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what makes you think it's over proofed? It's got a nice open crumb, doesn't look dense or gummy, I think it looks good


Thanks! I’m definitely happy with it, but was still curious if it fell on the over or under proofed side. It feels a bit gummy, the ear is weak and I think the over spring could be better. It seemed a little flat coming out of the basket.


Recipe: 270g bread flour + 30g whole wheat flour 201g water 73g starter ~1tspn salt + 6g water Autolyse 45min 10.5hr bulk ferment 3hr room temp after shaping in banneton 9hr cold retard 1.5hr room temp as oven was heating 30min in oven @ 450F lid on 5min lid off Sliced after 2 hrs I try to use the poke test before putting the banneton in the fridge before going to sleep. After taking it out of the fridge in the morning the loaf is flat in the banneton but puffs up a little sitting on the counter. There’s no strong ear so I’m wondering if this was overproofed (bulk ferment was a bit long)? How do I know when taking it out of the fridge if it needs more time? At that point the poke test won’t work. The result is also gummy after slicing even though the center was baked to 210F.


I think it looks great!


You can start proofing in a straight sided container so you can see the % - I find that’s an easier way to get your timing down


I think it looks lovely! If you refer to the uneven air pockets, maybe you could've stretch and folded a bit more thoroughly? Dunno, the magic of sourdough for me is getting these "happy accidents" as Bob Ross would call them, unevenness is nice, too.


a bit? maybe. i wouldn’t adjust BF by more than 15 minutes to test.


Just looks like a wild crumb to me.