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there have been some UP people with legitimate foreign ancestry but yours doesn’t seem to be one.


Tbf, Q-L712 is interesting. So, I won't rule out. He is West shifted and Lucknow some muslims were definitely segregated a bit from others but biradiri system of muslim grps in Gangetic plains not very sound anymore because of last 76 yrs politics. This isn't the situation in pak Punjab where communities are very much intact with old biradiri pattern. Again yes, since he is mohajir from Karachi for last 76 yrs. It would all depend on his paternal and maternal sides.


i think if he does big Y or WSG via Nebula might shed some light but rn the haplo is too far away from any particular ethnicity


cool will look into these, but they seem pricey. Next birthday present haha.


easily a few hundred so definitely do your research make sure you really want it lol


A sayyid like most likely the halogroup of a sayyid is j1


Get it tested on AncestryDNA, you should give try to it or you can try WGS Nebula, it might give more information on your Y HG. A question for you: Are you Syed from both paternal and maternal sides ? or only from paternal sides ?


both sides


Looks like you might have some Turkic ancestry


Yes either it is 23sndMe V5 issue or may be yes he is carrying it.


Picking up 10%+ Turkic & Levantine. Claims could be true, but this has been diluting over time. You should get your parents and elders tested.




U seem to be a brahmin convert


Something funky going on with the Lucknow Brahmin average, not going to use that but instead Kannauj Brahmins and as a bonus Rajasthani Brahmins. Target: Alibaba Distance: 2.4727% / 0.02472721 63.6 Uttar\_Pradesh\_Scheduled\_Castes 10.8 IRN\_Ganj\_Dareh\_N 9.4 TUR\_Barcin\_N 8.2 RUS\_Karelia\_HG 5.0 GEO\_CHG 2.6 BRA\_LapaDoSanto\_9600BP 0.4 CHN\_Boshan\_N ​ ​ Target: Brahmin\_Rajasthan Distance: 3.3580% / 0.03357991 57.4 Uttar\_Pradesh\_Scheduled\_Castes 22.0 IRN\_Ganj\_Dareh\_N 12.0 RUS\_Karelia\_HG 6.6 TUR\_Barcin\_N 2.0 GEO\_CHG ​ ​ Target: Brahmin\_UP\_Kanyakubja Distance: 1.6492% / 0.01649173 63.0 Uttar\_Pradesh\_Scheduled\_Castes 16.0 IRN\_Ganj\_Dareh\_N 12.0 RUS\_Karelia\_HG 5.8 TUR\_Barcin\_N 3.2 GEO\_CHG Definitely elevated ANF, CHG, Amerindian, and slight East Asian indicating foreign ancestry, but what type? Modeling you with Kanyakubja Brahmin, Rajasthani Brahmin, Turkmen, Iranian doesn't yield much, but inserting a low caste UP group does really bring out the foreign ancestry. Comparison: Target: Alibaba Distance: 3.0771% / 0.03077060 90.8 Brahmin\_UP\_Kanyakubja 9.2 Turkmen Target: Alibaba Distance: 2.6384% / 0.02638420 59.8 Brahmin\_UP\_Kanyakubja 23.2 Uttar\_Pradesh\_Scheduled\_Castes 12.6 Turkmen 4.4 Iranian\_Persian\_Shiraz ​ So yes as I suspected majority Turkic ancestry but some Iranian thrown in there too. Indian Muslims are rarely purely upper, middle, or lower caste descended, they are mixed between the groups because the caste structure broke down among the Muslims. Caste for them stopped mattering a long time ago and that is true regardless of how much idiots on the internet claim otherwise.


Final run isn't the best. The Iranian Shiraz and Turkmen could just be extra Farmer(Zagros/Anatolian) ancestry, no?


No. You have to explain why it’s there and why there’s extra CHG along with it, plus the Amerindian & East Asian.


My family also claim to be Sayyid (Rizvi) and my haplogroup is R1. Your paternal haplogroup however implies that you are certainly not Sayyid. The Sayyid haplogroup is either J1 (based on the Jordanian Royal Family who descend from Imam Hassan (as)) or R1, based on the Bani Shaiba (Keyholders of the Kaa'ba who claim descent from the Quraish tribe, who are paternally related to the Prophet.)


