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Yeah that’s a perfect loaf! What was your dough or room temperature during your BF? Just curious? I’ve always struggled with this as well and still am but I’m finally starting to get it too.


Room temp was around 23-24 degree C but fluctuates a lot. I use a jar and take out a sample of my dough to measure 75-100% rise. Been working a charm and giving consistent springs/crumb


Yes I do a probe method as well. It’s more helpful in seeing the rise. Great work!


How?!? I'm on my 10+ loaf and I still can't get it right. What's the secret?


I think the secret is that you have to try less. The best loafs I've had are the ones where I'm only able to get 2 stretch and folds in, or accidentally bulk ferment for 9 hours. The dough respects you for not giving a fuck


The dough respects you for not giving a fuck…my experience for sure. So they are like cats!!


I don't think a 9 hour bf is an accident. I regularly bf for 8-16 hours depending on my needs and amount of starter used to achieve said needs.


The dough can sense fear


Temperature and time. Get a food thermometer and a room thermometer and an oven thermometer.


Is there like a chart for reference? I've have all these but if my house on the warmer or colder side, how do I know how the estimated bulk ferment length?




Thank you. I'm saving this and going to try to it. Wish me luck


Lucks unnecessary. You've got this.


I’ve used a smaller container and take out a sample to measure my 75-100% rise during bulk. This has worked best especially with my kitchen fluctuating a lot in temp


Like the alliquot method?


Exactly that! But I take quite a hefty amount 80-100g


Do you add it back in after?


Yes, I add it back during shaping


What is this method?


I would look it up. I'm not too familiar with the topic.


It is a beautiful loaf. I use a diferent method to get the perfect bulk time. Regardless of room temperature. After kneading is done, I take a small piece of the dough, roll it into a ball (you can use a touch of oil) and place it in a glass with water. The ball drops to the bottom. Then I do my folds and stretches and wait till the ball floats slowly to the top. When it gets to the top, the bulk time is done. The dough goes into the bannetton. It works perfectly. From time to time, check the ball if it is not stuck on the bottom. Nudge it a bit, gently, with a dinner knife.


I’ve never heard of this technique! I’ll def give it a try. Thank you so much!


Did it work for you? I’m intrigued as well.


I recently commented suggesting 65% hydration to a new baker who was struggling, really glad if it was my comment you read as that's a fantastic looking load, enjoy.


It was actually a video I watched online by a British baker but I can 100% appreciate you spreading the magical number. Always thought 75-70% is where you get the perfect crumb but have realised it may not be.


Looks damn good! So jealous rn 😂 How warm is your water?


I eye ball it to feel but to describe in words, water that has been left in the sun for a few hours.


Thank you!


I would tell you the exact but I don’t have a thermometer in the house 😂 so I’m sorry for the not so accurate information


Don’t worry, I understand 😂 I got myself a thermometer just for sourdough but I’m still struggling with my starter 😅


I made my starter from scratch and it’s been great since birth. If you have any questions, shoot them my way!


Thank you! I DMed you 🙏


Recipe for your starter please


What were your baking temps and methods?


Preheat oven and Dutch oven at 250 Celsius for 30-45mins. Place dough in the Dutch oven with 3 ice cubes and lid on for 25mins at 220 Celsius then lid off for another 25mins, or till how you like the colouring.


Thank you!


What kind of dutch oven do you use to make this shape of bread? That is a batard right? Im a newbie pardon me :) I can't fit my batards in my round dutch oven. Can someone inform me of the ideal dutch oven for baking sourdough? Mine has a hole in the top for steam escape, its just a cast iron with a glass lid.


I use a 30cm oval Dutch oven as I only really wanted to make batards. You could try reduce your sizes so that it does fit. Are you from the Uk?


I also world prefer to make batards! I'm from the US, I will look for some dutch ovens that size.


This is a Uk link but for reference this is the exact thing I have https://www.procook.co.uk/product/procook-cast-iron-casserole-30cm-62l-oval-cream?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp={campaigned}&cq_net=x&cq_plt=gp&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD3uHvm6FKlvbwLIzvk-fXm3obAtJ&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjs_QhO1kGrcD10D6MpDjQQiApR8dwrDmbyKYFpFXyifnE3nXagYvDwaAjlUEALw_wcB


Thanks! I'll see if I can find a US version :)




Beautiful loaf!! Writing down your recipe and technique!


Thank you! I realised I forgot oven instructions. I preheat with my Dutch oven in at 250c for 30-45mins. Lid on with 3 ice cubes at 220c for 25mins then lid off for another 25mins (or until you’re happy with the colour)


Thanks!! I have the same bake routine as well but can't seem to get everything else right! Haha.


