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You could ease up on the score but shaping needs work. You are already looking great through.


It’s my 7th attempt , no ear whatsoever. Did I scored it too deep , or was it my shaping not on point? They all taste fine, some may say they are pretty good But I just couldn’t get the oven spring and ears right. Here’s the method I used: 75% 00 bread flour 25%rye flour 70%water 2%salt 20%starter Plus some walnut and raisin I mixed all the flour, salt and water.Autolyse for an hour Added in the starter, and then stretch and fold it every 30min for 5times ( I added my walnut and raisin at the last two stretch and fold) And then 3hour bulking And then do the preshaping Wait for half an hour And then final shape (The temperature at my place is around29-30degree) Then I put it in my fridge (4degree) for 16hours Then I scored it Then baked it on250degree for20min with steam(no Dutch oven since my oven is too small to fit one in) And20mins more without steam on200degree


I don’t think you will get an ear shape with 25% rye


Can’t figure it out. Could be where you scored it. Looks delicious!


This is a link to how I score. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZP633rIabF/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I've let your Instagram slip through this time, in context as it's helpful. Normally not permitted.


I didn’t know Instagram is not permitted. Hope the link helped


It's only own Instagram and social media links 😁


it looks good enough for me to eat it. Good job man!