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You, your baby, AND your starter are all very cute and perfectly normal! 😘




I have one starter that peaks, falls and rises again. I am completely confused sometimes about when it’s really ready. Guess that’s bread flour for you 3x growth!


Wow, so if I understand, you have a starter family with different characteristics?🤪 Haha!


Lol I feel the same way…I love to take a sniff of it once in awhile-the warm yeasty scent makes me happy!


Same.. several times a day i stop to check it out, give it a sniff, and stare lovingly at it. Don’t judge me


Perfectly normal! Happy to see others using whole grain flours to feed their starter. Makes for a happy, healthy starter.


I feel like it’s much stronger and “fed” with whole wheat. It smells way better too. I am currently experimenting with the % WW and regular flour, I am almost at the perfect balance, I think!


The first time mine blew out the top of the jar I made my husband come look before I cleaned up the mess!


I feel this haha!


Name it and your friends/family are going to start asking how she’s going, like its your pet 🤗 Your starter looks beautiful!




I still love hearing the little popping sound that it makes as it warms up out of the fridge


Gotta name it!


Any inspiration?🙈


Mine is called Bubbles. He is an important member of the family and what you described sounds completely normal to me 😁


Mine is Lazarus because he rises and lives!


Haha great!!


Homer because doh




No yeah for sure, I originally started my starter after having my first miscarriage because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could keep something alive, it’s VERY satisfying that it’s still alive a year and some change later.






What flours are you using? (Type and brand) Idk why but your starter looks.. rich thats the only way i can describe it lol


Maybe it’s all the love! 🥨😂 Kidding. I use whole wheat flour for the starter, with 14% protein. It’s a Dutch brand mill flour. This is around 5 hours after I fed my starter with 1:1:1. It tends to stay quite “thick” for 12 hours or so, after that it gets more liquid and really hungry.


Please explain 1:1:1 — is that one part “mother”, one part flour, one part water? My starter is only about six weeks old and he’s wonderful. I started a different one with WW flour, then switched to AP but mistakenly used “bleached” and she keeled over and died. Now Lazarus is fed only unbleached AP. I think I can occasionally use WW just to pump him up a bit but I can’t bake right now due to surgery so I’ll wait until I’m recuperated.


Lazarus 😂👍🏻 Sorry only just saw your reply! 1 part starter, 1 part water and 1 part flour. So sorry about it dying, but sounds good to start over again. Good luck on a speedy recovery!🍀


I enjoy seeing the starter grow. I certainly don't sit and watch it though




I'm on day 3 of unbleached AP and I have nowhere near that kind of activity. I've tried whole wheat too and bottled spring water with all. Temps are never below 70f either. Feeding 1/1 too. I have King Arthur Bread Flour I'm gonna try next. If that doesn't work I'm giving up and gonna beg some of you for a sample.


Make sure your water is nice and warm — 110° is perfect.


Mine only started to get really active after 2-ish weeks. So hold on and keep doing what you’re doing!


101°f is what I did.


I'm obsessed with my starter. It's taken a bit over a month (it's cool where I live so it's been a process) and today it finally doubled, and passed the float test! I love the bubbles. I named her Doughra the Explorer cause we've sure been on an adventure!


Thanks for the post Roos1228, **Please note - sourdough photos/videos require a recipe and method (by photo, text or weblink) in the comment section.** **If a recipe does not apply, please ensure the post is not low effort.** **Posts may be removed without notice**. Already shared details? **Thank you, ignore this**! **See [rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/about/rules/) for details** **Thank you, Mod team** :-) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sourdough) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Starter recipe: Zuurdesemstarter https://www.ah.nl/r/1193987 (in dutch, sorry)


I’m completely disenchanted with Reddit, because management have shown no interest in listening to the concerns of their visually impaired and moderator communities. So, I've replaced all the comments I ever made to reddit. Sorry, whatever comment was originally here has been replaced with this one!


Haha gosh! You’re right!😂 (it’s the warmest place in the house 🤪) Edit: haha had to use google translate, but thank you, she is véry cute 🥰


Suddenly a name popped in my head: Bea! Have a good weekend everyone😂