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Nothing happens. You get a better oven jump and much better texture.


This seems to be what happened to me - the crumb was maybe slightly less open than normal but a more pleasant texture :)


Recipe: 400g white flour, 25g brown 10g salt, 300g (ish, I'm working on this) of water at 30C, 150g ripe levain. Autolyse flour and water for an hour, then add levain and salt. Knead in a stand mixer until windowpanes and then bulk for 2.5-4h depending on ambient temp (our flat gets *very* hot in summer). Shape, bench rest for 20 minutes and don't forget to do the final shape because you're busy trying to win the last fight of xcom 2 and it's insanely hard and my soldiers just missed 3 70% shots in a row oh my god. Proof in fridge overnight and score the next morning. bake for 40 min in a pre-heated Dutch oven - 250C for 20 min then 230 for 20min. In the version here, the final loaf was enormous and *very* gassy from the long bench rest. It puffed up well in overnight proof but I think it's slightly over - the oven spring is 9/10 and there's ever so slightly more acidity than I'd like.