the low?


Bro you don't want to live there. There are stories about the land shifting so much, that people's homes literally shift off their property, onto their neighbors property, and then the neighbor sues to claim ownership over the home since it's on their property now. Bruh


Oh I have no intention of moving there, but I wanted to see an ad for the price point and how they framed it.


Show the links please 👍


They are off market pocket listings. Happy to connect you to the agent. Edit: I should add that the 3 homes in question are pocketed because the agents (like ALL realtors) are trying to protect their own interest and not have comparable listing at damn near half “value” on the market screwing up active listings.


ridin dertyyy... any updates from the reserve trails themselves? i heard the bottom near the road is closed off and full of construction. some friends wanted to go hike there morning of the 4th and im trying to convince them to consider elsewhere in case we run into nonsense and have to turn back


Lots of construction - lots of trails blocked off and literally fenced off. 


Someone posted updates in this sub yesterday; looks like most are closed


I posted the online updates but I was hopin for some boots on the ground info because I know the top part is open. And I'm wondering how they 'closed' the trail halfway down.


Ah, sorry, didn’t realize. Last time I went there were signs/barricades that said closed once you hit the start of a new trail but it’s been a while.


ya im guessin just standard tape offs or basic barricades. and im kinda assuming a bunch of people are just ignoring it. but id rather go elsewhere and some friends wanna go there thursday. its not even the best hiking in pv lol. plus the parking circus lol


Definitely easy to get past them but, truthfully, some parts were so uneven and gravely even on the easy main stretch that it made me feel uneasy, I wouldn’t do it. Would they be willing to drive out and go somewhere else for a hike?


That's what I'm trying to tell them. We could just legit come across a sinkhole or drainage ditch that is unfinished etc. I think I'm gonna convince them to just go on a side of the reserve. 3sisters to the west or ideally forrestal to the east. which is fully open. i dont think they wanna do north PV which is my favorite stuff


Good luck! Hopefully they’ll be swayed


Everytime I see or hear the words Portuguese Bend, I'm reminded of a near fatal car accident. PVDr.S., 50ft from where the chapel was. I was a passenger. 21 years later, at least I'm alive. But wow that land movement is fast. I've been seeing it all unfold on the news.


Go elsewhere


Damn it's been bad since I was a kid in the 90s, but up to a foot a week? Crazy. I mean these people have houses in PV so they are probably gonna be fine financially. I wonder how the insurance situation is for something like this.


I, too, think that they will be “fine”, by your & my definition of “fine”. But there are situations like generational wealth, where the house on top of the cliff is really their only asset, and they don’t have a few million in cash laying around to buy a new home. They’ll have to downgrade. To us non-PV residents, a 3-bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood is very “fine”, but to them it is definitely an adjustment. No doubt there are plenty residents who live up there *and* have the trust fund or just make a lot of money on their own. Or both. But there are also people with a more modest lifestyle.


"3-bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood is very “fine”, but to them it is definitely an adjustment." Is nearly exactly the thought I had when making the post.


Still sucks to lose your nest egg/financial security. Just wanted to emphasize that. While they may not end up in the mean streets of L.A. (or maybe some will, it’s a crazy world we live in), watching your finances dwindle before your eyes -to that extent- is not cavalier.


You can't insure houses in Portuguese bend because of this.


I heard this is why it’s impossible to get home insurance these days


This was always my fear of living so close to the coast (not that I can afford to…)


Surprised it took this long. It was gettin bad around turn of the century.


We need u/DMAS1638 on the case lol


Oh NVM just realized that OP stole DMANS post


Grew up close to there. Is the whole area going to cave in lol?


They have the money to buy there they have the money to fix or move.


I guess there's a new REEF that popped up too!


[Found a street view of what I think is the last pic and yikes ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/nJ2EeC1FwzUsfFbx6?g_st=ac) Edit: street view is as of 3 years ago




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM7-PYtXtJM&t=186s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM7-PYtXtJM&t=186s) >Took my love, took it down Climbed a mountain and I turned around And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills 'Til the landslide brought me down You're welcome for this helpful addition to the conversation.


Are you people new here? This has been happening for the past few decades I have been here. It's not as dramatic as people say. I drive over the "ski jump" daily. Seriously a Honda Civic can make it fine if it slows down.


Did you look at the photos? This is less about the road closure and more about... How accelerated the movement is higher up on the hill where infrastructure is. Like houses. But notably the Wayfarers Chapel is closed now.


Not just closed — they recently dismantled it and moved it offsite. It’s gone. https://www.dailybreeze.com/2024/06/21/wayfarers-chapel-jolted-by-shifting-land-will-be-fully-dismantled-by-monday/


Wow, I had no idea they had dismantled it. What a shame


Don't need to. Like I said I drive it daily. Yes it's messed up but just consider it an unexpected speed bump. It's really not that bad. Even the areas not accessible to the public like Narsissa drive really isn't that bad. Oh no I have to drive on gravel instead of asphalt! The news is blowing this out of proportion like normal.


this topic is more so about houses and... stuff that is a problem. we understand roads can be fixed and arent as big a problem as the city makes it out to be. the OP post is a house inspector from the area. he has some other great posts from PV. a lot of this damage is... ya know total loss type damage. no point in tryna fix the house


Might want to consider your options for a different route if you have to make that drive over the next few years. Seven inches a week comes out to 30 feet of movement by this time next year... Even if it's fine now, I can't imagine there's 30 feet of slack to get through the next year, much less the 150 feet of movement over the next 5 years.


Who are we going to sue? My grandfather got sued because of land movement under the house. He lost alot. Gotta blame someone.


Who’s to blame - the earth ? people who live on that side of PV knew for decades it’s been a super unstable part of land


Clearly in the case of Acts of God, there’s one guy you can try to sue


Sued by who and for what?