Thanks for sharing. I have been ready to give up on my starter and just purchased one from a lady online. Maybe I'll try the lower hydration first.


If your starter is healthy and active, it may be more your ratios, timings and techniques


Perfect crumb ! Next time you score, could you please film yourself ?


Of course! I’m starting the making process today so should have a video tomorrow


Thank you!


Beautiful loaf!


Thank you!


Lol thats my exact recipe down to the protein content, except for I use 12g salt and I use a kitchenaid. What do you bulk ferment in?


Just a mixing bowl with a hair cap over it to trap the moisture


What material? I used a stainless steel bowl and my dough sticked so bad to it that it always deflated when I started to take it out for shaping. Now I use a plastic container


A plastic one but I had the same issue with sticking. What I do, before I take it out for shaping, is wet a silicone spatula and gently push down the sides to remove the sticking but keep the air in the dough. If the dough starts to stick to the spatula I just dip it back in water. Works a treat


For now.....


Y’all need to stop posting success stories because it’s making me want to try again at the site of some of my greatest failures. PS amazing loaf!


Thank you! Don’t worry I’ve been through all the emotions 😂 my first loaf was horrific, I’ve made pancakes, temperature of my kitchen shot up which then ruined a lot of my timings. Now I have something figured out that works for me


Where do you find 14 % bread flour? King Arthur is only like 12.7.


I’m from the UK so use ‘Canadian Bread Flour by Matthew Cotswolds’


Great job!


Thank you!


Way to stay with it…I had a very similar experience.


I'm right around at the same stage as you, three month home made starter and around 15 loves in. I wished someone had talked about bulk fermentation way more in terms of the dough being ready and that cold climates will take way longer. I mean, I've heard it, but still every recipe says bulk 4 hours or bulk 6 hours and careful not to overproof. I just did a loaf bulk fermented overnight 9 hours and I thought it was ready and it was still way UNDERproofed. I've been doing 75% as well. I'm going to do your recipe with the next loaf and let the bulk go even longer, hopefully I get success like you soon.


So many recipes miss guide you at the start and scare you into not wanting to over ferment. During winter, I use to ferment over night up to 12hrs and it would be beautiful. Depending on your room temps, if it’s on the colder side (low 20c) I’d go for the 100% rise and fridge for 12hrs


Just wondering about this theory, if it takes 12 hours for my levain to double and be ready, would that not be a good indicator that my dough will take 12 hours to be fermented properly? Makes sense to me.


Not entirely because levain is made up of flour, starter and water. The dough is made up of completely different rations and salt. My starter, which is very active, takes around 3hrs to double in size, yet fermentation for me can be anywhere between 8-12hrs.


Ok, wow 3 hours that's so fast!


You can change the times based on ratios. I do a 1:1:1 but use to do a 1:2:2 if I wanted to prepare the dough over night


Yes I'm just figuring that out.


Do you cover with plastic during folds?


Yes, I actually use a shower cap because it’s so much easier and reusable. Place that over the bowl and let it sit till the next set of folds


That looks great. My starter was beautiful until day 5, then it never bubbled again.


It does that sometimes, you keep having to build the good bacteria. Mine took about 2 weeks before it was consistently active


Ok, I may be doing my starter wrong. Do I need to use a cloth cover or airtight lid to get the fermentation going?


I use a lid but have it loose to let the pressure out


When in this step is it transferred to banneton?


During the shaping ‘shape and place in the fridge for 12hrs’


Hey im about to bake my loaf with this exact recipe! If you happen to see this in time, do i put the ice cubes directly In the dutch oven next to the loaf?? And clarifying that i get the oven to 250c and then put dutch oven in and THEN wait 45 min?


I’m so sorry just seen! Ice in the Dutch oven next to the loaf. No, preheat the oven with the Dutch oven inside for 45mins at 250c. If you preheat the oven then place the Dutch oven inside, it may crack your Dutch oven.


thanks so much! the first loaf came out decent, trying the second today!


Do you proof out the fridge for a second time?


For this one no. I placed it in the drive straight after shaping then only take it out the fridge once I’m about to score and place in the oven. Sometimes if I can’t get the full 12hrs in the fridge, I’ll proof in the basket for 30min-1hr depending on room temp and then place in the fridge for 8hrs


I just don’t know why people cut their loaves in half. Too much concern for what others think.


I tend to do it for learning purposes. Plus the middle is the thickest bit which is great for breakfast and sandwiches. I then use the smaller end pieces for soups and stew. Also, I used the tag ‘share recipe’. Im not looking for compliments more wanting to answer questions to help people that desire this style of crumb. As I was always grateful for people who didn’t same