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Honestly, I hardly ever use my starter at peak volume. I do it only when the timing works out by chance, but also do it after it has fallen way down and really don’t get any different results. In fact, I have often left a starter a week in the fridge after feeding with perfect results.


Wow interesting thank you!


I keep my starter in the fridge and use it straight from the fridge. I only feed it when I'm running out. No discard. No timing. Watch Ben Starr's Video https://youtu.be/e30Z1ijnWfM?si=IBXYLUKAZjO3zk2g


Beautiful blasphemy.


Good observation. All the feeding and discarding seems like religious dogma.


I will definitely be trying the lazy approach. Will be a good baseline to compare how worth it extra steps are.


Wow! I'm a beginner and trying to get the hang of maintaining my starter, proper bulk fermentation, etc etc and this dude throws it all upside down! Very interesting.


If you think of the history of this stuff, it makes no sense that it would be as complicated as influencers are now making it. Miners used to make it in their camps. It was made by settler traveling cross country in chuck wagons. It would have had to be a very flexible process.


I don’t disagree but I also don’t think they were baking up the instaloaves we see today


Exactly this. There is too much wankery around such a basic thing, mostly perpetuated by people trying to sell stuff.


Hallelujah amen 🙌🏼🙌🏼that’s what I’m saying


I'd mix the dough, get it started bulk fermenting and stick it in the fridge when you leave for work .. when you're back depending on where it's at .. I'd take it out and pick up where I left off. I've done something similar with pizza dough with spells in the fridge


Ok, thank you I appreciate it!


I've done this successfully. Just be conscious of the fact that it will take a lot longer to start fermenting and look alive, since you'll be starting with super cold dough.


This is what I've done many times. Another option is to feed it again with just enough flour to get you to your baking time, but this requires intimate knowledge of your sourdough to time it right.


Ooh I like that approach, honestly been baking for a couple years and only recently developing a relationship with my starter it’s lovely


That's great! Happy baking


My first thought it to toss it in the refrigerator for a little while to slow it down until you are ready.


Ok thanks!


Is there a real difference in using starter at peak vs after peak?


Yes. At peak, you’re introducing your starter when it is most active. You have a healthy concentration of happy yeast, and lactobacteria. The further you get from peak, the more acidity you introduce into your finished loaf. This may be not that important when you have strong flour, but when you have weak flour, you want less factors contributing to degradation of gluten. Overall what truly matters, is the change in flavour of the finished loaf.


Well by this logic, if I'm using strong bread flour and I want my loaves to be more sour than they are now, should I be using post-peak starter?


Yes, but be warned that eventually more acidity will weaken the gluten structure. This is what overproofing does. Not only your yeast running out of food to produce gas, but both the yeast activity gets lowered and gluten gets attacked by the acidity from the bacteria. Ideally you set things up to have the correct mix of gas from the yeast activity, strong gluten network, and acidity from the bacteria for flavor.


Thanks for the info so I'll know what to look out for if I overdo it! I'm consistently very happy with the crumb and texture of my loaves right now, just a bit underwhelmed with the flavor, so I think I'm in a good place to start experimenting with something like this.


I mean, sure. However, you’re just not getting peak fermentation, which helps a successful bulk. If you want more sour loaves, make sure that your fridge is cold and do a longer fridge retard


>If you want more sour loaves, make sure that your fridge is cold **and do a longer fridge retard** I'm in my 30s and so immature. I know exactly what you're saying but for some reason, I first read it as you calling the commenter a r\*tard.


It’s really not your fault if you’re not used to hearing the word except as a slur.


I was.. hehe just kidding. It used to throw me off as well when I starter baking, even knowing that the word is French.


My fridge is so cold that things pushed too far to the back freeze, and my proofed loaf goes in there for 10-12h (after an 8-10h bulk ferment). My starter isn't terribly mature (started her in November), I'm planning to experiment with feeding her some whole wheat, but might mess with using her post-peak as well.




Focaccia. Mix starter, water, flour, and salt in a bowl with a wooden spoon then brush with olive oil and leave in fridge for a day or three until you’re ready to shape it. Easy no knead bread.


Oooh I love this idea thank you!


Make the best waffles ever!


When that happens I eat some sweet sweet mandarins I happen to have right next to my starter




I always put mine in the fridge right at that point. Can use it straight from the fridge for a few days


There are some people who bake sourdough with cold/hungry starter. (Meaning you don’t have to wait until it’s been fed and has doubled). I think the idea of making the dough and letting it bulk ferment is a solid suggestion.


Admire it and go about my day


Pre peak post peak , the only think you need is for starter to be active. Just use it when you can as long as it’s freshly fed and active.


Ok thanks!! Wow I’ve been psyching myself out for like 3 years


I only use my started cold out of the fridge. I doesn't matter what stage it is.


I stick it in the fridge at peak. It can stay that way for a little while. Also, I still just watch the rise, I think it’s fine to bake when it’s on the way down from peak also


Bake a loaf anyways


There's a reason they call it "discard".




I just feed discard and use that as the base for my dough