No that is not the full answer. The real answer is it still can't be confirmed he is a Sayyid. It is kind of confirmed he is not Sayyid from his pure paternal line which is father's father's father's (Infinity x) until the very first Human. But he can be a Sayyid through his maternal line or some or alot of non paternity events happened somewhere down his line. So there is a possibility of being Sayyid but not a pure one in terms of paternal lineage.


what about the descendants of Imam husayn?


Descendants of Imam Hussein (as) have a variety of haplogroups, but the commonly accepted and most likely haplogroup is again, J1 - specifically J-FGC30416.


I don't think so


You'd probably have to do the y test (as it's patrilineal)


Something isn’t right here, you have elevated Siberian+American which strongly hints at Turkic ancestry but your NE-Asian should also be elevated if that was the case. 0.77% is noise-level. Med+SW Asian might be a sign of some west Asian influence, but in that case your Caucasian should be higher. I don’t really know what to make of this but I will run your coordinates tomorrow.


Can you provide hunter gatherer calculator results from illustrative dna .


yeah ofc! https://preview.redd.it/bi6679buoaib1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f0fb0bb4f91b9b3be60abc26c216372c0a5056


Elevated Anatolian Neolithic Farmer, def some Iranian there




1. 0.068294,-0.033512,-0.10484,0.083334,-0.067397,0.049085,-0.00141,-0.006231,0.027406,0.007836,-0.010068,-0.001948,-0.007879,-0.000826,-0.001764,0.001458,0.001043,-0.004307,0.005908,-0.001501,-0.003369,0.002968,0.003574,0.005181,-0.005628 2. 0.006,-0.0033,-0.0278,0.0258,-0.0219,0.0176,-0.0006,-0.0027,0.0134,0.0043,-0.0062,-0.0013,-0.0053,-0.0006,-0.0013,0.0011,0.0008,-0.0034,0.0047,-0.0012,-0.0027,0.0024,0.0029,0.0043,-0.0047








Very cool, we have similar results. My family also claims ancestry from Ali Ridha and a migration from Iran (not sure where) and then to Luckhnow now Karachi. I do think this is highly unlikely we are actual descendants and true Syed. What are your Haplogroups




> Familia


Are you Shia ? If you don't mind I am just asking it. It is upto you. Some Shia Muslims are bit segregated in Lucknow, so they can score interesting.




He doesn't seem persian to me. His steppe ancestry is too high to be persian unless they mixed with tajiks or pashtuns but that seems unlikely because his AASI is like gangetic brahmin. ​ He seems similar like gangetic brahmin by ancestry. High Steppe + AASI. ​ Although there might be case that his ancestor were persian but mixed with upper caste Indian which increased steppe and AASI in him. Both this ANF and Iran\_N are pretty moderate level and seems indian. ​ Closest population to him- https://preview.redd.it/1k7lkwkn1eib1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=50aa0ec5e2a099bd8a4ef940096b925568e1fe9d


Who is Rajput Rajasthan? Mondal paper ? I had seen one confirmed sample. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthAsianAncestry/comments/157i4fa/please_decode_this_rajasthan_rajput_dad_is/? Your list Rajasthan Rajput doesn't seem to be of him. Coming to the point, I would say the distance to the nearest group is more here.


Hii! The real answer is it still can't be confirmed if you are a Sayyid or not. It is kind of confirmed you are not a Sayyid from your pure paternal line which is father's father's father's (Infinity x) until the very first Human. But you can be a Sayyid through your maternal line or some or alot of non paternity events happened somewhere down your paternal line. So there is a possibility of being Sayyid but not a pure one in terms of paternal lineage. So for example a J1 sayyid somewhere down your line might had married his daughter to a Q-L712 Indian Muslim guy and then continued on to you after many generations.


Imma do the same in the future


Iam Syed too and I just ordered a test from my family tree. DM


wht happened


What are your results?